Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: Rune Jairusion.4610

Rune Jairusion.4610

Anyone else having this issue? I know it’s commonplace on Gandara at least… nowt sure what the cause is but fights over SM are literally a joke with the ability lag. You’re lucky if your ability fires at all – and even then it can take several seconds as a delay.

And while I’m here… so many interviews with Colin have pointed out that ANet really supports players just jumping into the game, spending an hour or two, and feeling like they achieved something. I could do that in WvW pre-Feb-patch… now, I can’t – because I can’t see where skirmishes are. So I revert to heading to contested locations… to find bats harassing the supply post.

I really hope the guild bounty brings something really exciting to the table, when the timer is up, and that March brings a decent amount of content as well… starting to feel like the “live team” for GW2 has some core issue somewhere in their roadmap. The excitement is very low since Halloween and Christmas and every interview I read – hoping for a glimpse of something exciting – is full of “That’s not in our plan. Neither is that. Or that.”

Sure I don’t pay a subscription – I just pay plenty to the gem store – but I really do want to continue falling in love with GW2 every time I login, and you’re making it hard ANet :-(

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


That has been around,Forever.I made a post about this months ago,yet no response offcourse and no future promise fix.Every skill that has a cast time basically,stops working.I cannot heal,i cannot use my elite,cannot pop endure pain,cannot use stability,i can only spam 1 and occasionaly 2 whenever sm is under heavy attack,inside the lordsroom.Its devestating for whoever is trying to def the place,or attack it,an can be painfully frustrating if you feel like youve just lost sm because of this,stupidly runninng around spamming 1 because all of your other skills just will not work.Frustrating and annoying thing.

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


As Caedmon says it’s always been like that, Eternal is the best map around I reckon but big stonemist battles are a epic cluster-kitten all the time and it even happens outside of SM so you can’t avoid it.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: mcarswell.3768


yeah it has always been around for big SM battles, but it seems like it’s gotten worse throughout the zone after the last patch.

Berner | Nitzerebb | Suna | Shivayanama
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: Rune Jairusion.4610

Rune Jairusion.4610

yeah it has always been around for big SM battles, but it seems like it’s gotten worse throughout the zone after the last patch.

I definitely think so!

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Yeah I agree that it has been worst.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: rotsono.9176


It’s really annoying especially for T1 server in really big fights they are like 100+ people in the lordroom and you cant even play good or bad just the zerg with the most people who can spam 1 win that.Even when you play with tactics or something its just useless cuz u cant even press one kitten another skill.It’s sometimes frustraitng cuz you know you could won that fight when you just could press 2 or 3 more skills.

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: Tajz.9826


I even got this skill lag on the open field west of garrison borderland with WM, not to limit to EBG SM.
WM guild used a lot of condition necros so i suspect it has something to do with those conditions. I heard the conditions required a lot of calculation from server side. Inner SM works the same way because there were so many things/many ppl happen to be in one spot.

I believe it’s about the bottleneck of the data transfer which anet doesnt want to admit or have no way to deal with it yet.

[LP][HB]Nirvii, Proud Elementalist of Thai Alliance
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


The lag is so bad sometimes that if I use heartseeker, I don’t go anywhere and just stay in the same spot.