Underworld vs Ring of Fire vs Ruins of Surmia
Thx to RoS zerg on our BL at bay yesterday evening. Nice play.
And did some UW guild have event yesterday? It really looks very very organized. Fake attacks and more.
Shame we did not have more players, we were outnumbered compare to them.
But still some good ,but quick, fights.
Keep it clean.
At the moment it looks as Ros will easily take thier tier
Not easily, no
Well yea not sure where all these numbers came from for UW.
Also a bit confused why you keep targetting the server who has the least points and just zerg over 5 defenders.
Well UW is a server with “very high” population, they even had a moment where they hit “Full” last night
Ruins of Surmia
Well yea not sure where all these numbers came from for UW.
Also a bit confused why you keep targetting the server who has the least points and just zerg over 5 defenders.
We have always had these numbers, although I know a number of large guilds who aren’t doing wvw this week so its a bad estimate
We target everyone, everyone else does the same if they have extra numbers
Indeed, UW always had the player potential tough i think we got a few more finding interest in WvW which gives our WvW population another boost.
However, i dont think any large WvW guild has transferred to UW.
We had an Alliance event last night and i must say ive never seen so many players from UW doing WVW ever ended up doing WVW for almost 18 hours straight we certainly outmanned ROF AND ROS. XT i like your organization we have learnt from you and will get better eventually. Apart from last night it has been reasonably even with numbers and some real good fights. Much better than being overun every day
I thought that it is something bigger when I saw quick movements from bay to hills on our BL. And also that double attack at Hills.
I think we have the same amount of players since a long time, UW is just learning and is better organized now from what I saw these last days (and this, rly helps to motivate the troops)
Let’s keep going !
I just want to bring this to the attention to the leader of the Enemy of The World guild from the Unerworld server a couple of your players have been hacking into our bl bay keep and destroying the wall siege. After the 1st pic was taken we killed both of them and then by magic they reapeared. In between the two pics being taken no walls or gates were breached. It doesnt look good…
I’m co founder of ETW, You do know that it is a thief skill bug not a hack, We did have some kitten hacker in our guild but we kicked him. I play with these people in the picture and they sure as hell don’t hack dude. if they did even i would be kitten don’t wanna be grouped up with hackers as we started this guild as a social mess about guild thats now grown over 200 aha.
(looks like everyone will be using thiefs instead of mes now in wvw -.-)
I’m co founder of ETW, You do know that it is a thief skill bug not a hack,
Hmm so they are not hackers you’re right, just cheaters abusing a bugged game mechanic.
You should tell your guys not to do it, is not like UW needs that to win, so y?
Good fights also today, thanks to anyone involved!
have fun
Ring of Fire
Looks like UW got transfers from Piken Square.
Ruins of Surmia
Looks like UW got transfers from Piken Square.
Not as I know of and I have a list of over 65 guilds on Underworld.
As far as I know we had 15 blacktide players and thats about it.
Pax is a PS guild and there are others as I heard.
Ruins of Surmia
I’m co founder of ETW, You do know that it is a thief skill bug not a hack,
Hmm so they are not hackers you’re right, just cheaters abusing a bugged game mechanic.
You should tell your guys not to do it, is not like UW needs that to win, so y?Good fights also today, thanks to anyone involved!
have fun
I’m not going to try justifying their actions or anything but a game is just a game if they get banned they get banned. I can’t really physically control what people do and i’m not a bossy person as i say with my guild its all about playing in your own time and enjoying yourself.
(i have said that people don’t like the idea of a skill bugging but that’s the most i can do on this)
Pax is a PS guild and there are others as I heard.
Pax has been on this server for months, since around halloween at least.
You must have them mixed up with another guild
UW is a server that came down from a higher tier only because of GH moving many ranks quickly. We have a large organised wvw community involving most of the larger wvw guilds of the server and the ones not involved work together very well too
I was told RoS isn’t actually using even half of its force anyway, you supposedly had 600 new wvw players, I doubt 1/4 of those are pushing yet. I was told you guys want to stay this tier
(edited by Phoenix.3416)
It was a very nice evening – night today guys for 8 hours we had RoF Hills fully upgraded
) it took 10 Alpha golems and 2 Omega golems to finally get us down. We used 7g to upgrade hills and it tooked a lot more than 20g to break it down xD (not counting the 8 hour tries :P)
Most of RoS guilds are playing for fun now, at least I can say it for XT. We don’t care so much since last news about restart of rating Gathering powah for next week! Then we will rise and shine again
It’s a shame some servers seem to be laying back now that they know a rating reset is coming. Feels like they are trying to get as easy enemies for the next week as possible so that they can get as high as possible.
It’s a valid tactic and if you wish to do so, feel free to do so. I just feel like that wont balance the tiers as well as this reset could.
And it’s a big shame you are taking it easy as it was fun to play against you RoS. Was really enjoyable to defend a home border as thats what I like to do, but now it’s quiet.
Thanks for all the fights though. It has been awesome match up anyhows. And hopefully we will meet again RoS and RoF. Oh and I promise if we will ever meet again, I will be hitting you real hard with my candy cane hammer again!
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Spent 6 hours in WvWvW yesterday on RoF BL.
It seems that this BL is the playground? We had difficulties taking back what’s ours from UW.
The conquering of Hills was real nice! 10+ Golems :-)
When I stopped for the night, we had everything back but some sentries who were in the hands of RoS (and I think XT has something to do with it, because you roamed the map frequently :-))
Also the tunnel at redbriar? is a very bad place … one time we were hitting the tower and a zerg of UW came out and at the same time RoS was attacking us in the back … felt like Sandwich at that time.
All in All Good Clean Fights & Fun
[TaG] Member
Ring of Fire
@ Gintoki
Thanks for the reply, hacking or exploiting a bug is still cheating and for them to spend even just and hour or so doing that is pathetic. Anyway i just wanted to let you know what these people you play with have been doing seeing they represent the guild you co founded…
RoF, We don’t reallly wanna go into your corner in EB but if you keep going for Ogrewatch, then you force our hand ^^
Ruins of Surmia
RoF, We don’t reallly wanna go into your corner in EB but if you keep going for Ogrewatch, then you force our hand ^^
There seems to be an unwritten rule on RoF which says: “If someone says ‘flip ogrecamp’ it means go to Ogrewatch instead because it’s the most important tower on the map.”
To the RoF guy who “helped” me kill that pesky UW Warrior outside Bluebriar: I let you get away with just a warning, if you didn’t realize by my /wave. I can always Bola and Blaidtrail you next time, but this time you earned your 30 second truce from me, especially since you didn’t seem to care to fight. I wish you safe travels.*
*Only applies to PvE, in WvW if I find you again I’ll do my best to hack you until you are dead.
League of Casuals [LoC]
Ruins of Surmia
Underworld Invader Thief from [ACAB] seems to have almost perma-stealth and does insane damage with both burst and sustain.
Either his KungFu is much stronger than mine, he has reached a level previously thought impossible, or is hacking.
In the first case: “thumbs up man, you are awesome!”
in the second: “wut???”
in the third: “boooo!”
League of Casuals [LoC]
Ruins of Surmia
Apparently Rof doesn’t know there is such a thing as a green corner, we shall conveniently forget it too!
Ruins of Surmia
Apparently Rof doesn’t know there is such a thing as a green corner, we shall conveniently forget it too!
Get over yourself!
Underworld Invader Thief from [ACAB] seems to have almost perma-stealth and does insane damage with both burst and sustain.
Either his KungFu is much stronger than mine, he has reached a level previously thought impossible, or is hacking.
In the first case: “thumbs up man, you are awesome!”
in the second: “wut???”
in the third: “boooo!”
It was just missunderstanding… everything fine no worries, no1 was hacking… just some builds are better than others in 1v1..
/Mesmer from RoS
Apparently Rof doesn’t know there is such a thing as a green corner, we shall conveniently forget it too!
Get over yourself!
How about you get over yourself ?
Ruins of Surmia
Apparently Rof doesn’t know there is such a thing as a green corner, we shall conveniently forget it too!
Get over yourself!
How about you get over yourself ?
I would if I was an egotistical glory hunter…… but I’m not so no need
You can spout all the bullkitten you want, I don’t care.
Ruins of Surmia
Underworld Invader Thief from [ACAB] seems to have almost perma-stealth and does insane damage with both burst and sustain.
Either his KungFu is much stronger than mine, he has reached a level previously thought impossible, or is hacking.
In the first case: “thumbs up man, you are awesome!”
in the second: “wut???”
in the third: “boooo!”
His KungFu is much stronger then yours. May you find the force one day.
Apparently Rof doesn’t know there is such a thing as a green corner, we shall conveniently forget it too!
Get over yourself!
How about you get over yourself ?
I would if I was an egotistical glory hunter…… but I’m not so no need
+1 actually, sorry Ilesyt.
What’s with people just meddling in other peoples business when they know nothing about it and spouting crap and other giving some kind of opinion when they know nothing themselves either ?
Oh and you +1’ing klugnut’s post basically makes you an “egotistical gloryhunter” yourself, just saying.
Ruins of Surmia
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)
Lol. Through experience of being on RoS and reading the endless drivel on here, I know you are an egotistical glory hunter who loves to lead your “fanboys” and show off how “Awesome” you are. To add to that you now bask in the glory of the work RoS’s new transfers are doing. I’m sensing insecurity issues somewhere. Pity they can’t see one of the worst commanders on RoS when they see one :P
Lol. Through experience of being on RoS and reading the endless drivel on here, I know you are an egotistical glory hunter who loves to lead your “fanboys” and show off how “Awesome” you are. To add to that you now bask in the glory of the work RoS’s new transfers are doing. I’m sensing insecurity issues somewhere. Pity they can’t see one of the worst commanders on RoS when they see one :P
Yes pity that all except you aren’t calling me those things, they must be all wrong.
Tell me, since when were you in RoS, or atleast in WvW? As far as I know I’ve only seen a month or 2 in there. And what have YOU actually ever done for the server except complaining and criticizing everything ?
Ruins of Surmia
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)
Ill +1 Klagnut as well.
Victrixx [xVx]
Well let me clarify why he’s calling me an “Egotistical gloryhunter”:
1) According to him most commanders are egotistical gloryhunters, those were his own words.
2) All who came to RoS at the recent transfers are Egotistical gloryhunters and those who supported them would be egotistical gloryhunters.
Now as you drkn AND Yorric Hunt are both “Commanders” and From GH who also got some kind of “glory hunters” and accepted them, those points also apply to you.
And since you butted into a business that had nothing to do with you and just +1"d him, that means that you also support his claims, claims which would also make you and “Egotistical Gloryhunter”.
Have a good day and maybe next time don’t butt into someone else’s business ?
Ruins of Surmia
Thats a very Red Garrsion you have there Underworld.. i wonder what happened… did it get a paintjob Angry Commander style? awwww :’(
Lol. Through experience of being on RoS and reading the endless drivel on here, I know you are an egotistical glory hunter who loves to lead your “fanboys” and show off how “Awesome” you are. To add to that you now bask in the glory of the work RoS’s new transfers are doing. I’m sensing insecurity issues somewhere. Pity they can’t see one of the worst commanders on RoS when they see one :P
Yes pity that all except you aren’t calling me those things, they must be all wrong.
Tell me, since when were you in RoS, or atleast in WvW? As far as I know I’ve only seen a month or 2 in there. And what have YOU actually ever done for the server except complaining and criticizing everything ?
ROFL as usual you are so wrapped up in your own self obsession to actually notice anything going on around you. I was on RoS from launch until a week ago, when I had finally had enough of RoS’s egotistical jerks, glory hunters etc. I have done plenty in my time for RoS, but will not explain them to YOU. Hopefully RoS will tier up very soon so I will no longer have to listen to your inane drivel. And to the few very nice people on RoS…. good luck and goodbye
Just fitting my BS deflectors, hopefully they will work :P
Well let me clarify why he’s calling me an “Egotistical gloryhunter”:
1) According to him most commanders are egotistical gloryhunters, those were his own words.
2) All who came to RoS at the recent transfers are Egotistical gloryhunters and those who supported them would be egotistical gloryhunters.Now as you drkn AND Yorric Hunt are both “Commanders” and From GH who also got some kind of “glory hunters” and accepted them, those points also apply to you.
And since you butted into a business that had nothing to do with you and just +1"d him, that means that you also support his claims, claims which would also make you and “Egotistical Gloryhunter”.
Have a good day and maybe next time don’t butt into someone else’s business ?
What are you smoking? You must be on another planet. Obviously my BS deflectors need fine tuning
Just for the record I have only ever called 2 people egotistical glory hunters….. I think you can guess who the main one is :P
Lol. Through experience of being on RoS and reading the endless drivel on here, I know you are an egotistical glory hunter who loves to lead your “fanboys” and show off how “Awesome” you are. To add to that you now bask in the glory of the work RoS’s new transfers are doing. I’m sensing insecurity issues somewhere. Pity they can’t see one of the worst commanders on RoS when they see one :P
Yes pity that all except you aren’t calling me those things, they must be all wrong.
Tell me, since when were you in RoS, or atleast in WvW? As far as I know I’ve only seen a month or 2 in there. And what have YOU actually ever done for the server except complaining and criticizing everything ?ROFL as usual you are so wrapped up in your own self obsession to actually notice anything going on around you. I was on RoS from launch until a week ago, when I had finally had enough of RoS’s egotistical jerks, glory hunters etc. I have done plenty in my time for RoS, but will not explain them to YOU. Hopefully RoS will tier up very soon so I will no longer have to listen to your inane drivel. And to the few very nice people on RoS…. good luck and goodbye
Just fitting my BS deflectors, hopefully they will work :P
You should hope that BS Deflector doesn’t deflect your own BS back to you.
Ruins of Surmia
I strongly suggest you take this QQ over to PM before someone locks this thread down.. now we dont want that do we?
the battle was good this week , although alot pretty much gone on standby due this rating reset ,
Hello everyone, please stay on topic and follow the specific rules for these sub forums.
(i have said that people don’t like the idea of a skill bugging but that’s the most i can do on this)
That’s one of the reasons i always try to stay clear of “real” leadership roles, i simply can’t stand cheaters (or arrogant morons) so i generally kick’em: 1 warning, still doin it? go somewhere else, that’s the door.
Anyway still good fights, thou culling is worse (in 8-10 tryin to attack Bay and couldn’t see the ones manning the rams, with no enemy visible), and future reset made lot of ppl disappear from all servers leaving just some big organized guilds (XT above all, have to admit they can “abuse” culling very well, guess experience from higher pop servers) which on their own are a zerg.
Have fun everyone!
Ring of Fire
@ Angry Commander,
So? we keep doing the same, every day all week to all your 3 keeps xD, we dont scream about it to forums dont we? xD. And what we should say about Rof? we defend their Hills for 8 hour str8 with only 6 people until they finally gave up xD.
@ Angry Commander,
So? we keep doing the same, every day all week to all your 3 keeps xD, we dont scream about it to forums dont we? xD. And what we should say about Rof? we defend their Hills for 8 hour str8 with only 6 people until they finally gave up xD.
Gratz on your hills defence i guess :P and its still an achiv to rush it with your amount of players tbh :P