Unfair Arguments

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Donut.6914


I’m seeing that many people are justifying the underwhelming rewards with either:

1. The achievement wasn’t much work so don’t expect a reward.


2. You should play WvW because you like it, not for some dumb reward.

To the first point, that may be true for people who played on the bigger servers. You may have gotten your 15 achievements in the first week because your server dominated and you racked up lots of points. That’s okay with me, but not everyone had it that easy. It took me all 7 weeks of active play to get my 15.

To the second point, I agree completely, but ANet purposefully dangled that reward in front of the players so everyone would play WvW for the new season. Do you really expect players to not go for the achievements when ANet clearly wanted us to? My guild was split in half because many of the players bandwagoned to another server in hopes of getting the best reward. A lot of people were really convinced that their time would be rewarded (rightly so) and my guild basically died for nothing.

I’ll admit though, it’s personally nice to see bandwagon people getting some payback, but from an objective standpoint it’s just unacceptable.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

In both instances though they admit that the rewards were underwhelming, or bad, or terrible, or crap, or not anything near what was expected etc etc etc.

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Ghrimboff.6357


I’m not to sure about the reason of your post, you would’ve wanted more because your guild died?

WvW is about WvW. if you want shineys, go in PvE.

[KWBH] The Foo Fighter
SBI Commander

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Donut.6914


WvW is about WvW. if you want shineys, go in PvE.

This is exactly what my post is about. ANet put those shinies in WvW so that we would go for them. It was a major motivator for a lot of players, and it’s simply unfair to expect players to not go for the shinies.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Stillmoon.6894


a net put the shinies in wvw just enough for armor repair, buy siege and upgrade tower. if you want shinies go pve.
dont bring your casual pve champion farm to wvw because it mocks people who really want a serious game that feature strategy and not getting devoured by mindless blob (seriously a net should consider removing bags from all tower and keep champion so the kittens will return to queensdale and their pathetic farm routine)

“Dream and hope sundered my world, it will no longer wreak such sorrow”

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


I was hoping for better rewards myself. We should not be getting rewards like exotic/rare/green… We should not get a mini dolyak. We should not get a finisher. What we should get are badges, sieges, and wxp potion with the potential to buy a special finisher with gems after season placement. I think we were either rewarded too generously for achievement chasers or too horribly for true WvW’ers.

-S o S-

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


From what I heard, originally the prizes were better, but due to SERVER STACKING caused by the populace, they made the rewards across the board pretty much the same because they felt it wasn’t going to be fair for many servers, so they changed it to show the players “We won’t be letting any of you get anything good if you’re going to pull this kitten.” In other words, the players themselves made it so.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Donut.6914


You guys are still missing my point. You’re blaming “casuals” and “achievement hunters” for spending time getting achievements in WvW. If you really care about the PvE playerbase filling up precious WvW slots, maybe you should put the blame on the people who created the achievements and encouraged PvE players to farm them.

Your problem here is NOT with any players, or with “entitled” players expecting to actually be rewarded for their work. Your problem is with ANet encouraging mostly-PvE players to do some WvW.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Donut.6914


From what I heard, originally the prizes were better, but due to SERVER STACKING caused by the populace, they made the rewards across the board pretty much the same because they felt it wasn’t going to be fair for many servers, so they changed it to show the players “We won’t be letting any of you get anything good if you’re going to pull this kitten.” In other words, the players themselves made it so.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

That makes sense, but they could have just made the rewards good for all ranks, and great for the top ranks.

Example: Everyone gets access to one unique weapon skin, but the top servers get like 10g, while the bottom servers get maybe 2 or 3g. That’s not actually what I want, but just an idea for some balance in the rewards.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


That wouldn’t have helped Donut. For Silver League, we already knew that the top 3 were going to be Fort Aspenwood, Yak’s Bend, and Stormbluff Isle. They had no competition other than each other for the top place, and nobody below them had a prayer to reach top 3. Handing out gold would have been a slap to the face of the other servers, telling us “you should have gotten more bandwagon people, since you knew you didn’t have a prayer of beating them, so it’s your fault.”

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Donut.6914


That wouldn’t have helped Donut. For Silver League, we already knew that the top 3 were going to be Fort Aspenwood, Yak’s Bend, and Stormbluff Isle. They had no competition other than each other for the top place, and nobody below them had a prayer to reach top 3. Handing out gold would have been a slap to the face of the other servers, telling us “you should have gotten more bandwagon people, since you knew you didn’t have a prayer of beating them, so it’s your fault.”

They still did that though (btw I’m from EBay too). We got really bad rewards, but Fort Aspenwood got…..less bad rewards? Their rewards were still crappy, but they got more than we did. They could just keep that part, and then give everyone something that actually has value, even if it just has value in WvW exclusively.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Shiren.9532


a net put the shinies in wvw just enough for armor repair, buy siege and upgrade tower. if you want shinies go pve.
dont bring your casual pve champion farm to wvw because it mocks people who really want a serious game that feature strategy and not getting devoured by mindless blob (seriously a net should consider removing bags from all tower and keep champion so the kittens will return to queensdale and their pathetic farm routine)

Most WvW players are just PvDoor karma training which is no different from champion farms. That was also the best way to get the WvW meta achievement.

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Eugenides.1274


We should not get a mini dolyak.

Speak for yourself!!! It’s the only mini I’ve wanted for WvW since the game launched. But yes, superior siege and badges would have been nice.

Attolis – Beyond the Wall [Crow]

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Nike.2631


I thought everyone who finished the achievement got a key and the contents of the chest were largely the same for everyone? With the 1st place server in each league getting their Dolyak finishers in the mail.

I can only speak for myself, but I only did 2 things in the last 7 weeks that I wouldn’t have otherwise: one 40 minute sitting running around flipping over ruins and one evening fanatically devoted to slaughtering Dolyaks.

For that, the 10 skill points, 10 free levels for any of my characters, and 100 dragonite was an excellent return on my time. The Dolyak mini didn’t suck and the sip of +1 World Level is a nice touch.

Its a meta-achievement. Most of them are a single skin. A couple have being a neighborhood node. I’m not sure what people were expecting…?

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


No, ArenaNet put those rewards there in order to get people to try WvW, and based on at least my server we have people trying it for the first time due to the Meta and are now planning to stay in WvW due to them liking it so much.
So clearly the whole idea worked out quite well.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Donut.6914


No, ArenaNet put those rewards there in order to get people to try WvW, and based on at least my server we have people trying it for the first time due to the Meta and are now planning to stay in WvW due to them liking it so much.
So clearly the whole idea worked out quite well.

Well your personal experience is vastly different from mine. My server is currently getting stomped because everyone was so disappointed with the rewards that no one is WvW this weekend.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I’ve said it before, Anet is notorious for terrible rewards in WvW, how many towers, keeps, camps, castles have we all taken and constantly received green or blue items ? If your lucky once a week you might get a yellow and an exo maybe once a month, and yet people are shocked that the rewards sucked ?

Its mind boggling thb, you want rewards ? Go run fractals and dungeons 24/7 because your not going to get them in WvW.

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Jett.1239


I’ve said it before, Anet is notorious for terrible rewards in WvW, how many towers, keeps, camps, castles have we all taken and constantly received green or blue items ? If your lucky once a week you might get a yellow and an exo maybe once a month, and yet people are shocked that the rewards sucked ?

Its mind boggling thb, you want rewards ? Go run fractals and dungeons 24/7 because your not going to get them in WvW.

Arenanet is notorious for terrible rewards in all aspects of the game, hence the joke “two blues and a green.”

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Donut.6914


Rewards always being bad doesn’t justify this reward being bad. That’s something that ANet should actively be working to fix, and this was a great chance for them to do that, which is why many expected something of value.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Jett.1239


Rewards always being bad doesn’t justify this reward being bad. That’s something that ANet should actively be working to fix, and this was a great chance for them to do that, which is why many expected something of value.

I don’t disagree with you, literally the only game I can think of with a worse system of loot/drops is Diablo 3. People love getting awesome drops, and I don’t think I’ve gotten more than one since launch. I’d be happy if they started making account-bound skins drop commonly similar to Guild Wars 1.

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


The only part of the meta that didn’t have it’s own reward already was ruins capture, which wasn’t required to get the meta anyway.

Killing 225 dolyaks, for example, rewards over 3 gold and a ton of karma and exp just from the event completions. Capturing towers/keeps usually rewards at least a champ bag. Gaining 50 ranks gives at least 50 chests containing some silver and possibly badges or rares. Players drop loot (last night alone I saw a precursor and an ascended weapon box drop).

Does PvE give better loot? Yes, of course. It should. If it didn’t, we’d have 24/7 karma trains flipping undefended objectives, or zergs arranging kill trading to farm. The type of people who prefer to fail events to farm loot make WvW really un-fun for the people it was designed for: people who like massive open world siege warfare and PvP.

I’m happy that I got a dolyak mini and some dragonite along with the gold and rares and exotics that I got doing the stuff in the first place.

I can see why people are unhappy, but I think they are missing the bigger picture (see the bit above about karma trains and kill trading….).

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

Unfair Arguments

in WvW

Posted by: Donut.6914


But it’s not like WvW would get more of those people from one really nice season reward. The rewards would come every season, so they won’t be common. I’m not asking to get an ascended weapon every time I take a keep, I just want something worth the 7 weeks of monotonous farming.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!