Unintended WXP NERF?
I still get those drops. Yesterday a thimble of wxp since a long long time but they do drop.
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
I still get drops. Have 20 on 2 chars each. Few on another. Only 2 of the next tier(Thimble?) so far.
Others don’t seem to drop(either pretty rare like precursor or only from chests… and one tier you can buy from laurel vendor).
Drop = chance like yellow(rare) items. Thimble(next higher tier) chance like exo(orange, no precursor, normal exo) item. Thats’s how it feels to me atm.
Well its good to know they still drop!
Before last patch, I used to get 2-5 drops of wxp per session of WvW I played, thimbles perhaps 1 every other session, around 2-4 per week. The last 2 weeks I have had no drops for either. Nothing as changed play wise from my point of view, actually probably played a lot more WvW the last 2 weeks.
So that’s why I am thinking they have reduced the drop rate on those (wether intended or not) and forgot to put it in patch notes, like they did with the champion bags nerf.
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
WvW Coordinator
We have made no changes to the drop rates of the Wxp items.
Was WvWing today for ~2 hours, got 2 Thimbles (maybe 1 from rank chest) and 5-7 Drops.
Looks like you got a string of bad luck. I’ve actually been getting more than usual and I have mounting evidence to suggest that I have the worst drop luck of anyone who plays this game.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
We have made no changes to the drop rates of the Wxp items.
I too have noticed I get much less liquid WxP drops. It may be an “unintentional” change.
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.
I got a keg in the first hour of the season; I wish that happened more often
We have made no changes to the drop rates of the Wxp items.
While I understand these types of responses can’t be made to every post, it is good of you to take the time out of your schedule to allay perceptions like this.
We have made no changes to the drop rates of the Wxp items.
I guess, I have just had a unlucky streak then. Really weird the big change over a few weeks, guess that’s RNG.
We have made no changes to the drop rates of the Wxp items.
Yep, they still stink and are not a viable option to alt progression. Hopefully ya’ll will change this so they drop more often (kegs are like black lion keys) or just make wxp account bound like the player base has been clamoring for.
i played 2-300 lvl of wvw since the potions come. i never got any 5 lvl and only 5-6 half lvl drop. my guildie got 2 25k potion within 2 days. i never was a lucky guy.
Just the WvW
I’ve gotten 20 drops and a thimble in the last two weeks. I saw someone get a keg (worth 25k wxp) too. It’s definitely not nerfed, but I hope your luck improves.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
They don’t drop a lot to begin with so i’m not sure how you would notice a nerf versus just simply being unlucky.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
I didn’t notice any significant changes in liquid WEXP drops, if that was original question. Not that I’m all over it and keep a detailed track though. They have been dropping before, they seem to drop now the same amount. Ish.
Play the game mode for PPT as intended, instead of trying to farm players for vials. You will get 10x the WEXP. If you werent so focus’ed on players youd realize even if it was nerfed, that the 1-2 ranks it provides over ages of times you could of been taking camp/tower/keep that its insignificant (but welcome)
Had about five drops today from loot bags.