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in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

Not sure if this is the right section for this post because I am writing it from a wvw perspective but it isn’t just a wvw issue.

We’ve been locked from preventing players joining our server now for a few months. This was fine before and helped balance the wvw side of the game with the surrounding servers. However, since the lock down, we’ve had a few high profile guilds and players leave the server. While before things were fine because it helped balance things out, now it is starting to become a problem. We are not at panic stations yet, but we are starting to become concerned.

It is time to lift the lock on SFR… it can always be put back again if things start becoming unbalanced once more but if it remains for much longer we are going to end up as a medium populated server once more but without the guild structure that we had previously when we challenged Viz. If we can count 20+ players who have left SFR, then that should mean there are 20+ spaces for people to join us.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

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in WvW

Posted by: Donari.5237


We’ve been locked from preventing players joining our server now for a few months.

I’m pretty sure from the context of your post that you mean “We’ve been locked against players joining our server” because it reads like you’ve had a few months where you could not prevent them and thus they are flooding in.

Y’might want to fix that and then post in the WvW forum because the WvW devs are much likelier to see it there.

(Sorry I can’t comment on the meat of your post, I pay almost no attention to WvW issues so I have insufficient background knowledge to weigh the value of making the high tier servers shed some population).

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Linken.6345


if your wvw presence have remained the same you wont have any extra spots to let people join on.

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Posted by: Jayne.9251


For background: SFR lost its King of the heap title.

And Vizunah is steadily climbing

To the OP. Devs said when they shut off full servers that some servers were overflowing beyond the full cap than others. SFR still full indicates exactly how much of a population imbalance there was prior, especially if some players left and you’re still full. The whole point of the server cap was to even things out so servers like SFR no longer had the massive population advantage and were forced to play with reasonably equal numbers.

Time to adapt.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

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in WvW

Posted by: displayname.8315


People leaving + full status = your still too fat.

Need more skill not more people.

JQ subsidiary

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in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Could anet just move bandwagoners in desolation? We need to get our guilmates in server. Lame be different side in EotM.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

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in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Yep. Fort Aspenwood went through this. The new algorithm for population calculation uses a rolling average and smooths out rapid changes. So there’s going to be a delay of 3-4 weeks before population that is transferring off gets removed from the rolling average.

It’s a bad situation because players that transfer off are not like players that simply stop playing. The potential for them to join in WvW on your server is gone so their hours should be removed immediately from the rolling average of your server and added to the server they joined IMHO.

The reason they should be removed is because it punishes the players and guilds who remain with the inability to replace those players (assuming those transferring off truly make your server Very High immediately). It also creates a giant loophole, giving an alliance of guilds the ability to mass-transfer into a Very High server and beating the algorithm before it marks that server as Full.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

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Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


There’s still no incentive for players to transfer, or even start on lower ranked servers, that’s the problem. Nobody really seems to care much, about making WvW competitvely balanced anyway.

If that happened, we would have MU variation along with balanced MUs, rather than silly stagnation and boredom, from fighting the same servers for weeks and weeks.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

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in WvW

Posted by: DJ Klemintino.5781

DJ Klemintino.5781

Not sure if this is the right section for this post because I am writing it from a wvw perspective but it isn’t just a wvw issue.

We’ve been locked from preventing players joining our server now for a few months. This was fine before and helped balance the wvw side of the game with the surrounding servers. However, since the lock down, we’ve had a few high profile guilds and players leave the server. While before things were fine because it helped balance things out, now it is starting to become a problem. We are not at panic stations yet, but we are starting to become concerned.

It is time to lift the lock on SFR… it can always be put back again if things start becoming unbalanced once more but if it remains for much longer we are going to end up as a medium populated server once more but without the guild structure that we had previously when we challenged Viz. If we can count 20+ players who have left SFR, then that should mean there are 20+ spaces for people to join us.

FA lost a total of like 13-15 guilds in the span of a week. Its took them almost a month to be classified as very high.

Klem | Klemintino
Leader of Tactical Fury [TF]
SoS Council Member

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Posted by: DJ Klemintino.5781

DJ Klemintino.5781

People leaving + full status = your still too fat.

Need more skill not more people.

1 month ago someone did dome pretty dam acurate WvW population estimates. SFR had like 450 people whilst someone like deso had near 700

Klem | Klemintino
Leader of Tactical Fury [TF]
SoS Council Member

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Posted by: EternalNub.2078


People leaving + full status = your still too fat.

Need more skill not more people.

1 month ago someone did dome pretty dam acurate WvW population estimates. SFR had like 450 people whilst someone like deso had near 700

u mean 70 ? ..cuz that sounds much better =)

My Elephant Goes[TOOT]

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in WvW

Posted by: displayname.8315


Fort Aspenwood went through this. The new algorithm for population calculation uses a rolling average and smooths out rapid changes. So there’s going to be a delay of 3-4 weeks before population that is transferring off gets removed from the rolling average.

Curious where this 1 month delay in population calculation comes from. Are you guessing that time frame because FA did so poorly while still on FULL status? They still had numbers for a few weeks.. granted they were up against a severely overstacked YB and getting farmed like they always do.. then you REALLY saw a dropoff.

Also some groups of players were all for letting YB push to T1 so also need to factor that in..

Think 1 month delay in adjustments in not quite accurate.

JQ subsidiary

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Posted by: Hvaran.6327


but but sfr are SPARTANS!!!

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

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in WvW

Posted by: Sin.4130


Locking almost all gold EU servers than unlocking all of them except SFR and making GW2 f2p => ANet u fail with your solution again. Deso from losing by 70k came to winning by 70k in few weeks. Devs come to see wvw numbers!

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in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


FA lost a total of like 13-15 guilds in the span of a week. Its took them almost a month to be classified as very high.

Hope the devs are reading this, if players who have moved are not taken out of the cap for their old server immediately as it appears is happening you are doing it wrong.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

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Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Come play EotM. When normal maps are empty SFR get very high status faster and i get my guildmates in server.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

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in WvW

Posted by: Sungtaro.6493


Fort Aspenwood went through this. The new algorithm for population calculation uses a rolling average and smooths out rapid changes. So there’s going to be a delay of 3-4 weeks before population that is transferring off gets removed from the rolling average.

Curious where this 1 month delay in population calculation comes from. Are you guessing that time frame because FA did so poorly while still on FULL status? They still had numbers for a few weeks.. granted they were up against a severely overstacked YB and getting farmed like they always do.. then you REALLY saw a dropoff.

Also some groups of players were all for letting YB push to T1 so also need to factor that in..

Think 1 month delay in adjustments in not quite accurate.

I believe that are two factors in that conclusion. FA flashed very high about three to four weeks after the golem event. When the exodus started, the non-GvG guilds, FA was still full. The delay of changing status when the non-GvG guilds left is the reason for the belief that it is three weeks to a month.

Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence.

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in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Fort Aspenwood went through this. The new algorithm for population calculation uses a rolling average and smooths out rapid changes. So there’s going to be a delay of 3-4 weeks before population that is transferring off gets removed from the rolling average.

Curious where this 1 month delay in population calculation comes from. Are you guessing that time frame because FA did so poorly while still on FULL status? They still had numbers for a few weeks.. granted they were up against a severely overstacked YB and getting farmed like they always do.. then you REALLY saw a dropoff.

Also some groups of players were all for letting YB push to T1 so also need to factor that in..

Think 1 month delay in adjustments in not quite accurate.

No, I am guessing that timeframe based on knowledge of how many people left and when and the time it took before FA dropped to Very High, even allowing for the idea that FA was “overstacked” (i.e., there were several waves of guilds leaving) and based on what Devs have stated in the past about the new population calculation being a rolling average.

Also a friend and I were discussing population and PPT and he came up with the chart that DJ Klementino is referring to. We could even break down the estimated active WvW population by timezone.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

(edited by Chaba.5410)

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

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in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I’ll add that given what has been observed so far, a bunch of us active WvW players believe that the scale of WvW is going to be smaller ultimately on NA servers (as opposed to EU servers where most of the population is concentrated in the EU timezone).

T1 NA’s large scale WvW is going to be a thing of the past and the scale of activity on servers like FA and SoS are what we’ll be seeing for the future.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

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in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I agree with Jayne.9251 and not with the OP.

Arenanet developer who made the posts about the WvWvW population calculations said that some servers were well above the “full” limit. Since SFR has been the #1 band wagon server already for several years, it would sound logical that SFR indeed is more full than any other EU server. Despite the mass exodus from SFR to FSP and to other servers, it seems SFR still can muster really large numbers of players in normal WvWvW maps.

Unless you can prove that SFR has lower numbers of active players than e.g. Desolation, I really don’t see any reason why Arenanet should unlock the “full” servers. If and when Desolation becomes full again, it should also remain locked. I think Arenanet is only one who can truly count the number of active players. So we can just speculate here.

It is not a healthy solution that a certain server can dominate the game simply by numbers + coverage alone for several years. SFR did it already too long time.

Ayna (pugmander, scout, PpT player)

PS. Desolation is now aiming to play less PpT now and do less karma train, so the weekly score should be more even. We aim for a fair and more match ups as otherwise many enemy players no longer show up after the match up is lost for them. But once [CI] is back at full force, I am afraid the score difference will be very high in favor for Desolation.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

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in WvW

Posted by: Sin.4130


I agree with Jayne.9251 and not with the OP.

Arenanet developer who made the posts about the WvWvW population calculations said that some servers were well above the “full” limit. Since SFR has been the #1 band wagon server already for several years, it would sound logical that SFR indeed is more full than any other EU server. Despite the mass exodus from SFR to FSP and to other servers, it seems SFR still can muster really large numbers of players in normal

You are wrong – the only one EU server with full status was Desolation. SFR was never full until this strange changes. When suddenly fully marked Deso gained lower status.

This just really unfair to do such changes and starting f2p. You got all those free accounts. SFR worked hard to gain more offtime transfers in for so long time and now ANet wasted this hard job. I doubt they even thought about it

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

You are wrong – the only one EU server with full status was Desolation. SFR was never full until this strange changes. When suddenly fully marked Deso gained lower status.

The old server status calculations were NOT based on WvWvW activity. Surely Deso has a massive pve player base. We have been for a long time #1 pve and #1 spvp in server in EU, but since the introduction of mega servers, this has had no effect.

The only thing which should affect server status is how many active players in has in WvWvW, since that is the only game mode where the server has an effect.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I agree with Jayne.9251 and not with the OP.

Arenanet developer who made the posts about the WvWvW population calculations said that some servers were well above the “full” limit. Since SFR has been the #1 band wagon server already for several years, it would sound logical that SFR indeed is more full than any other EU server. Despite the mass exodus from SFR to FSP and to other servers, it seems SFR still can muster really large numbers of players in normal

You are wrong – the only one EU server with full status was Desolation. SFR was never full until this strange changes. When suddenly fully marked Deso gained lower status.

This just really unfair to do such changes and starting f2p. You got all those free accounts. SFR worked hard to gain more offtime transfers in for so long time and now ANet wasted this hard job. I doubt they even thought about it

Here’s a quote from a fellow SFR servermate, complaining about the changes to the server:

It’s not that simple. I believe SFR currently is on a transition stage. SFR has lost most of its PPT guilds, and there is a big bunch of population that isnt that so interested in WvW.

You can also include the lack of guilds and most of all the number of commanders; you dont see more than 5 names tagging up.

The state of WvW has changed also at least for the higher tiers that have active prime time force, players have focused alot on community guilds instead of many proper hc guild raids. Until HoT comes out and some time passes we cannot say we are somewhere stable.

Nevertheless, it is safe to asssume that Anet’s estimation of the “FULL” status of SFR is wrong. The past 2 match ups you can hardly spot queue in the maps. Even in this match up and at the weekend, hardly there can be queue in 2 maps, and usually it doesnt get above 30 max.

So neither by active WvW population nor PPT, SFR gets to be considered “FULL”.

I know for SFR this feels like the map is empty, compared to how it was before, but this just shows you exactly HOW overstacked SFR was prior, when you can lose some people and still be deemed “full.”

The quote above was illuminating.

Having 5 people tag up is a luxury for most servers.

Having a queue on ANY map at ANY time is also rare.


Go make a free account on another server and perhaps it’ll help you understand that SFR still has massive amounts of bodies. Time to hone your skills and not rely on numbers anymore. Every other server below you has had to do it, you can too!

You might also want to let your teammate know that WvW populations are based on active WvW players, so you can’t blame the pve crowd anymore.

Could anet just move bandwagoners in desolation? We need to get our guilmates in server. Lame be different side in EotM.

Very glad to see you calling out your own guys the same way you did when NA T1 was doing it. Kudos.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Sin.4130


The old server status calculations were NOT based on WvWvW activity. Surely Deso has a massive pve player base. We have been for a long time #1 pve and #1 spvp in server in EU, but since the introduction of mega servers, this has had no effect.

The only thing which should affect server status is how many active players in has in WvWvW, since that is the only game mode where the server has an effect.

Give me a break u were losing by 100k just few weeks ago and now u are winning by 100k something is really messed up here.

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Give me a break u were losing by 100k just few weeks ago and now u are winning by 100k something is really messed up here.

I am not sure if Desolation organization is up the level of FSP and SFR, but if you really think we cannot play the PpT game you are dead wrong. Some of us, including me, can PpT even if I am the ONLY player on the map on our side. Yes, solo capture towers, camp, try to take the enemy keep and hope enemy is not fast enough to defend. If SFR needs 5 players to do the same, then you are having 5 times more players on that map and deserve the “full” status.

Are really you trying to claim that SFR has small amount of players vs other top servers? Do you want recent screenshots showing how massive blobs you actually still have?!

At Desolation have server wide meetings, where we agree what to do on the upcoming reset and week. On certain week if the Deso night team decides not to play and we have decided to do much less PpT, our score is weaker. Just the absence of certain commanders and guilds explains a lot of the PpT score. So if our score changes dramatically per week, there is nothing funny about it.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

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in WvW

Posted by: Sin.4130


You just benefit f2p model. Your numbers are like 2x more than before. SFR with much ppl loss has still full status – here’s problem. You got queues to all maps so save more trashtalking.

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in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

You just benefit f2p model. Your numbers are like 2x more than before. SFR with much ppl loss has still full status – here’s problem. You got queues to all maps so save more trashtalking.

This is my last comment to your words. There is no reason to get impolite. I just went to check the queue situation and tried to find the most full moment of prime time. We had small queues to EB and 2 BLs, but no queue to home border. I joined the queue on a full map and got in after waiting for few mins. Most of our players were still gathering up in the spawn, not on the field.

I personally consider that the free-2-play be more of a curse than a boon and many Deso Pugmanders share my opinions. Yes, we have lately gotten new players. Some are old very skilled veterans like Stence from SFR, but some seem to be totally new players, so they tend to rally enemies all the time. The invasion of rallybots makes any zerg fights a true challenge. But we will train them to be good players. So if you play on Deso, you can always join my party, no matter what profession and skill level.

I attached a screen shot taken this evening at the start of our prime time, when we usually have the highest queues.


Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

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in WvW

Posted by: Orochimaru.4730



You are locked for a reason.

Population is based on server WvW activity now. This is what WvW needs, getting more players onto lower servers, and making those servers stronger.
this of course will mean some servers who thought they were all that and awesome will soon realise it was only due to their coverage and numbers, not their skill.

With this, as servers become more closer in line with activity, matchups will become more random as more than just the top 4 servers will be the most active.

If your activity falls then your server will automatically become unlocked. There may of course be a week or two for this to occur. So if your server is still full, then it means it is more active than some of the lower servers, and you do not need more players!

This is what I have hated about WvW since day 1, servers complaining they need more and more people. You dont need more people, you need to change your tactics, learn, and improve your skills.

And if you still think you need more people, I suggest you go to Blacktide and see how things are there first!

(edited by Orochimaru.4730)

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in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439



You are locked for a reason.

Population is based on server WvW activity now. This is what WvW needs, getting more players onto lower servers, and making those servers stronger.
this of course will mean some servers who thought they were all that and awesome will soon realise it was only due to their coverage and numbers, not their skill.

With this, as servers become more closer in line with activity, matchups will become more random as more than just the top 4 servers will be the most active.

Why anybody would go dead lower tiers when they can stack in deso?

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

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in WvW

Posted by: Orochimaru.4730


And when that becomes full I can see them complaining to be unlocked as well.

Full servers are full for a reason. if you want to change it, it is you who has to change it, not anet. And by that I mean transfer down and stop being bandwagoners.

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in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


And when that becomes full I can see them complaining to be unlocked as well.

Full servers are full for a reason. if you want to change it, it is you who has to change it, not anet. And by that I mean transfer down and stop being bandwagoners.

Transfering down would make me bandwagoner. Only bandwagoners change server.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

(edited by Junkpile.7439)

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in WvW

Posted by: displayname.8315


I’ll add that given what has been observed so far, a bunch of us active WvW players believe that the scale of WvW is going to be smaller ultimately on NA servers (as opposed to EU servers where most of the population is concentrated in the EU timezone).

T1 NA’s large scale WvW is going to be a thing of the past and the scale of activity on servers like FA and SoS are what we’ll be seeing for the future.

The only thing that would reduce the scale of WvW would be lowering the map caps again.

I been on SoS few weeks now and you see some queue here and there, some large zergs to participate in. Been satisfied with the activity and these servers aren’t even full.

Only real problem you run into is when fighting overstacked servers. FA was certainly bloatware for a long while, queueing all 4 maps, queueing more that one map in off hours.. not such a huge surprise if the rolling average took a little longer than you hoped.

Read enough threads to hear of the status changes happening on a day to day basis especially on EU servers.

FA not the greatest example with their bloated overstacking and fairweather gameplay.

JQ subsidiary

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in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I’ll add that given what has been observed so far, a bunch of us active WvW players believe that the scale of WvW is going to be smaller ultimately on NA servers (as opposed to EU servers where most of the population is concentrated in the EU timezone).

T1 NA’s large scale WvW is going to be a thing of the past and the scale of activity on servers like FA and SoS are what we’ll be seeing for the future.

The only thing that would reduce the scale of WvW would be lowering the map caps again.

I been on SoS few weeks now and you see some queue here and there, some large zergs to participate in. Been satisfied with the activity and these servers aren’t even full.

Only real problem you run into is when fighting overstacked servers. FA was certainly bloatware for a long while, queueing all 4 maps, queueing more that one map in off hours.. not such a huge surprise if the rolling average took a little longer than you hoped.

Read enough threads to hear of the status changes happening on a day to day basis especially on EU servers.

FA not the greatest example with their bloated overstacking and fairweather gameplay.

Huh? FA was a perfect example precisely because it was overstacked. Yes, the activity levels on FA and SoS are pretty good, but there were a lot of people who liked the activity level of an overstacked server, which are only now represented by BG, JQ, YB, and to some extent TC. That’s no longer going to be possible. Even now there are players and guilds wanting to get back into T1 because they see T2 as smaller scale than what they want. On FA and SoS you only have the choice of one or two zergs on one or two maps. The other maps tend to be devoid of anything but havoc.

Also, I’ve been on SoS for a few weeks now too. Before that was on YB going back to before the T1 guilds stacked it. I’m well informed of the population and WvW activity levels found at the division between Very High and Full servers in NA.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

(edited by Chaba.5410)

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Posted by: displayname.8315



You call it fun overstacking I call it imbalance and exploiting the system for a win advantage. It’s pretty clear to me that the new full status still allows for multiple map gameplay, it’s just not ridiculous anymore. Maps still hold the same amount of people and full status still allows those queues to be hit.

If you only see a few zergs on multiple maps and thats not enough for people then all hope is lost. I know your not one to judge population by how many map queues and how many "tags’ are running thats newbie stuff.

The T1 guilds went to YB only a short time before they made it to T1, you were on YB too? That dosen’t seem true but ok. Are you single now haven’t seen TLC raiding?

Guess thats just another example of how you shouldn’t judge population by tags and guild raid blobs. Hope to see you out there.

JQ subsidiary

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Posted by: Chaba.5410


Eh? By “overstacked” I meant servers that are Full and will be so for a very long time, not imbalanced matches.

From the dev’s post on the subject: “It is possible that some servers are going to be marked as Full for a long time. While I understand this can be annoying for some, this is necessary to create a better experience for everyone.”

FA going from Full to Very High showed a test case for that in how much it was “overstacked”. After GvG guilds had left, there was about a two week period before the server briefly flashed to Very High, indicating that the “overstacked” part had left and it was hovering between the fine line of Full and Very High. It took about 2-3 weeks later of more guilds and players leaving for it to finally go Very High and remain so. During that time FA was not able to be competitive in population and coverage against YB nor really against BG and only a little against TC. Part of that had to do with SoS also being lower population. But it also showed how overstacked the other servers are and how much they need to lose population from WvW. That will be depressing for a lot of players in T1 now and they’ll see it as ded gaem because they are so used to their overstacked population.

Also, I have two accounts that I play regularly in NA with a third in EU. My YouTube channel shows it. Look up this account if you ever want to party with me on SoS.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

(edited by Chaba.5410)

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Posted by: displayname.8315


Well if some T1 ktrainers get upset thats no big to me. They ruined WvW more that any balancing ever will.

JQ subsidiary

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Posted by: Orochimaru.4730


And when that becomes full I can see them complaining to be unlocked as well.

Full servers are full for a reason. if you want to change it, it is you who has to change it, not anet. And by that I mean transfer down and stop being bandwagoners.

Transfering down would make me bandwagoner. Only bandwagoners change server.

Bandwagoners move to the popular servers, i.e. T1

Moving away from those and evening out the servers so we can have better balanced and fair matchups is not bandwagoning.

In any case, the fact that T1 are complaining, and people are complaining they cannot get back there, to me is a humongously great thing! If they want to play WvW, they have to join a lower server and make it stronger, not make the strongest even stronger.

(edited by Orochimaru.4730)

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Posted by: Hvaran.6327


Well if some T1 ktrainers get upset thats no big to me. They ruined WvW more that any balancing ever will.


Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

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Posted by: Chaba.5410


Well if some T1 ktrainers get upset thats no big to me. They ruined WvW more that any balancing ever will.

Yep. More their problem than ours.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Twinny.9304


I think your problem is your EoTM’s groups. I know we have been told EoTM’s don’t count, but i think the EoTM’s guys log in WvW for reset see if it’s easy mode week, (triggering your WvW population activity at a crazy lvl), get wiped a few times and think kitten it back to EoTM’s farm upscales and leave u guys the rest of the MU with bad numbers.

Twinny Todd – Guardian – FSP [PunK]
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


I think your problem is your EoTM’s groups. I know we have been told EoTM’s don’t count, but i think the EoTM’s guys log in WvW for reset see if it’s easy mode week, (triggering your WvW population activity at a crazy lvl), get wiped a few times and think kitten it back to EoTM’s farm upscales and leave u guys the rest of the MU with bad numbers.

Why EotM players would get wiped in WvW? WvW players quality is all time low because all good old WvW players play EotM nowadays. Sometimes these “WvW” players who still play boring WvW come EotM, but they can’t even cap keep against smaller force.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

(edited by Junkpile.7439)

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


I know if I were Anet, there is no way I would consider unlocking servers, when an expansion is about to release. All those people comming back to the game that are already on the locked servers are going to flood them. With that in mind, it would be irrational to me to let more players on them now.

I think your problem is your EoTM’s groups. I know we have been told EoTM’s don’t count, but i think the EoTM’s guys log in WvW for reset see if it’s easy mode week, (triggering your WvW population activity at a crazy lvl), get wiped a few times and think kitten it back to EoTM’s farm upscales and leave u guys the rest of the MU with bad numbers.

Why EotM players would get wiped in WvW? WvW players quality is all time low because all good old WvW players play EotM nowadays. Sometimes these “WvW” players who still play boring WvW come EotM, but they can’t even cap keep against smaller force.

I see no evidence of that. Do you have a link to a metric that supports that? As far as I can tell, this is just a random unfounded claim, that isn’t grounded in any actual facts. Sure, their may be some folks from your server that were known to be solid WvW players have been playing in EotM, but that, in no way, suggest this occurs on the other 50+ servers.

(edited by dancingmonkey.4902)

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Sin.4130


I know if I were Anet, there is no way I would consider unlocking servers, when an expansion is about to release. All those people comming back to the game that are already on the locked servers are going to flood them. With that in mind, it would be irrational to me to let more players on them now.

Why? SFR is the only one international EU server locked in f2p model start time – that’s very unfair. Let’s hope ANet will force to buy HoT new free accounts, so it would reduce this mess done by locking only one gold server which is decent server to choose for new ppl btw.

(edited by Sin.4130)

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Some of these posts would certainly keep any new players away from SFR. It makes the community seem like it isn’t strong on its own and reliant on fodder (new guilds, new players) to keep it afloat.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Anet should think players, not balance. Our gaming community f2p players can’t play in EotM with us.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

(edited by Junkpile.7439)

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Notsoperky.4291


You just benefit f2p model. Your numbers are like 2x more than before. SFR with much ppl loss has still full status – here’s problem. You got queues to all maps so save more trashtalking.

This is my last comment to your words. There is no reason to get impolite. I just went to check the queue situation and tried to find the most full moment of prime time. We had small queues to EB and 2 BLs, but no queue to home border. I joined the queue on a full map and got in after waiting for few mins. Most of our players were still gathering up in the spawn, not on the field.

I personally consider that the free-2-play be more of a curse than a boon and many Deso Pugmanders share my opinions. Yes, we have lately gotten new players. Some are old very skilled veterans like Stence from SFR, but some seem to be totally new players, so they tend to rally enemies all the time. The invasion of rallybots makes any zerg fights a true challenge. But we will train them to be good players. So if you play on Deso, you can always join my party, no matter what profession and skill level.

I attached a screen shot taken this evening at the start of our prime time, when we usually have the highest queues.

Three queued maps on a Sunday night is pretty busy. At 10.30pm or so tonight we had the outnumbered buff on EB and no queues anywhere else on SFR. Prior to that there was a 10-15 q on eb and the actual force on EB was many no guilds I’d not heard of – but still managed to run through the enemy zerg then chase the rest of deso’s zerg before we called it a night. Fun fights.

Later on we looked for enemies and found hardly any until suddenly we found Deso’s 60 man blob against our 10-15.

SFR isn’t full any more, and they need to sort out the system to make it more dynamic.

I have to say it’s more fun now with less noise and egos, good luck wherever they decided to bandwagon to.

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Three queued maps on a Sunday night is pretty busy. At 10.30pm or so tonight we had the outnumbered buff on EB and no queues anywhere else on SFR.

Now you seem to be comparing Monday to Sunday, which makes no sense. On Monday prime time (at least when I was on) there was NO queue to any of the 4 maps on Desolation. In fact we had outnumbered buff on Desolation borderland and enemy had clearly larger numbers than us.

Really comparisons like this are NOT useful at all, because none of us can see the actual number of active players per each tick. Only Arenanet can count the number of active players on all sides at all times, not us. And I am sure they include 24h7 situation, not just the prime time numbers.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


The only thing I have to wonder about is how many wvw logs are counted when it’s just players going on their home BL to craft.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Unlock server

in WvW

Posted by: Notsoperky.4291


I have to also wonder how many of the afk alt logs are counted too, as SFR seems to have more of these than on other servers ( as far as I can tell with my limited server coverage).

I’m not sure they they count ‘active’, probably just count time spent in wvw, which would then include all the space wasters doing nada for hours.

Agreed Deniara, not the best comparison, but to get outnumbered on EB is quite unusual at 10.30 at night on SFR- our own home BL frequently gets it, as well as the two other BL’s.

We appear to have a lot more ‘fair weather’ wvw players now, and a lot more that stand around doing nothing if they don’t see a tag to follow rather than form a group and go capping/roaming/harassing the enemy.