- Update: 29th April 2013
Still a Very High populated server and the cost to transfer to Eredon Terrace is still 1800 Gems
- As expected, after fighting the same server for 3 months, it has taken it’s toll on some of our members (Burn Out) and our server needs some help with getting back on top of our game, and help defend our server.
- If your looking for a fresh battle to fight, transfer to Eredon Terrace, a Tier 8 server in the North American ladder, we have gotten a new opponent and my lord the balance in Tier 8 now…..so awesome
- 30th April patch will be upon us and some of us are excited for the final prelude to Frost & Flame, are you?
- 17th April Update (Still Active)
Eredon Terrace is also looking for more people in the 2am EST Time to cover a gap in WvW to help out our other members from the timezone to stay afloat and push off Nightcaps on our structures and be on the offensive.
….This doesn’t mean that we don’t want other people from different timezones, In fact it is the opposite, we welcome anyone from any timezone with open arms and fight together!
- Eredon Terrace Website
We are now using Teamspeak (Kindly donated by FoE) in order to get the information you must be a member of Eredon Terrace & be registered on http://www.eredonterrace.enjin.com/home in order to see the announcement.
|End Of Update Announcement
Looking for a new server?
Looking for a server that doesn’t roll around in zergs most of the time and uses strategy?
Looking for a Server That doesn’t care about winning/losing and does WvWvW for the fun, enjoyment and activity from WvWvW?
Then read on!
We at Eredon Terrace (ET) are looking for more WvWvW’ers/PvE’ers and general population for our server
Eredon Terrace Is a Tier 8 and we are now recruiting Players on all aspects of the game.
What we want?
Eredon Terrace, do not care what aspect of the game you focus on, you play the game the way you enjoy and nobody should tell you how to play a game.
• More Players
We want more players (AkA Population) in our WvWvW Borderlands/EB and in our PvE Zones
• New/Casual/Hardcore
We are looking for New Players/casual/hardcore Players (WvWvW & PvE related), to us everyone deserves a chance and everyone should be able to play the game the way you want to.
• Timezones
Any/All Time zone is welcome to Eredon Terrace.
• No Gear Elitsm
We do not care about what level you are or what gear you are wearing, we will help you along the way.
• Solo, group, guild?
Solo players, small groups of players, Guilds of any size, everyone is welcome!
What can WE do for you?
• High Activity
We have High activity in PvE zones so you will not be “questing” alone.
• Higher PvE population
Having a Higher PvE population (we already have a high amount, but we would like more) will also help out the whole server and will get people geared up faster / Levelled faster and more events completed in a period of time as well as more parties for several dungeons so you can complete story/all paths in a matter of moments.
• Dungeons
A lot of dungeon runs are happening every day, there is never 1 day without a LFM/LFG (Although, a lot more people are using GW2lfg website due to a lack of LFG Finder in Guild Wars 2, and going to this website makes lfg’ing/lfm’ing a lot quicker than usual, We hope Arenanet implements a Dungeon Finder soon, it is needed in such a large-scale MMO and can bring the games community as a whole a lot more closer together and meet new friends)
• Friendly
We have a very friendly community, if you ask for help anywhere, you will get it, even if that question is so obvious, people will tell you, they will not troll or argue with you.
• WvW Mindset
Upon entering WvW you will see Eredon Terrace transform, into 1 spirit, 1 mind, 1 Sword into an Invaders Chest [Translation = we have good communication with the whole BL/EB (as well as communicating from 1 BL to another) and will fight as hard as we can, Every Day, Every Night.)
• Guilds
We have several big guilds all working together with smaller guilds also, so if you bring your Guild over to ET you will get a warm friendly welcome (Add on top of that people willing to help out your guild with Influence points for upgrades)
(edited by roostapro.9827)