Updated World Ratings (Jan. 18)

Updated World Ratings (Jan. 18)

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239

Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer


Here are the updated world ratings as of the match ending on January 18th


ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

Updated World Ratings (Jan. 18)

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239


Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer

And as text:

Name Rank Delta Rating Delta Deviation Volatility
Sea of Sorrows 1 0 2170.607 2.453 192.514 0.968
Jade Quarry 2 0 2141.913 -15.84 192.635 0.968
Blackgate 3 0 2076.316 14.031 194.977 0.968
Sanctum of Rall 4 1 1981.734 80.835 194.308 0.971
Stormbluff Isle 5 -1 1936.251 -110.372 197.8 0.975
Tarnished Coast 6 0 1903.448 26.284 195.56 0.968
Crystal Desert 7 0 1824.204 46.569 191.028 0.968
Fort Aspenwood 8 1 1743.324 11.411 191.051 0.967
Dragonbrand 9 1 1738.72 51.235 192.937 0.97
Isle of Janthir 10 -2 1697.177 -58.001 191.013 0.969
Maguuma 11 2 1671.007 90.458 203.702 0.974
Yak’s Bend 12 0 1598.58 -9.327 191.673 0.968
Ehmry Bay 13 -2 1570.719 -41.187 191.637 0.968
Kaineng 14 3 1448.679 179.929 196.729 0.999
Devona’s Rest 15 0 1341.406 -15.201 199.345 0.972
Borlis Pass 16 -2 1338.76 -69.534 196.88 0.972
Anvil Rock 17 -1 1210.981 -84.073 192.92 0.972
Northern Shiverpeaks 18 0 1158.548 -86.372 193.119 0.973
Darkhaven 19 0 1117.969 -114.786 207.65 0.981
Gate of Madness 20 0 1053.134 10.566 201.649 0.977
Henge of Denravi 21 0 1035.972 102.782 205.689 0.978
Sorrow’s Furnace 22 0 793.338 -30.339 208.643 0.982
Ferguson’s Crossing 23 0 744.723 36.845 201.431 0.973
Eredon Terrace 24 0 649.686 -10.392 203.905 0.975

Name Rank Delta Rating Delta Deviation Volatility
Seafarer’s Rest 1 1 2067.89 31.387 192.559 0.968
Vizunah Square 2 -1 2009.483 -68.468 194.096 0.972
Desolation 3 0 1980.737 36.709 194.699 0.97
Elona Reach 4 0 1928.548 21.383 193.939 0.97
Kodash 5 1 1812.028 21.27 193.124 0.968
Arborstone 6 -1 1795.621 -42.035 192.069 0.969
Baruch Bay 7 1 1780.714 72.74 191.504 0.97
Riverside 8 1 1747.443 97.297 192.723 0.972
Piken Square 9 1 1690.435 85.596 190.644 0.971
Jade Sea 10 3 1618.89 51.319 190.793 0.968
Blacktide 11 -4 1569.084 -171.902 193.174 0.987
Augury Rock 12 -1 1558.324 -19.116 190.323 0.967
Gandara 13 -1 1502.569 -66.262 190.429 0.969
Aurora Glade 14 0 1500.71 -20.323 190.436 0.967
Dzagonur 15 3 1494.124 70.959 192.662 0.972
Abaddon’s Mouth 16 -1 1488.507 -30.805 190.441 0.967
Drakkar Lake 17 0 1463.622 -16.356 191.191 0.967
Miller’s Sound 18 -2 1462.112 -53.919 192.092 0.969
Far Shiverpeaks 19 2 1397.905 51.141 191.621 0.969
Fort Ranik 20 -1 1385.141 -33.076 191.988 0.968
Underworld 21 -1 1335.239 -18.152 191.556 0.967
Gunnar’s Hold 22 0 1261.515 44.137 195.714 0.97
Ring of Fire 23 0 1197.402 -6.134 196.451 0.97
Whiteside Ridge 24 0 1083.457 -39.862 199.974 0.973
Ruins of Surmia 25 0 990.063 34.593 223.923 0.98
Vabbi 26 1 769.559 140.941 223.286 0.985
Fissure of Woe 27 -1 604.836 -154.231 212.175 0.984

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

Updated World Ratings (Jan. 18)

in WvW

Posted by: MarMaster.6241


Would it be possible to get the text format results in Comma-Separated-Value format? Thanks for the posts on overall results.

Dragonbrand (JQ) [FIRE]bats ~ Trusted member of the Universe
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too

Updated World Ratings (Jan. 18)

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Would it be possible to get the text format results in Comma-Separated-Value format? Thanks for the posts on overall results.

This is simple with sed (no server names start with a – or number):
$ sed ‘s/ \([0-9\-]\)/,\1/g’ servers.txt
Sea of Sorrows,1,0,2170.607,2.453,192.514,0.968
Jade Quarry,2,0,2141.913,-15.84,192.635,0.968
Sanctum of Rall,4,1,1981.734,80.835,194.308,0.971
Stormbluff Isle,5,-1,1936.251,-110.372,197.8,0.975
Tarnished Coast,6,0,1903.448,26.284,195.56,0.968
Crystal Desert,7,0,1824.204,46.569,191.028,0.968
Fort Aspenwood,8,1,1743.324,11.411,191.051,0.967
Isle of Janthir,10,-2,1697.177,-58.001,191.013,0.969
Yak’s Bend,12,0,1598.58,-9.327,191.673,0.968
Ehmry Bay,13,-2,1570.719,-41.187,191.637,0.968
Devona’s Rest,15,0,1341.406,-15.201,199.345,0.972
Borlis Pass,16,-2,1338.76,-69.534,196.88,0.972
Anvil Rock,17,-1,1210.981,-84.073,192.92,0.972
Northern Shiverpeaks,18,0,1158.548,-86.372,193.119,0.973
Gate of Madness,20,0,1053.134,10.566,201.649,0.977
Henge of Denravi,21,0,1035.972,102.782,205.689,0.978
Sorrow’s Furnace,22,0,793.338,-30.339,208.643,0.982
Ferguson’s Crossing,23,0,744.723,36.845,201.431,0.973
Eredon Terrace,24,0,649.686,-10.392,203.905,0.975

Seafarer’s Rest,1,1,2067.89,31.387,192.559,0.968
Vizunah Square,2,-1,2009.483,-68.468,194.096,0.972
Elona Reach,4,0,1928.548,21.383,193.939,0.97
Baruch Bay,7,1,1780.714,72.74,191.504,0.97
Piken Square,9,1,1690.435,85.596,190.644,0.971
Jade Sea,10,3,1618.89,51.319,190.793,0.968
Augury Rock,12,-1,1558.324,-19.116,190.323,0.967
Aurora Glade,14,0,1500.71,-20.323,190.436,0.967
Abaddon’s Mouth,16,-1,1488.507,-30.805,190.441,0.967
Drakkar Lake,17,0,1463.622,-16.356,191.191,0.967
Miller’s Sound,18,-2,1462.112,-53.919,192.092,0.969
Far Shiverpeaks,19,2,1397.905,51.141,191.621,0.969
Fort Ranik,20,-1,1385.141,-33.076,191.988,0.968
Gunnar’s Hold,22,0,1261.515,44.137,195.714,0.97
Ring of Fire,23,0,1197.402,-6.134,196.451,0.97
Whiteside Ridge,24,0,1083.457,-39.862,199.974,0.973
Ruins of Surmia,25,0,990.063,34.593,223.923,0.98
Fissure of Woe,27,-1,604.836,-154.231,212.175,0.984

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Updated World Ratings (Jan. 18)

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


HOLY COW!!!!! I’ve always wanted to be ~#1 to comment on a stick thread! People actually might read my comment!

Heya Tyria!

Oh. Thanks too for the ratings btw

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]