Upgrades need to be changed

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


I’m not sure how, but upgrades need to be altered some way in WvW. As it currently stands, there is almost no point in spending 45 silver (I believe that’s the price) to fully upgrade a supply camp. As a level 80 in exotics, I can easily solo any supply camp that doesn’t have the tier 2 upgrades. I can easily trio the supply camps that do. One might say that the enemy should be defending the supply camps, but with how quickittenhey go down it’s simply impossible to respond before they are capped.

I’m not sure how I feel about keep and castle upgrades, these seem fairly reasonable, as they can be difficult to capture. However, tower upgrades are in the same boat. There is really no point in spending upwards of 1.5g to fully upgrade a tower. They’re too easily taken, especially in “off-prime” hours. One five man group with a superior ram can take a fully upgraded tower in <5 minutes if defense doesn’t show up. The investment really just doesn’t seem to be worth the reward.

My suggestion is one of two things – DRASTICALLY reduce the cost of supply camp upgrades, and also reduce the cost of supply camp upgrades, or at the very least, make it so that if you upgrade a supply camp/tower, if it changes hands and you recap it, the upgrades cost 1/3 to 1/2 as much, but still require full supply.

Another possible suggestion would be to simply buff the upgrades. I really feel that supply camps are too easy to take. It’s all I do – run around solo or with an 80 guard friend and take every supply camp on the map. With the 80 guard we can cap the camp in <1 minute. It’s silly. The enemy has no time to respond and now their supplies have been cut by one or two people. It really should take at least two groups to take a FULLY UPGRADED supply camp. Three level 80’s taking a 45s upgraded supply camp is just silly, and makes the upgrades pointless. Personally, I feel that unupgraded supply camps should receive a buff as well, but that’s just me. Towers should probably be buffed a bit as well when upgraded, or their upgrades seriously buffed to make them a threat to two or three groups.

Anyway, I just think that it’s currently very unrewarding to upgrade supply camps or towers. The only supply camp that even makes sense to upgrade is the northernmost one on your borderlands, and perhaps the one between Dreadfall/tower or Hills/tower etc, but to be honest it really isn’t worth it here.

(edited by MrPicklez.6473)

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: fatboy.5016


last night me n 1 other took an upgraded tower. Yes you heard that, 2 people took a tower with no help :-)

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: Yougottawanna.7420


I’d like it if the upgrades just cost supply and not money, or at least way less money. Not many people want to spend 75+ silver on something that’s gonna be capped overnight. Maybe they’re meant as a money sink, but if you ask me there are already plenty of money sinks in the game and they could stand to lose a few.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Upgrading a Supplycamp is a complete waste. The best you can do is that buff for the champion guarding it, just to delay someone. But even that can be zerged through or bypassed with the application of Weakness.

Upgrading Stonemist is damnnear impossible. Its outer walls can be breached so easily, and SM changes hands quite often unless one server completely destroys the other two.
Why throw money at something you know you wont keep for long?

Keeps are a worthwhile investment, and towers can be aswell if they are close to your spawn and defendable.

But if one server is playing the nightcapping game, then upgrading for the other two servers is wasted money because its lost overnight anyway.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: Sniku.6837


when u upgrade a Supply camp to lvl 82 guards,pls upgrade the supervisor also to level 82,also pls make an option where i can choose if all guards(including supervisor) are to be ranged(1200 range),mixed,or melee,
also make them all linked,so when u aggro one,all will come and all focus fire on same target(but dont chase u long distance in case u run)
also an upgrade for a camp would be nice to suround it with a wooden wall,evan if it has low hp,it still nice to have just one way that the enemies can enter

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Camps were meant to be able to be taken out by small teams that a zerg isn’t paying attention too. That gives them some power when they are outmanned. Personally I see no reason to upgrade a camp at all, they are meant to change hands frequently. Save you money for the keeps.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


It’s what I’ve been saying all along. Either reduce upgrade costs by 400% (if something costs 40s, make it 10s) or introduce PUBLIC DONATION SYSTEM for upgrades based on filling a bar like in a dynamic event. One person initiates the upgrade, and anyone can put in silver, filling the bar.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: nornh.9280


Camps were meant to be able to be taken out by small teams that a zerg isn’t paying attention too. That gives them some power when they are outmanned. Personally I see no reason to upgrade a camp at all, they are meant to change hands frequently. Save you money for the keeps.

I agree. If anything, camp upgrades should affect supply – players can take 15-20 supply at a time, caravans have more dolyaks, etc.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: THORz.2098


It’s what I’ve been saying all along. Either reduce upgrade costs by 400% (if something costs 40s, make it 10s)

I believe you mean : reduce costs by 75%. :-)

If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I like the way camps are currently. They change hands quickly so it gives small groups something to do that is helpful. If one server is crushing the others then the losing servers can supply starve the winning server by taking camps and killing dolyaks.

If you really desperately need to get supply into that keep for upgrades then it’s worth it to upgrade the supply camps and stick a small force there to defend. A small group can defend a heavily upgraded supply camp pretty well especially the ones near the spawns. You can hold off an attacking force long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Camps like fog haven you have to invest more defenders if you want to prevent it from changing hands.

Sanctum of Rall

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: yertle.5837


Upgrades for towers on up are very much worth it; they delay the attackers long enough that you can mobilize to defend it. Supply camps you can usually leave with just improved deliveries since the others don’t do much of anything.

That said, you should be defending your camps. You can stop attacks on many of them if you have good battlefield coordination – some like Orchard are pretty much a lost cause, though.

Acenn (Thief)
also L80 Ele/Necro/Mesmer

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: nornh.9280


To expand on my earlier post, upgrades should enhance the purpose of the property:

Keeps are meant as a place of protection, so upgrades should make them even safer.

Towers act as a lookout and a rest spot away from the keep, so upgrades should enhance their lookout abilities (maybe enemy zergs show up on the map when nearing a tower) and provide buffs for people who enter.

Supply camps provide supply, so upgrades should affect the amount of supply players can take and the amount of supply delivered by caravans.

The castle is a sign of wealth, so upgrading it could increase everyone’s Magic Find and XP gained.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: DemonCow.5328


Even if they keep the current upgrades, those need to be changed. By now, everyone knows to kill the cannons if they’re there, then the oil if it’s there, and then you can put down siege on the gate. It’s almost guaranteed to go down.

Yeah, the attack can be wiped, but then it just depends on which server has more people online anyways. Well, with the current rendering issues, I’ve seen small groups wipe much bigger groups simply because only one group knew where the other one was. Before the last patch though, the smaller group wouldn’t have much of a chance unless the attackers were all just mindless zerglings.

Basically, the upgrades are only effective against smaller groups, which forces people to zerg around to take keeps/towers (which no one actually likes), and now the upgrades are mostly ineffective.

It just seems like there is a critical mass that the attacking side must reach, and that is the only determining factor as to whether or not the objective is going to be captured. Very few times have I seen a successful defense against far superior numbers, and the attackers just came back a few minutes later and succeeded anyways.

[TI] Taking Initiative- Tarnished Coast
Guild Leader

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


I completely agree that supply camps should be able to be taken by small groups. Or two small groups if it is fully upgraded. The problem is that they’re literally soloable. An upgraded supply camp can be easily soloed by a level 80 in exotics employing the right strategy. It would also help if camp aggro wasn’t broken, so that all of the NPCs would attack even when pulled away, but that still doesn’t solve the issue, as I’m able to dive a camp and take it without too much trouble.

I suppose I shouldn’t be complaining, as I’m benefitting from this, I just see it as a bit of a problem. And no, you can’t defend a supply camp if a group of 2-3 80’s in exotics dive it without you noticing them come in. They will have capped it before you get there, even if you notice the white swords the instant it is being attacked. So I guess waht I’m saying is that I agree, small groups should have something to do in WvW, but I still feel that upgrades are underwhelming, and that it should take 5 people to cap a supply camp, not one guy.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


. Not many people want to spend 75+ silver on something that’s gonna be capped overnight.

If 20 people capture something that awards 4 silver, thats it giving out 80s.

If keeps/towers weren’t also major gold sinks, they would be EXTREMELY broken from a money generation standpoint.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: pownguin.9205


last night me n 1 other took an upgraded tower. Yes you heard that, 2 people took a tower with no help :-)


Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: orlen.7810


5 man group we got together, capped keeps tower and then the garrison with no help.

as much fun as it was capping the garrison with a 5 man group is just silly and shouldn’t even be allowed to occur.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


I think they need to reward people for defending. I always stay to protect my investment but if things were geared to also protecting your positions that you’d invested money in via buffs or some other sort of system that wouldn’t get exploited by people sitting on their bums then we’d see a more tactical approach to WvWvW.

At the moment it’s zerg zerg zerg…. Gandara is out numbered to the point where we can only hold a few positions at a time on Gandara Borderlands and no one upgrades or sticks around what we’ve had because "Oh they’ll zerg it and we’ll lose it, there’s no point… we’ll lose it over night.

Perhaps if you manage to upgrade a point fully there should be some sort of buff that prevents a team from taking it for a certain amount of time, that way the fights would push to the fringes, the supply camps in order to ensure that places kept on upgrading.

Actually I don’t know how you approach the issue lol

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: Visiroth.5914


Magic lightning from the gods should strike down small forces who dare to step near a tower/keep? It’s the enemy team’s problem that they don’t defend/scout. I’ve defended upgraded towers with 1-2 people against 10+ invaders, the upgrades work fine.

Upgrades need to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Oh I defended Sunnyhill for 6 hours the other day but only saw like 3 fights in that six hours, I was paying for upgrades (all of them!), putting up all the arrow turrets and other siege equipment for little to no reward.

There’s no reward for ensuring your camp is fortified, there’s no reward for making sure you team has the tools to defend their position yet when the attack does come they all hop on to arrow carts and rake it in!

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue