Urgently Needed

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

WvW maps were modified, recently, (crafting stations removed).
This impacts playing in GW2 in a serious way.
In my case, i’m crafting 2 legendaries and ascended armor on multiple characters. Everyone knows how many trips to the stations, we need for those.
So we need convenience, a place where we can get right back to where we were.
That means craft and go back to the exact same spot in a very short time.
The craft over Lion Arch, does not provides the same service as WvW were giving. Plus, in the WvW case it had the added bonus that we could help the map as well for a short while when we came in and assessed the needs at hand. Many actually included that in their play style like come to help while waiting for a world boss to appear. This convenience is lost and will certainly impact WvW negatively. I’m thinking of the scouting, here not the zergs.
Since this inconvenience was created by Anet decision to cut a well established service, available since day one, it is fair to ask Anet to provide something with the same convenience. HoT has no crafting in it, all crafting is either in busy cities or low level areas. Not much is provided in high level areas, like Level 80 areas.

So, I suggest possible locations:
1. A new cavern in Verdant Brink, set up by the Pact with all the amenities, we need for crafting, including artisans and merchant NPC. It could be built in the living world story and add a little twist to that story.
2. or maybe as a token of appreciation for the support the GW1 people community has given to GW2, create an area in the Hall of Monument.
3. or maybe it can be added to the Guild Halls, making them very useful indeed. The Guild Halls, the way they are now, have many functions that are not that useful or important to everyday play. Maybe this would increase the traffic in Guild Halls.
4. Another Location that is possible is in Silverwastes.
5. Most useful, however is a location where one WP into it and and can go back to the exact same spot afterwards. This is a very common request, by a large number of players, including myself.
I think it is reasonable to ask for this, since we had this in the Beta stage as well as from release time to today.
Hopefully, someone in the Dev team, will realize that this is a big need, for a large number of their user base.
PVE players, i welcome your support, on this, thanks for your understanding.

(edited by Cybil Song.2359)

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I agree having a place that you can port to for crafting/banking/merchant and get back to where you were before would be incredibly useful. To me items like airship passes are not useful because they only travel one way; they don’t return you to where you were when you’re done.

That being said, I think megaserver does hinder the idea of going to an area as you’ve outlined a little bit because if you port into your crafting/banking area and when done you port back, you’re not guaranteed of getting into the same instance you were in before. Being in a party/squad can help mitigate this risk, but to be truly useful the port return should put you back not only to the same location you came from, but the same map instance too.

I’m guessing some will say having personal items like the banker inventory item, merchant item, or a temporary crafting item is the direction the design team wants to take this rather than you porting to a special area. That’s okay I suppose, but I’d rather have the special area to go to instead.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I do agree that the HoT maps need at least 1 banker, TP NPC, and crafting stations. Its ridiculous that I have to leave the region entirely to have access to those features since every other 4 map region in the game has bankers, TP, and crafting stations somewhere in it.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

Agreed, Orion. But mostly, I give a choice of paths to go, some may not be possible and the devs would know best, what is possible to do. The loss of the stations in WvW is very real and I suspect, will be extremely hard to make for.
It also impact a large part of the community, which is why i called it Urgent.
Even if the solution is Go Here, craft and then go to WvW coming back to where you were, still add that extra step and is a nuisance.
Anet was obviously trying to answer to a few of the WvW citizens doing only WvW and forgot about the rest that are more polyvalent and use the rest of the game. That’s really a shame, to isolate and box sections of GW2 in that way, it creates its own problems as well. The original path to the mist was well done, which is why so many came to like it and so many discovered WvW and took a liking to it, the way i see it, was a way to get peoples to discover WvW and incorporate it in your play. That was clever to do. Now we are moving to a specialization and WvW will hurt for it.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I cannot agree that this is a negative for WvW and you won’t convince me that the people who pop in to do their daily crafting stick around to scout and help around the borderland. However, I do agree that there should be an instance for crafting, and this should be in the guild hall.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Bellatrixa.3546


However, I do agree that there should be an instance for crafting, and this should be in the guild hall.

I’d rather that on exiting the terrace/airship, you get given the option of returning to where you were originally. I don’t see them adding crafting stations to guild halls as they wanted to keep cities populated and said that was why they didn’t add them to guild halls. Crafting stations in the Hall of Monuments would also work lore-wise, seeing as how in GW1 you’d go there to speak to an NPC to make consumables and the like.

I agree with you on it not being a negative from a WvW aspect 100% other than you need to make sure your siege is sorted out before going in, which to me is no different to going into instanced content like raids/fractals and sorting out your food/utilities beforehand.

“Even if we find a way to save the world from the
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever find a way to save us from ourselves.”

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643


Something implemented like the Morrowind Mark/Recall spells would be more universally useful; not just for the limited purpose of crafting.

A way to mystically ‘mark’ a single spot in Tyria (like where you’re currently adventuring), then you can ‘recall’ (i.e. teleport) to that specific spot any time (such as after you finished crafting in Rata Sum). The mark could stay until a new mark is created to replace it.

There’d probably need to be some necessary limitations/restrictions, of course…. but I think it could work w/o being game-breaking.


edit: P.S. OP, would you consider changing your thread title to hint at what your thread is actually about? Atm it’s just click-bait.

(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: CMM.6712


<snip> Something implemented like the Morrowind Mark/Recall spells would be more universally useful; not just for the limited purpose of crafting.

A way to mystically ‘mark’ a single spot in Tyria (like where you’re currently adventuring), then you can ‘recall’ (i.e. teleport) to that specific spot any time (such as after you finished crafting in Rata Sum). The mark could stay until a new mark is created to replace it.

This is a great idea to me, implemented properly it would be a definitive favorite item of many.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Terrier.8732


Click Bait got me :p

I’d love to see crafting stations in guild halls. It would help consolidate the enormous amount of time and effort people put in to upgrading them, and making them a really viable place for guilds to hang out and do “stuff”.

If Anet decide to do this, I’d also like to see it as auto upgrade at a certain level (maybe it goes with “Further Exploration” upgrade, not another huge material sink.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Uh oh drama! PVE versus WVW, what route will anet take!?!

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


The Airship and Royal passes should operate this way.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

WvW was not made for you to exploit.
/end of line

Also, if you notice the vast majority of the complaints, none of them are about WvW. It’s all about ones personal inconvenience by no longer being able to circumvent way pointing and keeping ones position in PvE.

This is a useless comment, just like trolls would do. Please refrain to comment, if you have nothing useful to share.
As well, I feel insulted by you implying that I’m using exploits when it is a service that everyone had since day one and thousands have used daily. That is uncalled for.
Some of us are having a discussion exploring ideas for other solutions to a real problem.

(edited by Moderator)

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Justine.6351


Put them in Eotm spawn points?

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: LetoII.3782


No! put them in SMC
Pay the iron price for your crafting

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


No! put them in SMC
Pay the iron price for your crafting

Lololol. As if there aren’t enough map whiners: “Why aren’t we hitting SM? I WANT SM!”

Ebil child. :p

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

Everyone knows Rata Sum is the best place to craft. So organized!

The Art of Roaming [gank]

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Norbe.7630


what happened these past few months…?
never seen Lions Arc so empty since i started playing gw2….


Duterte Death Squad [DDS]
Gate of Madness

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


This could all be in guild hall upgrades. It’s not like people socialize much while crafting anyways. Crafting hub + black lion trading rep and “bam!” Problems solved. Rata Sum is the best free place to go as long as you don’t forget which way you need to go.
Also, you were scouting while crafting in the citadel? I’m not sure what you can scout from there lol.
Personally, I think they should carve little caves into the spawns of obsidian sanctum and make that into a hub. They could even turn the arena into a dueling mini game that prevents the increased traffic from ruining duels.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

what happened these past few months…?
never seen Lions Arc so empty since i started playing gw2….

If this was after WvW reset, it makes sense to me. Lots of players wait on the WvW portals in Lion’s Arch until the matches change, and jump into the new match right away. They could easily fill up Lion’s Arch, and when they all leave it could probably feel empty.

At least that’s my best guess.

The Art of Roaming [gank]

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Get the mystic forge conduit or waypoint to lions arch. You can go into WvW and use the LA portal to get there without your precious 1silver being lost.

I’m hoping ANET removes the forge from WvW all together. If you’re not in WvW to participate, you don’t need to be there.

They should put the forge, all crafting stations, banker and Trading post into guild halls and be done with it.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at Asphyxia.tv/builds

(edited by Josh XT.6053)

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy an airship pass, that’s that Anet is hoping.

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

My point is this and is a simple one to understand:
After we have done a large meta, or every day ascended crafting for things like Refinement, Daily Ectoplasm Refinements for ascended gear, we need a place to go, that does not change the location where we are. Going to Lion Arch, for instance, changes that location and forces us to make our way back to sometimes difficult spot to reach.
We had this mechanism in WvW, plus the added feature of discovering WvW and contributing to those maps. This is gone now and has not been replaced by something equivalent.
This is the reason for this thread. Many have seen the same need and obviously, others are oblivious to basic facts.
Again: We need something that returns us to the same spot, not the same map. WP will not do this. Mapping to Lion Arch will not do this. Guild Halls are a possible destination and so is Hall of Monuments, if I forgot one please illuminate me, so far I know of no other destinations that would make this possible.
There is also the fact that full crafting involve 3 different characters, for the 6 specialties, a fact that is grossly under appreciated in these discussions.

(edited by Cybil Song.2359)

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

The best of the available choices, to me, is adding crafting to the sPvP lobby.

Guild halls: not everyone has a guild hall with a crafting table. It needs to be available to new people as well as new guilds and solitary players.

Add to the home instance: Good for those with a portal stone. Not so good without. It’s sure to set up a pay to win argument unless there’s a free way to get there from PvE maps.

Hall of Monuments: requires a portal stone. Easy to get but then people have to carry one around and use up an inventory slot.

So, SPvP lobby of all the available choices.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

I would be willing to pay for a home portal, if it had craft stations implemented in it.
That is a good solution as well and i agree with the PvP lobby, it would accomplish the same thing.
Since WvW players don’t care about loosing the transient players, loosing irregular players, and most don’t care about inexperienced peoples discovering WvW, it certainly is not an issue.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


My point is this and is a simple one to understand:
After we have done a large meta, or every day ascended crafting for things like Refinement, Daily Ectoplasm Refinements for ascended gear, we need a place to go, that does not change the location where we are. Going to Lion Arch, for instance, changes that location and forces us to make our way back to sometimes difficult spot to reach.

This is gone now and has not been replaced by something equivalent.
This is the reason for this thread.

This is exactly why this thread should be moved to the general discussion section. This is not a discussion about WvW, it’s matches, or it’s players.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

The problem originated in WvW, therefore, it should stay here until something is done about it somewhere else. No use to port it in a place that is irrelevant.
We are talking about a defunct WvW feature that was removed, it was used by WvW players, many of which were directly affected by it.
For those that have no interest in the subject, there are plenty of other threads to write in or consult.
Let this be the place for peoples concerned with that decision and how they will or could play WvW with their constraints in the future.
I refer you to: Removed crafting stations and vendors.
Who also have a discussion on the WvW change.
Mine is about the effect on WvW players that also play PVE, and craft. It is not intended for dedicated WvW players that do not craft and don’t see the needs of the others because they never experienced it.
I’m looking for suggestions and i got many good ones, collected here for possible improvements that would be more inclusive for different play styles or needs.
All I need is for a dev to read this, go through the motions and provide a similar service. after that we can discuss moving this thread somewhere else.

(edited by Cybil Song.2359)

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

My point is …….. we need a place to go, that does not change the location where we are.

Again, buy an airship pass!

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

My point is …….. we need a place to go, that does not change the location where we are.

Again, buy an airship pass!

I’m going to guess you know nothing about airship passes when you say that because this reply misses the point of this whole thread.

The request here was that does not change the location of where we are. Airship passes change the location of where you are.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


GW1 people community has given to GW2, create an area in the Hall of Monument.
3. or maybe it can be added to the Guild Halls, making them very useful indeed. The Guild Halls, the way they are now, have many functions that are not that useful or (snip)

dont the GH have those, or even that freebie guild house with free nodes ???

(EDIT) Dunno what was the point of giving GH that are map sized while they dont server for anything….
Just checked the guild workshop… tough it added those npcs

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Workshop <— Anet could make them via this upgrade or make it with cross upgreable with the Guild Market????

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

Sadly, Many that comments, can’t read through a simple point as explained very clearly by just a flesh wound. Thanks, flesh for clarifying this and that is “the whole point”.
Airpasses ARE NOT a solution to the problem, we discuss.
Guild Halls do not have those services, if they did, this discussion, would never have happened.

(edited by Cybil Song.2359)

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

GW1 people community has given to GW2, create an area in the Hall of Monument.
3. or maybe it can be added to the Guild Halls, making them very useful indeed. The Guild Halls, the way they are now, have many functions that are not that useful or (snip)

dont the GH have those, or even that freebie guild house with free nodes ???

The only crafting that guild halls have is scribing. They do not have the other crafting professions.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Aileras.9460


To me it didn’t seem like that big of a problem. But I’m guessing that anet, who has all the data, thought that it was. If we’re talking about non-wvw players who are just using it for a really small convenience (a few silver and a few seconds run time?) and if it impacts the wvw players game ie; lag which is a real problem that effects all of wvw. Then it needed to go, sorry to those it inconveniences. There has to be priorities pve comes first in pve areas, wvw comes first in the wvw area.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

Yes sir, WvW/PVE are a worthless breed, Sir. We should eliminate all of them, Sir.
Everything should be By The Book, Front to Back, WvW mayhem, Sir.
WvW players have no need for crafting, Sir. Let’s eliminate the nodes, while we are at it, Sir. Bankers are a distraction from WvW playing, Sir. Let’s eliminate that as well, Sir. Many NPCs have no function in WvW, let’s eliminate them as well, Sir. Pure WvW players have no need to trade on Black Lion, Sir. Let’s eliminate that, Sir. Guid banks are a nuisance and interfere with pure play, Sir, let’s eliminate that as well.
Citadel is too big, having all this empty space, let’s get rid of that, Sir and replace it with what WvW players really want, 3 more towers and 2 extra camps. Please, Sir, communicate this request to the Upper Brass, since they appear to be in a mood for changes, Sir.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: aristotle.2813


I totally disagree for crafters taking up space in WvW which is meant for players to fight for their servers. Do your crafting and PvE stuff elsewhere if you have the need. You can always get back into WvW after you are done.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

To my Greek friend, This thread is not about crafting in WvW. Sorry to disappoint you, there are other thread for discussing the relevance of crafting in WvW.
This thread is about new places for crafters and apply only to crafters, wherever they play. It is posted here, because the problem, for them, originates here.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


The issue for you, is that you still are trying to circumvent moving. That you believe having a character parked at the end of a JP or next to a world chest, should be able to craft still. If you want to park a mule, then a mule is all it should be. That means all you need is bank and merchant access, which you have in the PvP lobby. If you want to craft, which is an activity, you should have to move.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

The issue for you, is that you still are trying to circumvent moving. That you believe having a character parked at the end of a JP or next to a world chest, should be able to craft still. If you want to park a mule, then a mule is all it should be. That means all you need is bank and merchant access, which you have in the PvP lobby. If you want to craft, which is an activity, you should have to move.

^ Agreed with all of the above. People are so lazy lol.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at Asphyxia.tv/builds

Urgently Needed

in WvW

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

We hear the same boring arguments, over and over trying to justify, why something is this way and why a circle should be square. The last 2 always repeating the same thing that has been answered by many and explained in great details by many and it’s always the same argument about circumventing something, implying dishonesty or whatever, parking mules, general put downs. But such argument have never been about the core discussion in this thread, just revealing that simple concepts for some can’t be grasped by some,
1) Nobody here is discussing crafting in WvW.
2} Comments are about what was and what could be (certainly outside of WvW)
3) A point can be made about removing everything else in WvW, that is unrelated to WvW, there are threads for that and here is not the place to discuss this, since we talk about a service to be provided in the future, for those that need it,
4) This is the goal of this thread, looking for the future and future solutions.

WvW players can keep their WvW the way it is and adjust to the way it is evolving. As far as I’m concerned, i play where i want, when I want, I get camps, towers and keeps when I please. My time here is directly proportioned to my earning and how satisfying, I find my experience, just like anybody else. Simple? I’m certain, that this is a simple thing to grasp.

(edited by Cybil Song.2359)