Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: BlackWing.7415


The new (old) defense tactic is to use catapults to bombard your own gates from inside to keep the attackers (flame rams) from the gate.

That renders rams and any melee assaults useless. Besides the possibility to bombard your own gate to “defend” it just shouldn’t be there.

I believe that in WvW siege weapons should damage to friendly buildings (and even players). Now that would make for far more interesting tactics when using siege weapons. If your planing to bombard your own troops/garrisons as a form of defense there should be consequences.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


lol do that and watch the server hopping enemies stand there breaking all the gates and walls for their guildies to walk through

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


No, opens a ridiculous method of griefing.


Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: BlackWing.7415


Well personalty i believe whole WvW should be remade from scratch. Then again greifing… sorry i forgot that most humans are trash. Nwm then

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


Copy DAoC = Win.

Right now WvW is terrible and wont last long I fear.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Kwajo.3541


I see nothing wrong with it. All it is is another aoe effect. Instead of putting down rams, put down catapults to take down the gate. By your argument, if a catapult causes friendly fire, then why not a player’s? Why do I get hit by a ranger’s barrage and not the player I’m fighting? When a guardian blasts players back off the other side of gate, why doesn’t he give himself a concussion lol? When a zerg of 40 people are on a gate bashing it with their fists, why aren’t they cutting each other to pieces? How do you get 40 people on a gate with enough room to swing anyway? As long as there is a counter to it, it’s all good.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


they will eventually fix the AoE damage near doors, and apply the same line of code that AoE against walls have.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: yertle.5837


As long as there is a counter to it, it’s all good.

You can also counter the cata with good ram positioning, at least if they aren’t shooting over the door.

Acenn (Thief)
also L80 Ele/Necro/Mesmer

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: BlackWing.7415


I see nothing wrong with it. All it is is another aoe effect. Instead of putting down rams, put down catapults to take down the gate. By your argument, if a catapult causes friendly fire, then why not a player’s? Why do I get hit by a ranger’s barrage and not the player I’m fighting? When a guardian blasts players back off the other side of gate, why doesn’t he give himself a concussion lol? When a zerg of 40 people are on a gate bashing it with their fists, why aren’t they cutting each other to pieces? How do you get 40 people on a gate with enough room to swing anyway? As long as there is a counter to it, it’s all good.

I would love all of that sadly its not that great of a game. Besides the trash will back stab me and i dont want that.

So we will stick with counters. Special ram placements, or just plain range assaults will become the norm. Just as intended by Anet.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: TheFug.5278


DAOC RvR kind of sucked. It was a zerg fest with no real reason to attack keeps unless you wanted DF open. Do NOT copy DAOC.

Just make it so you can’t AoE through doors.

[KH] Kwisatz Haderach

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


You can place rams in such a way that the catapults from the inside won’t knock the ram users back, however the rams will still get damaged – but takes some time to get destroyed.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Rams can be placed back enough so that they are unaffected by catapults targeting the gate.

It would be great if all siege, keeps/towers and AoE were affected by friendly fire but It is not going to happen in my lifetime.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


This is the only thing stopping defense from being a total joke.

It’s EXTREMELY easy to bust down a fort door even now. Unless the enemy can push out and out-zerg you, you’ll eventually win. Killing the rams just slows things down. If AE damage didn’t go through the gate, they wouldn’t even be able to do that and every attack would be a 3 minute affair unless other significant changes were made.

Also, protip:
Arrow carts do more total DPS than catapults.

The only reason catapults were used was because arrow carts were getting killed in 2 shots by retaliation. With retaliation damage not impacting siege, arrow carts should be used instead of catapults.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


If I could use siege weapons to kill my own teammates, that’s all I would ever do. As soon as they start to whining, BAM!

I like this suggestion, ArenaNet.

Really, though. Reading the entire front page of the forum only serves to make me believe that schools really are teaching kids to be entitled liberals. Nothing but cry after cry after cry! “I can’t win! I need you to make the game easier for me to win!”

Nobody looking to put in any of their own effort! Nobody looking shoot a catapult with another catapult. Just BAN catapults! Pathetic.

I look forward to killing you soon.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


For the record, I wasn’t crying, I really would love the added challenge of friendly fire. It would make things far more interesting from a tactical level.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Friendly fire would require a Planetside style system that tracks your FF damage and locks you down when you do too much of it.

Planetside is an MMOFPS with friendly fire enabled but the system they have implemented pretty well prevents rampant TKing. You can kill a teammate here or there (on accident or otherwise) and get away with it but too much FF too fast will effectively shut you out of the game until a cooldown timer wears off.

It’s a pretty good system, but probably too much to implement in this game at this time.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: BlackWing.7415


Also, protip:
Arrow carts do more total DPS than catapults.

Good to know, thanks for the info.

If I could use siege weapons to kill my own teammates, that’s all I would ever do. As soon as they start to whining, BAM!

I like this suggestion, ArenaNet.

Really, though. Reading the entire front page of the forum only serves to make me believe that schools really are teaching kids to be entitled liberals. Nothing but cry after cry after cry! “I can’t win! I need you to make the game easier for me to win!”

Nobody looking to put in any of their own effort! Nobody looking shoot a catapult with another catapult. Just BAN catapults! Pathetic.

Thats just sad man….

Anyhow. As been said there are counters to everything and this is countered in its own way. Finding a counter and using it is great. But as counters to counters grow and as the time goes by the wvw assault and defense will become pretty limited and boring (as if it wasn’t limited already). Few weeks later all of us will probably know the proper ram placements and if that will be countered then few weeks later rams will be considered as obsolete and just range equipment will be deployed afterwards etc.

Simply put. I just dont consider that firing at your own door to defend is fine as a mechanic. If its the only feasible option for the defense then there is something really wrong in wvw in general.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: WereDragon.6083


Defenders are already limited in defensive options as is. The attackers can throw bodies at the door till the tower is out of resource and there is not much the defense can do about it. Any siege placed on the wall for defense is instantly AoE’d down by the multitude of rangers and the MASSIVE circle arrow range drops in.

Tower lords are a joke, me and a buddy with proper dodging and tactics have 2 manned a tower lord before. (thief, guardian) so that’s another strike against defenders.

Give us something at least. and as the posters up top said, flame rams still work, just need to be planted back.

Also in note why the hell do we have to upgrade the walls first before the door, wouldn’t the door be quicker and require less resources?

What do we say to the god of death? Not Today….
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

“Copy Daoc = win”

I’ve used a 3d program for maybe a couple days. I can make better 3d models than what that game has.

The gameplay and amount of time spent making that game both look kitten poor. No rendering issues there because there isn’t kitten to render.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: WereDragon.6083


Yeah the only problem is DAoC was medieval times and GW2 is just pre industrial revolution.

What do we say to the god of death? Not Today….
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: gosu.4128


IMO cata shooting at gate is great. It promotes innovative use of other sieges.

Attacker: Ram up
Defender: Counters with cata shooting at gate (If ram is mispositioned)
Attacker: Counters with ranged sieges shooting at gate
Defender: Needs to come up with a way to counter attacker’s ranged sieges

It’s more challenging and more fun. It forces people to think of counters, and ways to attack/defend. I hate when people whine about things, just to make it easier on themselves. If you want the game to be easy, go play tic-tac-toe.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


What about breathing fire through the door with your Guardian? Or flamethrowing through the door with your Engineer? We need to ban that too, because I just don’t like being burned with fire as I’m assaulting a tower!

You know what? I don’t like that thieves can stealth, either. Or that mesmers can clone themselves. That’s really annoying, so lets work to get that banned! Let’s just put an end to everything that these developers have put together until we have a game like that piece of crap in the video that the kid with the screwed up name posted!

Let’s level the playing field a little bit! It’ll be good for everybody! Let’s tailor this game for the casual player who just wants to mash his buttons and win! LOL!

I look forward to killing you soon.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Isila.2574


Rams and melee attacks on the front gate are not the only way into a base. The walls have HP bars for a reason.

They can take out catapults nailing enemies at the gate right around the same time they put in defensive parapets that make sense. The LoS issues defending the front gate from the walls are ridiculous.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


Please, Isila. To use another option is just out of the question! Common sense? What is that?! Let’s fundamentally change the game instead!

I just wonder how many store managers these kids are bothering when they try to push the pull door and it doesn’t work.

I look forward to killing you soon.

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: Isila.2574


Please, Isila. To use another option is just out of the question! Common sense? What is that?! Let’s fundamentally change the game instead!

I just wonder how many store managers these kids are bothering when they try to push the pull door and it doesn’t work.

It’s like… take the Hills keep in the border lands. You would have to be mentally deficient to try to get into that keep by ramming and meleeing the door at a HUGE tactical disadvantage (what with the whole ‘being on top of a hill shooting down at the only approach’ thing) when you could just build trebuchets at the supply camp north of it and take out the near walls.