Use of the R word
You keep making this comparison of people doing kittenty things in video games to mosh pits, but that logic doesn’t hold up. You don’t go into a mosh pit if you don’t want to get hit because the sole purpose of a mosh pit is for people to flail around wildly.
Video games, and for a more specific example, WvW, aren’t designed to be places where people talk kitten to each other. Sure, it happens sometimes, but that’s not directly tied to the experience they are based on.
Allow me to explain why the mosh pit example holds up.
1. The internet is a place where people go to be themselves. Wholesale. That’s it. We hang out with like minded people. We listen to videos that we like or agree with, some of us listen to videos we disagree with for either enjoyment, argument, or for any number of reasons.
The mosh pit, is the internet.
If you go onto the internet, and aren’t 100% expecting & knowing that you’ll bump into something that you don’t like, you’re an idiot.
Just like a mosh pit. If you go into a mosh pit, and aren’t 100% expecting & knowing you’ll have people bump into you, you’re an idiot.
2. Online video games are on the internet.
Thus is why I tried to explain that what is being attempted is to cordon off (section off) a portion of this mosh pit (the internet).
Unfortunately, you’re taking up too much of the freaking pit. Maybe make your home a bit smaller. You know, like a discord server that has rules against saying the R word.
Sorry to tell you this, but the mosh pit analogy is perfect. It’s exactly what the internet is, and you’re consenting to being bumped into (note: Not attacked, just bumped into) every time you hop on the internet. Whether that be in a video game or otherwise.
I’m not an kitten if I bump into you, it’s expected here.
about your feedback, that we don’t even read it.” ~ Crystal Suzuki
(edited by TheOneWhoSighs.7513)
Come on guys its 2017, and we are trying to get women gaming aren’t we? So is is the R word still used in WvW? I don’t see how it has a place in GW2 in 2017. Its not used often but its still about, please can it just go?
A mooThe term I’m thinking about isn’t exclusive to women. What about guys that spent time in jail, or played football at Penn state?
Same goes for them. Yea, most people think of women as the ones affected by this, but there’s certainly plenty of guys who’ve been through this as well.
You keep making this comparison of people doing kittenty things in video games to mosh pits, but that logic doesn’t hold up. You don’t go into a mosh pit if you don’t want to get hit because the sole purpose of a mosh pit is for people to flail around wildly.
Video games, and for a more specific example, WvW, aren’t designed to be places where people talk kitten to each other. Sure, it happens sometimes, but that’s not directly tied to the experience they are based on.
Allow me to explain why the mosh pit example holds up.
1. The internet is a place where people go to be themselves. Wholesale. That’s it. We hang out with like minded people. We listen to videos that we like or agree with, some of us listen to videos we disagree with for either enjoyment, argument, or for any number of reasons.
The mosh pit, is the internet.
If you go onto the internet, and aren’t 100% expecting & knowing that you’ll bump into something that you don’t like, you’re an idiot.
Just like a mosh pit. If you go into a mosh pit, and aren’t 100% expecting & knowing you’ll have people bump into you, you’re an idiot.
2. Online video games are on the internet.
Thus is why I tried to explain that what is being attempted is to cordon off (section off) a portion of this mosh pit (the internet).
Unfortunately, you’re taking up too much of the freaking pit. Maybe make your home a bit smaller. You know, like a discord server that has rules against saying the R word.
Sorry to tell you this, but the mosh pit analogy is perfect. It’s exactly what the internet is, and you’re consenting to being bumped into (note: Not attacked, just bumped into) every time you hop on the internet. Whether that be in a video game or otherwise.
I’m not an kitten if I bump into you, it’s expected here.
Here’s where your example doesn’t hold up:
No one here doesn’t expect to not run into trolls. However, just because you expect to encounter people acting like jerks doesn’t mean that you can’t say something against it. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t say something against it. And saying something against it does make a difference, even though it won’t make the problem go away entirely.
But regardless of the medium of interaction, we are still human beings and we should expect people to be respectful with each other to some degree, even if disrespect is inevitable. Just because the degree of disrespect on the internet is greater doesn’t mean that disrespect is suddenly justified.
That freedom also cuts both ways. People are free to act like trolls, jerks, etc. People are also free to not act that way and speak in opposition to those actions. Opinions are expressed freely here, regardless of how taboo or conservative they may be.
And just because some people act some ways on the internet doesn’t mean everyone has to act that way. The internet has everyone, from 4-channers who spend their days drawing kittens on My Little Ponies to scholars who dedicate endless hours vetting the etymology of ants on Wikipedia pages.
The existence of the vocal and offensive does not define the silent and agreeable.
You may see more of one side of the internet, just because that’s where you dedicate most of your time, but that doesn’t mean that this is what the internet is in its entirety, nor even its majority.
Video games may be on the internet, a place where some people act like jerks sometimes, but that doesn’t mean for the act of being a jerk.
Video games are designed for people to be able to play video games.
That’s it.
The community that inhabits a game are the effect of the game, not the cause of the game.
Mosh pits are designed for moshing. Video games are designed for gaming.
Your comparison works better with a bad neighborhood. There’s lots of violence in really rough neighborhoods and people going to those neighborhoods should expect that violence because of it’s prevalence.
Not upset firstly. Giving my 2 cents from my own pov. I would never go out of my way to pick someone apart in game. I am just failing to see how posting here about it will be constructive. Anet already has systems in place to deal with this so why not utilize them is all I am saying.
Fort Aspenwood
Oh, well that mystrey is solved. Haven’t really seen that used much but in these parts we don’t accept it, although we don’t really go out of our way to make it an issue.
Pretty sure it is already not allowed you can just report people for that and let anet enforce their own rules. If you are being harassed or threatened, then they can also get authorities involved.
That being said you are free to express your opinion but I would recommend just not associating with people of the sort… If you really want, you can also res them to 99% and throw a ballista on top of them. There is no rule against that either. Sometimes hands slip and you are trying to build siege but you accidentally res someone.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Here’s where your example doesn’t hold up:
No one here doesn’t expect to not run into trolls. However, just because you expect to encounter people acting like jerks doesn’t mean that you can’t say something against it. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t say something against it. And saying something against it does make a difference, even though it won’t make the problem go away entirely.
Saying the R word isn’t even trolling. Like, seriously. The OP doesn’t even separate whether it’s okay to talk about the topic even in a serious manner.
Also, it’s the internet & we’re all trolls.
If you tell me you haven’t trolled or tried to troll anyone, all I can do is shake my head in disappointment.
Also no.
It doesn’t make a difference. In fact, because you’ve pointed it out, all you’ve made multiple people want to do is use it even more.
Because that’s what the internet is for, and plow anyone that thinks otherwise.
Video games may be on the internet, a place where some people act like jerks sometimes, but that doesn’t mean for the act of being a jerk.Video games are designed for people to be able to play video games.
That’s it.
The community that inhabits a game are the effect of the game, not the cause of the game.
Mosh pits are designed for moshing. Video games are designed for gaming.
Your comparison works better with a bad neighborhood. There’s lots of violence in really rough neighborhoods and people going to those neighborhoods should expect that violence because of it’s prevalence.
Actually, your last comparison would work better if it was a gated community inside a bad neighborhood.
Like a video game, and like a dance floor that was created as a sectioned off part of a mosh pit.
The bad neighborhood (internet) is a mosh pit.
The gated community (video game) is the place where you reside.
The bunker beneath your house (a small discord server) is the amount of space you could realistically control whether or not you get mugged.
about your feedback, that we don’t even read it.” ~ Crystal Suzuki
@ TheOneWhoSighs.7513
I think we’ve gone about as far as can be productive. You seem pretty set in believing that all of the internet is the same as you and if you think that my opinion just encourages you to try even harder to be a jerk to others, then all I can do is shake my head and move on, because you’re obviously not my target audience if so.
You’re all wrong. The purpose of the internet is for the easy transmition of media of an adult nature.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Yes, heaven forbid you use: decimate, nuked, slaughtered, trounced, smashed, rousted……
…. or hundreds of other words.
Here, this will help:
If it causes someone else pain, why would you not try to be human?
Especially when there are so many colourful options.
I think tilled is a fantastic word.
Let’s make it viral.
Like Rick Rolled.
And yes I think most folks would tone it down if spoken to privately.
“We totally rousted them!” just doesn’t have the same impact. War language is crude and practical, not flowery and abstract.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
“We totally rousted them!” just doesn’t have the same impact. War language is crude and practical, not flowery and abstract.
You’re killing the writer in me Chaba.
Is the word even allowed to be said in-game? I don’t think I’ve seen it actually typed out in-game. I can understand why some people may find the word offensive, specially if you’ve been a victim. Anyways, I don’t see the use of the word changing anytime soon so if you’re offended by it then you have the options available to you to not surround with players who use it.
“We totally rousted them!” just doesn’t have the same impact. War language is crude and practical, not flowery and abstract.
You’re killing the writer in me Chaba.
Well, rekt I thought was the typical term.
And there’s always aus the flexible f’d word.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
This is a topic that I’ve been concerned about too, not as a woman, but as a human being. Hurtful words that are used unthinkingly can impact anyone, from a victim of sexual assault to a person with Down’s Syndrome or an individual with physical handicaps.
We do try to filter the use of certain words on the forums. I stand behind that process because, viewing the big picture, an individual’s perceived “right to free speech” which so often equates to “right to offend” should not outweigh a community’s right to enjoy a pleasant and accepting experience.
Because some seem unable or unwilling to participate in a straightforward conversation on this topic, I’ve locked the thread and the moderators will conduct a significant clean-up on the contents.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)