Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


For the first time in Kaineng’s history we won our bracket! So we decided to make a video to celebrate this historical accomplishment for a server that has come such a long way.

Kaineng’s “We are the Champions!” Video:

Disclaimer – While watching the video keep in mind that I am always solely focused on getting as many players from my server in shots as possible to display in videos how much my server has progressed and how much fun they are having. The last thing on my mind during filming is to show off my PvP skills on a very low level character and possibly miss out on an epic shot.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Nice job. As an avid server hopper, I spent a few days this week on Kaineng. It is a fun server, they have a ton of server pride. When I first switched, they were losing pretty badly but it didn’t seem to deter them. I have seen other servers just fold up and quit. It didn’t bother them, they would just keep plugging away trying to take objectives. We started with very little in our homeland, but by the end of the night, we pushed everyone out.

You can tell they are a young server. They made some newbie mistakes with siege, but I think all those things will come in time.

Nice win for the week.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: smiljem.4632


Was there a single defender?

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


They capped everything at night. I’m not trying to take away from the win, but it is true. Prime time for US had some good battles, but DR and FC came out on top. This is the first real taste I have had of night capping on FC. It kind of sucks knowing that unless we get more off peak players we can’t compete.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Oh hey, my comment showed up in the video! And I’m not even involved in any of the related servers (TC here)! Cool!

Seriously though, congradulatations on the Underdog Win. Was bound to happen eventually!

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Its good to see kaineng finally on top. We have always enjoyed fighting you guys whenever we were matched together. Its good to see guilds decided to move to the lower pop servers to help balance the game. The night capping is annoying yes…but its expected esp since WvW is 24/7 give them the credit they deserve for making a comeback. From the updated scoreboards they posted,even during the primetime of your servers pop they still held 90% of the map. Looks like their server came together and pulled it off.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: ThighBruiser.7504


They capped everything at night. I’m not trying to take away from the win, but it is true.

Oh don’t worry your not, Anet has already give their stance on night capping, but apparently you haven’t read the sticky?

DH ‘night caps’ every day, and you know what? We get everything usually taken away from us in the mornings, it’s all about your servers 24/7 presence.

Congratz on the win

Thigh Bruiser – [KoTa] Knights Of The Abyss

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


What happens if Ferg takes back the lead today before the end of the match?

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


You do realize the match isn’t over yet right?

All FC needs is to maintain 500 points for the majority of the day to win. They’re already at +400. There’s no one on Kaineng or DR to stand in their way. Our 4 man defense just got ran over by 30 FC’s in EB.

Server pride is one thing, but this is something all together different. It’s distasteful, and if we lose you’re going to be feeling really embarrassed in about 7.5 hours and it’s going to make the server look bad in the process.

For your sake I hope a lot more people show up to help defend today because the 4 of us out there right now aren’t do so hot.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


You do realize the match isn’t over yet right?

All FC needs is to maintain 500 points for the majority of the day to win. They’re already at +400. There’s no one on Kaineng or DR to stand in their way. Our 4 man defense just got ran over by 30 FC’s in EB.

Server pride is one thing, but this is something all together different. It’s distasteful, and if we lose you’re going to be feeling really embarrassed in about 7.5 hours and it’s going to make the server look bad in the process.

For your sake I hope a lot more people show up to help defend today because the 4 of us out there right now aren’t do so hot.

When you post youtube videos is it [youtube]URL[/youtube]…for instance to post the youtube video on the front of this post instead of adding a link would it be [youtube]yj9ZgV_Nli0[/youtube] ? Because thats not working…

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Stonehenge.7830


i agree with Fubuki here. Your taking this whole thing way to far. Server pride is one thing but seriously how many threads have you made about this same thing? The only time you gain any significant points is when you guys are capping against no resistance for 6 hrs or more. Over the last 3 days your averaging around 20k points gained during that time period. You do realize that, right?

I still understand you and the server are very proud of the accomplishment and rightfully so, but don’t go overboard as that just looks bad and starts to soil that accomplishment. Again, congrats on the win.

Yes, I know it isn’t over yet, but at 15min increments and 4k+ point defict (can’t see deficit at moment). That would require us to keep at least a 145 point lead for the next 7 hrs and it is starting to enter prime time for all 3 servers. It is still possible but not propable.

Johanne Timber – [Heap] – Borlis Pass
Stonehenge Grr – [Heap]

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


Well…I WAS cheering for Kaineng.

Dear FC, I would be tickled to death if you guys hit them with a lightning fast, sieged out, map-capping party of death today, the way their night squad did to us (DR) in our borderlands last night after working so hard to take everything and upgrade it.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Good Job, now the people who were rooting for Kaineng will be rooting for Ferg.

Me included.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: micron.5369


As someone who has been on Kaineng since the early days, I have to say that it saddens me a bit to see a post like this.

Firstly, it’s disrespectful. Secondly, this video was posted with almost 1 full day left and the match is still far from over. Have a little respect for the folks who are out there still battling to solidify the win, and who are trying to still get the win for Fergs.

Additionally, any “Kaineng” win has been taken out of context. Every other server has been in this position before (e.g., they’ve won before), and it’s nothing to gloat about on the forums. If Kaineng does win, it’ll be a proud moment for the server – NOT for any of the other 23 servers. If Kaineng wins, I’ll be there in Lion’s Arch quietly celebrating with my server, but you won’t see me posting all about it on the forums.

If you want to talk about the “champions” of the match, I’d talk about the folks who are out there fighting when they’ve been mathematically eliminated. (RED) from Devona’s Reach was out there battling hard last night even when their server didn’t have a chance to come in first place. Folks like them have earned my respect.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834



I have been following you for a long time and rooting for this moment. I’m so proud of what you have been able to endure and prevail though to get to this moment. Please enjoy the moment you so very much deserve.

You will always have a fan here, even if someday we face each other again….(i’ll still be out to kill each and every one of you, but with admeration.

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: revcornelius.6519


We haven’t won yet and winning isn’t everything. I am thinking we will see some great fights tonight and next week.

Artillery / Penumbral Effect – NOQQ – Kaineng

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



That post, for me, really go too far. The weeks before, i was rooting for you guys and loved reading your resume of the fights.

But this post, man what the hell? You really made a video with that song? How disrespectful is it for your ennemy.

Pride is a thing, now you are well over it. It’s bad sportmanship.

If I was a server hoper, I would join FC just to help them win the match before the time is up.

I hope you lose, sincerely.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Look at this server and how they fight like lions for every point minute by minute.
Look at this server and how far down these guys are and not even taught about transfering to an easy ride.
Look at this server and see proof of what server pride can do for your server.

I can only say this…….you guys are #1 no matter what position you are in /salute Kaineng

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


I keep having to say this to people from Kaineng, and I don’t get why: have some class. We are all happy to see the once-underdog win (I sincerely was happy to see your server make such a huge surge in the last week, but between the OP and a certain “mighty” Kain player, I’m surprised there is enough room in kaineng for anyone else when those inflated egos are taking up so much space), but things like this belittle that victory, and make you look like you guys lack ANY humility what-so-ever. You couldn’t wait until tomorrow to post this?

And if things continue as they are, it looks like the Fergs and us DRs are going to get to know each other real well over the next week or so, I look forward to it!

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Another attention starved thread from Kaine the server hopping arenanet fanboy forum posting extraordinaire. Why am I not surprised. One moment you claim your old server was nothing but people putting you on your ignore list after moving to another server and then you moved the next day to Kaining. Every single time you did something you made a silly forum topic about it. Let me give you a clue, no one cares and you clearly only speak for your own selfish interests.

Now that I got that out…

If Kaining pulls this off congrats to them, they worked hard and deserve it.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


i agree with Fubuki here. Your taking this whole thing way to far. Server pride is one thing but seriously how many threads have you made about this same thing? The only time you gain any significant points is when you guys are capping against no resistance for 6 hrs or more. Over the last 3 days your averaging around 20k points gained during that time period. You do realize that, right?

If you have almost no defense for over 6h, you deserve to lose and they deserve to win.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Stonehenge.7830


i agree with Fubuki here. Your taking this whole thing way to far. Server pride is one thing but seriously how many threads have you made about this same thing? The only time you gain any significant points is when you guys are capping against no resistance for 6 hrs or more. Over the last 3 days your averaging around 20k points gained during that time period. You do realize that, right?

If you have almost no defense for over 6h, you deserve to lose and they deserve to win.

That is one of the reasons why these 3 servers are in the bottom tier. Now Kaineng will likely move up to the next tier purely because of the off primetime pwnage and the influx of WvW players during primetime. It doesn’t take skill to take down a tower or a keep when it is you against the door. They now have a better WvW server than DR and FC due to those additions. Mostly the primetime added players (either transfer or home grown) as that allows them to mitigate the damage during primetime and have a decisive advantage outside of primetime. Never said it was wrong but it is what it is.

Johanne Timber – [Heap] – Borlis Pass
Stonehenge Grr – [Heap]

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


i agree with Fubuki here. Your taking this whole thing way to far. Server pride is one thing but seriously how many threads have you made about this same thing? The only time you gain any significant points is when you guys are capping against no resistance for 6 hrs or more. Over the last 3 days your averaging around 20k points gained during that time period. You do realize that, right?

If you have almost no defense for over 6h, you deserve to lose and they deserve to win.

That is one of the reasons why these 3 servers are in the bottom tier. Now Kaineng will likely move up to the next tier purely because of the off primetime pwnage and the influx of WvW players during primetime. It doesn’t take skill to take down a tower or a keep when it is you against the door. They now have a better WvW server than DR and FC due to those additions. Mostly the primetime added players (either transfer or home grown) as that allows them to mitigate the damage during primetime and have a decisive advantage outside of primetime. Never said it was wrong but it is what it is.

They are now more competitive and thus they win as a server. Working as intended.

It’s not luck, it’s not random. They earned their victory simply because they showed on this board Kaineng was a fun server. Guilds just looking to push a loser up could have chosen any of the lesser three, or even a middle one, but they went to Kaineng not only because it was last, but because of the publicity their community did during the last two weeks.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Andead.8567


LOL what is the lvl of this elemental?? are u playing with 3 skill?? o.O

Andeadwolf –Ring of Fire – [WIC]
War Inc Community

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Please dont let Kain make you think he represents Kaineng as a server. He hasnt been appointed our spokesperson.

Anyone responding to this thread saying "kaineng’ has no class for the boasting… get a clue… its the opinion of one guy… why you people would think it reflects on the entire server is beyond me and very presumptious.

the match isnt over yet, no one has won anything.

IF!!! we do win… it will have been a hard fought one. MEANING Fergs and DR put up a heck of a fight and made us work for it. MEANING we foguht tooth and nail ourselves.

this win is not due to night capping. We also for days on end, maintained the point lead throughout the day AND during preimtime…. please dont distort the truth, as there is a website that easily verifies who held what points at what time and on what day throughout the 7day matchup.

War Machine came to Kaineng yesterday… and is probably leaving tomorrow… they were only here 1 day during a timeslot whe there was no one to fight. They ahd zero impact on the score.

Much respect to [RED] on Devona’s, I agree with previous poster, those guys always put up a heck of a fight. /salute.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Sokar Rostau.7316

Sokar Rostau.7316

Those of you being harsh on Kaineng clearly didn’t notice who posted the OP. Kaineng isn’t the only server to say “he doesn’t speak for us”.

Dragonbrand – Reforged Vanguard [ReVa]
Kyxha 80 Ranger, Sokar 80 Necro
Niobe 80 Guardian, Symbaoe 45 Ele

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


If you have almost no defense for over 6h, you deserve to lose and they deserve to win.

Entirely true, but at the end of the day who respects the points earned against undefended keeps?

~ AoN ~

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Toilieban.1409



I’m from Aeterna on Ferg Crossing. Congratulations. Personally, I am wondering what you guys are gonna do in the next bracket where servers have some night populations and some of the Oceanic guilds who joined temporarily for the week are gone? The basic problem is that the orb bonus is so extreme that it took us too long to get one orb off ya and actually start fighting somewhere approaching even.

Had some fun spending a whole day taking the map that would be lost in a few hours after we start logging. Cheers to your night crew!

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: spif.7580


Same matchup for next week.

Same colors as well.

—- Kaineng : Nuke → Saarc ---

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


Kaine is not a spokesperson for our server, nor is he a representative of the majority of opinion. <WAR> and the evermoor alliance (Ispy, Jawa, and now SoS) has had a great time with challenging fights with every server, the closest match-up of the week belongs to all of us, we all fought hard and i hope everyone had fun

Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


Good job, Kaine.

It’ll be good to move out of this bracket and on to some WORTHY opponents.

I look forward to killing you soon.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


We arn’t changing brackets, and the closest match of the week, they were “WORTHY” opponents, these kinds of posts are why people are so kitten of at the Kaineg massive forum ego.

Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


I was leading that charge, and let me tell you, that was NOT easy, and it was NOT one defender. There we plenty of defenders, because while we did push them back, every enemy in one keep crushed us for a while.

We spent 2 hours trying to break into that keep, but ferg’s avid defenders were doing a band up job destroying us at the inner keep. I was about to call off the siege to stop sending us to our deaths at the arrow cart hell, but those around me wanted one final charge.

We took 5 minutes to form up, build some catapults to break the outer wall, prepared to break the inner wall, and someone built and alpha siege golem that they didn’t want to pilot(I took it to make the most use of it).

After one last motivational speech, we marched through the breach. For Kaineng. And we prevailed in a fight that was not easy.

Every treb we set up, they trebbed or mortared down. Every charge we did, they beat us back. But the last one finally did it. I only lead the charge because those present wanted it. True server pride.

We may have controlled the map after that charge and you may be upset or call nightcap, but you have to have been at that keep to understand how much effort we had to put into it.

Everyone at that charge deserves a medal.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

(edited by Darxio.5672)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


We’re not changing brackets? You mean we have to fight these “it didn’t take any skill waaaahhhh waaahhhh” guys again?

Well, at least we know it’ll be easy.

I look forward to killing you soon.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


It wont be easy, we’ll have to fight just as well as we did this week to win or more, im looking forward to the increased competition and hope our scores are as close as they were this week. And both servers should and will be gunning for us

Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

(edited by Shananigans.8412)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


INCREASED competition? You think after crying all over the forum that these guys are going to want to compete? Half of them will transfer off.

I think they need to get rid of this point system where champion servers like Kaineng are forced to stay in the same bracket and beat up the same people for two weeks in a row.

Here’s my prediction. This week will be a no contest.

I look forward to killing you soon.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


I was leading that charge, and let me tell you, that was NOT easy, and it was NOT one defender. There we plenty of defenders, because while we did push them back, every enemy in one keep crushed us for a while.

We spent 2 hours trying to break into that keep, but ferg’s avid defenders were doing a band up job destroying us at the inner keep. I was about to call off the siege to stop sending us to our deaths at the arrow cart hell, but those around me wanted one final charge.

We took 5 minutes to form up, build some catapults to break the outer wall, prepared to break the inner wall, and someone built and alpha siege golem that they didn’t want to pilot(I took it to make the most use of it).

After one last motivational speech, we marched through the breach. For Kaineng. And we prevailed in a fight that was not easy.

Every treb we set up, they trebbed or mortared down. Every charge we did, they beat us back. But the last one finally did it. I only lead the charge because those present wanted it. True server pride.

We may have controlled the map after that charge and you may be upset or call nightcap, but you have to have been at that keep to understand how much effort we had to put into it.

Everyone at that charge deserves a medal.

Hats off to ya Darxio. Also a belated gratz on the commander icon dude.

Always happy to see Kings of Kaineng out there in WvW, you guys have done alot in this matchup, and we at Warsworn and our alliance look forward to fighting alongside your guild as we take Kaineng forward!

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrow.2785


Grats from Fergs to Kaineng! This week was definately the most fun WvW to date with easily the most even competition for all three servers. I was defending against the final push for 2 or 3 hours and had a blast. Grats also to Devona’s who certainly pulled their weight this week.

What this week has reinforced however, is that numbers trumps all. In the vid you can see the Fergs defence is minimal. I’m not saying that Kaineng is bigger then FC as a server, but the fact is server size doesn’t matter if you can deploy a larger group at a time when your enemy has a mere few. I also saw this in previous weeks where FC rolled other servers and when Darkhaven rolled us. I wish WvW could be made more deeply strategic, but props for having the organisation to get the numbers when it mattered.

Grats again, was a fun victory to experience, even though I was playing on the other side.

Admiral Mournn, Tarnished Coast

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Grats! As a fellow Luxon from Jade Quarry, I really have to root on my fellow Cathan brethren back in Kaineng! Well done!

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: specialkem.3857


I wish our server had a transfer of 500+ active WvW members…

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


N someone built many golems to take SM in e last 10 mins of e campaign. Great way to cap a great victory.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Whose taking the game to seriously?

A guy who makes videos showing how much fun a server is having together by pulling an overgrown grub worm to SM and dancing after they win their bracket. Or the people who come on the forums every day and cry that they lost due to free server transfers and complain that my video is “bragging” and to “stay classey Kaineng”? I would say the guy having fun is taking the game less seriously. Wouldn’t you? I hate to burst your bubble….but this is a video game…an MMO none the less…..we are supposed to have fun…not sit around like dignified gentleman and sip on our tea while we eat crumb cakes. Show me a PvP video or Raid video where people weren’t proud of themselves or their guild. WAKE UP….its entertainment.

….And obviously my plan worked…..because when I came to Kaineng with my friends our goal was to pull this server back out from its grave….and I told them before we transferred “I promise you guys that if we transfer we will win.” And they believed in me so we made the transfer……..and won. Who cares how we got there. We won. And if you think that sitting on Ferguson or DR with your legs crossed acting like a “gentleman” or going into every post I make and complaining that my videos are over the top is going to get you wins….it won’t. You will continue to sink to the bottom and Kaineng will continue to rise to the top. Because you simply don’t understand human psychology or what makes one server more attractive than another server to people….you also fail to understand what every great organization in the world practices on a daily basis…and guess what…it’s not acting like a dignified gentleman!

I also find it funny that Fubuki comes in my post to insult me….when he clearly stated he stopped blogging because of the “chest pounding” going on. So if your going to thank someone for a servers improvement please be careful not to thank those who “quit” trying to improve it when it was down and out….thank those who continued to make posts and were actually involved in getting guilds to transfer AND *were actually active on the server in WvW* when you started winning. Below I took a screen shot of why Fubuki said he stopped trying to promote Kaineng….feel free to read it…it’s in Fubuki’s own words not mine. It’s posted on


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


You’re oblivious aren’t you? You’ve been rebuked by many on your own server because you act as though you speak for them. You insult others and display an incredible lack of sportsmanship, you act as though it was your transfer that got your server the win, and you attack and devalue Fubuki’s massive contributions to the Kaineng WvW scene.

You talk about what makes one server more attractive than another? Take a look around, it’s been Fubuki’s spirit and PR, not your arrogance. Kaineng was never advertised to win, it was advertised to be a fighter. I’m not even on Kain and I’m insulted that you have mislead the message of what this victory actually means.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


You’re oblivious aren’t you? You’ve been rebuked by many on your own server because you act as though you speak for them. You insult others and display an incredible lack of sportsmanship, you act as though it was your transfer that got your server the win, and you attack and devalue Fubuki’s massive contributions to the Kaineng WvW scene.

You talk about what makes one server more attractive than another? Take a look around, it’s been Fubuki’s spirit and PR, not your arrogance. Kaineng was never advertised to win, it was advertised to be a fighter. I’m not even on Kain and I’m insulted that you have mislead the message of what this victory actually means.

Did you not read the post I just made? I even posted his website and a picture of the reasons why he said he quit promoting Kaineng…and you STILL say “Take a look around, it’s been Fubuki’s spirit and PR”…..HE DOESN’T DO ANYMORE PR…..get a clue! I PROMISE you that Kaineng isn’t winning due to Fubuki’s PR that he hasn’t done in a very long time. What changed on Kaineng? Try some fresh blood that came from new servers to promote it with the goal of nothing less than victory and climbing the rankings chart. If you think that a guy who quit posting when the server was in last place…..AND TOLD YOU HE QUIT POSTING….is the reason why Kaineng is on the rise…you are delusional at best.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Girly Man.6893

Mr Girly Man.6893

Think its pretty clear that not all on Kaineng are the same. The opinions/posts/attitudes of some on forums do not represent our server as a whole. Being on Kaineng since day one, I can tell you some of the most vocal people have, indeed, not been here since the beginning. Most are trying to be humble. I think everyone is excited for the win, though. Good luck to everyone in the next coming match up.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


^ This is why I still love you guys, this is why I support your well deserved win, this is why Kain is a great server and a great competitor. Good show, Girly Man.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


I hate to burst your bubble….but this is a video game…an MMO none the less…..we are supposed to have fun…not sit around like dignified gentleman and sip on our tea while we eat crumb cakes.

Pip pip cheerio, good chaps! I’m Mighteous, and I approve this message.

I look forward to killing you soon.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


I have a proposition for those individuals who are offended by KILLER KAINE’S videos. Form a guild. On Devona’s Rest. You can shake hands and congratulate each other for your “kindness” all you like!

And then, I can kill you! It’s a win, win, kids. Suggested guild name:

Binky Brigade [Waah]

But you all are creative. I’m sure you’ll work it out.

I look forward to killing you soon.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


a server transfer bringing up “in server history” made me laugh. Why are people allowed to make a thread every day like this forums a diary?

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Girly Man.6893

Mr Girly Man.6893

I also find it funny that Fubuki comes in my post to insult me….when he clearly stated he stopped blogging because of the “chest pounding” going on. So if your going to thank someone for a servers improvement please be careful not to thank those who “quit” trying to improve it when it was down and out….thank those who continued to make posts and were actually involved in getting guilds to transfer AND *were actually active on the server in WvW* when you started winning.

Pretty tough guy words seeing as how you probably only came to the server [bold]because of[/bold] Fubuki’s posts. I’m sorry, but I haven’t heard of one guild transferring over because of your posts. It’s also funny how you think he isn’t active on the server. I doubt you even know one of the names of his alt’s. And based on every video you have shown, you do little to improve our server with characters below level 30. I personally don’t like you or dislike you, but attacking someone who helped kickstart our server is not a good way to get a good rep on it.