Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I also find it funny that Fubuki comes in my post to insult me….when he clearly stated he stopped blogging because of the “chest pounding” going on. So if your going to thank someone for a servers improvement please be careful not to thank those who “quit” trying to improve it when it was down and out….thank those who continued to make posts and were actually involved in getting guilds to transfer AND *were actually active on the server in WvW* when you started winning.

Pretty tough guy words seeing as how you probably only came to the server [bold]because of[/bold] Fubuki’s posts. I’m sorry, but I haven’t heard of one guild transferring over because of your posts. It’s also funny how you think he isn’t active on the server. I doubt you even know one of the names of his alt’s. And based on every video you have shown, you do little to improve our server with characters below level 30. I personally don’t like you or dislike you, but attacking someone who helped kickstart our server is not a good way to get a good rep on it.

I made a posts titled “Guilds tranfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW”….in that post I listed the guilds that travel with me….and you are more than welcome to look up the post (that has over 10k hits until it was shut down) and the guild names. We LOVED Dragonbrand but decided on Kaineng for the competition….we are all very competitive in nature and wanted to start from the bottom….and Kaineng is the bottom. This was nothing against Dragonbrand we loved that server and the people on it. And don’t think I jump servers every day…..MOST people change servers like they change clothes in a week….I’ve been on 3 servers since the games creation. So did I bring guilds with me to Kaineng…YES…..are they all WvW guilds….NO…..did guilds transfer to Kaineng after the guilds that came with me because of my videos and posts…..Who knows…maybe it was me or maybe it wasn’t…..but regardless I DID bring more people AND more “attention” to the server.

And when the server was on life support and in Fubuki’s own post he said that their #‘s just weren’t there and that Kaineng was a fighter but just couldn’t win…..we came in and poured gasoline all over Kaineng and lit it on fire… the server is flying up in rankings….and the guilds that I WvW with at night who I was previously not associated with are more than supportive of my posts with the exception of WAR who showed up at the end of the week and has said a few things to show their distaste in my friends and I’s perspective. I also don’t want to say any names but for this video I used 2 quotes from a WAR officer who thought we had lost this weeks matchup. But I’m sure WAR won’t hang around very long on Kaineng anyway to be honest.

If you think Fubuki “kick started” Kaineng’s wins… have done ZERO research on your own and I HIGHLY suggest you re-read some of my posts that have a screen shot taken from his website and even a link to it. In fact when Fubuki stopped blogging and finally “quit” on you…..was around the time we all came to Kaineng and cleaned up the mess.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Reading this thread, and watching the Video the first thing that came into my head was…

Great job lol

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


it’s pretty apparent at this point that kaine’s daily diary posts aren’t about server pride or anything else other than attention for himself.

lashing out at fubuki, who i should note i follow on tumblr and can still see him blogging there about kaineng happenings every few days, really doesn’t help your case.

posting videos with your self on a toon that is lower than level 6 doesn’t make anyone look good. it looks like you’d rather spend your time making a fool of yourself and your server mates than contribute to your server’s war effort in a meaningful way.

i get the impression that kaine is the kind of wvwer that hops into a map and immidiately starts spamming map chat with play by plays and trying to tell people what to do RP style.

don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with bringing a fresh alt to wvw. but you’ve posted on going videos of yourself with fresh alt while complaining that the onyl reason people win battles is they out level you/etc excuses.

maybe instead of posturing for attention for yourself, maybe help your server in some meaningful productive ways, like leveling up your toon, learning to help your groups, and so on.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


it’s pretty apparent at this point that kaine’s daily diary posts aren’t about server pride or anything else other than attention for himself.

lashing out at fubuki, who i should note i follow on tumblr and can still see him blogging there about kaineng happenings every few days, really doesn’t help your case.

posting videos with your self on a toon that is lower than level 6 doesn’t make anyone look good. it looks like you’d rather spend your time making a fool of yourself and your server mates than contribute to your server’s war effort in a meaningful way.

i get the impression that kaine is the kind of wvwer that hops into a map and immidiately starts spamming map chat with play by plays and trying to tell people what to do RP style.

don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with bringing a fresh alt to wvw. but you’ve posted on going videos of yourself with fresh alt while complaining that the onyl reason people win battles is they out level you/etc excuses.

maybe instead of posturing for attention for yourself, maybe help your server in some meaningful productive ways, like leveling up your toon, learning to help your groups, and so on.

1 – Not once did I EVER say people win fights because they out level me. That’s a lie. Please post where you got this information that you just made up.

2 – This isn’t World of Warcraft where I’m trying to show off my skill while fighting against another player 1v1….the classes arent even balanced for 1v1. So to even bring up that shows your complete lack of understanding of the game. I’ll give you some help….it’s SERVER vs SERVER….not player vs player.

3 – I have a character of every class and every level. Who cares if I make a video on a level 1 or make a video on a level 80. It doesn’t matter because I’m there for filming purposes trying to get as many people in the video as possible….and if you are going to make the argument that I’m taking up space in WvW….Kaineng has never had a que…oh and did I mention we won?

4 – Fubuki threw the first stone….so don’t get upset when I defend myself. That’s ridiculous. I’m not going to sit back and take an insult from someone that “QUIT” on Kaineng….(and even posted on his website why he quit)…..and not say something when people think Fubuki is the reason the server is doing well now. This couldn’t be further from the truth….and people need a reality check. I’ve posted a screen shot from his website and even supplied you with a link. I don’t know what more proof you need that he no longer blogs about Kaineng. But honestly I think it has nothing to do with facts….and more to do with delivery…and Fubuki and I deliver our messages in a very different way. I’ll post yet another screen shot from Fubuki’s website below so that you can read it for yourself.

5 – Attention for myself? That’s laughable since even you refer to me as Kaine when all my in game characters are named either Kaide or Caide. Maybe it has something to do with me not posting anything about my characters or even their names in my videos….because all the videos are about my server…..just maybe?


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


You don’t need to try to quote me as if it’s an insult as to why I took down the Kaineng War Report, I already explained it myself both on the forums and on the site.

The way you have been going about promoting Kaineng is not always positive. Some of it’s funny. I liked the Overgrown Grub video, and said as much, and even put it on the war report. That was pretty clever.

I’ve always tried to take a humble approach to promoting Kaineng, careful not to try to rub our opponents the wrong way because they’re what makes the game fun.

I’m out there every day. I don’t do pve. I’ve never seen a dungeon in this game. I haven’t even been in sPVP since beta. WvW is all I do and I’ve never missed a day. I’m still here on the forums, and I’m still making videos. I haven’t stopped promoting Kaineng as an awesome server. I just took down a blog.

I’ve supported your guild since you started going. I’m out there many night assisting the war efforts and often times I have my guild group supporting your efforts and the efforts of other commanders on the server when we don’t alliance events going. I’ve invited you to alliance meetings with our guild. I’ve even promoted your guild on the forums and on the War Report in the past, and defended you when people started attacking your threads.

The point being, my intent was never to make you or your guild or you look bad.

But I’ve been here a lot longer than you have I’ve done a lot of work try to promote our community and when I see something like this thread that I feel harms that effort, I’m going to speak up and let it be known that I don’t really agree with how it was done. You’re not the only one that’s entitled to an opinion here, and I feel it’s important that people don’t see threads like this and get the impression that this is how the entire server thinks.

And now I get to wake up and read you taking stabs at me and my guild because I suggested that one of your threads was made in poor taste?

I’m not going to retaliate because I have no issues with you or your guild. I even have a few friends in your guild, and you guys all seem like a fun bunch. I’m excited that you guys are having so much fun on Kaineng.

But I’ll be honest brother, these posts you made about me and WAR this morning, poor form. This whole thread in fact is poor form. And now you’re taking credit for Kaineng doing so well, completely disregarding all of the effort from the rest of the server? If that’s really what kind of person you are then I’ve really misjudged you.

If you have issues with me, talk to me about it. I don’t bite. If you want to have a flame war with me on the forums, you’ll have to do that by yourself.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Umm WAR did not get here at the end of last week.

This guy is talking out his kitten

I didnt think he was in KAIN, just thought he had a similar forum name. Having spoken to one of KAIN’s leaders I am quite sure he doesnt speak on behlaf of his new guild same as he doesnt speak on behalf of Kaineng as a whole server.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

lol I was asked to join [KAIN] and have no problem leaving it….consider it done. I refuse to be part of any guild that dictates how I play the game or socialize. If you want to operate your guild like a dictatorship and tell every member that they either socialize the way you want them to or hit the door….I promise you I’m already out the door and half way down the street. Save your long winded speeches on how to behave in an MMO for a player that’s desperate for gear.

I am VERY careful in everything I post not to violate any of ANET’s policies….in fact I try my best to ensure that I never do. I understand that my personality can be taken many different ways….but I make sure that I am not directly insulting someone by calling them names etc (which is more respect than I get). And if you see me ever mention a guild or another player having a different opinion than mine….I will generally say something like “they want to go in a different direction”….I never talk badly about a guild or player directly….I just say that they have different views and leave it up to the readers interpretation. HOWEVER if I say they “quit” making blogs and posted a screen shot off their own website with a link to it….and people threaten to kick me out of a guild for stating facts…..then that is a different story all together….and has gone from FACTS & acceptable policy backed behavior to who has a better e-reputation. And not only would I not want to be in a guild like that….I wouldn’t even want to be associated with a guild like that.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


No one listened to Kaine in blackgate either for similar reasons. Rambling, play-by-play spamming, etc.

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

lol I got asked to join [KAIN] and have no problem leaving it….consider it done. I refuse to be part of any guild that dictates how I play the game or socialize. If you want to operate your guild like a dictatorship and tell every member that they either socialize the way you want them to or hit the door….I promise you I’m already out the door and half way down the street. Save your long winded speeches on how to behave in an MMO for a player that’s desperate for gear.

I am VERY careful in everything I post not to violate any of ANET’s policies….in fact I try my best to ensure that I never do. I understand that my personality can be taken many different ways….but I make sure that I am not directly insulting someone by calling them names etc (which is more respect than I get). And if you see me ever mention a guild or another player having a different opinion than mine….I will generally say something like “they want to go in a different direction”….I never talk badly about a guild or player directly….I just say that they have different views and leave it up to the readers interpretation. HOWEVER if I say they “quit” making blogs and posted a screen shot off their own website with a link to it….and people threaten to kick me out of a guild for stating facts…..then that is a different story all together….and has gone from FACTS & acceptable policy backed behavior to who has a better e-reputation. And not only would I not want to be in a guild like that….I wouldn’t even want to be associated with a guild like that.

Why would you be associated with KAIN when you said you already have a few guilds that follow you around xfering serevrs on the drop of a dime with you.


fail troll is fail.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

lol I got asked to join [KAIN] and have no problem leaving it….consider it done. I refuse to be part of any guild that dictates how I play the game or socialize. If you want to operate your guild like a dictatorship and tell every member that they either socialize the way you want them to or hit the door….I promise you I’m already out the door and half way down the street. Save your long winded speeches on how to behave in an MMO for a player that’s desperate for gear.

I am VERY careful in everything I post not to violate any of ANET’s policies….in fact I try my best to ensure that I never do. I understand that my personality can be taken many different ways….but I make sure that I am not directly insulting someone by calling them names etc (which is more respect than I get). And if you see me ever mention a guild or another player having a different opinion than mine….I will generally say something like “they want to go in a different direction”….I never talk badly about a guild or player directly….I just say that they have different views and leave it up to the readers interpretation. HOWEVER if I say they “quit” making blogs and posted a screen shot off their own website with a link to it….and people threaten to kick me out of a guild for stating facts…..then that is a different story all together….and has gone from FACTS & acceptable policy backed behavior to who has a better e-reputation. And not only would I not want to be in a guild like that….I wouldn’t even want to be associated with a guild like that.

Why would you be associated with KAIN when you said you already have a few guilds that follow you around xfering serevrs on the drop of a dime with you.


fail troll is fail.

you can join multiple guilds in this game…….

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

lol I got asked to join [KAIN] and have no problem leaving it….consider it done. I refuse to be part of any guild that dictates how I play the game or socialize. If you want to operate your guild like a dictatorship and tell every member that they either socialize the way you want them to or hit the door….I promise you I’m already out the door and half way down the street. Save your long winded speeches on how to behave in an MMO for a player that’s desperate for gear.

I am VERY careful in everything I post not to violate any of ANET’s policies….in fact I try my best to ensure that I never do. I understand that my personality can be taken many different ways….but I make sure that I am not directly insulting someone by calling them names etc (which is more respect than I get). And if you see me ever mention a guild or another player having a different opinion than mine….I will generally say something like “they want to go in a different direction”….I never talk badly about a guild or player directly….I just say that they have different views and leave it up to the readers interpretation. HOWEVER if I say they “quit” making blogs and posted a screen shot off their own website with a link to it….and people threaten to kick me out of a guild for stating facts…..then that is a different story all together….and has gone from FACTS & acceptable policy backed behavior to who has a better e-reputation. And not only would I not want to be in a guild like that….I wouldn’t even want to be associated with a guild like that.

Why would you be associated with KAIN when you said you already have a few guilds that follow you around xfering serevrs on the drop of a dime with you.


fail troll is fail.

you can join multiple guilds in this game…….

Congratulations stating the obvious.

Care to name these guilds you seemingly bring with you on your server hopping adventures, and who you claim were responsible for kaineng’s win this past week?

How many members, what are thier playtimes, and what are thier names?

Do you have any contact info for thier leaders?

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

lol I got asked to join [KAIN] and have no problem leaving it….consider it done. I refuse to be part of any guild that dictates how I play the game or socialize. If you want to operate your guild like a dictatorship and tell every member that they either socialize the way you want them to or hit the door….I promise you I’m already out the door and half way down the street. Save your long winded speeches on how to behave in an MMO for a player that’s desperate for gear.

I am VERY careful in everything I post not to violate any of ANET’s policies….in fact I try my best to ensure that I never do. I understand that my personality can be taken many different ways….but I make sure that I am not directly insulting someone by calling them names etc (which is more respect than I get). And if you see me ever mention a guild or another player having a different opinion than mine….I will generally say something like “they want to go in a different direction”….I never talk badly about a guild or player directly….I just say that they have different views and leave it up to the readers interpretation. HOWEVER if I say they “quit” making blogs and posted a screen shot off their own website with a link to it….and people threaten to kick me out of a guild for stating facts…..then that is a different story all together….and has gone from FACTS & acceptable policy backed behavior to who has a better e-reputation. And not only would I not want to be in a guild like that….I wouldn’t even want to be associated with a guild like that.

Why would you be associated with KAIN when you said you already have a few guilds that follow you around xfering serevrs on the drop of a dime with you.


fail troll is fail.

you can join multiple guilds in this game…….

Congratulations stating the obvious.

Care to name these guilds you seemingly bring with you on your server hopping adventures, and who you claim were responsible for kaineng’s win this past week?

How many members, what are thier playtimes, and what are thier names?

Do you have any contact info for thier leaders?

I’ve listed this information multiple times… least 7 times in the post that i said you could find that information in…..and multiple times on this post I listed where people could find that information. If you can’t read….and judging from your responses you barely read anything that I typed out on this post….then I’d say that’s simply “not my problem”.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

lol I got asked to join [KAIN] and have no problem leaving it….consider it done. I refuse to be part of any guild that dictates how I play the game or socialize. If you want to operate your guild like a dictatorship and tell every member that they either socialize the way you want them to or hit the door….I promise you I’m already out the door and half way down the street. Save your long winded speeches on how to behave in an MMO for a player that’s desperate for gear.

I am VERY careful in everything I post not to violate any of ANET’s policies….in fact I try my best to ensure that I never do. I understand that my personality can be taken many different ways….but I make sure that I am not directly insulting someone by calling them names etc (which is more respect than I get). And if you see me ever mention a guild or another player having a different opinion than mine….I will generally say something like “they want to go in a different direction”….I never talk badly about a guild or player directly….I just say that they have different views and leave it up to the readers interpretation. HOWEVER if I say they “quit” making blogs and posted a screen shot off their own website with a link to it….and people threaten to kick me out of a guild for stating facts…..then that is a different story all together….and has gone from FACTS & acceptable policy backed behavior to who has a better e-reputation. And not only would I not want to be in a guild like that….I wouldn’t even want to be associated with a guild like that.

Why would you be associated with KAIN when you said you already have a few guilds that follow you around xfering serevrs on the drop of a dime with you.


fail troll is fail.

you can join multiple guilds in this game…….

Congratulations stating the obvious.

Care to name these guilds you seemingly bring with you on your server hopping adventures, and who you claim were responsible for kaineng’s win this past week?

How many members, what are thier playtimes, and what are thier names?

Do you have any contact info for thier leaders?

I’ve listed this information multiple times… least 7 times in the post that i said you could find that information in…..and multiple times on this post I listed where people could find that information. If you can’t read….and judging from your responses you barely read anything that I typed out on this post….then I’d say that’s simply “not my problem”.

So Basically you are full of it.


Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Jhor.4350


The Fubuki dismissal above compels me to post in this thread.

I transferred to Kaineng almost a month ago now. I am in a small 10 man guild that’s been together since the early days of DAoC, and we were so frustrated with the queues and not being able to play as a group on the higher ranked server we were on, we were practically ready to quit the game.

We came here on a Wednesday, and when we got here, Kaineng owned ONE CAMP. 10 people (rarely even all on at once) might not be able to do much, but we figured we could at least turn a few camps. Within a day, we met a similar 8 man guild that transferred in for the same reasons. Turns out we used to play against them in DAoC. We talked to another 8-man that we used to play against in a couple other games. They came to check it out. Word got around. I now know of 5 of these types of guilds/groups on Kaineng.

We all run around with between 1-2 groups, we are almost never in a zone where a commander is, we fight, we die, we repair, and we go back out to do it again. It’s all we do, and we do it every night. We love Kaineng because there are zero queues, we can switch zones, crash, come in late from work, whatever, and always hook up immediately with the group. The natives never quit, ever. There are very few hissy fits in chat. We roam, backdoor people on keeps, light up towers to draw response, and have a blast. Badges practically rain from the sky.

I don’t know how much these types of groups contribute to the overall win. Certainly not near as much as say the WAR alliance, who scours the zones for PvE’ers and gets them to participate. We don’t touch SoS and what they do to the score during their playtime. But we run around and have fun, and in the meantime take a ton of camps, towers, and the occasional keep. They get taken back, but these ticks all add up.

We don’t run with Fubuki, and he doesn’t know us from Adam. Despite that, every point we put on the board is attributable to Fubuki, because I can promise you that without his posts, Kaineng is NOT the server these people would have come to. It wasn’t even on the radar. The five groups mentioned above would be on different servers or gone from the game without his advertisement of Kaineng. Who even knows how many more people transferred here, individually or in small groups, that I have no idea about.

Whether the guy continues to blog or not, or even plays or not, he’s done a kittenload for the Kaineng server.

Kaineng (NoQQ)

(edited by Jhor.4350)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Awesome Post Jhor, and for the record im quit sure you guys are contributing every bit as much as War and our alliance does, we’re all in it together.

Your sorry attempts to tear down Fubuki and what he did for Kaineng are just laughable and backfiring on you Kaine. Might be a good time to go xfer again. maybe the euro servers can use your awesome force.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Awesome Post Jhor, and for the record im quit sure you guys are contributing every bit as much as War and our alliance does, we’re all in it together.

Your sorry attempts to tear down Fubuki and what he did for Kaineng are just laughable and backfiring on you Kaine. Might be a good time to go xfer again. maybe the euro servers can use your awesome force.

So much win in one post I don’t even know where to begin.

Pretty much exactly what I was thinking.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Cerokhol.7015


O.o Kaine was in KAIN???? I have never even seen him in game =/ and I am one of the main members of KAIN….. Even if I did see him he obviously didn’t leave a lasting impression….

Also… you should look at how you act when you are a member of a guild… because like it or not you are representing that guild whenever you say something…. People will associate you with that guild and this can lead to tension between otherwise friendly guilds…. Honestly this exact reason is why a certain guild that transferred to DR recently is getting a lot of grief…. because of the actions of one person…. (not trying to say anyone was wrong just stating a fact)

also I don’t think any one group is responsible for kaineng winning… it was the day crew keeping the game close and then SoS working nights to keep us in the game…

I honestly believe that some FC saw themselves as winning and didn’t help out as much in the second half of the week, where kaineng really pulled its act together…

Also as for who brought more people over…. I don’t know… I know that Fubuki brought me and the couple people I played with on Darkhaven over… and I constantly see stories of people who were brought over by his posts….

I can not say I have heard one person claim to be brought to this server by kaine….

That being said I think Fubuki has the right idea in this thread … We are kaineng… we should be out there fighting FC and DR and giving them a good fight… we should not be here fighting with each other

So I think I’m gonna take a page outta Fubuki’s book on this one and if you wanna flame me for what I said go ahead and do it by yourself