No tick points only points for active play, kills is worth 1point stomp 2points + 1-3points if you have bloodlust.
Then we come to buildings, I start with defense because there my idea is simple, don’t matter with lvl the upgraded is for points on defense and why it is simpler to defend the better the building is upgraded, so the points is counted on how many that attack the building and it is 3 lvl, for camps 1-3 lvl 1, 4-9 lvl 2, 10+ lvl 3, tower 2-6 lvl 1, 7-14 lvl 2 15+ lvl 3, Keep 2-9 lvl 1 10-19 lvl 2 20+ lvl 3 SM 2-14 lvl 1 15-29 lvl 2 30+ lvl 3 (1 player should be able to put building in combat without giving enemy points, if 1 player attack east gate and 1 west gate without siege it counted as 1) what the points should be for the different lvl I leave to Arena net.
Then we come to attacking a building: here I think the upgrade off the building should be counted as 40% and how many defenders to 60% off the total points gain if you take it.
The upgraded should be like this for tower, Keep, SM:
0-1 upgraded = 0%
2-3 upgradeds = 10% (off the max 40%)
4-5 upgradeds = 25% (off the max 40%)
6+ upgrades = 40% so max
And I think this 7 should be counted for Towers Reinforced Wall, Reinforced Gate, Fortified Wall, Oil, Canon, Mortar, 2 works. For Keep/SM Reinforced Wall, Reinforced Gate, Fortified Wall, Canon, Mortar, WP, 2 works. Why I added 2 works was so you can’t upgraded that line totally and leave Mortar on tower and keep it at lvl 2.
0-1 upgraded = 0
2 upgrades = 10%
3 upgrades = 25%
4 upgrades = 40%
Here I would like that Arena net add 5% faster walk on Dolys on upgraded 3 and 4 so you want those upgrades.
Change so Siege counts as more players for swords, normal ram/cata/Treb = 5players, superior ram/Cata/Treb/guild cata = 10players, alpha golem = 10players, Omega Golem 15players. Then add more colors on Sword, white 1-24 Yellow 25-39 Red 40-59, 60+ flashing the whole mini map and black arrow pointing were.
Add a Guild buff that you can add on Buildings that make CD on siege to 4hours and the guild buff last for 24-48hours.
To claim a building you need primary buff running, tower, keep, SM one off the defensive buffs, supply camp +5 supply, when all buffs run out you lose the claim.
More I would like is when you claimed a building you can set limitation how much supply players can take out when building is not attacked (no swords) and you get warning if you take supply when under limitation that you will be enemy to this building, take supply [Yes] [No] and if you press yes the guards will attack you and the gate turn red so you can’t go in/out as long as the guild have the claim.
Other guild can take over the building if they have more buffs then the owner. First primary buff count if all of them are running then +5 then magic buff and so (tower, keep, sm).
To get players to run in smaller groups add penalty, something like 35-50players +5% damage taken 51 +10% damage taken.
Give Scouts buff that give more WXP, better karma and Magic find, the buff is 2x the time you scouted, you get 1 tick every 15min (30min buff) scout time only count when building is not under attack, the timer start to count when you leave the area your scouting, when you have scouted for 15min you can leave for 5min when you have 1hour+ you can leave for 10min to get supply and so without starting from 0 again, the counter should show how long you been scouting, if the building is lost you lose the buff.
Escorting Dolys should give a buff were bronze give you + 1 supply you can carry Silver +2 Gold +3 supply you can carry and it last for 1hour (only successful escorts), it don’t stack but the 1hour is reset/you get higher if you had bronze and then do Gold you get +3 instead off + 1 if you Escort again within the hour you have the buff. To make it harder to get gold do so 3-5min escort time = bronze, 5,01-7min = silver, 7,01 + = gold.
Change so you cannot ress dead player when in combat and so when you’re dead you can’t see any enemy players.
Add under guild upgraded so you can make your own guild emblem with you send in to Arena net and if its ok you can use it.
When queue on the map lower AFK timeout to 5min and if you run against a wall to 2min, if you have scout buff and are in scout area AFK timer normal 10min.
(edited by Shadow.3475)