Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Tharyen.8216


Looked quickly through the forums and didn’t see this brought up yet, should there be a thread somewhere already then my apologies

Not sure if it’s an issue for other servers as well, playing in Gunnar’s-Hold myself so only know have it here so far. After the Tuesday patch everytime going in EB many people are experiencing very bad lags every few mins and dcs as well. Never experienced that bad rubberbanding before in wvw, skills stop working and everyone near you seems like running into walls, like when you are experiencing a dc. This happens every few to several mins and lasts from 10 to 20 seconds; if you are just running alone in an empty eb or when fighting a small group so it’s not connected on having a huge 3 way in SM or the like. Started commanding on mornings lately and simply impossible to get something going when you dc after getting rams down or rushing to defend your towers. When asking around it seems this doesn’t affect everyone though, some people are saying that they aren’t having any kind of rubberbanding when many others do. Also it was a lot worse during morning/day time, at afternoon and evening time it wasn’t as bad but still very game experience ruining, this being only personal observation.

To add one thing, this only happens in Eternal Battlegrounds as far as I know. Borders are fine apart from little delays in big fights and so on.

Warrior in [CC]Crimson Conspiracy

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: scope.4276


I have the same problem, Only in eb. I was in a party yesterday and 3 of us dc’d the same time when we were defending a keep in eb. And it’s so annoying when I’m hiding in a tower or keep(i’m a mesmer)to dc everytime. We get lagspikes almost every minute. I’m on GH too^^

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Sogradde.8016


Same here. Rubberbanding and DCs.

Midnight Mayhem [MM]
Gunnar’s Hold

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


Same, but I also have it in borders. It’s very annoying. Not the first it happened though after one of these useless PvE patches. Hope it settles down again next week when everyone has done their achievements.

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Happening on all borders for me for the last 2-3 days. Also on GH.

Short money says that GH is hosting some Anet SPvP tournament and the WvW cpu threads get lower priority.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


As an update it’s just taken nearly 3 mins to get into EB, I have the loading screen up but can hear the Rain and NPC’s……

Really what is going on Anet?

IGN: Dal Brinium

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Baldrick.8967


It happens every time they have some spvp tourny- seems wvw is lowest priority and is sacrificed to enable the tourny to run without any lags. So expect lags until they give us back our server space and power (and even then…).

WvW player. Doing another world completion for my next Legendary. Hater of mini-games.

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: VOLTCIEAGE.3029


right now i have massive lag around 20 seconds or more
PS it is not my connection i have stable 30fps but lag is rly bad

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Minneling.5489


Since last patch, a lot of players are experiencing bad lags, dc’s, frozen images while INFIGHT! Will that be fixed ?!?

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: VOLTCIEAGE.3029


Since last patch, a lot of players are experiencing bad lags, dc’s, frozen images while INFIGHT! Will that be fixed ?!?

let me quote something "we are working on it and I can`t tell you more but it will be awesome " WWW conection update april 2016 together with 4 new colors of cmd tag stay tuned

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Menaka.5092


If it’s of any consolation, it was the same for us in Ring of Fire: EB is completely unplayable.

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


This is now continuing and close to me stopping playing GW2 along with many many others. Happens in PvE and WvW…

The lag is definitely not connection related, very strong ping times to several major networks across europe.

Today is worse than ever, 20-30 second lag spikes.

Can a mod please notify this is being recognised? It is being talked about across map chat on ALL borders and in PvE.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I am wondering if GW2 is having a DDOS attack against them. It seems other games are having similar issues – ESO, WoW, AA.

Very bad rubberbanding and dcs only in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


This happens on and off until the map is reset. I have seen it at least a half dozen times across three servers since release. The map becomes unstable for a large portion of the population. In my experience a few minutes passes, the game lags heavily with rubberbanding followed by a crash. Go to another map and the problem is non-existent. Reset has fixed this each time I have encountered the issue.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”