[Vid] Sleeper Agents (3-ninja Keep attempt)

[Vid] Sleeper Agents (3-ninja Keep attempt)

in WvW

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


This was something I had always wanted to do. It was fun while it lasted.

A couple of notes:

  • We followed Sanctum of Rall in when they took Bay from Jade Quarry.
  • Cloak and Dagger on structures is a broken mechanic. It’ll likely be fixed in the future. Thankfully, there’s still Black Powder + Heartseeker.
  • I was unfamiliar with how the aggro worked, so I kept throwing down siege sites even after the guards were killed.
  • We might have succeeded if two of us Unloaded with Dual Pistols while one of us applied cripples with Shortbow. Alas, we had no such load out.
  • Voice-coms might sound disjointed because my voice isn’t recorded by Fraps.
  • I censored some swearing near the end.

[Vid] Sleeper Agents (3-ninja Keep attempt)

in WvW

Posted by: silvershadez.8421


You really should be careful abusing the stealth on wall bug and frapsing yourself while doing so.

Also I have claimed keeps with some guildmates with 3man only without any probs. The key is distraction. On the lords: conditions are king.

[Vid] Sleeper Agents (3-ninja Keep attempt)

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Oh dear.

How ArenaNet can still leave Stealth in its current implementation boggles the mind.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

[Vid] Sleeper Agents (3-ninja Keep attempt)

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Look anet, stealth is fine. Everything is fine. Theres nothing wrong with the game. Fine just fine.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.