Once a Roffy, always a Roffy
(edited by Moderator)
Watch this guild recruitment video…
That is all…
(edited by Moderator)
As a proud ICON member I can sign everything said (and shown) in this video!
(except for the “Que’s”, maybe :p we don’t have queues though)
That guild finally managed to make WvW fun to me and turned me into a loyal RoF-citizen!
It is really a great place to have fun and do some seriously organisrd WvW at the same time…..what are you waiting for????
As the newest commander of ICON for now i have to say to you fellow gamers come and join our server!!!
Although we were stuck in 2nd spot in WvW for a lot of matchups it was mostly because of our low numbers during the late night + morning but the server has a great fighting spirit!
Even after fighting against huge underworld zergs (they could almost fill 4 maps when we were struggling with 2) our server kept fighting and didn’t quit! Not even random players not belonging to PvP guilds stopped trying. So we managed to completely dominate this week and if it goes on we will go up a tier!!
Hope to get some new people to have fun with see you all in RoF!
This post was meant as a joke so I will edit it out.
In truth Icon and ring of fire seem really organised and are on the up. So congrats guys
(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)
haha awesome vid Hawkeii =)
Great vid there guys! 2 bad you are on the wrong server^^
Keep fighting and we might meet you guys soon!
Looks like Gunnars will meet you next week, sounds promising. Awesome Vid,
i like this vid
Good job
Thanks for feedback and big lol at the whiteside post. We make a stupid amount of golems cuz its funny and we’re a wealthy guild and as for the D- in fighting, we are currently sending all of you to the last tier and it wasny via diplomacy
Nice Video, seems that you are a well organised guild.
Thanks for feedback and big lol at the whiteside post. We make a stupid amount of golems cuz its funny and we’re a wealthy guild and as for the D- in fighting, we are currently sending all of you to the last tier and it wasny via diplomacy
Just cuz [WvW] Leaders have RL problems and we have half of WvW pop this 2 lasts weeks.
I wanna remember the 100k distance 2 week ago guys.
If you really want to bid, I’d like to remind that we won 3 weeks ago
Eithet way this is a recruitment post so id appreciate keeping it clean and your bias opinions to yourself.
The video is “meh,” but the song choice is OUTSTANDING (I love me some swedish house mafia).
Also, for the big dance number, you should have all made use of the “/dance *” command, so you all started dancing at the same time. Would have resulted in more dramatic effect
Ring of Fire, youll be entering a grudge match next week it seems.
KISS is leaving Gunnars Hold and transfering to Aurora Glade, expressing a desire to fight us. Should not be difficult for them as Aurora Glade already beat us without having the massive numbers of KISS on their side.
Seems Gunnars will not be at full strength when we face you and KISS/Aurora would be very happy to attack us. KISS because….well, no true idea tbh they just say they want to and Aurora because of their ‘Operation Triumph’.
Really coool vid!
Ring of Fire, youll be entering a grudge match next week it seems.
KISS is leaving Gunnars Hold and transfering to Aurora Glade, expressing a desire to fight us. Should not be difficult for them as Aurora Glade already beat us without having the massive numbers of KISS on their side.
Seems Gunnars will not be at full strength when we face you and KISS/Aurora would be very happy to attack us. KISS because….well, no true idea tbh they just say they want to and Aurora because of their ‘Operation Triumph’.
Maybe someone has finally understood that if all WvW core guilds continue to stay in their home server we will be all relegated on downtown tiers.
Only a massive transfer in a chosen server can make this server going for the top.
Seems Aurora Glade is becoming very interesting like choice. ATM the sit on WR is nearly to WvW dead.
DaYeL, why don’t you guys join us aswell then? And ICON for that mather
We’ve just been up against JS and AM, we’re getting outmanned buff on 2 out of 4 borderlands, but we are still not to far away from them in the score, with KISS at AG I think we could have won this week, and with you guys we would have crushed them
Just think of it, and remember, reset is tomorrow
recruiting for your server in another servers recruiting thread?
Just an update on this week’s ICON fights. While our score might be really low due to night capping from Aurora, during our peak hours we actually manage to be first in points gained and bases captured!!
Ninjaing bay in AG borderlands and keeping it for 2 hours with a total of 12 guildies vs 40-50 AG attackers was of the best outmanned fights this week!
So come and join one of the most hard fighting servers there is! No WvW Queues! And we would really love a few more players as defending your garrison in EB at 6:00 in the morning 2 vs 40 (YES TWO) for over 40 minutes seems kinda awesome! Imagine with 10 or even 40!
While I wish you the best of luck. You have profited massively fom the battles between AG and GH, the animosity which has lead to at least two threads being closed.
When I have met RoF thy have been competent soldiers
Haha, sadly it seems like they fought out most of their battles on forums, they still both gave us a hard time in wvw so I don’t see us profiting from that really :/
Either way, I am proud of RoF (and our ICON members ofc :p) for keeping up the fight for second place, looks like we can win this race against gunnar’s and stay in our current tier
Hey just want to say that you do good job on RoF. I have seen your Commanders and they do well..
RoF has trully nice community in terms of WvW. We dont have the numbers, but we know how to fight thats for sure.
That’s a nice video which comes together better towards the second half… I enjoyed it. ROF have my respect from this week’s fighting and I wish you all the best
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