Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Mortix.9725


it’s never too late. your night crew will get bored eventually

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Mizu.9387


Hang on. Are you guys actually complaining that you are winning big?
Congratulations! You won the first season of WvW. Go out and have a beer or something. With the amount of hours you put in, you sure as hell deserve it!

Sif Urkraft

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Neito.5308


Before: 200 SFR vs 40 VS.
Now: 50 VS vs 0 SFR.

Hahaha, just 40 right?


Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Braindrops.6428


So let me get this straight Faunus:

1) When SFR beat you because we had a night crew and you could not PvD, you cried that it was not fair and insult us
2) Now, when servers are losing because they do not have a night crew anymore, you cry that it is boring for you and insult them again.


Good luck playing with yourselves!

Before: 200 SFR vs 40 VS.
Now: 50 VS vs 0 SFR.

Rather than recruiting a big NA guild unstable on your server and knowing full that would not last forever, maybe you should have recruit the night pugs in the ladderwide.
Unfortunately for you it’s too late.

And i remind you that if we have this night crew today (although we are still far from their number), it’s thanks to you, RUIN and Xaoc. I can only thank you for it.

Not only u win the season but also the better whiner/troller award. Let’s see if u can maintain ur title in the next round.

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Blackwyn.8127


First a little praise to Vizunah as they rightfully deserve it. You guys manage to gather up your pugs in an incredible way. Every time I face you guys, I’m always impressed over how you manage to get almost everyone in the current border into your zergs.

Now to the other facts though:
- As effective as your play is, it is the most boring tactic of everyone I’ve ever faced.
- If you wouldn’t be able to cap all night and early morning. You would be in around Tier3-4 by now as skillwise, just very few are even noticeable.
- 90% of the time I fight you, you’ll only fight if you have at the very least 2 or 3 times (sometimes not even then) more players than the other side. Otherwise you’ll just run back to NPCs / Keeps etc that you’ve capped / upgraded during the time no one was there of the opposing force.

I started this game in Desolation. A very strong server back then and lots of confidence. That was till they faced Vizunah. During the day, Desolation were superior. But then came the night for the very first time vs Vizunah and BAM. You wake up to Vizunah having capped 95% of everything.

That ruined the motivation and Desolation slowly crumbled.

My friend then told me about a guild and wanted me to join them. They were located in Far Shiverpeaks back then and so I transferred. Not long after, other guilds bandwagoned it and made it an extremely strong server. Taking it all up to T1. But, as Desolation had to face the ugly truth, Shiverpeaks had to as well. During the day, FS was dominating the other servers, but then came the night. BAM, Vizunah with the night/early morning capping and having 95% of the maps.
FS fought bravely, but eventually lost motivation as well and slowly fell apart.

As most of the day, you’ll fight as hard as possible to just get back the upgraded stuff you lost during the night vs bunkered Vizunah zergs. Now being able to do that during the day and still keep up in points, that is really impressive.

Now I won’t tell the story about SFR, since most of you are probably already familiarized with it.
So what was the point of the story?
Simple, when SFR had a nightcrew to counter Vizunah’s PvD team. They got demolished and ended up in third place, almost getting kicked out of T1.

Simple fact is, Vizunah is only in T1 for being able to PvD as effective as possible. I’m not saying this is not a valid tactic nor crying about it, not at all. But whenever Vizunah players go around saying silly provocative things like “We’re numbah1!” “We are the best!”. It’s just plain silly.
If I would fight the strongest man on earth in a martial arts contest, but I would bring a gun and shoot him infront of everyone in an official match. Then go around saying ’I’m now the strongest man on earth!’ it would just be.. dishonoring.

Just something to think about and I agree with the rest. Put Vizunah in T0 by themselves as they’re the most boring server to play against right now.

There has however been some good and fun fights though. Just wish you guys at Vizunah would rather come up with more “honoring” ways of fighting back, rather than researching the times we have the least players to get the most points.

(edited by Blackwyn.8127)

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Wandred.4583


sorry for my english.
booring fight today at EB and Vizu border…
with 20 ppl need to place some cata’s, treb…everything, to pull some Vizu form keeps/tower.
incredibly boring.
I can not understand, some people learn “turtle” or “melee train”, but you, Vizu, for what you play? 1s place?
2 075.772 points?(but after restart…you lost all you points)

Well, this is your game, but i cant see any server in EU ladder, who Enjoy a game with you.

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


No one enjoys loosing… so, sure, you got that right !

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Braindrops.6428


Easy fix: split VS server in three factions and put them in T0 wvsw olympus/valhalla/insert whatever u want.

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Tygra.4570


I can certainly understand most of the people that faced Vizunah didn’t like us.
I can understand that you think we fight much worse than some of you guys.

however i don’t really like the comparison you made about martial arts and a gun. Arenanet gave us a gun, we picked it up, and you came to fight with your fists. We play by the rules that exist at the moment.

People like to complain so you’ll see Vizunians complain when we lose and when we win.
Did the Vizunians felt it was fair to lose against NA players ? Certainly not, but who cares ?

If you don’t acknowledge our capacity to fight or our capacity to siege, i’d like you guys to acknowledge our capacity to organize. It was such a hard to job to gather everyone, to plan night shifts and morning operations, to coordinate attacks accross differents maps during mid-day, and so much more, that it makes me sad that no one even took the time to think about it.

Organization was the weapon Arenanet gave us for the pre season matchups. IF it changes now, Vizunah will adapt, and will try to become even stronger.


The French Flair [FF]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Leorcyn.1063


Well, this is your game, but i cant see any server in EU ladder, who Enjoy a game with you.

Well, most of VS players don’t really care if the other servers enjoy playing with them. VS players enjoy playing together.
Perhaps that’s a good lead for the others ?

Stop trying to change VS, players there have fun when they can log into wuvwuv and have decent opponents : there is no reason anything is going to change in the gameplay if Anet doesn’t decide so.

If you don’t want to play against VS, several solutions :
- don’t log into wuvwuv
- kick VS out of your tier
- move your server to another tier

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Wandred.4583


take it easy, you took it too seriously.
and…as you see, i wrote
“this your game”

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Blackwyn.8127


I agree Tygra, my gun analogy was a bit extreme. So here’s a more accurate appropriate one.
A normal boxing world champion title match. Both boxers train really hard for the day of the match. Then they fight it out and the best one wins and becomes world champion.

This is how Vizunah would do it, same match.
One of the boxers trains really hard for the upcoming title match. While the other boxer, instead of training. He uses his time to research the other guy’s normal life habits. Like when he eats, when he sleeps and so on.
The day before the match, he slips something ‘fishy’ into the other boxer’s drink while he’s sleeping. Then he gets really sick before the title match and can’t fight. So the other guy wins by walkover and becomes the world champion. But no one acknowledges him as the new champion and no one thinks he deserved it. But on paper, he’s the new world champion, regardless of what people think. And technically, he hasn’t broken any rules either.

What I’m simply trying to say is. If I would be the top European (or anywhere for that matter) server. Then I want others to go ‘Wow, it’s that server! They’re really the best and has the best players in the game’ so I can proudly go with my head high and be acknowledged for what it worked hard for.

But instead you’re leaving a nasty aftertaste of being the server that runs from fights, night caps to stay on top and likes to brag about it.

What you need to ask yourself, how do you want to be remembered? As a Legendary server that crushes all opposition with strength, tactics and skills. Or as the Server that sneaks around the night to get points to stay on top and avoids fights at all costs unless they’re superior in numbers?

It’s still not too late to change, don’t sell the server’s soul for something no one will acknowledge you for. Fight for something everyone will respect you for!
Being the top is useless unless you’re acknowledged for your efforts. If no one acknowledges you as the number 1 server, then in the end it’s just useless numbers and statistics.

I would much rather be known as a Tier 10 server that has skillful and strong players that never give up. Than a Tier 1 server that plays as dirty as possible to the extension of what the ‘rules’ allow them to to remain there.

(edited by Blackwyn.8127)

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Dyno.9467


As much as ive slagged VS off in the past they are the best, night or day they rack the points up

“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Tygra.4570


First of all i hate Vizunah’s forum warriors as much as you do, but i guess every server has some and we can’t do anything about it.

Now to the point : I’m almost sorry to tell you this, but 3W was never a game about fighting skills. It was about organization skills during the pre season.

You can’t expect bringing 60 or 80 people at the same place fighting each other with culling and lags and talk about skill. Any serious sPvP player laughs at our “fights” whether you are from Vizu or any server.

Yet most of the servers prefer to speak about “fighting abilities”, and we all know that it won’t make you win.

We didn’t slip something fishy in your drink, you just forgot to drink it
cheers from Vizu.

The French Flair [FF]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


Except this analogy is even worse.
VS never put anything fishy in anyone’s meal, and I really wonder what you mean by “fight dirty”
If everyone on your server gets sick upon entering T1… you might want to stick to T2.

If anything you could compare that to a boxer studying his opponent to use his weaknesses… oh wait that’s what any boxer would do

There is one thing you don’t want to acknowledge : VS can show the best fighting skill they want, other servers will always come up with excuses. At least, those people posting on the forum, who can’t cope with loosing. Yes, sore losers, that’s what all this is about.

Understanding that, most people on VS don’t care any longer what other servers might have to say about them.

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Hrist.8972


Someone relay thanks to [WL] Charr elementalist for a great duel.

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


We at [VcY] love Vizunah, they are the best money farm there is. We killed 600 people in 1 hour. My loot bags were constant full. Made 10g that raid.

So don’t think we hate you Vizu and we’ll miss farming you at spawn next week. Will be a lot less money.

And Elona, having a great time with you guys on SFR border this night and last night.
Fireworks all the way, taking your tower without capping it :p, attacking Vizu when they cap your tower and break the gate so you guys could claim. Was awesome, best fun I had in WvW.

ps.: Vizu you guys on a brake? We can’t find your big zergs anymore.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


We at [VcY] love Vizunah, they are the best money farm there is. We killed 600 people in 1 hour. My loot bags were constant full. Made 10g that raid.

So don’t think we hate you Vizu and we’ll miss farming you at spawn next week. Will be a lot less money.

And Elona, having a great time with you guys on SFR border this night and last night.
Fireworks all the way, taking your tower without capping it :p, attacking Vizu when they cap your tower and break the gate so you guys could claim. Was awesome, best fun I had in WvW.

ps.: Vizu you guys on a brake? We can’t find your big zergs anymore.

Sure…Chuck Norris has to learn from you…

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


We at [VcY] love Vizunah, they are the best money farm there is. We killed 600 people in 1 hour. My loot bags were constant full. Made 10g that raid.

So don’t think we hate you Vizu and we’ll miss farming you at spawn next week. Will be a lot less money.

And Elona, having a great time with you guys on SFR border this night and last night.
Fireworks all the way, taking your tower without capping it :p, attacking Vizu when they cap your tower and break the gate so you guys could claim. Was awesome, best fun I had in WvW.

ps.: Vizu you guys on a brake? We can’t find your big zergs anymore.

Sure…Chuck Norris has to learn from you…

I can back this all up with a nice video, we are editing it now. And yea, we found chuck noriis dead in the tunnel at Bluelake ^^.

Oh and we are raiding again tomorrow, come and meet us if you dare.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Fanfaron.6109


where we can meet [WL] or [FM] guys this week? i want some rp fight against ya
or, maybe, i miss some other famous vs fighters tags?

[ZDs] Fanfaron, fieldcommander

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Grischu.3869


I can back this all up with a nice video, we are editing it now. And yea, we found chuck noriis dead in the tunnel at Bluelake ^^.

Sorry guys, he run in our Zerg

Grischu – Wächter 80 / Ertiki – Necromancer 80 / Risana Mortis – Messmer 80
Good old Days [GD] Elona

(edited by Grischu.3869)

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Caic.3517


It has been one amazing week for us in Velocity and SFR!
The big field fights down in the Field of Ruins, the firework trains, and of course the line-dancing
I want to thank ER for being a great opponent and could actually see the fun in it.
And thank you VS, for making this week the best one i have had so far in GW2. Up to 600 kills in 1 hour, well lets just say that it was Amazing!

Here is 2 of the videos from this week. I hope you enjoy it, and we will see you next time!


Leader of Velocity [VcY]
Velocity EU Gaming
Velocity YouTube

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: fearn.7619


Vcy, the most fake guild il never met. Remember last sunday (20/01) afternoon when you respawn during 2 hours vs Pick Up. It was in front of the hill tower for your memories. you’re not Zd or RG.

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9268


nobody want to play with Vizu


Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Caic.3517


you’re not Zd or RG.

This is true.
We are Velocity!

Leader of Velocity [VcY]
Velocity EU Gaming
Velocity YouTube

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Knox.3748


Hang on. Are you guys actually complaining that you are winning big?
Congratulations! You won the first season of WvW. Go out and have a beer or something. With the amount of hours you put in, you sure as hell deserve it!

I see what u did there xD

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Dawg.5376


Why would SFR and ER be unable to have anything o_O? this doesn’t make any sense.

During the day viz is ahead and during prime time it’s pretty much even.

look at the score evolution :

during the whole day, on 24h SFR is ahead of viz for maybe 1h or so speaking of income. So please don’t try to say that we get “destroyed” when it’s not the night/morning.There is more of us in the night so we score a lot, it’s true, but it’s not like during the day you dominate us, this is pure fantasy. When we fight with “equal” numbers, the fight is pretty even but we still score more then you do so, and I am talking with the graphs, i really don’t see what are you trying to prove here. anything to add ?

(edited by Dawg.5376)

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Vewen.8016


Why would SFR and ER be unable to have anything o_O? this doesn’t make any sense.

During the day viz is ahead and during prime time it’s pretty much even.

look at the score evolution :

during the whole day, on 24h SFR is ahead of viz for maybe 1h or so. So please don’t try to say that we get “DESTROYED” when it’s not the night/morning.

I’m sorry, it was never my intentiont to claim you were getting destroyed. Nor did I, I was just saying you lost ground. I don’t have the arrogance to claim you’re getting destroyed, when you hardly lose anything in your part of EB for example.

I beleive I might have interpreted your words in a wrong way, for that I apologize.

""When we fight with “equal” numbers, the fight is pretty even but we still score more then you do so, and I am talking with the graphs, anything to add ? " – I won’t comment on that, I have no intention on drawing any forum warriors.

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


If Vizunah manage to save some point for some time, it’s only because of the upgrade of T3 during the night and to defend them, if they are awfully bad outside their fortress when they aren’t at least twice the number of their opponent, it’s because it’s a pugs server, with a very few guild, as they can’t get a full guild raid with all those people who stack on the free win server.

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Dawg.5376


Why would SFR and ER be unable to have anything o_O? this doesn’t make any sense.

During the day viz is ahead and during prime time it’s pretty much even.

look at the score evolution :

during the whole day, on 24h SFR is ahead of viz for maybe 1h or so. So please don’t try to say that we get “DESTROYED” when it’s not the night/morning.

I’m sorry, it was never my intentiont to claim you were getting destroyed. Nor did I, I was just saying you lost ground. I don’t have the arrogance to claim you’re getting destroyed, when you hardly lose anything in your part of EB for example.

I beleive I might have interpreted your words in a wrong way, for that I apologize.

""When we fight with “equal” numbers, the fight is pretty even but we still score more then you do so, and I am talking with the graphs, anything to add ? " – I won’t comment on that, I have no intention on drawing any forum warriors.

sorry that didn’t came right.

you are right that we lose ground during the day, but when you control pretty much 80% of the structures during the night, you can only lose ground during the day :o

All in all i just wanted to say that we may be a little bit weaker than you guys during prime time when all your guilds are connected etc, but, in no way we get farmed or dominated or w/e, like some people are suggesting (always from SFR) in numerous posts.

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: bliz.6903


just a troll but i have one impression in this tread, all people (like us) melting all ^^

i see the tread talk about reset, finally only anet get VS out of D1 ? hope the “new” ranking after don’t kill the motivation of smallest servers

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Mizu.9387


Again, great fights against MoS, ACKS and MORT.

And a special message to Kingface. With the amount of crappy posts you put out, at least show us your guild tag so we know who to look for.

Sif Urkraft

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


And a special message to Kingface. With the amount of crappy posts you put out, at least show us your guild tag so we know who to look for.

I have none. I’m an happy pug.

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Vewen.8016


Just a small memo before you post anymore: I’m not part of VcY. You can ask Caic. And if you would look at some posts above, you can clearly see, I hope, I don’t forum warrior people with common sense(like dawg), that have valuable things to say in a logical, unpresumptuous and unbiased way.

But this shall be my last post on these forums. There’s clearly no reasoning with all these trolls of VS around, all they do is almost bring my warrior out. And calling those persons out on it is indeed a bad idea, you’re right. No more.

(edited by Vewen.8016)

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


VcY are not a forum warrior guild, how many times have you seen us on the forums? We came on to say we have had some of the best fun in the past few days while SFR are on a break and wanted to share that. Milkz might have had a bit more fun then most of us lol.

We have worked hard on our field fighting and trying to get pugs to join TS like you do on VS. SFR are trying to organise and improve our community further. And we ourselves are trying to improve (we are not RG, ZD, OSC, MOS etc).

It’s no surprise that we don’t like VS for reasons others have mentioned, but we do recognise what has been achieved. It is a shame no other server can match your coverage to make match ups more interesting.

Lets keep this clean and end with a bang!

RP enthusiast

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: akunadin.5017


Come to ur all sences, loose ur pride about not willing to team with like Elona /Deso.

Current situations against Vizunah simply asks for it, there is no reason at all why we should not!
Even if we would do so it will be hard, since mentioned servers dont even have half the ppl online during offtime hours but still its worth a try.

PPl do get demoralized, waking up every faking morning and see all “green”
and tier 3.
Every morning we struggle to get even 10 pll to get stuff going.

For example last week it took us like 3 hours to finaly make or hommy keep upgraded, so we decided to start trebbing bay. then Elena attacks us with 20 and all work was done for nothing!!!!
Who laughs?…….. Vizunah!!!!!!!!

Seriously every WvW player dislikes theire playstyle Elona/Deso/SfR simply all dislike it
So make a faking deal or atleast talk about it next community meeting!

Why? Since i sence ppl will ragequit playing against Vizunah or just transfure to lower tiers to have some normal fun again!

Iam just a roamer or pug wot ever u fancy. I dont gief a darn for zerg neither tiers.
But even as a “roaming around pug” I get sick/bored/tiered of Vizunah for reasons all mentioned tons of time.

Just me 2 cents.

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Come to ur all sences, loose ur pride about not willing to team with like Elona /Deso.

Current situations against Vizunah simply asks for it, there is no reason at all why we should not!
Even if we would do so it will be hard, since mentioned servers dont even have half the ppl online during offtime hours but still its worth a try.

PPl do get demoralized, waking up every faking morning and see all “green”
and tier 3.
Every morning we struggle to get even 10 pll to get stuff going.

For example last week it took us like 3 hours to finaly make or hommy keep upgraded, so we decided to start trebbing bay. then Elena attacks us with 20 and all work was done for nothing!!!!
Who laughs?…….. Vizunah!!!!!!!!

Seriously every WvW player dislikes theire playstyle Elona/Deso/SfR simply all dislike it
So make a faking deal or atleast talk about it next community meeting!

Why? Since i sence ppl will ragequit playing against Vizunah or just transfure to lower tiers to have some normal fun again!

Iam just a roamer or pug wot ever u fancy. I dont gief a darn for zerg neither tiers.
But even as a “roaming around pug” I get sick/bored/tiered of Vizunah for reasons all mentioned tons of time.

Just me 2 cents.

And yet, this is you and all others servers who jumped in D1 with a big NA guild playing only 60+ monozerg which forced us to adopt this “boring” gameplay.
I miss our former gameplay, and former opponents… :-/

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


Come to ur all sences, loose ur pride about not willing to team with like Elona /Deso.

Current situations against Vizunah simply asks for it, there is no reason at all why we should not!
Even if we would do so it will be hard, since mentioned servers dont even have half the ppl online during offtime hours but still its worth a try.

PPl do get demoralized, waking up every faking morning and see all “green”
and tier 3.
Every morning we struggle to get even 10 pll to get stuff going.

For example last week it took us like 3 hours to finaly make or hommy keep upgraded, so we decided to start trebbing bay. then Elena attacks us with 20 and all work was done for nothing!!!!
Who laughs?…….. Vizunah!!!!!!!!

Seriously every WvW player dislikes theire playstyle Elona/Deso/SfR simply all dislike it
So make a faking deal or atleast talk about it next community meeting!

Why? Since i sence ppl will ragequit playing against Vizunah or just transfure to lower tiers to have some normal fun again!

Iam just a roamer or pug wot ever u fancy. I dont gief a darn for zerg neither tiers.
But even as a “roaming around pug” I get sick/bored/tiered of Vizunah for reasons all mentioned tons of time.

Just me 2 cents.

And yet, this is you and all others servers who jumped in D1 with a big NA guild playing only 60+ monozerg which forced us to adopt this “boring” gameplay.
I miss our former gameplay, and former opponents… :-/

Really now? You DESTROYED Far Shiverpeaks server with your PvD tactics in the first months. You forced other servers to search for counter measures, or they would suffer the same fate:

- Blacktide – guilds rallied because XAOC could counter you in the morning
- Desolation – RUIN

And now you complain that you want your old opponents back? What opponents? The ones who got tired of you fight-at-night-upgrade-toT3 tactics?
Are you aware that every top server in EU is actively looking for a night cap guild only because they want to have the SMALLEST chance of winning versus Visunah?

Do you have the slightest idea how frustrating it is for the rest of us to fight you? To lose guilds moving to NA only because they are SICK AND TIRED of the Vizunah playstile? To have half of the community wishing to drop tier only to get away from you?

You have NO IDEA about this do you? Please stop being condescending towards other servers when Vizuna single handedly killed the EU bracket!

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

(edited by Grok.6714)

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Zamerine.2635


Someone relay thanks to [WL] Charr elementalist for a great duel.

Hello Hrist !
It was indeed a really good duel and I would gladly look forward an another even though it has been a little difficult to finish it with those low level guys trying to interrupt us :’(

Anyway, a big thank you for your fairplay and the great pleasure I had facing you !

On another topic, I’d like to remind you all that at war strategy and organisation ( both in supplies and men ) are equal to tactics. What I mean is that if you want a tactic only fight you should go in lower tiers with your guild and do GvG fights just like RG did.

Here in T1, you will not only face good tactics but also great strategy and organisation. This is what a war is and Anet tried his best to make his game reflect that reality. It’s called World vs World and not Guild vs Guild for a reason ( although it wouldn’t be a bad thing if they implemented that and I’d truly be glad ! ).

Charr Elementalist D/D
[WL] War LegenD
Vizunah Square [FR]

(edited by Zamerine.2635)

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Kazuno.9218


Really now? You DESTROYED Far Shiverpeaks server with your PvD tactics in the first months. You forced other servers to search for counter measures, or they would suffer the same fate:

- Blacktide – guilds rallied because XAOC could counter you in the morning
- Desolation – RUIN

And now you complain that you want your old opponents back? What opponents? The ones who got tired of you fight-at-night-upgrade-toT3 tactics?
Are you aware that every top server in EU is actively looking for a night cap guild only because they want to have the SMALLEST chance of winning versus Visunah?

Do you have the slightest idea how frustrating it is for the rest of us to fight you? To lose guilds moving to NA only because they are SICK AND TIRED of the Vizunah playstile? To have half of the community wishing to drop tier only to get away from you?

You have NO IDEA about this do you? Please stop being condescending towards other servers when Vizuna single handedly killed the EU bracket!

Oooh i feel so guilty as a VS player, really sorry.
And personnaly i don’t care about NA guilds, there is no unfair or dirty or boring playstyle there’s only ways to counter it.

Vizunah Square

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


That’s funny because i usually run with a raid between 10 and 25 mates. Sometimes less, but NEVER more. What a big Zerg !!!…

And yes, we on VS have always nightcapped. I’ll not deny it, it’s the truth. We have a lot of night players (and i’m one of them sometimes). Would we been able to ask them to stop playing to let you “have fun” ? The answer is : No, we couldn’t.

But this night force was not organized in this old time (the 24h matchups), we just had no resistance…

The thing that NA guilds have forced us to learn, is organization of this night shift to counter them.

Regarding the “Monobus-Zerg-<insert what you want>”, i can ensure you that we were the firsts to rage about it when some guilds like GF, Nugos or ZDs came with there 50+ men turttle… (this is just some exemple, not a “forum-war delaration”…)

And this poor Zerging tactic, was applied by all our ennemis since this time… (exept some guilds like RG, for exemple, which had their own tactics…)

Our server has simply adapted his gamestyle to this situation… no more…

I tried to be objective in my post, so please try to also do it in your answers and don’t accuse us about things that we have not introduced in T1…


PS: Sorry for my english yet…

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: suprNovae.5410


there is no point in blaming Vizunah. They are the best server. That’s it. It’s complettely dumb to blame server who nightcap like Vizunah.
1st thing: Vizunah do even in primetime mostly the most points
2nd thing: Is there any other server which would just stop capping when they see the enemies went off sleeping?

If SFR drop to t2 they will night cap as well.
If ER drop to t2 they will do the same.

just be quiet and don’t start flaming. Vizunah has mostly french people(2% switzerland,beglium, whatever ?) No night capping from NA guilds.

Don’t forget which server here had a guild from NA…

btw it’s kinda weird situation. SFR stopped capping and “help” us to cap towers, keeps etc… it will become close. it’s more like a fight for t2 than a fight for a higher rank lol….
sfr even defend our towers -______-

Clint B E Eastwood – Guardian
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Reztek.7805


I started this game in Desolation. A very strong server back then and lots of confidence. That was till they faced Vizunah. During the day, Desolation were superior. But then came the night for the very first time vs Vizunah and BAM. You wake up to Vizunah having capped 95% of everything.

That ruined the motivation and Desolation slowly crumbled.

My friend then told me about a guild and wanted me to join them. They were located in Far Shiverpeaks back then and so I transferred. Not long after, other guilds bandwagoned it and made it an extremely strong server. Taking it all up to T1.

Desolation was in the beginning never as good as any of the top 3 servers: Far Shiverpeaks, Riverside and Vizunah. Wonder how you fought all your way up to T1 with FSP, sounds more like WTJ. Desolation made it to T1 just because of night capping NA guilds. Same goes for Blacktide (though less NA, more bandwaggoners), which is the best example for the kind of players who hop from server to server. They ruined FSP and BT. SFR and PS are about to follow. Oh, and project Vabbi was awesome!


Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Lelith.2916


Viz... You are obviously very talented at playing the points game, which to be fair.. is all that matters in WvW. But... your tactics while effective truly make you the most boring server in the history of WvW to fight.. You say you don;t care, but what if.. using an extreme example.. every server that faces you gets tired of it and just doesn; tbother turning up that week... How would you feel fighting absolutely no one week upon week.. you certainly couldn’t claim you were the best if that happened as you would never have any opposition. Being top of T1 doesn’t always mean you are the best :D

Guild Leader of Eternal Invictus [INVI].

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


You know that we played against servers with equal/better coverage right, had great fights, tied matchups, some easy wins, some hard loss ?

Or did you just discover T1 last week ?

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: satkis.7021


Theres two reasons why vizunah is the best server in EU at the moment.
1) WvW is a point capping game. Vizunah is clearly the best server in this one. Some may say it’s boring to play against but hey it gets the job done.
2) Quantity over quality. At this moment Vizunah has the biggest WvW playerbase coverage over time. Better coverage -> more points.

In t1 every server has decent amount of coordination and skills so no need to mention that. Those two things = Winning. No insults here to anyone but the cold facts everyone should know. There’s no arguing about it

satkis [TLA] – Guardian – Desolation

Only a WvW player

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: GeniusBrain.7436


Dont blame vizunah, they played the game Anet gave us. Pvd, Roleplay, Internet community/organisation. Nothing more.

When Anet ll introduce Realm Rank and new rewards, most players ll want to grind it as fast as possible. Viz players wont wait 3h30 queuing to do so. They ll slowly transfer to other French server and Viz server ll lose it’s strenght : Pugs. This ll happen on every HIGH population server tho.

Beeing on T1 or T8 ll mean nothing, not even for pride anymore.

New guilds ll appear to farm that new content, and some existent guild may stop GvG to play something that’s actually rewarding.

GG to VIZ for dominating WvW Beta so far. It’s well deserved.

But brace yourself , real sh**t is coming.


Objective reply, good EU ladder knowledge mate !

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


I started this game in Desolation. A very strong server back then and lots of confidence. That was till they faced Vizunah. During the day, Desolation were superior. But then came the night for the very first time vs Vizunah and BAM. You wake up to Vizunah having capped 95% of everything.

That ruined the motivation and Desolation slowly crumbled.

My friend then told me about a guild and wanted me to join them. They were located in Far Shiverpeaks back then and so I transferred. Not long after, other guilds bandwagoned it and made it an extremely strong server. Taking it all up to T1.

Desolation was in the beginning never as good as any of the top 3 servers: Far Shiverpeaks, Riverside and Vizunah. Wonder how you fought all your way up to T1 with FSP, sounds more like WTJ. Desolation made it to T1 just because of night capping NA guilds. Same goes for Blacktide (though less NA, more bandwaggoners), which is the best example for the kind of players who hop from server to server. They ruined FSP and BT. SFR and PS are about to follow. Oh, and project Vabbi was awesome!

FSP didn’t get ruined
We dropped tiers yes but that is not the end of the world, we are a decent midtier server now.
It’s not like what happens to AR and BT now, check our history, we never had any walkovers or anything. We still had a lot of people, but all the organizing and veteran wvw guilds left, so it was up the to pugs, fresh recruits and the few veteran players left to build it up again, which took some time.
As an FSP player i can only be glad about what happened against Vizu back then, it dropped us out of the zergfest and allowed me to enter wvw, the first month there were only que’s que’s and more que’s

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

(edited by Ironvos.9014)

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I don’t blame Viz for nightcapping, I would do it too. You have to use your strengths and abuse your opponents weaknesses.

They herefor have the best server in EU. But this doesn’t mean they have the best players or guilds.

And this doesn’t even matter, WvW is about strategy and teamwork. Not individual skill. If you are the best 1vs1 player, you can be as skilled as you like, if you don’t stick to your commander in zerg fights, you will die.

Give Vizu a brake, recruit some NA guilds and counter their nightcapping and we will see where they end up.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Give Vizu a brake, recruit some NA guilds and counter their nightcapping

Stop thinking like that… NA NA NA NA… it’s the EU ladder here… why recruit NA ?
It was them who caused your loss, well as for the others server. Recrut some enduring EU night pugs/guilds, it’ll be better for you and for us.

Especially as we don’t have NA whereas we have the encumbrance of being tag “FR”, yet we have done since the beginning what you should have done also.
You’ve chosen the ease, you pay now the consequences just like your predecessors.

we will see where they end up

Where were you the last months ?