Vizuna -Deso-Elona 16/02 + GvG
Technically, i’m new too… So it’d still work?
(edited by Genev.2450)
While everyone is taking a break.. some of the guilds (FG, DsD, GoD) were having fun on Elona border…….Viz and Elona…thank you for those fun fights…we kept it bringing. I hope you enjoyed aswell
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
IRON having alot of fun tonight with Aegis guild on Elona. Good fights and a brilliant atmosphere, which wasnt spoilt by LP and Viz players attempting to jump us. Had alot of loot bags from LP and i`m sure Aegis will say the same :P Some players respected what we were doing and shared in our inter-server love. Great times.
EDIT: LP are now bringing allies from the server to help, pity it doesnt stop you wiping every time :P
(edited by Starscream.7803)
You taught us a valuable lesson there. We had tons of fun nevertheless and took a lot of things with us to work on, until next time. Thanks for the great sportsmanship.
Awesome job tonight Aegis guys, looking forward to our next fight. Must admit I especially liked the moments wiping Viz together and having interspersed spectators.
Would say you guys have already improved alot over the last month, lets hope you dont get too much out of today..
(edited by Offski.4897)
Had so much fun this evening. Thanks to Aegis for the great fights.
Thanks to all involved in organising it.
Lets do more in the future ^^
Snappless / Osii
lets hope you dont get too much out of today..
we’ve gotten closer at the end
anyways, had a ton of fun today, thanks for that
ps: our commander is missing 1 of his exotics, can you give it back please? #exodropsgg
hope it atleast was worth some money
edit: only for you
(edited by Skyllar.3562)
nooo u deleted the exotic comment.. made us all laugh that did. Yeh was best night in wvw for a long while, so thanks to you guys.
Fun fights against Aegis tonight, awesome job to Veffe who streamed it all despite the culling,
Sanctum Of Rall
Fixed the blinking for future.
Had a slight bug with xsplit.
It’s sad how these threads end up in flame wars every week but meh I guess the forum warriors need somewhere to vent! I’d like to just say that I am proud to be the Co-Leader of IRON and although I don’t share the opinion of some of our members (carrying Deso) I do think that the guys and gals within IRON do a great job and are awesome fun to play with. In addition to this awesome guild we have a great alliance on Desolation and every guild in it works hard to bring good fights to WvW.
Love you guys <3
@Aegis – really fun tonight, some of the best fun i’ve had commanding in a long time. Thank you for bringing us a much needed challenge, hope to do it again soon ^^
Looking forward to a few move GvG’s this week
It’s sad how these threads end up in flame wars every week…
This thread only ended up like that after IRON decided to gang on some guy who shared his experience. His experience was bad, so what? I’m sure many have had better experiences with Moorta. By ganging up on him all you achieved was worsening the image people have about your guild (ofc maybe your guild was after a bad image). There was absolutely no need to gang up on the poor guy (and afterwards Genev, who admittedly is very good at the art of forums).
More on topic, thanks for all the fun in EB JP Elona and Viz <3
Thanks Ægis! ’twas hella fun
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
Nice to see CIR joined Deso, we felt you were leaving us out.
Boring …
That’s because you need to be able to use your char not just be an extension to arrow cart.
if carlsberg played Guardian.
Nice to see CIR joined Deso, we felt you were leaving us out.
We’ve been around for a bit, maybe it wasn’t noticable since the guild is technically inactive so i don’t have the tag in my sig anymore, and I’m the only one of the guild who has done some running with IRON?
Still carry the tag ingame though, npnp
Edit: Forum Tag – ACTIVATE!
(edited by Genev.2450)
Nice to see CIR joined Deso, we felt you were leaving us out.
We’ve been around for a bit, maybe it wasn’t noticable since the guild is technically inactive so i don’t have the tag in my sig anymore, and I’m the only one of the guild who has done some running with IRON?
Still carry the tag ingame though, npnpEdit: Forum Tag – ACTIVATE!
It’s a shame really, I remember how good CIR were when they were on Blacktide. Whats happenned? Planetside?
I recently came back from a break of almost 2 months, for example.
Some people had a look at Planetside, but dont think anyone really cared for it.
Edit: Also, what Raege said.
(edited by Genev.2450)
yesterday at elona bl, few fights
edit – and change to HD quality
Hand of Blood [HoB]
Aurora Glade
(edited by aern.5023)
Can’t see kitten. Was trying to find myself (I was there in Cragtop with pew-pew guard build ^^) but failed.
My advice, spend some time to refine your movie production process and maybe find better tools. I use Play Claw, since unlike fraps it produces compressed video that doesn’t require additional processing, just scissors. Other than that – nothing funky, just Movie Maker occasionally.
Thanks to Aegis for being great competition !
Please sign or suffer the wrath of Gesmo!
[IRON] Gaming
(edited by Jiiub.7135)
You both just linked the same video.
mine is clearly better :P as i am ofcourse eeeh better? -.o (edited)
[IRON] Gaming
Sadly i was just spectating this. Which was also awesome. Still liking your messy playstyle Gesmo! When is the next vid coming?
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
Sadly i was just spectating this. Which was also awesome. Still liking your messy playstyle Gesmo! When is the next vid coming?
Smells like Swtor
Yesterday, i killed an IRON’s character. He was soloing on the vizu map.
I looted a starter (1H sword).
Thx a lot (from Vizunah).
aww KAZ, is it true????
Nice to see some GvG on Iron/WL Streams!
hm seems stone,paper,scissors
Really good fun tonight against IRON in GvG (red map). Our guild (GHO) got invited at the last minute by WL. We were totally unprepared (+we are not a top guild like WL IRON AEGIS KAZ etc…anyway) and wipped in 15 seconds on the first fight, i guess in 30 seconds in the second but we did better in the third. We were so proud to not be totally ridiculous that last time It really got us motivated to improve and up our game.
Thanks IRON and WL for the fun and i hope we can do this again sometimes. (Even better i hope anet will include a proper GvG update sometimes).
Also it was fun to sit next to our enemies and watch the fights
Cheers from Vizunah.
Really good fun tonight against IRON in GvG (red map). Our guild (GHO) got invited at the last minute by WL. We were totally unprepared (+we are not a top guild like WL IRON AEGIS KAZ etc…anyway) and wipped in 15 seconds on the first fight, i guess in 30 seconds in the second but we did better in the third. We were so proud to not be totally ridiculous that last time
It really got us motivated to improve and up our game.
Thanks IRON and WL for the fun and i hope we can do this again sometimes. (Even better i hope anet will include a proper GvG update sometimes).
Also it was fun to sit next to our enemies and watch the fights
Cheers from Vizunah.
it was really fun fighting u, it was my first fight as well from IRON, we arent an open field guild either but its a nice chabge..
thk u and WL,,,
Well my results from the last weeks:
Vizunah has 3 times as much people as Elona and Deso.
Still they can’t play.
Sadly i was just spectating this. Which was also awesome. Still liking your messy playstyle Gesmo! When is the next vid coming?
Soon means never ! Haha I can’t bring myself to watching and editing 2 hours of total carnage. Really amazing job WL guilds like you make IRON better.
Good evening fighting WL and GHO.
WL gave us stuff to think about.
Thanks guys!
The Iron Triangle [IRON] – Desolation (EU)
Yeah got my asura kitten handed to me quite a few times.
Thx for the fun! hope we’ll fight you guys soon again!
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
Nice word Elona,
a big zerg with commander in the EBG jumping puzzle…
Any chance next week we can get back to WvW, Ive made 107g PvE’ing but i miss the combat……….There’s nothing better than seeing a Charr running towards you and you just take the front end of his face off……..I love WvW
Asura – Desolation
aww KAZ, is it true????
It is m8, the dream is over. I will leave it at that. Thanks for everything and good luck everyone.
aww KAZ, is it true????
It is m8, the dream is over. I will leave it at that. Thanks for everything and good luck everyone.
Wasnt really much of a shock considering what was said
Asura – Desolation
Just a quick clarification: KAZ has disbanded as guild, but 90% of former KAZ has created “The Bullfighters”. We will continue playing on Desolation and making the greatest effort possible for the server.
Cya all @ battlefield.
You can find WaR LEgenD GvG 30v30 action against IRON without director’s cut (with timer) on
Also all primetime on
(edited by NoXsNoNo.9348)
Just a quick clarification: KAZ has disbanded as guild, but 90% of former KAZ has created “The Bullfighters”. We will continue playing on Desolation and making the greatest effort possible for the server.
Cya all @ battlefield.
Taking into account KAZ had a rooster of 57 players, and 25 people did not leave till Ogro and me decided not to continue the proyect, I would say the above phrase is Bull…
Let us refrain from any more clarifications… Popcorn is expensve
Nice GvG with IRON and WL.
I enjoyed watching it although my favourite team lost
There’s a couple other things to be said:
1. Ideally you don’t turn on your commander icon during GvG to not attract extra random forces (orange swords are still there though). Considering current state of culling however and a number of spectators that may gather around just to watch, it’s impractical because you’ll have your leader constantly going in and out of culling.
2. Random ally forces usually considered more of a complication for a train when facing another highly organized guild. They most probably do not have fitting gear and builds, they leech healing and boons, they provide extra rally for opponent.
Still, It’s all unfortunate and I hope Anet will give GvG more love in the future.
aww KAZ, is it true????
It is m8, the dream is over. I will leave it at that. Thanks for everything and good luck everyone.
well good luck with RG, was fun, hope to fight u guys again sometime. though i expect a mass wipe.
and thanks for the rest of KAZ/BULL staying, its a good guild , hope u guys continue doing what u do best.
However, WL also did try somee cheeky stuff, like running back after dying, theives hiding in water and trees getting into the fight, etc etc. but as i said, u cant control some aspects, it doesnt mean we or WL cheated.
Quite funny what you said but I think you should delete this before it turns into a forumwar once again. Looking at WLs stream should be enough. Did you play the matches or were you spectat…oh wait…
Is it possible to have a video link from Iron’s point of view (like you did vs Aegis) ?
An another topic, sad about KAZ. Some great fights against you guys.