Vizunah Square : simply the best

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Ofunk.8097


Vizunah Square is now the #1 ranked server in the European time zone.

This is the tenth time the server has been ranked #1, and it demonstrates again that a french server can dominate the match-up against a server reinforced with huge guilds from american timezone.

We are extremely proud of our server-mates ankittenhankful to fight by their side.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Emo.4659



Vizunah pick up > American guild with huge timezone

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: huudis.8790


lol, stay in queue…

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Except little fact what common EU [FR] practice is “wanna competitive WvW? Transfer VS. Wanna some PVE carebear life? Transfer to lower tiers”. DE/EN servers won’t share this mindset, and ES just too small to do that. But tssh, this is secret, don’t tell anyone.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Romek.4201


Congratz Vizunah

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


oh come on guys , it’s just his funny reply to that

don’t need to start to be rude or disinformative

and yeah WE won because of server hopping…. that’s the best one of the day. ( the french canadian one is a little old, sorry Anhellbro )

let’s celebrate the good fights we had , forget the bad ones , and hope for the same next week

with deso on third server it will be a huge funny mess

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Swyff.4836


The current situation is like that :
Thanks for your effort comrade

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Faunus.3647


guys don’t be chill … We made them cause people answer to the call , we don’t have to taunt them.
All the guys coming D1 just for kick us out can’t understand why we fight. let them on their mind , and keep the fight on. Do not taunt them anymore , score will do the rest.

Thanks Romek.
See you on next holidays.

Commander Vizunah Square
Eternalïa [OVER]

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Neito.5308


You reached number 1 again since Elona gave up and the majority attacked SFR only.

Hopefully Desolation wont be push overs and the match will be a 1v1v1, rather than 1v1.5

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: arkangium.9374


They are the best PvD server, that’s for sure.

idea given by sfr with their massive attack golem at our lunch time for reset our T3…

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: arkangium.9374


You reached number 1 again since Elona gave up and the majority attacked SFR only.

Hopefully Desolation wont be push overs and the match will be a 1v1v1, rather than 1v1.5

lol are u sure of that?
most of the time we have to fight 2 massives bus at the same time until wednesday …

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


The most boring server.

I’ll give to to Viz, They know how to win and they’ll win anyway even stooping so low to lame tatics.

They’re set up nicely in terms of defending, They’ll build god knows how many arrow carts, and hold a keep. They have a very strong night force in numbers, even PRX get outnumbered and have to focus on one BL.

I don’t get how you’ve managed to stay in t1 so long, You’re members must be bored, You do everything you can to avoid fighting, You’re tatics on defending are second to none but when it comes to fighting you fall hard.

Apart from War Legend, I hardly see any other guild, just a massive blob of randoms, who fall easily once they come out and play

But credit where credits due, You’ve won your 10th t1 bracket.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


So much humility.. it’s beautiful..

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Vewen.8016


The boost you got yesterdy from Anet sure did help you of course, but like most of SFR not being able to get back into the map and Vizunah taking over almost the entire map in a matter of 2 hours.

Oh, and I also like how you forget that the moment SFR entered tier 1, we beat you twice. The fight isn’t over yet, I hope you’ll remember that for the future. Like the OP said, so much humility, it’s beautiful. But congrats for sticking it out in tier 1 that long, I have to give credit where it is due.

(edited by Vewen.8016)

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: arkangium.9374


The boost you got yesterdy from Anet sure did help you of course, but like most of SFR not being able to get back into the map and Vizunah taking over almost the entire map in a matter of 2 hours.

Oh, and I also like how you forget that the moment SFR entered tier 1, we beat you twice. The fight isn’t over yet, I hope you’ll remember that for the future. Like the OP said, so much humility, it’s beautiful. But congrats for sticking it out in tier 1 that long.

it s juste a jock,
a copy past of the beautifull PRX post when they take the first place for the 1st time…

and we had the same problem with this f.. pacth when Anet has down the server 2 hours on the first match up, we have taken 20k point…

(edited by arkangium.9374)

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Jee E free.5891

Jee E free.5891

Got to admit. When it comes to doing everything you can do to win and putting those tactics into practice to actually win then yes Vizunah Square deserves to be number one.
Ofcourse then we will not take into consideration that the way they win involves a lot of lowhanded tactics where myself and a lot of people from my server do not wish to participate in.

Personally I couldn’t care less about who is on top or who is not as I just like to have some nice fights when I go out into the field to play. Sadly enough I would have to come to the conclusion that this was by far the most poor match-up every since our facerolling into T1 by the simple fact that Elona refuses to play and the French only run away when they see someone from SFR walking towards them so they can hide into their T3 tower with 10 arrowcarts behind the door.

Let’s hope you people are willing to fight next week and let’s hope Desolation is willing to put up some fights as well.

Jee E free
[VoTF]Vengeance of the Fallen
Seafarers Rest

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Evene.5796


Troll post from the OP. There is ways to celebrate victory, this one is dubious. And then there is the hate in reply. It’s funny how the winner never deserve to win. It’s funny how if you’re not a “known” guild you don’t know how to play. It’s funny because I know many of Vizu guilds that we always go for a fight even outnumbered. It’s funny when there is full days where a server is ahead in the income and still it’s all about PvDoors in the comments. It’s funny how there is many more elite people on the forum than in the game.

So as always the problem is mostly people and their attitude. To those being fair, I say GG, was a nice matchup, SFR is interesting to fight, and we look forward to see what Deso will bring to the matchup.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: arkangium.9374


Got to admit. When it comes to doing everything you can do to win and putting those tactics into practice to actually win then yes Vizunah Square deserves to be number one.
Ofcourse then we will not take into consideration that the way they win involves a lot of lowhanded tactics where myself and a lot of people from my server do not wish to participate in.

Personally I couldn’t care less about who is on top or who is not as I just like to have some nice fights when I go out into the field to play. Sadly enough I would have to come to the conclusion that this was by far the most poor match-up every since our facerolling into T1 by the simple fact that Elona refuses to play and the French only run away when they see someone from SFR walking towards them so they can hide into their T3 tower with 10 arrowcarts behind the door.

Let’s hope you people are willing to fight next week and let’s hope Desolation is willing to put up some fights as well.

what you forget is that we’re all on the same time zone on our server
we fight the day and the night,
sometimes I go to work with only 2 hours of sleep,

PRX arrived and wanted to Vizunah death,
we must fight against the Russians and the Americans, they have a larger coverage range schedule we have.

just need to be fair play, but this time we win the coming week is likely to be even harder for us.

2 servers will focus us, it s goal the game.
stay cool and have fun.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Blackwyn.8127


I’ve never understood that argument. According to Vizunah players, it’s the same players that plays during the day, during the night and pretty much at any other time coverage since the beginning.

If that’s true. Shouldn’t they have ended in the hospital or be dead by now? Cause I see no way how a normal human being can play 22-24 hours a day every day for the past few months unless they’re vampires / human cross breed.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


I’ve never understood that argument. According to Vizunah players, it’s the same players that plays during the day, during the night and pretty much at any other time coverage since the beginning.

If that’s true. Shouldn’t they have ended in the hospital or be dead by now? Cause I see no way how a normal human being can play 22-24 hours a day every day for the past few months unless they’re vampires / human cross breed.

Redbull and coffee are the key

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Emo.4659


what you forget is that we’re all on the same time zone on our server
we fight the day and the night,
sometimes I go to work with only 2 hours of sleep,

PRX arrived and wanted to Vizunah death,
we must fight against the Russians and the Americans, they have a larger coverage range schedule we have.

just need to be fair play, but this time we win the coming week is likely to be even harder for us.

2 servers will focus us, it s goal the game.
stay cool and have fun.

A misconception is that more time zones = more coverage, but coverage is in conjunction with server population because of the ability to spread players over more hours. VZ = full server. SFR = not full, not very high, not high.. but medium.

Medium server is an avantage for WvWvW guild. On Vizunah we can’t zerg with only 1 or 2 teamguild. Always playing with 80% of PU.

Morality : we can say what we want with your “Medium stat”.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Filedroit.1265


I’ve never understood that argument. According to Vizunah players, it’s the same players that plays during the day, during the night and pretty much at any other time coverage since the beginning.

If that’s true. Shouldn’t they have ended in the hospital or be dead by now? Cause I see no way how a normal human being can play 22-24 hours a day every day for the past few months unless they’re vampires / human cross breed.

Redbull and coffee are the key

I’d rather say wine and cheese, cause I will never eat a frog.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: username.4932


You guys are getting trolled at wish, yes this thread is a troll so lets have fun and never take anything seriously from VZ players again here (we are trolling on purpose).

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Congratulations on winning. Weak Wednesday is what did us in on SFr this week- no map was full, no queue on SFR side and even when there was a queue there seemed to be 20-30 SFR organised and fighting 30 ER and 50+ VS zergs on every map.

Was a very strange week from the numbers side – SFR seems to have gained a lot of new randoms that ignored commanders, as well as pile of monthly completion Jump puzzle campers, it was frustating running into culled VS zergs outnumbered 2 and 3 to 1 – made it hard to beat them.

Hopefully next week we’ll get back to being organised and give VS a fight.

Medium server is not an advantage if you can’t fill your borderlands and even get ‘outmanned’ buff at one point last night.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Blue.7256


VS – cause being ridiculous never gets boring.
They run in huge 50 ppl blobs, they have all maps full practically all the time and they still say they’re outmanned, they have worse coverage and less people then others in general.

[RL] Bluel
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Heru.5427


Congrats on being the best server at gathering points.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Evene.5796


I’ve never understood that argument. According to Vizunah players, it’s the same players that plays during the day, during the night and pretty much at any other time coverage since the beginning.

If that’s true. Shouldn’t they have ended in the hospital or be dead by now? Cause I see no way how a normal human being can play 22-24 hours a day every day for the past few months unless they’re vampires / human cross breed.

Well maybe not 22-24 hours, but I’m one of those players and I do game sessions from 10am to 4am, not every day of the week but once a week during the week, and on other days I can still play a lot when the matchup is interesting. And there are a lot of people I know who do the same on Vizunah.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: arkangium.9374


VS – cause being ridiculous never gets boring.
They run in huge 50 ppl blobs, they have all maps full practically all the time and they still say they’re outmanned, they have worse coverage and less people then others in general.

ok just for you,
one tips,


Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Vizunah Square is now the #1 ranked server in the European time zone.

This is the tenth time the server has been ranked #1, and it demonstrates again that a french server can dominate the match-up against a server reinforced with huge guilds from american timezone.

We are extremely proud of our server-mates ankittenhankful to fight by their side.

vizunah… i am proud of you
You are the best , numero 1, the one and the only one
But i see an bugg on my screen, you are blue colour VS in WvWvW , doesen’t that makes you second at the moment ?
no.1 WvW kills

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


“The pug of the week " title went to Vizunah!

Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Filedroit.1265


you should have quote the original message. People are not able to understand sarcasm.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


I’m just a random from the NA ladder, but from an outsider’s point of view if a server can consistently stay in tier 1, winning more often than not in a landscape as turbulent as the EU ladder, they are surely doing something right. What they do may not be pretty, and they may not be very nice about it, but sometimes results do speak for themselves.

I’ll really like to see how VS fares against the NA ladder top dogs. Too bad it will probably never happen

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Kenea.2073



I just want to say gg to my enemy and fight interesting time to time. Still I think you need to level up for more fun, but remember, you can t do anything against superfrog :d.


(edited by Kenea.2073)

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: geraldbaeck.2841


Come on guys, they worked hard for the win and they deserve it. And to all the guys who are posting that they do not care who wins: Why are you even posting that, if you do not care?

I care and for an Elona player there is one good thing in it, this means that also dedicated language server could dominate if they do it right.

drpink – Elona Reach – Guardian

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Kadyak.3457


I’m just a random from the NA ladder, but from an outsider’s point of view if a server can consistently stay in tier 1, winning more often than not in a landscape as turbulent as the EU ladder, they are surely doing something right. What they do may not be pretty, and they may not be very nice about it, but sometimes results do speak for themselves.

I’ll really like to see how VS fares against the NA ladder top dogs. Too bad it will probably never happen

Thanks for bringing a bit of wiseness here.

[WL]Kadyak | Vizunah

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


I’m just a random from the NA ladder, but from an outsider’s point of view if a server can consistently stay in tier 1, winning more often than not in a landscape as turbulent as the EU ladder, they are surely doing something right. What they do may not be pretty, and they may not be very nice about it, but sometimes results do speak for themselves.

I’ll really like to see how VS fares against the NA ladder top dogs. Too bad it will probably never happen

would have been fun, everybody thought of that at least once i’m sure, but it’s not possible with the time difference. Maps are full only for 3 hours on EU ladder, not 24/24.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


what you forget is that we’re all on the same time zone on our server
we fight the day and the night,
sometimes I go to work with only 2 hours of sleep,

PRX arrived and wanted to Vizunah death,
we must fight against the Russians and the Americans, they have a larger coverage range schedule we have.

just need to be fair play, but this time we win the coming week is likely to be even harder for us.

2 servers will focus us, it s goal the game.
stay cool and have fun.

A misconception is that more time zones = more coverage, but coverage is in conjunction with server population because of the ability to spread players over more hours. VZ = full server. SFR = not full, not very high, not high.. but medium.

SFR is not full but they are dedicated WvW, unlike VS which are mainly PVE.
You have 3 primetimes in the same day versus 1, you have the biggest zergs ever seen in T1 EU, there is nothing else to add.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


I see Qwizz getting this week’s excuses ready for coming..second? or will it be 3rd?

VS had piles of players in all borderlands late last night- I had the outmanned buff on for quite a while and all I usually see of VS is a blob of stealthed players 40-50+ appearing amongst the battle (if it’s in open play then the next thing I usually see is 40-50 dead french if there was more than 20 of us).

SFR has piles of PVE’rs, who also come into wvw and clog up the JP stopping real wvw’rs from getting in, which can be frustrating at peak times.

VS have one guild that can field 40 players in wvw at a time- I saw them all running past last night, so to say VS is mainly pve is rubbish.

VS have good all day coverage like every tier 1 server, if VS were mainly pve like you state then they would never last in wvw as they wouldn’t be able to field full servers for so much of the day.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


VS – cause being ridiculous never gets boring.
They run in huge 50 ppl blobs, they have all maps full practically all the time and they still say they’re outmanned, they have worse coverage and less people then others in general.

Come a week on VS judge for yourself and you will realise that what you said is false.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


I see Qwizz getting this week’s excuses ready for coming..second? or will it be 3rd?

VS had piles of players in all borderlands late last night- I had the outmanned buff on for quite a while and all I usually see of VS is a blob of stealthed players 40-50+ appearing amongst the battle (if it’s in open play then the next thing I usually see is 40-50 dead french if there was more than 20 of us).

SFR has piles of PVE’rs, who also come into wvw and clog up the JP stopping real wvw’rs from getting in, which can be frustrating at peak times.

VS have one guild that can field 40 players in wvw at a time- I saw them all running past last night, so to say VS is mainly pve is rubbish.

VS have good all day coverage like every tier 1 server, if VS were mainly pve like you state then they would never last in wvw as they wouldn’t be able to field full servers for so much of the day.

Last night we were 40 pugs. Not per map, but for all borderlands.
If you find a guild of 40+ players (except VSS which are pugs assembly) on VS like PRX or VoTF, i wear a dunce cap for a week. :P

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Fatal.2815


where do you take these numbers from ? like 40 vizuna on all baorderlands during night only ?

Amazing Fatal | [VoTF]
My mesmer video -

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Community teamspeak.

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Fatal.2815


oh well.. Seafarers had 10 players last night then.

Anyway big grats to Vizunah for being best in the world at points gathering : )

Amazing Fatal | [VoTF]
My mesmer video -

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Evoneva Drakon.1754

Evoneva Drakon.1754

Yeah, VZ never mob what are you talking about….

Following the leader, the leader, the leader
We’re following the leader wherever he may go
We won’t be home till morning, till morning
We won’t be home till morning
Because he told us so
Tee dum, tee dee


Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


Even if I hate Vizunah’s, I respect you for never being kicked out of T1. Much respect for you guys, I hope I’ll kill you all :P

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


The week they fix culling is when viz plummet like a stone down to to t3 or 4 – which is about their skill level.

Blob blob blob pvdoor pvdoor exploit exploit winnnz!

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


Odd sense of humor… Not seeing anything remotely funny in the post just arrogance.