Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Koralun.6214


I guess its time for the first Bracket to get a good chance to talk to each other, in a common language. I started this threat so everybody of the 3 servers can talk to each other because google translate really doesn´t make sense to me some times and i want to stop that lost in translation thing
To start the threat i just refer to the french forum posts talking about the germans are that good because they are on holidays. (the holidays in germany are listed below)

Koralun – Ranger
Alana Twain – Guardian
Elona Reach

(edited by Koralun.6214)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Desiderius.7259


I thought we are a bunch of cheaters, not good enough for 1. Bracket?

It would be nice, if some french players could comment on this issue, because googletranslator is not very efficient in translating french-threads about Elona Reach.

Guardian / Ele / Thief / Mesmer
E Q U I N O X [EqnX] – Elona Reach [DE]

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: anti.2964


Hey Vizu, Hey Arborstone
This is the best battle i had so far. I’m very impressed by the way you are playing. Especially Arborstone found a nice tactic to fight “in a small ball”. We are sorry for stealing your orb with “Bugusing/Hacking”. Be sure that these people are not in our Raid-Teamspeak servers because nobody of us is supporting Bug-Exploit!!! Use “Orb-scouts” to protect your orb maybe. On the other hand we got a lot of Hackers in our keeps that tried to steal the orb. Good luck

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Zheno.3064


Hi Desiderieus,

If you want, i can make a little chat with you on TS about that, I speak both Fr, and De, and read about our match in both forums.
If you want i can make a little translation on the posts you want. Because the whole french community who plaid against you see’s your server as the biggest cheating and bug using community in the EU bracket. I know that this is surely the work from a small amount of rotten apples you have on your side, but the point is that it tears down the whole image we have from your server.
And as a big guild of your server, and as one of the mean commander, your work is also to keep your community clean, and report such behaviors. We also had some issues, of a guy telling us he managed to enter a keep without breaking the door, he was warned of reporting on TS, and nobody followed him. It’s a bit boring on making the law, but as the security in GW2 is as a swiss emmental, the community has to make this, for it’s own sake. ( i don’t talk about Japanese alcohol here )

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: DarkXTC.6397


Hey Zheno if you want to translate some posts it would also be a nice idea if you could upload a translation on pastebin or something for everybody to read. I really would like to hear why they think we’re cheating. I’m running around (sometimes more sometimes less ) in the eternal battegrounds and didn’t see any cheaters that were fighting around with us. Our guys only try to find some new ideas for snatching the towers and such. like finding a position that’s not very obvious for catapults and out of range for the normal arrowcart positions and such. and thats really no cheating.
(edit: typos)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


I thought we are a bunch of cheaters, not good enough for 1. Bracket?
It would be nice, if some french players could comment on this issue

Well some french player taken not very well the fact to some german player make 3/4 relic flyhack by day… But, i see nobody speak about Elona are not enough good for D1. We think EB have a really good organisation / Resource Management, far above all the other server we faced up. Ritter des Lichts use some funny tactics and all.. so we really enjoy to play against you. VS and EB, it’s the most interesting fight we have since the launch.

Atm the very funny drama is VS crying about the unfair of AS and these Canadian player nightcapping… If some player of FS read this, they must laugh I think.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: demwaral.3198


what about the arma guild? the bunch of a hundred players of them have nothing to do with the canadian one?

on a sidenote, your server (AS) was very strong when we faced each other 2 weeks ago. but this week the playstyle of some of your raids has changed totally. dunno what happened to your raidleaders, but it’s a lot more fun now =)

nothin’ to say about VS, ‘cause it’s almost the same like last week: their playstyle is more focused on the sheer mass, no tactic at all.

(edited by demwaral.3198)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


what about the arma guild? the bunch of a hundred players of them have nothing to do with the canadian one?

Armata is a french canadien guild yes, but they are 30 not 100 Atm they tested to play on EU serv ( AS ) to see if they can play in full guild and find fight. If not, they back to us serv the next week.

on a sidenote, your server (AS) was very strong when we faced each other 2 weeks ago. but this week the playstyle of some of your raids has changed totally. dunno what happened to your raidleaders, but it’s a lot more fun now =)

Well like i said, the defeat against you was very instructive and we make some change. Glad to see you find the fight more fun

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Zheno.3064


Ok, we wasn’t allowed to tell it, but we all bought an asian child which we keep in our cave and who is playing when we go sleeping.

That’s the trick

kitten :p

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Svafa.3098


Hi everyone, I’m from arbostone, and i have never seen a bug exploit (i didn’t said it doesn’t exist), so Elona’s reach the biggest cheating server ….

I remember just two weeks ago this amazing battle in D2 with Elona’s and Arbostone, it was great, really a close fight and finally elona’s win but i think it was fair.
Last week you played VS and since a lot of VS is crying of bug exploit form Elona.

So i think you don’t have to really care about what is said on french forum because it seems to be the biggest troll ever on GW2 forums …

For the first week of Arbo in D1 it’s a very nice fight, it will be a pleasure to have again these 3 servers in D1 in few weeks


Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Koralun.6214


I can only say that its a lot of fun to play you in prime time and u realy earned ur place in D1 Arbor.
On the other hand i am realy disapointed by Viznuh, not all players,
only the ones giving me a headach by accusing Elona to be a cheat server.
From what i understood in the French forum
Viznuh believes they belong to D1 and that Elona just won because of holidays in Germany (wich is wrong
because holidays started this week), and exploit using. Because i know there are always a few troubelmaker
and many normal people i just say: The players who flame in the forum that the others cheat/exploit/got
lucky and so on should consider the fact that maybe they or at least their behavior does not belong to D1.

Keep Fighting

Koralun – Ranger
Alana Twain – Guardian
Elona Reach

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Khristal.4537


Hey there,

I’m a AS player, and it’s quite fun to face old DAoC fellows from VS, just forgot the amount of QQing.

It’s also fun to face ER again, even if your type of game’s frustrating a lot of us ! We like to fight in open space and not around castle/tower.

Anyway it’s been a good start for AS in D1 hope we’ll keep up the good job in the futur

Necromancer – The Night Lords

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


Please don’t generalize.

Not all the players (by far) are accusing Elona to cheat. SOME of VS players have seen few exemples of cheat/exploit used by SOME of Elona’s players, that’s all. And maybe – surely…- some of VS players have already used the same.

We don’t think that all the Elona’s players are cheaters. That’s wrong, and we know it.

Unfortunately, the large majority of the ones who post on the french forum are frustrated boys who don’t accept they lost their 1st EU rank and are looking for excuses.

And in my oppinion, this is the same guys who whine about the AS’s nightcap (lol ? We did it for 1 month, guys…).

Regarding the germans holidays, we were thinking they started earlier but at the evidence it was not the truth. And even it was the case, it’s the game

By the way, i think the matchup is actually balanced in primetime and VS still merits his place in D1, so please don’t flame us too much from your side too

…and sorry for my english

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

(edited by basjubowe.1024)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Koralun.6214


First of all your english is not that bad ^^ if everybody understands each other its alright and of course you are right that none of us should generalize, and i hoped i made this clear in my first post but just to make sure 99% of all players on the servers are nice guys and i wanted only to get this 1% of the players to think about their behavior.

btw what do u guys think about a after fight dance at friday evening with dancebattles ^^

Koralun – Ranger
Alana Twain – Guardian
Elona Reach

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Doyen.7063


I would be really interested to see a few pics of score breakdown for this match… after all it is T1 … and occupied by none of the English speaking Eu servers


Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673



AS : 142310 + 325
VS : 109460 + 215
EB : 95629 + 150

Strong presence of AS in the night, VS is more here aftermoon and the prime time is balanced.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


Click on the server that you want to check, to see how many points it was earning at a specific hour of the day. But it depend of the update of those who did send the score.

This is the stats for this week, for our current matchup

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: suprNovae.5410


Hey Arbostone!

First of all well done this week! Since our last fight in 2nd bracket you have been improved yourself so much! I think we had like 20k more points but i jsut would say it was very close. This time you are very present the whole day. It seems like you are controlling the mass very well sometimes. It is not the same Arborstone like 2 weeks ago.
my question is….how comes?! your improvement is very huge. rumours goes around that a few vizunah guilds changed to your server because there were many wtj on vizunah who just want to karma train. Is that true?

btw im sorry for the buguser/flyhacker this week. We really take screenshots of them and report them. it is no one of the big leading guilds/groups who ordered such hacks.

You are free to ask us what ever you want. I guess most of the people will answer your questions. I love to talk with people from other servers so I think this thread is a good opportunity to talk about the different things on the servers

Clint B E Eastwood – Guardian
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Funny how the number #1 confrontation worldwide only gets 17 posts so far this week, and i believe 0 last week. WE WANT MORE DRAMA.

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Tygra.4570


For the first time since release we have the outmanned buff during the day on VS. So i guess you are right, some people transfered from VS to AS. I hear their queue is horrible this week.

Keep up the good fight

The French Flair [FF]

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Funny how the number #1 confrontation worldwide only gets 17 posts so far this week, and i believe 0 last week. WE WANT MORE DRAMA.

Haha don’t make a miskate, there is full of drama, but in french forum xD

my question is….how comes?! your improvement is very huge. rumours goes around that a few vizunah guilds changed to your server because there were many wtj on vizunah who just want to karma train. Is that true?

Well like a said, our defeat vs you was very interesting, and our alliance try new think, new organisation ect.

Hum for the VS guild switch i don’t think, many ppl form AR inc yes, but form VS i don’t see this in game. We have the same guild in prime time when we fight against you last time that now. One guild of our french canadian friend inc for 1 week trying, but it’s all and i don’t think 30ppl changes everything.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


I read Jol dont worry, but we want more drama between German and French people! (and when ER is replaced by Deso, which will happen in 10 days, drama with people from all over the world since Deso recruited americans to PVDoors)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Koralun.6214


I am really sorry for the lack of drama, but i think we are all smart enough to wait with our flames till we know who wins and who looses so we dont accuse the wrong server of playing unfair :P

Koralun – Ranger
Alana Twain – Guardian
Elona Reach

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Troop.1369


11pm EST /15char


Black Talons – We make you nervous.

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Svafa.3098



Yeah it’s a real problem in AS, it was the less populate french server, now we are the most populate french server !! I choose AS with my guild because it wasn’t too populate .. Today it’s a fail …

Furthermore there was some organisation on AS, everytime we met again the same people, now we don’t know 1/3 of people in AS server. It’s pretty disturbing, and they troll all-day on chat …

In a different way, you know it’s whining on french forum between AS and VS, because some crying people thought they were so good, and they can’t loose in D1 without cheats, today they loose fair, so it’s whining ….. Don’t worry about these players seriously it’s an epic match, and it seems to be the 3 same servers next week (seen on millenium), everybody will be in holidays this time it will be fun (because most of us will be motivate to play the night in order to have big fight 24/24 7/7 during a week


Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


I don’t think AS is more populated that VS, we are both in high population.

But yes, free transfers is really a bad idea.. so many leecher switch serv following the score… look what happening to Riverside or Augury Rock…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Syntax.9602


You will meet Riverside again maybe (at least Vizunah if they drop from T1 because of Desolation and Blacktide), but to ease the confusing, they are now called Millersund :P

We actually hoped to be out of the way of extremly populated servers with large night-presence… but well we got desolation again -.-

I don’t think Elona can hold on over a long time. Looks like even germans get exhausted sometimes and it is really hard to stay awake long over a large period if you have to go to work on the next day.

Maybe you should try to get some 500 more Canadians to fight RUIN :P (If you are on it, we would gladly take some german canadians too^^).

(edited by Syntax.9602)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: suprNovae.5410


syntax, that will be so rididulous if desolation come to the 1st bracket . Canadians vs US guys. Who will win? They hate each other right? so weird that the country hate continues in another continent. I’m so excited!

p.s. : don’t take the kitten im sayin’ for real. Im just joking we on Elona Reach don’t have much to laugh about :P

Clint B E Eastwood – Guardian
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


Let me tell you one thing. Arbor are so funny, that they need a spy in the enemy stronghold so they can cast Mesmer phantom to kill siege weapons. Rofl.

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Atm scoring :
AS : 180285 +310
VS : 127161 +230
BE : 109575 +160

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: suprNovae.5410



@Arborstone/Vizunah WOOOOW.. I don’t know who of you guys have been there but we fought like 4 hours at the keep of Vizunah in the Eternals and finally made it! We were like 30-40 people and fought against trillions of Vizunahs brood monsters. It was a nice fight. The whole teamspeak was so glad and so happy about that win. We didn’t hold it for a long time but what I think we wanted to do is mainly to tell you that we are still there and can mess with you even if we are outmanned except at night, there you are still to many ._.

Clint B E Eastwood – Guardian
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


I know the link, but doyen ask for this update

A very good resume of the drama btw VS and PA :

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Troop.1369


I know the link, but doyen ask for this update

A very good resume of the drama btw VS and PA :

5-star. /10chars

Black Talons – We make you nervous.

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Sociopath.1509


Epic video. Let the drama flow.

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Lame overdone parody. Full of grammatical and orthographic errors that made my eyes bleed. Also, you do realize that it doesn’t work for people that actually understand german, and since this thread is a mean of communication between french and german players, posting that here is irrelevant? So please crawl back to the french forums, where it could actually be a good source of drama.

Ps: I’m on AS, so don’t derive any wild conclusion from my post…

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Koralun.6214


Maybe some of Vizu still remember from last week^^

Speedruns are possible in WvW too xd

Koralun – Ranger
Alana Twain – Guardian
Elona Reach