WVW Achievement line ~ Suggestion

WVW Achievement line ~ Suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: zaybug.9284


Was thinking about WVW achievements and thought of one line I would really like to see.

Along the lines of the Slayer achievements

Tiers for killing 1000 of each professions with specific titles. i.e.

Kill 1000 Ranger
Title Ranger Slayer

and once all WVW / PVP slayer achievements are completed a new title such as

Indiscriminate Killer
Kill them all


WVW Achievement line ~ Suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


Would rather see rankings.
For each class and server for every match up.
So Ranger X kills: 100
Ranger Y kills: 92

And also a ranking for kills without getting downed.
So getting downed will mean the counter is reset.

And after every match up , last week winners of both rankings there will be a statue that’s looks like the winners will be placed inside Lion’s Arch.(near the portals to the wvw zones) With a guild banner behind it(if they are in a guild).

WVW Achievement line ~ Suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: pacifist.1703


Great idea
Love it

WVW Achievement line ~ Suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


Wvw isn’t about kills. Kills are a side-effect.

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.