WVW Map completion

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: pandahru.2954


In WVW, it’s pretty difficult to get the map completed whenever the enemy spots you and decides to ruin your day by killing you. So I came up with an idea: what if when you entered the borderlands, you were given two options of play; combat mode and map completion mode. When the player enters combat mode, it’s the normal mode you enter in as now where you can attack and be attacked. But when they chose map completion, they can’t be attacked and they can’t attack in return. So that way, if you’re just there for map completion, you can do so without being knocked around by the enemy. It would make a lot of people’s days a little bit easier and more enjoyable whenever they have to go in for map completion.

Now to avoid a quick problem, the only way to change the mode you’re in is to leave the borderlands and reload back in where it’ll ask you which mode you’d like to be in. This way, if an enemy team is losing, they can’t just swap modes and become untouchable.

I’m thinking for those in map completion mode, they could be granted stealth the entire time they’re there, so they don’t really interfere with the gameplay at all.

Just a few ideas to make it a bit easier.

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Thousands have done it before and thousands will do it later. It just takes some planning and patience.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Haishao.6851


The point of having map completion in wvw is to do it in wvw environment.

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

In WVW, it’s pretty difficult to get the map completed whenever the enemy spots you and decides to ruin your day by killing you. So I came up with an idea: what if when you entered the borderlands, you were given two options of play; combat mode and map completion mode. When the player enters combat mode, it’s the normal mode you enter in as now where you can attack and be attacked. But when they chose map completion, they can’t be attacked and they can’t attack in return. So that way, if you’re just there for map completion, you can do so without being knocked around by the enemy. It would make a lot of people’s days a little bit easier and more enjoyable whenever they have to go in for map completion.

Now to avoid a quick problem, the only way to change the mode you’re in is to leave the borderlands and reload back in where it’ll ask you which mode you’d like to be in. This way, if an enemy team is losing, they can’t just swap modes and become untouchable.

I’m thinking for those in map completion mode, they could be granted stealth the entire time they’re there, so they don’t really interfere with the gameplay at all.

Just a few ideas to make it a bit easier.

Ok. So, here’s what’s going to happen.

I enter “map completion” mode — this puts me in permastealth, I’m unkillable, and I can walk through the walls and gates of enemy structures, note every piece of siege placement, every fortification, even the numbers of defenders.

I change back to “combat”. I relay everything I’ve learned to our server and we attack the structures that have the least defenders nearby and where the siege is weakest.

Nope. Not gonna happen.

What you want is to be able to enter an empty map that is an exact copy of the WvW maps without actually being WvW. The point of WvW map completion has always been two-fold:

a) Attempt to draw people from PvE into the game mode and perhaps they stay (as I did)
b) Take people out of their comfort zones so they experience something they would otherwise not try.

If I want the Glorious PvP armor? I have to play PvP. I want the cool rank finishers? Gotta play PvP. I want the Fractal Capacitor backpiece? I need to run Fractals.

I want to make a Legendary weapon? I have to finish the map. That includes both PvE and WvW. What if I’m just a WvW player? What if I never stepped foot outside the game mode except to go to LA every once in a while? I might find it inconvenient. It’s a fairly big map, after all.

There may be things in the game that you want which will require you to leave your comfort zone to obtain them. People thought it was “unfair” that they had to run 5 daily Fractals to be able to complete Mawdrey. I saw it as a way to let people experience a part of the game they don’t normally play. You can’t get everything you want in any way you want all the time. Otherwise, why don’t we just get rid of requirement-specific content altogether? Let’s dump drops. Forget gold. Forget the entire ingame reward system.

Let’s just have everything be in the gem store. It’s convenient, right?

Be smart. Think on your toes. Use tools like wvwintel.com to watch various maps for when your side takes a structure. Ask for escorts. These are all things that I initially did to finish my first Legendary. I followed a commander around one day, and since we were zerging up a storm particularly fierce that day, I asked if we could take a specific tower. It was the last thing I needed for map completion. He was nice enough to point the zerg at the tower and I got my map completion.

Of course, by that time I’d already realized that I liked WvW, and once I stepped in, I never really left. That’s not everyone’s story, or everyone’s cup of tea. There are, however, many tools and strategies at your disposal to achieve map completion — use them.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


  1. - do wvw map completion from the start instead of waiting until the end. Check the wvw maps and see what you control – get those points on your toons. You may not even come across an enemy. Proceeding this way, you may not end up waiting on wvw for completion…

My first completion – I waited to do it last. And waited and waited and waited. The next 8- did them when convenient, but had gotten hooked on wvw so didn’t really have to “try” too hard….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Chunky Milk.2130

Chunky Milk.2130

Can we enter a “map completion” mode for PvE then too? I mean, it’s only fair…


WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


Can we enter a “map completion” mode for PvE then too? I mean, it’s only fair…

sounds good!
and players from the two opposing teams can guest and pwn you in a pve area

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Sounds like a good idea!

We should also have WvW mode in pve maps so WvW players can karma train on pve scrubs who complain too much about map completion in WvW.

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Completed it on all my 6 characters and 1 is lvl 20 so no its were easy, its the rest off the map completion that is impossible.

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Ahka.6705


In WVW, it’s pretty difficult to get the map completed whenever the enemy spots you and decides to ruin your day by killing you. So I came up with an idea: what if when you entered the borderlands, you were given two options of play; combat mode and map completion mode. When the player enters combat mode, it’s the normal mode you enter in as now where you can attack and be attacked. But when they chose map completion, they can’t be attacked and they can’t attack in return. So that way, if you’re just there for map completion, you can do so without being knocked around by the enemy. It would make a lot of people’s days a little bit easier and more enjoyable whenever they have to go in for map completion.

Now to avoid a quick problem, the only way to change the mode you’re in is to leave the borderlands and reload back in where it’ll ask you which mode you’d like to be in. This way, if an enemy team is losing, they can’t just swap modes and become untouchable.

I’m thinking for those in map completion mode, they could be granted stealth the entire time they’re there, so they don’t really interfere with the gameplay at all.

Just a few ideas to make it a bit easier.

When I started playing this game (about 2 years ago) I hated PvP. The only reason I went into WvWvW was to get map completion. When I went in I was very intimidated and tried to sneak around grabbing the easy points. I soon realized that if I followed a group around I wouldn’t die as much and would eventually get the points I needed. After the first few nights and a few epic battles, I was totally hooked. Since then I’ve joined a few WvW guilds, got into some GvGing, and had an absolute blast. I wouldn’t have even found this playstyle if it wasn’t for map completion in WvW. Give it a try, you may like it, you may hate it, but you also may LOVE it. Either way you will eventually get the points you need and may just find some fun in the process.

If your ideas were implemented, I’d have just stealthed around and never found the fun I’ve been having for the past 2 years.


Ahka – Elementalist
[ZzZz]Zombie Coast, [CERN]When Zergs Collide
Tarnished Coast

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Paradox Xion.1038

Paradox Xion.1038

It is supposed to be a challenge. I am mostly a PvE player, but I do play some WvW. I have 17 characters with WvW map completion, only 4 with total map completion.

Yes it takes time, patience and sometimes strategy. You have to keep checking the map for when your server captures what you need or changes to the right color. You arent going to be able to go in there and get it done in a couple of hours.

(edited by Paradox Xion.1038)

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Fizgig.1860


But what happends with a Lower poplated server gets grouped with one thats full you end up having to wait until the groups reset if they even do that and you still dont get what you need for map completion. Your theory is all and good until you have to wait two,three weeks for a chance to finish

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The other annoying part of that is if you’re in a T1 server where you tend to get locked into having the same colour week after week after week, making it just about impossible to reach certain POIs or Vistas.

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Katahdin.8714


I have several characters with world completion. Ive been on both a T3 server and now a T1 server and Ive gotten WvW map completion on both and yes in more than one case (character) it took me more than a month or two to do. Ive had to wait a couple of months to get 1 POI and 1 Vista. But I was patient and I did it when I got the chance.

It is NOT impossible. You just have to keep working at it and expect that it will not just be handed to you. It might take a month or more to get it all done.

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


When you decide to make a legendary: check wvw and tag all the points what you can and go back to pve farm. Tomorrow check wvw again and visit some more. Repeat. Wvw map comp only hard if you want to do it one night.

Just the WvW

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Bandit.8279


As others have wisely pointed out:

- Do not put it off. Start WvW map completion early and check back on it often. I did it the hard way the first time and it can be frustrating. All my other map completions started with WvW and it became much easier and less frustrating.

- Ask for help. Use map chat, friends and guildies to help you get the harder to reach spots. Most WvW players I come across are very helpful and are always itching for a fight. At the end of the day this is an MMO. Treat it like one when you need to.

- Create a mapping build that focuses on mobility, swiftness, invisibility and survivability. This can be just changing a few utilities and weapon sets to creating an entirely new build. This will also come in handy in those pesky Orr zones as well.

- Oh, it never hurts to actually partake in the WvW. Follow your commanders around and let it come naturally. Who knows, you may fall in love with WvW like I eventually did.

Good luck, make friends and stay patient!

Fools N Gold [FNG] of Tarnished Coast

(edited by Bandit.8279)

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Your theory is all and good until you have to wait two,three weeks for a chance to finish

Waiting 2-3 weeks is really nothing.

have some patience, getting world completion is not a race.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Manuelito.6081


But what happends with a Lower poplated server gets grouped with one thats full you end up having to wait until the groups reset if they even do that and you still dont get what you need for map completion. Your theory is all and good until you have to wait two,three weeks for a chance to finish

You wait for a better match-up or you change server.


WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

I love this idea!

But I play mostly WvW. How about we also have a map completion mode for PvE zones as well where there are no mobs or monsters or any enemy at all!
This way I can just walk up to all the POI and vistas, and as for heart quests, I can just walk up to the person and automatically get the heart without doing anything else!

I mean this is such a brilliant idea, that it’ll save me a kitten tonne of time that would otherwise be wasted actually playing the game!

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

WVW Map completion

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


this idea is silly. making an “easy mode” that you can use to skip directly to rewards with no effort is a bad idea. they might as well make it so that there is an “easy mode” for dungeon tokens so that you can get the gear or skins you want without the bother of finding a group or actually beating bosses.

instead, you should be able to buy map completion using gems (or maybe laurels) if you don’t want to use the regular gameplay method.

might as well add something to the gem store so that you can instantly level a tradeskill to 500. it would save a lot of time for the people who want to skip that particular gameplay method too.

might as well also make it so that you can go directly to level 50 using gems, some people probably don’t like leveling up and they should get a way to bypass that.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

(edited by Snowreap.5174)