WVW Matchups
What he said. Your exodus only occurred two weeks ago, and it’s taken some time for glicko to adjust.
At least you should drop normally – it takes awhile to adjust (too long IMHO). Sor was stuck for like 9 weeks in silver seriously outnumbered (way worse off than db) during season 2……
We’re trying to get you out. But stupid Glicko… as said above.
This is why Anet needs to pay attention and make manual adjustments occasionally. Just grow a pair and fix the match so that DB falls and HoD comes up.
So why is it that when guilds just decide to transfer to different servers is it so hard for the match ups to decide to bump them down a tier. I’m on Dragonbrand and recently we had an exodus of kitten bags from our server, all the untrustworthy disloyal and worthless guilds left us but it left us undermanned.
GW2 is a game and games are supposed for having fun. So if a guild / some guilds / all guilds / every kitten player switches a server, theyre doing this to increase their fun. You dont need to share the fun-opinion, you can stay patriotic on your server (a decent amount of the ppl doing so) but you should blame NOONE as illoyal and worthless cuz theyre seeking for more fun. Blame ONLY the matchup system.
(edited by benny.1796)
Wonder how that takeover is going…. Got a pm from someone on hod I don’t even know (they saw a post here) – seems some/many? Not appreciative of the mass influx trying to hijack their server…..
Hah, you should try being on HOD where mass guilds come, mass guilds go. If there was an award for revolving door, HOD would get it.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
I really think they need to rethink Glicko completely. It was fine when the game was more fluid, but with the way everything has stagnated over the last few years it is an anachronism.
It’s time to go to a winner-up/loser-down system. This will make the matches vary each and every week, and keep horribly unbalanced matches confined to every other week, instead of month after month. It will also allow servers that have had either a mass exodus, or a huge influx to reach their natural position much sooner.
If they make it too easy for servers to move up or down a tier, players spam the forums with complaints of imbalanced match ups.
It is not Anet’s fault that players paid to move servers. I see no reason to adjust the value setting for a single servers player bases actions.
So much so that I doubt I’m going to be in wvw much until it changes
You mean you don’t enjoy playing WvW like this?
If it makes you feel any better, we’re dealing with the other side of that Exodus from your server. People tell me that those guilds all left Dragonbrand to join Henge. We’re currently “enjoying” large blobs all over … “love” my 2v20 fights.
It’s made me simply avoid WvW this week as I can’t get a good fight from Henge. The few times I find 3 or less, they are horrible. The rest of the time I have to run from zergs .. and it’s usually just running from zergs.
I’m looking forward to seeing what state your server is compared to ours … perhaps similar sizes now and I can get some good fights out of you :-p
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
So much so that I doubt I’m going to be in wvw much until it changes
You mean you don’t enjoy playing WvW like this?
Why are your screenshots so dark and blurry? It’s like someone smeared vaseline all over them.