WWW server and map limits, Queue

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Dina Van Heyr.3018

Dina Van Heyr.3018


1. How many players can participate at www from one server ?
2. What’s player limit per map, if is any?
3. Can players from one server outnumber others for exapmle 100/10/20 on one map, so players from other servers can’t join map because they have queue ?

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239

Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer



Hi Dina,

Here are some answers for you:

1. We don’t release this number but this answer can be derived from the answer to your second question. i.e. total players = map cap * 4

2. There is a per-map player limit but we don’t release this number either, though it’s possible to infer from observation. This is especially true now that culling is gone.

3. The per-map player limit is also per-team. Each team has an independent limit and players from one team cannot ever prevent players from the other teams from entering a map.

I’m sure that’s more cryptic than you’d like but that’s the information I can release.

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: pulsecodesgnl.3470


Well this did answer that at least if the other teams have lower numbers it doesn’t dynamically decrease the cap for our own team. That’s good to know.

Voxtr | Svell | Kvikr | Svass | Sundr | Naud | Kvedja | Traust
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


Hi Dina,

Here are some answers for you:

1. We don’t release this number but this answer can be derived from the answer to your second question. i.e. total players = map cap * 4

2. There is a per-map player limit but we don’t release this number either, though it’s possible to infer from observation. This is especially true now that culling is gone.

3. The per-map player limit is also per-team. Each team has an independent limit and players from one team cannot ever prevent players from the other teams from entering a map.

I’m sure that’s more cryptic than you’d like but that’s the information I can release.

Still we appreciate that sometimes (very few though) you give us infos

Frenk – EU
All is vain

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


And now we can see them!


Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Dina Van Heyr.3018

Dina Van Heyr.3018

thanks a lot for answers

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: BenL.5312


Actually, I’m don’t understand why the map cap needs to be secret. In fact there’s no real reason why figures can’t be released now that culling has been fixed.

If it is 200 per side, just state it is 200 per side. In fact, it will help servers manage their population and prevent stacking of servers which result in unreasonable queue times.

If WvW map populations cannot be released, at least an overall server population figure would be helpful. The rough estimate of the WvW population can then be made.

[VoTF] www.votf-online.net

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


If I may ask what is the reasoning behind keeping map limits secret?

I remember months ago you guys were very open about map limits and told us it was 160 or so people per map. Has something changed recently?

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239


Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer


As far as I know we’ve never officially announced a map cap number. I could be wrong, of course (happens all the time!), but I believe our policy has always been to not release those numbers.

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: floppy.4193


seriusly,this is crasy -.-



WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Dina Van Heyr.3018

Dina Van Heyr.3018

one last question, is limit per team same or teams can have differrent map limits ?

(edited by Dina Van Heyr.3018)

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Ayusaki.6739


seriusly,this is crasy -.-

But undeniably fun!

one last question is limit per team same or teams can have differen map limits ?

Hey, woah, no. You can NOT put an end to the potential questions. I call foul!

[KnT] Kuliya/Kessumi/Kiyuu/Hit My Zerg Not Me

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Dina Van Heyr.3018

Dina Van Heyr.3018

seriusly,this is crasy -.-

Hey, woah, no. You can NOT put an end to the potential questions. I call foul!

Iforgot to ask this before ..and this is end of my questions not others ..

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: floppy.4193


ok is fun, but then the server goes down as it happened 20 minutes ago, and the problem of a tail of two hours

Sorry for english


WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239


Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer

The limit is the same for every team on a map. So if the limit for any team is X then the map limit is 3X. Make sense?

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


I’m guestimating it’s around 50-70 per server.

Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Ayusaki.6739


The limit is the same for every team on a map. So if the limit for any team is X then the map limit is 3X. Make sense?

There have been whispers that state that in some cases, players remain active in WvW, taking up space even after logging out or being kicked; “residually” if you would. Is there any truth to this as far as you can disclose?

This could explain why queues seem to pop in waves, after a cleanup is performed of these players.

[KnT] Kuliya/Kessumi/Kiyuu/Hit My Zerg Not Me

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


I’m guestimating it’s around 50-70 per server.

No way. At least 100 since i saw an 80 man zerg running around in SoR last night and thats not counting the people that are afk, doing jump puzzles, scouting, and doing spec ops stuff as well so it would least be 100 per map I would assume.

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Wemil.7052


lol that screenshot.

after the culling turned off everything is now laggy in eternal and we dont see our enemies. only the names.

its sad.

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


As far as I know we’ve never officially announced a map cap number. I could be wrong, of course (happens all the time!), but I believe our policy has always been to not release those numbers.

If I recall correctly, Mike let a number slip out at some point, which I believe was during the BWEs, and if I my memory is correct, he’s regretted it ever since.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Gadzooks.4687


Why is this information such a big secret? I dont get it.

Players who hate the zerg already say lower the cap
Players who hate the queue already say raise the cap

How would telling us the actual number really change anything?

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


seriusly,this is crasy -.-

that is nothing,50 + 20 enemies and around 23 of us in 1 keep yesterday,what a massive fight!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


I found the comment Mike Ferguson made about regretting releasing a number way back when, as well as some explanation as to why they do not want to release this number. It was from an interview with Mike Ferguson in February,


Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: PariahX.6970


Another reason they don’t release the WvW map cap numbers could be that it gets changed sometimes, possibility even dynamically without patching as they have the ability to do with World Population caps. But since we never know exact numbers we can’t be 100% sure about that either. Number geeks have put WvW caps somewhere below 100 per team and above 60 (lately closer to 100 imo) and it has even been suggested that EB might actually have a lower map cap than the borderland maps to help address the lagtastic hulking feature of Stonemist and less open space.

Thanks for the reddit link Liquid, Mike made a lot of good points and more players need to read that interview. It amazes me that even today there are many who believe that proposed hypothetical 500 player cap limit # that was tossed around last year before beta even started was something real they had been promised and are still be cheated from having. /doh!

~Xylla~ [oG] on Ehmry Bay [PiXi]
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Saint Scarlet.2906

Saint Scarlet.2906

Back before release it was stated that 500 players could fit on a map, that makes it 166 players per server. EB was 133 due to the mercenaries and smaller size. What we actually see is the ca kitten et somewhere between 85-100 currently, this figure has been counted by many servers. The easiest way to do it is get the person with the fastest load time to enter a map at reset then count the bodies as they stream past them til someone says they’re queued for said map. During the failed culling patch a couple of months ago the map cap went down to 60 players per map which is why massive queues happened, this was then put back to original figure. If we will ever see it reach the full 500 cap i don’t know, but it would be nice to have those extra 66 bodies.

Commander Oracle Of Glint
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: nidwin.6731


The problem is not having 500 players on a map. I’m convinced that the servers can easily handle it. The main issue with these kind of numbers is when two of the three factions clash into each other in a 150 vs 100 fight at the same location.

There’s also a big difference between 150 peeps from one realm moving all together from spot A to spot B and a 50 vs 50 fight as load for both server and client.

To give you’ll an exemple.
In war servers can handle 500+ on a map for sure, going to be a mess in Caledor but that’s something else. But I don’t think the servers and our PC’s would be able to handle properly, without some nasty lag peeks, a 350 vs 450 keep defense in Praag. And war is designed and redesigned for this kind of clash, but there’s always, and always will be, the tech limit.

It hasn’t always to do with graphics or animations or sound but it’s more that bottleneck effect generated by all the data that needs to be transmitted and treated in those big clashes.

I’m sure Anet, one day, will be able to give you those 500 peeps on a map, they just need more time and adjustments to keep it play- and enjoyable for everyone.


WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


I dont mid caps, i understand the reasons,

But my issue is linking world exploration to wvwvw, having to wait 2hours in a queue to even get in, then hoping you can get to the places you need is annoying tosay the leasplus whilst getting 100% i am not contributing to my team, so taking up a place.

Please split pve exploration from pvp and add separate rewards for pvp 100%

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


1. How many players can participate at www from one server ?
2. What’s player limit per map, if is any?
3. Can players from one server outnumber others for exapmle 100/10/20 on one map, so players from other servers can’t join map because they have queue ?

From playing on T1, i would guess that the limit is somewhere between 100-150 players per server.

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

A number would be nice.

Before the culling fix we had servers complaining another server was running with 40+ players when they were only 10. With the fix we can now see each server is running with 40+.

So if we know the limit this’ll allow servers to complain about how they were running with x-1 players whilst the enemy had x.

So what is x? We need to know in order to plan how to distribute our players.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


A number would be nice.

Before the culling fix we had servers complaining another server was running with 40+ players when they were only 10. With the fix we can now see each server is running with 40+.

So if we know the limit this’ll allow servers to complain about how they were running with x-1 players whilst the enemy had x.

So what is x? We need to know in order to plan how to distribute our players.

You can start to split up your blob… hopefully others will do it too.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


I hope you add so when all borderland is full for all 3 servers you open a 4 borderland and for point not getting messed up simple lower value on the 3 original borderland and move those points to borderland 4 that should be built difrently then normal borderland becase no one will be home team, so 3 keep, 3tower, 6 supply camp no JP.

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Anfauglith.6715


Its very simple why they dont want to say numbers:

1. People start to argue then: But we cant have XXX Numbers atm i counted em so you are not telling the truth…
2. They can cap or increase the numbers to prevent buying new hardware =)
3. They prevent other companys that they can write "we can handle 400 on our map/instance but Anet only < insert number >

I would love to see larger maps or just a increase from 4 maps to 7 so people cant go in such huge blobs anymore. That instancing would help all except anet cause they maybe have to buy additional blades then :P

Atleast when i see the last days i never ever saw that many people on a map at same time and im impressed. I just hate that they are all red (colour not dot!) or im dead. Gief back my colours! =)

anyone who can kill me is overpowered. Nerf all except me!

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: munkiman.3068


NSP does Fight Club on Thursday nights, all 3 servers meet up for dueling sessions. Any 3 servers could easily pack EB or a BL and take a head count. It wouldn’t be tough to pin down an accurate number.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Rawnoodles.1398


EMP the other day fielded 90 guildies exactly and we saw about 10-25 non guildies as well. So we estimate 120~ on Reset is server cap per borderlands in T1

Rawnoodles | Mini Noodles
[ESOL] -Elite Solidarity| Driver|
" Latest Video "

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


EMP the other day fielded 90 guildies exactly and we saw about 10-25 non guildies as well. So we estimate 120~ on Reset is server cap per borderlands in T1

How on earth did you get 90 guildies onto the same map on reset night?

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


I found the comment Mike Ferguson made about regretting releasing a number way back when, as well as some explanation as to why they do not want to release this number. It was from an interview with Mike Ferguson in February,


Thanks for the link, thata worrying, did not realise the caps were so absurdly low. 500 people originally stated is low, given the amount of people on a server, for it to now be less is absurd.

Such a small proportion of a server can get in wvwvw, it explains the stupidly long queue times. Its not world v world, its barely guild v guild.

They need to add more maps to up number of participants asap, that should be their total priority.