WXP-based Commander Tags
I fully expect a Commander Mastery any time soon. You’ll need to have a commander tag already in order to unlock the tier, and then spend WXP points for skills that might be slightly useful.
I agree 200% right now people are just buying them which is great for some servers we need a commander Tags in general to lead BUT we also need an Idea of who is who, what they can or have done, i would rather see a new commander and help them out than to just question it rather than see that this person is more likely to know what to do and i can lead my own party and vice versa
i agree with that!
So those of us with well over a thousand hours in WvW spread across five or six characters based on needs of the group…
I totally agree with this because I’ve seen so many Commanders roaming around WvW and don’t even know what to do or doing it wrong. Not defending, keep wiping, not doing it right. I mean if you are commanding, you are actually leading a zerg and it is your responsible to keep them all alive in every battle. That’s why tactics exist in this game, and I’ve seen a lot of commanders got 0(none, zero, empty, nothing) tactics. A lot of commanders don’t want to sigil up either, for some reason idk why. So I agree with this, commanders should have ranks as well.
Simple you see a new commander that is not experienced? Don’t follow him. Find one that is experienced or lead yourself.
A thousand times no.
Following a zerg around is no better a measure of a good commander than the willingness to spend 100G on it.
I know plenty of excellent commanders who have far less WXP than your average zergling. This is because they aren’t farmers and instead spend their time seigeing up towers and scouting.
Are they not good enough for you? Should they not be allowed to command?
I can only guess the OP hasn’t been playing long, else he’d know this topic has been discussed endlessly and has even been given the nod by Anet.
Don’t hold your breath though – estimates put it at variously between a few months and a couple of decades.
NO NO and NO!
High Rank != Good Leader. We need better grouping options but tags based on rank is not a good idea. An experienced and good leader on a new character will have problems pulling support while some kittenhead who just ran around for a few weeks gets to pass themselves off as something they’re probably not. No thanks.
Accessing the commander tag is not the problem. The problem is functionality. I dont even care if everyone in the game gets free commander tag as long as you can hide all by joining one.