WXP point distribution needs adjustment

WXP point distribution needs adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


With the current system it doesn’t encourage anyone to do anything but zergball. Really need to increase rewards for small manning things, upgrading, building siege… Ect. One of the best upgrades for the thankless job of scouting, upgrading and building siege is currently the most rank costly, the increase supply and yet the person doing this job gets very little to no WXP. Would be nice to have a reason to not just run in a giant lagging zergball all the time.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

WXP point distribution needs adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenixfudge.5290


I agree. Personally, I think zerging should have Diminishing Returns. The more people taking/killing an objective the less reward you get, you share the reward with the people who tagged/capped it.

Also, defending objectives should give a more significant amount of points than taking over one.

I’ve been playing WvW for a long time, I solo roam a lot taking sentries and killing yaks and contesting enemy keeps. I find it annoying that a person new to WvW can just hop on the zerg train and earn 3x the WXP I do by spamming aoes and mindlessly following a blue dorito.

WXP point distribution needs adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Get used to it. It took them 7 months to fix culling and bring in this system (which I assume they tested?), so any changes might take quite a while.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

WXP point distribution needs adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: Convenant.7092


Agree completely! zergballs aren’t fun for anybody.

WXP point distribution needs adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: Stone.6751


Running with the zerg is certainly a good way to build karma/xp/etc., but I find its a rather poor way to earn badges and loot compared to slightly smaller teams that tend to still move and capture quickly. I collect far more loot and badges that way.

I think that the idea of WvW having armies (zergs) roaming the map is pretty cool. I don’t find them as efficient of a use of manpower in the Borderlands maps as they are in Eternal, but they are a force to reckon with. I don’t play in the top 3 tiers, and it sounds like things there are quite different, so perhaps when people talk about this subject its not understood the same way by everyone.

Penny Royalty – Level 80 Guardian
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer

WXP point distribution needs adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: IDarko.4709


Agreed! /signed! +1 etc..

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

WXP point distribution needs adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


The system is a joke for PVP’rs. They hope on their karma trains, bash on empty towers, take 60+ guys to take camps, 60+ guys to stand on each and every veteran point for that all important WXP – what a joke. Hide amongst your blob, you wont be safe forever. Pansies.

Nothing but grinders, not a single PVP bone in their bodies. Even with max rank WXP what then – you still won’t be able to kill anyone. Guilds of the game, regardless of server unite, abandon the pug zerg mentality, grow a set… Pugs by themselves will be meat for any self respecting guild. Ditch the hangers on… Waypoint back to spawn, turn your commander tags off, run as your guilds… Lest we (the guilds) are as guilty as the pugs at leading the game down a crap path.

Note to zergs: Bring it on.

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

WXP point distribution needs adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941


3 ways of getting wxp. Killing, capping and mercenary event/missions.
Of the 3, zerging makes the medium amount of wxp/h. On T1, there is only zerging, no other choices, BL or EB, and rarely you’d be able to make over 2500 in an hour even if your server had 100 men zerg. If another server (for the most part, both would) had over 60 men zergs running around, there is very little capping, killing bonus is all you’ve got (why people are lagging behind for every sentry/control point cap, and going out to the way to get 19 lousy points from yaks) and 2/3 of the kills give you 2s, 4s and 6s… One 60pt kill is like a Christmas, couple 40s better makes one happier than holiday seasons.

Capping is only at lower tiers, and probably best in the middle, T3-T6, where one server would likely have the population to dominate a map at any given time. Running 2 tower caps a tick plus camps and mercenaries get you easily 2k/h, 2500/h with kills, 3k/h doable if you grab all the sentries and yaks along the way. This is where people are getting to rank 50, while on T1 the front runners are only 30+.

The most consistent / not population dependent way of obtaining wxp is killing vet mobs on BL. 10m per spawn, just the vets give you 1350 per hour. Grab quaggan and get some camps then you’re close to 2k/h. Unfortunately that’s also the cap due to the amount of traveling.

So, potential wise capping (mid tiers) > zerging (T1) > pve
consistency wise, pve > capping (mid tiers) > zerging (T1)