War Machine and Me

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: JAGUAR.7542


All I do in GW2 is play WVW – each to their own right? I die often and don’t get upset about it fortunately. In fact, I enjoy that too! I’ve commented on who I think is the best commander on SBI and mentioned the fact that I’ve run with WM.

Just before the last server reset I was moving across the map with Amarath of War and the two of us come across a couple of IOJ and I helped him mop them up – he did the mopping….and I’ve felt proud of watching/helping another guild work.

….New server matchups and I’ve gone to Blackgate BL second day cause they are stomping hard and found a group of WM in the first tower….how joyous I felt at the prospect of fighting with this guild again. Then, I get the message to the effect…..“If you are not in WM, follow another commander……”

I pause…in shock…but that will mean I’m no longer capable of achieving victory. My own guild rarely runs WVW anymore, who can I play with? You’ve now made me feel divided on my own server, where we should be playing together as guild alliances…isn’t this the whole point of the game? This is a moment I’ve dreaded….I just barely tolerate negativity in public chat and often have to respond to some idiotic comment…but now this?

The whole joy and experience of working as a team, even if I don’t speak the language and can’t communicate, hell I don’t mind when you leave me alone at a gate and I get ganked after you’ve fled and left all PUGS behind to be creamed for desert; but to create divides between guilds on the same server trying to accomplish the same aims, which when it all boils down to it is just to have fun.

I implore you War Machine not to do this….I might not be as good a gamer as you…but I’m equally devoted to the cause. I’ve died rezzing some of your commanders from a downed state, I’ve been part of your victories and defeat; as have countless other players not part of your guild.

If guilds on any server become exclusive entities, what hope for victory remains. Our world is our server and every guild, PUG on it, so I implore you to work together with everyone and I hope I never see such a message again….

A nordic necro devoted to the idea of fun and carnage for everyone.

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Houdii.2563


Maybe they’d rather the squad spots filled with players in their voice comms and guild. Why would WM give you preference over other WM?

Houdii Hoo

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


They say this because if EVERYONE followed them, nothing else would get done on the map.

some terrible idiot in [pre]

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


You don’t need to be in the squad to follow a commander though, and if you want to do a pure guild run, turn off your commander tag.
“The Magnet” should only be activated if you’re willing to accept random people following you around, and hopefully listening to what you say. If they don’t understand your playstyle, then they’ll get left behind soon enough.

We’ve had some guy and some of his guildies following us around in WvW a lot, and it got to the point where our guildleader commented that he was following better than some guildies, and has been doing so for quite long, and that somebody should give him a poke and invite him to our TS.
Even without having access to our TS, he managed to be useful, follow the leader and the guild, and was a competent player. Just discarding people because they’re not on TS/in guild seems a bit narrowminded.

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


This is a response on the behalf of Jang Gun, a WM commander.

You are misunderstanding the situation here. We do not discriminate anybody for not being a WM member. Yesterday night, we had to split the forces in to two (defense and offense). We had a bunch of commanders on the map at that time, but apparently not too many people were following the other commanders. Jang Gun thought a SINGLE LARGE (sorry for caps wanted to this phrase) zerg was not needed at that time. What we needed was multiple mid-size zergs to cover multiple fronts in the map. Jang Gun was talking to other commanders that we will be sending over some troops over to them so they can have more power. We did end up saying non-WM should follow other commanders them since we thought that was the easiest way to split the forces. If it offended anybody from our statement we do apologize for our words.

Once again thank you for all SBI fellows running WvW with us as it is fun for us and all of you.

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Jabtangs.9251)

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


I can confirm that the WM people I tagged with were always extremely polite and helpful. They let you follow them, and they try to let you know what they will do. They even accept people to be on their ts server – though you need to know Korean for that From what a guildie told me – they seem to have fun there.

However – many of them are not good at typing in English. At times, there is one among them who will try and translate important information but other times it comes out wrong. Sometimes they tend to use all caps which for us means “yelling” – but keep in mind that they are maybe not familiar with all our letters so it is much easier to type in caps.

Sometimes it’s funny :
WM commander – “GRAB EVERYBODY” (he was talking about supply)
/me grabs everybody

Sometime it’s scary
(ouch – but in fact they were just moving to another map)

Overall they were classy and polite in all our encounters – see the post above for an example.

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


Perhaps it would be best to turn off your commander icon if you don’t want people following you, as the entire point of the icon is to encourage people to follow you.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: aetherseed.5609


Sometimes it’s funny :
WM commander – “GRAB EVERYBODY” (he was talking about supply)
/me grabs everybody

Sometime it’s scary
(ouch – but in fact they were just moving to another map)

You forgot the classic “COME IN ME” (gather together)

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Slic.2406


WM are Koreans and don’t speak English very well. Some misunderstandings are bound to happen. Just know that if something seems out of character about their actions/communication, it’s just their lack of English.

For some background info, that guild used to be #1 in GvG, at the start of GW1. I crack jokes at them all the time, every time I run by.

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I’m pretty happy with the explanation from WM and laughing my kitten off at the comments about their communication.

Not that what i say matter since I’m not on the server, nor a possible opponent ever due to the separation :p

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: JAGUAR.7542


Jabtangs – thank you very much for your reply, and for making the situation clear to me; and please convey my thanks and regards to Jang Gun. I understand what happened now. I think that what ended up making me even more apprehensive was that after a short time there were only WM commanders in the Blackgate BL, about 5, so I figured that if I couldn’t follow WM then I should transfer to another BL, which is what I did.

I’m very grateful for clearing up any misunderstandings…I too thank you for all your efforts and support on SBI.

To some of the other commenters, I agree with what others have already said here…If you are wearing a commander’s icon then you should expect to be followed by anyone, regardless of what guild they are in; and if you dont want that, then turn off the icon.

I wouldn’t expect WM to put me in a squad in the first place, or to have me on their TS, though I would be honoured to be in their guild; but like they have kindly made clear through Jabtang’s post I should be able to follow any commander on the map regardless if Im in their squad/guild or not.

I like any communication from a commander, as I stated in the ‘who is the best commander’ post, this is possibly the most important virtue of a good commander.
WM communication just adds a layer of humour, which is great; and communication is all about understanding; and now I understand exactly what happened, and what was meant by what was said. Understand?

A number of other posters obviously did not understand what I said or what I meant, nor do I understand what you mean, like Webley??? Im all for perfect harmony, or at the very least trying to work together.

Ummm, just for the record I’m not transferring, nor ever alluded to doing so, regardless of the outcome of SBI, stomped or not. I take pride in my server, my guild and all the players who support WVW.

To WM I apologise for any confusion I’ve caused and I look forward to joining with you in battle yet again(as soon as work is over).

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


Jabtangs – thank you very much for your reply, and for making the situation clear to me; and please convey my thanks and regards to Jang Gun. I understand what happened now.

I’m glad we sorted things out nicely =D

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


I want to transfer to SBI just to hang with WM, missed you guys from GW. Also are Evil the same Evil from GW?

RP enthusiast

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Slic.2406


Yes, they’re the same EviL (full name is Last Pride, I think?).

I chuckled at the “COME IN ME”. Classic engrish – not sorry at all that I joined SBI for a while. XD

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Cyril.1486


What server is this War Machine from and how many guys they running ? All i see is American pugs crying over this guild.

(edited by Cyril.1486)

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I have only ever fought against WM and I genuinely tip my hat to them, they are the best organised opponent I have seen (and been stomped by). Whatever they are doing, they do it right. Often I know when I run with my guild, its hard to give the appropriate time explaining everything repeatadly to non-guilded folks as to what the current plan is (or isn’t).

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: OrigJoker.1870


WM and EviL are two of the best guilds I have seen in WvW overall on any server. I am glad I am on SBI so I do not have to play against them. Very organized and smart about the way they move around the map and as good of communication as you can expect from a foreign guild.

Good to see them getting the respect they deserve on here.

[rB] JoKeR

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Bunnehboo.6025


WM has been on SBI for quite awhile and was a big factor in their night time presence when I was on the server.


War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

ye, honestly ive never seen them use more than 5 words in map chat lol… it takes time to get use to some gets it quick… later on, they type something and you know it sounds wrong but you’ll get the essence of what they meant for sure, hahahah

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


theyre getting stomped out as bad as old tymers and LoD so, be happy you didnt follow the bads

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Camagee.5391


Kimjonill supports wm

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: ThighBruiser.7504


Sir this is GUILD wars, not leech off of other guilds b/c your guild is inactive. Also you can join multiple guilds, so why not just join WM?

(Read very little)

Thigh Bruiser – [KoTa] Knights Of The Abyss

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: JAGUAR.7542



Sir this is GUILD wars, not leech off of other guilds b/c your guild is inactive. Also you can join multiple guilds, so why not just join WM?

(Read very little)

Out of curiosity, why would you post such a comment if you’ve little idea what you’re talking about? For your information, there is no leeching taking place – it is cooperative warmongering. Some of us here still retain traditional values like respect and honour, so I personally don’t join multiple guilds for the sake of it. However, as I’ve stated before I would be honoured to be part of WM; but alas I don’t understand Korean so I wouldn’t begin to know what they require, and I certainly dont have their skill in gaming. I’m just very happy to fight beside them and to learn all I can.

For the record, no only did WM post a response to this thread very quickly, but I also received a mail upon logging in earlier restating what they said here and sending me their love. Now not many people would do that, but a mail representing their guild…now that is worthy of honour and respect. Thank you all WM!

War Machine and Me

in WvW

Posted by: Jaxon.5392


We use to GvG against WM back in the day and they would always say to us “Go to the hell americans!” and we’d say back “is that North or South Korea?”

Good times.