Warbanner OP?
It is fine as it is.
If you can’t take the keep you are not coordinating very well. You need to do better.
I’ve been in fights and we took the keep after an hour or so.
If the other team is smart, they’ll get a small havoc squad to take your stuff if you have anything and keep stalling until you have a small enough force for them to manage.
Rip boons (stability), and spike build a catapult for KD and interrupt aoe near the lord.
i think banner shouldnt res dead npcs
Just the WvW
Its a broken mechanic. Defenders have many ways to get into a keep, especially garrison, and make their way to the centre. Its not feasible to try and block of all routes. Especially not considering the spawn is often in favor of one side.
Trying to stop a Warrior is a futile aswell, between their damage immunity, condition immunity and stability, they are also the most mobile profession.
All this motivates is people to not bother attacking keeps/garrison if its going to be a tough fight, and to avoid tough fights. Because banner rezzing is going to drag it out into favor of the defender.
Instead this will just motivate people to try and rush a keep with something like Golems and avoid fighting in general.
It’s not just the warbanner – it’s the fact that warriors can stroll into the middle of the fight, plant a banner and stroll out again.
They do not “stroll” out or in. Deal with it – it is an aspect of the game, and as such, it is a strategy to rez a keep Lord, etc. And if banner works for players, it most certainly should work for NPCs given they are on your same side. People have no clue what “OP” even is if you think banners are OP…. =.=
I think it should be able to rez the keep lord. But I think the Keep lord should act like a player. If a player goes for 5-6 times in a 10 minute span they can not be bannered again due to the down state penalty. I think this should be implemented to the keep lord. Other wise its basically a war of who runs of more banners first.
It’s even more broken in EB for the red keep – often the lord wanders out between the two gates and then can be banner rezed from OUTSIDE the keep, within a 45 second run from spawn. 3-4 warriors can keep it permanently contested pretty much.
It’s even more broken in EB for the red keep – often the lord wanders out between the two gates and then can be banner rezed from OUTSIDE the keep, within a 45 second run from spawn. 3-4 warriors can keep it permanently contested pretty much.
You are killing the lord in the wrong spot. If you have to kill the lord there, then you should allow the lord back into a place you can defend. There is a right way to take the keep and a wrong way and your example is wrong way.
Yeah, but agro in this game is so wonky that it takes one person geared wrong and in the wrong place and it becomes impossible to position the lord. You know, the whole unshakable thing.
This sunday my server spent nearly 2 hours fighting inside an enemy garrison. The lord was ressed maybe… 60 times. Or 80. I dont really know, I lost count. His downtime was about 20-30 seconds on average. I didnt kill it every time and I still got half a dozen keep lord bags. We only had enough manpower to control the circle but even when we where outnumbered they couldnt break us. All they did was send in the warriors.
Its great fun. No really. Great fun. That’s how Anet want the game to be played, forever trying to zerg down an immortal target. I dare them to tell us otherwise, that this isnt intented game mechanics. Because lets face it, they cant. If they say it wasnt their intention to make keeps uncappable by infinite lord ressing, it mean we can report everyone ressing the lord as exploiting wohoo!!!
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
People complain about not getting fights and how the other server is sitting behind walls.
Well, quit complaining about not getting fights if you want this changed. You are getting a fight, you just have to use better tactics and coordination if you want to win that fight. It isn’t impossible.