We Are Tarnished Coast

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


We have defeated the might of EBay.
We have stood firm against the Goon Zergs of Maguuma.
And we shall defeat Sorrow and overcome Madness.
We are Tarnished Coast, and we shall overcome!


…………yeah after seeing who we were going against I just wanted to make some sort of motivational speech post. Move along.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

At least you called us mighty. Thanks :p

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


He meant to say that you were “flighty”.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Cheapy.8657


You bravely teamed up with the goons to stomp EBay.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: datbabykilla.4307


The alliance conspiracy’s never get old.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


You bravely teamed up with the goons to stomp EBay.

Can’t tell if troll or if they actually believe it. Both options are pretty sad.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Deya.3796


We have defeated the might of EBay.
We have stood firm against the Goon Zergs of Maguuma.
And we shall defeat Sorrow and overcome Madness.
We are Tarnished Coast, and we shall overcome!


…………yeah after seeing who we were going against I just wanted to make some sort of motivational speech post. Move along.

Lets see if you can overcome Madness or be comsumed by it.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Cheapy.8657


Yea, the truth is pretty pathetic, isn’t it?

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: fleeZy.5270


We have defeated the might of EBay.
We have stood firm against the Goon Zergs of Maguuma.
And we shall defeat Sorrow and overcome Madness.
We are Tarnished Coast, and we shall overcome!
We have no class!


fleeZy – pewmesmerpew

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Even with them in the lead, it seems to be a fun match. Last week was good, this week seems fun too. Victory’s obvious what I’d like but but so long as the battle is well fought, I think most of us can deal with whatever comes.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Deya.3796


yea great match so far but Sorrow eh they need to step it up

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Viral.2968


Suggesting TC teamed up with Goons of all people is just ignorant. Most TC WvW players hate Maguuma and especially Goons. We have never teamed up with anyone or ever will. I feel insulted someone would even suggest it.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Suggesting TC teamed up with Goons of all people is just ignorant. Most TC WvW players hate Maguuma and especially Goons. We have never teamed up with anyone or ever will. I feel insulted someone would even suggest it.

I wouldn’t say never. I mean I would have suggested it against Dragonbrand, but then again remember just how badly they managed to trounce us. In a case like that, yeah, I’d suggest teaming up. But in a close match like last week, even if we were losing, I wouldn’t have.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


I was playing in WvW on Tarnished Coast for the first time today. It’s a lot of fun when you have a commander directing everyone around. Without one it’s kind of like herding cats.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Zoula.5139


I heard things went pretty well last night. I wouldn’t know as I was in queue for the entire friggen night. At least I found a patch of sugar pumpkins while I was waiting. /tear

Zoula Frostmane
<Bloodgale Vanguard>

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Krustydog.1043


We have defeated the might of EBay.
We have stood firm against the Goon Zergs of Maguuma.
And we shall defeat Sorrow and overcome Madness.
We are Tarnished Coast, and we shall overcome!


…………yeah after seeing who we were going against I just wanted to make some sort of motivational speech post. Move along.

You get a little hair on your chest and all of the sudden your King Kong?

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Makes me wish my server was called ebay lol thats win.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Chronic Nithhogr.5419

Chronic Nithhogr.5419

LOL this topic is total troll. The truth of it is TC teamed up with Maguuma and zerged EBay.

I’ll also mention the part where a lot of people switched servers FROM Ebay, after the first weeks rankings were posted. My guess is this was done because they are glory seekers or wanted a better fight. Ebay won the first week with about 550k to 50k and 45k.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Blythepiper.6874


Absolutely NOT. There was no “teaming” up with anyone. We had our share of dirty spies trying to cause chaos by interfering with commander orders in team chat, and other instances of spies giving GOON/Maguuma heads up as to our next targets (heck, one of them even tried to infiltrate the commander’s group, spamming him for invite requests lol) And we still won. And anyone who claims different needs to crawl back under the bridge.

Blythepiper, Mesmer
Songs of Snow and Steel [SONG]
Tarnished Coast

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Zoula.5139


Actually the secret is that the entire Maguuma server is made up of Tarnished Coast alts made on second accounts.

Zoula Frostmane
<Bloodgale Vanguard>

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Spongehunter.1743


the funny part is the teaming up was admitted by multiple guildleaders – and was obvious. You deny it because its sad. your servers garbage.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Of course, so many people here have ways of knowing what happened. It’s odd because I heard far more people complaining in TC chat about Maguuma than Ehmry. Probably because they were such a none threat and Mag was.

Compare that to Sea of Sorrows at the moment. They were down by the end of the night, with TC moving up by Gates of Madness, IIRC. Now? They’re leading and putting up a good defensive. Madness fell because both their enemies wanted to take them down fast and did. Because that was strategically the strongest action at the time.

Now, people can say what they want about Sea of Sorrows and whatever tactics they employ. I, myself, am generally ignorant of what caused the turnabout. I assume it was a fairly well organize push in the morning hours, mostly in their own Borderlands which they have cleared out and held tightly. But I believe the two underlying points I’m making are this, mostly in reply to continued Ehmry complaints:

-In order to prevent major initial gains, especially within the first, I’ve observed a general trend on the part of the two other realms to ensure that the first realm does not run away with things. This has occurred two weeks in a row and was only not really effective against Dragonbrand, who flat outplayed their enemies.

-It is quite possible, through strong organization and/or effective timing and defense for the initially "lesser’ (read: low point) realm to take key positions and make process in the point differential.

I’ll leave it to your imagination or inference which of these things occurred during Ehmry’s last match, which did not, and which have occurred during the GoM, TC, and SoS matchup.

(edited by Sharpclaw.7510)

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


go sea of sorrows!

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


Of course, so many people here have ways of knowing what happened. It’s odd because I heard far more people complaining in TC chat about Maguuma than Ehmry. Probably because they were such a none threat and Mag was.

Compare that to Sea of Sorrows at the moment. They were down by the end of the night, with TC moving up by Gates of Madness, IIRC. Now? They’re leading and putting up a good defensive. Madness fell because both their enemies wanted to take them down fast and did. Because that was strategically the strongest action at the time.

Now, people can say what they want about Sea of Sorrows and whatever tactics they employ. I, myself, am generally ignorant of what caused the turnabout. I assume it was a fairly well organize push in the morning hours, mostly in their own Borderlands which they have cleared out and held tightly. But I believe the two underlying points I’m making are this, mostly in reply to continued Ehmry complaints:

-In order to prevent major initial gains, especially within the first, I’ve observed a general trend on the part of the two other realms to ensure that the first realm does not run away with things. This has occurred two weeks in a row and was only not really effective against Dragonbrand, who flat outplayed their enemies.

-It is quite possible, through strong organization and/or effective timing and defense for the initially "lesser’ (read: low point) realm to take key positions and make process in the point differential.

I’ll leave it to your imagination or inference which of these things occurred during Ehmry’s last match, which did not, and which have occurred during the GoM, TC, and SoS matchup.

SoS strategy = be Oceanic.

(Also applicable to Dragonbrand).

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Distaste.4801


GoM simply has ZERO night/morning crew, they all transferred off to stronger servers. After about 1 am we have very few people in WvW. What happened and will continue to hapkitten that SoS has a stronger night crew so they will end up winning. During primetime though Tarnished Coast and GoM will slug it out since SoS isn’t very strong then.

GoM is a dying WvW server at this point. When we can field enough people for a queue to form we do really well, but that happens fewer and farther between. Guess it’s time to find a new server with a night crew.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Raze.1982


Silly TC spies >.> Good battle though, was definitely fun.

[WFD] Vloff
Borlis Pass

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


We have defeated the might of EBay.
We have stood firm against the Goon Zergs of Maguuma.
And we shall defeat Sorrow and overcome Madness.
We are Tarnished Coast, and we shall overcome!


…………yeah after seeing who we were going against I just wanted to make some sort of motivational speech post. Move along.

i bet SOS thanks you greatly for saving their orb.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Barro.6827


GoM simply has ZERO night/morning crew, they all transferred off to stronger servers. After about 1 am we have very few people in WvW. What happened and will continue to hapkitten that SoS has a stronger night crew so they will end up winning. During primetime though Tarnished Coast and GoM will slug it out since SoS isn’t very strong then.

GoM is a dying WvW server at this point. When we can field enough people for a queue to form we do really well, but that happens fewer and farther between. Guess it’s time to find a new server with a night crew.

I was leading for Tarnished Coast (Eternal Battleground only) really late last night-early morning (way past my usual because I was sucked in). First, after we fended off the initial attacks of GoM and SoS on SM, we were able to deter attackers. This caused SoS to shift off us and attacked GoM. Secondly, I could tell number shift from GoM to a point where we back off GoM and started focusing on SoS who would start harassing us if we didn’t do so while GoM didn’t really seem a threat to SM. This was around 1 am PST.

Sorry to hear that you have a problem with night time. I hope that you can get some numbers so we can keep it a 3 way fight. I rather have good fights than steamrolls. On that note, I want to applaud/shake my head at SoS. You kept throwing bodies at Klovan for 1 1/2 hours. Each time we pass through Klovan, we would wipe them and move on. Not 5 minutes later, more keep coming back. Good fights and SoS finally got smart with trebs placement after a while. I think we wiped Klovan attackers at least 15 times.

(edited by Barro.6827)

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: zTales.4392



the funny part is the teaming up was admitted by multiple guildleaders – and was obvious. You deny it because its sad. your servers garbage.

The funny part is that there was no alliance – which was obvious. If TC/Maguuma (whichever server you’re referring to) is such ‘garbage’, how come the WvW scores are the way they are now?

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


SoS strategy = be Oceanic.

(Also applicable to Dragonbrand).

Potentially explains things. Again, I don’t really know. So far, this has been an interesting match, to be sure! 29.5k to 25.8 to 20.1. It’s really been fun!

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Hix.8925


Barro, SoS took the whole map at around 5AM PST when even the people staying up late had to pass out.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Cloud.7613


GoM simply has ZERO night/morning crew, they all transferred off to stronger servers. After about 1 am we have very few people in WvW. What happened and will continue to hapkitten that SoS has a stronger night crew so they will end up winning. During primetime though Tarnished Coast and GoM will slug it out since SoS isn’t very strong then.

GoM is a dying WvW server at this point. When we can field enough people for a queue to form we do really well, but that happens fewer and farther between. Guess it’s time to find a new server with a night crew.

I was leading for Tarnished Coast (Eternal Battleground only) really late last night-early morning (way past my usual because I was sucked in). First, after we fended off the initial attacks of GoM and SoS on SM, we were able to deter attackers. This caused SoS to shift off us and attacked GoM. Secondly, I could tell number shift from GoM to a point where we back off GoM and started focusing on SoS who would start harassing us if we didn’t do so while GoM didn’t really seem a threat to SM. This was around 1 am PST.

Sorry to hear that you have a problem with night time. I hope that you can get some numbers so we can keep it a 3 way fight. I rather have good fights than steamrolls. On that note, I want to applaud/shake my head at SoS. You kept throwing bodies at Klovan for 1 1/2 hours. Each time we pass through Klovan, we would wipe them and move on. Not 5 minutes later, more keep coming back. Good fights and SoS finally got smart with trebs placement after a while. I think we wiped Klovan attackers at least 15 times.

Did you forget you literally gave SM away? :-/

Riveting story though.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Did you forget you literally gave SM away? :-/

Why take a position that you cannot necessarily defend and drains your supply, when you can have other forces fight each other over it. It happens all the time, even on smaller targets. TC had Greenbriar on the Borderlands and abandoned it when Sea of Sorrows and Madness forces both arrived and decided to fight each other for it.

It happens all the time. You defend what you can, attack where you are not expected or where you have the advantage of rapidity, and you fall back from positions that are not tenable for long term defense.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Zoula.5139


the funny part is the teaming up was admitted by multiple guildleaders – and was obvious. You deny it because its sad. your servers garbage.

The funny part is people that can’t decipher sarcastic and joke posts on forums and treat them as gospel long, long after the fact.

Zoula Frostmane
<Bloodgale Vanguard>

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Deya.3796


“Sorry to hear that you have a problem with night time. I hope that you can get some numbers so we can keep it a 3 way fight. I rather have good fights than steamrolls.”

Sorry to say this but GoM will not get the people it needs, there are instant Que all the time now even in our “Prime” beside our home borderland which is some times full. we will more than likely fall in WvW ranking because of hackers resent events Be Strong players of Madness the hackers will be Banned

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: DrFunk.7680


I came from E.Bay, i had to leave (before any ladder came out), because they are really
bad at WvW, its just all whining and lame arguments all over the chat.
And people doing really dumb things, or AFK.
Tarnished is a great WvW environment, even when we are losing, we all pull together
and its fun regardless.
And to those saying we teamed up? lol.
Maguuma and GOON are practically our arch nemesis.
SoS, Madness, and FA just use a hack to fly around and steal the orbs, so they are
ranked last as far as im concerned

For the TOAST!

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: DrFunk.7680


Sorry to say this but GoM will not get the people it needs, there are instant Que all the time now even in our “Prime” beside our home borderland which is some times full. we will more than likely fall in WvW ranking because of hackers resent events Be Strong players of Madness the hackers will be Banned

But its madness using the hacks.
Right as we speak, they have stolen all 3 orbs by flying over the walls.
They don’t even have a home for 1 of the orbs, and have just been flying around
with it, for quite some time now.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: majik.2035


We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Deya.3796


@DrFunk have you even read what i said try doing it slowly, oh and what im saying at the end is that even though someone is hacking its hurting us because of the people we are losing because of it

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: DrFunk.7680


i wasnt commenting on the rest of what you said.
Just the hacking part.
Try reading it slowly.

(edited by DrFunk.7680)

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Tsuroyu.7956


“Absolutely NOT. There was no “teaming” up with anyone. "

Clearly, there’s no evidence that there was ever a team-up. Never mind the fact that someone posted a thread saying, “let’s team up.” Nope, TC did it all by themselves.


We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Asbrandr.6324


Clearly, there’s no evidence that there was ever a team-up. Never mind the fact that someone posted a thread saying, “let’s team up.” Nope, TC did it all by themselves.


Except, you know, that thread was made by a Maguuma player who more or less admitted to trolling later in the thread, but take that for what you will. Any perceived cooperation was just good tactics. Attacking an enemy while they’re preoccupied is normal, especially if they were in the lead and you wanted to whittle their points down. In a 1v1v1 that runs for an extended about of time, it’s only normal for some situations to seem like a 2v1. First place will always be a bigger threat.

Zevkk | 80 Necromancer | Vyhrr Sootshroud | 80 Thief
Cyrus Quintillus | 80 Mesmer | Asbrandr Godrikson | 80 Warrior
Fort Aspenwood [FLOT]

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Vanity.2506


Things were going great last night and this afternoon/early evening. That is, until this Orb debacle that GoM [SW] has incited.

Vanity Lionheart
That which yields is not always weak.

We Are Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Just want to say, nice job to the Ogrewatch Cut crew. A group of 10 managed to hold off a zerg of around 30 for ten to fifteen minutes. I haven’t had fun like that in a LONG time. Even though we lost, we fought hard. Rest assured in the fact that we gave Gates of Madness a nice-sized repair bill to go with their keep.