We get it, queue times are too long

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


There’s plenty of servers without queues.

Stop QQing/queuing and start transferring!

Here is your answer, right here.

Upping queues while some servers arent experiencing queues would be a bad move. It is in everyone’s best interest for them to focus on spreading the WvW population out more – rather than giving strong population servers and even greater advantage.

As long as there are servers with no queues, the problem is easily solvable by the players affected. If WvW is something you care about, find a server where you can get in reliably and build a strong team to lead to domination.

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


Currently right now I’m a member of a large Alliance that is doing very well in WvW but we are only able to get a small fraction of our Alliance into WvW at any given time. This is the end game for us and many of us went in at level 1 and have spent our time leveling by defending our realm. It’s the main reason we wanted to play this game.

That being said, is there anything conversations going on in the background about fixing it so more are able to get in or adding a indication of what number we are in the queue? The only solution for another Alliance was to transfer to another server that was low population so guarantee more members would get in. I don’t feel like that is an acceptable option with all the time and money spend on guild upgrades for each guild.

Also – it doesn’t seem like the queue actually works as intended as we’ve conducted experiments where we’ve queued up at the same time and some pop in 10 minutes and other 6 hours. We’ve also noticed that if you re-queue every 10 minutes you are way more likely to get in.

Thoughts on this?

I find it unlikely, and hope that they won’t, increase the population caps.

For the simple reason that I don’t want WvW to be completely decided by numbers, rather than ability.

Don’t worry in a couple months people will be bored of WvW and you’ll be able to get plenty in.

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Crazy.6029


@the op, if you want positive feedback perhaps you should’nt presume to speak for the entire community. If you would like just one thread , then title it as such. Coming on the forums and acting like you speak for the entire communtiy and have been elected the unofficial forum monitor is just a form of suppressing other people’s ideas and thoughts. Have a nice day

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Kaineng is in need of serious help from an organized guild or two, we have a few, just dont have any real numbers to feild against fergy and devona’s rest.

If you are complaining about long queue times and playing on the american servers, switch over.

Also I am opposed to ‘new maps’ till our server can at least fill two maps. More maps means we split our already small force.

I am in favor of arenanet dynamically adjusting allowed pops so lower pop servers can complete, especially in off hours where barely capping supply camps.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Nemui.6753


there’s a serious lack of people on some servers, while others are way overcrowded.

it’d be nice if we could have some precise numbers to decide which server to settle on. as long as the transfers are free, hopefully.

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Optimism.7213


NSP had some organization but, AA bailed. The people who tried to rally what was left of the server also ended up bailing.

There needs to be some form of parity but, since we the people are more in control of that, I don’t see this happening at all. That’s something Arenanet can’t fix since we’re the problem and the solution to this.

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: LiveSpartan.8206


My guild is transfering we got 500 members with a second guild in the making and we wanted to WvW but on henge of denravi our que time was up to 4hrs so we transfering to Northern Shiverpeks its so we can have fun together whether the server is wining or not. We’re the Angry army btw.

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Esaam.9042


To be honest, I’m pretty sure that if we all could see our position within the queue, it would not be as bad as it is today: not knowing anything makes it worse.

For 3 days in a row I was not able to enter WvW even though I logged each time around 17h00 (17h35 top). What made it worse for me (and I’m pretty sure for a lot of us) is having guildmates entering the queue 2 hours later than me and getting an invite 30 minutes later. Then you start to wonder if you did something wrong ; if you zoned too many time, if you were not on the right map, if you launched the queue while being on an overflow server, what is that particular windows or action I have made, etc.

Since you don’t have any estimation of you position, you can’t plan ahead so you get stuck in doing nothing in fear you might get the queue to bug and start over and it gets on your nerves.

I think that having “normal” queue with some kind of estimation would help greatly.

Esaam: Moringólemo of Fëar Morniëo – Grand Cross Alliance – Vizunah square

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Zotok.4869


I agree with the server transfer idea, if all regional servers get around high population at peak times and sit around medium the rest of the day. Then queue times will be minimal, currently I go play other games sadly. During Beta well WvW was the bread and butter to this game. Sense I’ve hit 80 fairly quickly because the “grind” isn’t in this game. I have PvE content which is boring and Spvp which isn’t much of my gig.

The only true way to fix this issue is to find a server that has small numbers and transfer…. Sadly Arena net hasn’t established a winning server list, or population overall list of some kind to help bestow knowledge to which server might be a good idea to transfer too. Transferring an entire guild of even 30 people can be a pain, much less more members. It’s an option and it doesn’t tilt the table till Arena net gets a witty Idea to maintain balance AND give everyone a chance to play

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Erzulee.1862


If transferring servers is the answer then we need data, not guesswork, actual wait times from arena net on different servers so that we can make an informed decision on where to go. None of this information is published. At least once a night, we have folks that enter the queue an hour after someone else and get in before. That is just nonsense. Give us a number. You are number 6564 in the queue; estimated wait time: 4 hours. It really does seem that if you requeue you get in faster but since there is no actual data it is impossible to tell.

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: peroxil.1902


I don’t care getting my fps down to 10 being surounded by hundreds of players, give away thankittenWvW player limit! And let them in and play!
I did not buy this game for queuing!

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


When they fix it, we’ll stop posting.

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


I don’t think we can really tell how bad queue times are for the simple fact that the queues are so screwed up we really don’t know how long they are. On JQ for instance, last night I waited in queue for 4 hours. At the 4 hour mark a guildie got in after a 5 minute queue. Last I checked, I should have been ahead of him…

Fix the actual queue itself and then we can take a look at queue times. All I want from Arena Net is an acknowledgement that they know the queue is screwed up and not working properly. The silence on the matter leads me to believe that it is working as intended from their point of view.

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Estus.1726


I recently moved to Ferguson’s Crossing from A high population server. Queue times are non existence on most maps during peak hours. We win some and lose some. The server seems to be lacking in good leadership however.

There seems to be a good balance of day and night players. This server is ripe for a high level Guild looking to make a difference somewhere and willing to move off a high population server.

[RE] Isendale – Tarnished Coast
“Did you see that? Tell me you saw that!”

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: drwookie.6391


We don’t need so many posts on the topic. I am sure ArenaNet gets it by now. I am willing to bet they already have more PVP oriented maps in the works to help give players more ways to participate.

Keep in mind Arenanet has their eyes on the statistics of every part of the game. For all we know the PVP population is dynamic depending on how many people are queued per side.

Give them a chance. Keep the WvW forum posts to good constructive posts.

There’s honestly not much you can offer if you don’t really get into WvW very much due to long queue times.

Also, while I’m sure ArenaNet has plans for WvW with regards to queue times, I’d love to hear what they are. I know that, in time, the queues will drop due to player falloff.

I just hope I’m not one of those that “falls off” due to long queue times never allowing me to WvW.

No news and no change in queue times WILL lead to people losing interest (while TOR shows that way too many servers will lead to dead servers once players start falling off).

Similar concern I’m having. since hitting 80 I’ve been playing far far less since my plan was to hit WvW at 80. I will login, get in queue and if it doesn’t pop within 30 minutes I’ll leave. I’ve been doing a lot of leaving…

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Velron.3729


I PROMISE you all Kaineng has no queue times for WvW. There, now you can transfer without the “we don’t know which ones don’t have a queue or short queue” excuse.

Devona’s Rest also needs more population as we usually only fill 2 of the 4 maps even durin prime time.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


only 2 of the 4? kaineng is lucky to even lock one, and even then its a <1 minute queue.

I wish you guys would stop funneling your population into our borderlands and fight somewhere else so at least we can hold some ground somewhere.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Waage.2047


On Ruins of Surmia we sometimes have Queue’s in EB and sometimes the border lands when the different wvw guilds are out in force.

Yes it is annoying, but i would rather have short little Queue’s then zones with thousands of people that makes the game unplayable.

IF you where a wvw person that wanted to do hardcore wvw then you would be joining on of the smaller servers to help build it up and get access. IF you are on a massive server then guess what there will be queue’s.

[RK] – Guild Leader and awesome Warrior – BG

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Velron.3729


only 2 of the 4? kaineng is lucky to even lock one, and even then its a <1 minute queue.

I wish you guys would stop funneling your population into our borderlands and fight somewhere else so at least we can hold some ground somewhere.

Fwiw I do try to leave you guys alone as much as possible. Last night red borderland was the only real prime time action though and it was fun holding the garrison while being hit by NSP on the West and Kaineng on the East.

I do agree tho, I want the server to grow and it won’t happen if people keep leaving it.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: Cimos.4923


1. Enter the queue right after WvW reset between 4-5PM PST.
2. Enter the queue right after patch reset.
3. If you miss the resets, go buy a pizza and watch the Dodgers lose another game. Dodgers usually lose faster than a queue pops.