Week of 11/23: SOS vs JQ vs SBI
PRX carry SoS so hard. Good to see HoD back on top.
PRX was on EB duty this week. They did a great job but you can’t expect people to actually believe that PRX is carrying SoS. Sea of Sorrows is carrying Sea of Sorrows. Go back to Blackgate and work on your tactics.
Thank you.
It’s kids like this; that embody why I left Sea of Sorrows. Overzealous chest pounders; that take advantage of every waking second they can do it. If you understood anything about BG; you would realize our coverage killed us more than anything.
But you’d rather run your mouth on the forums.
Dude, learn what a semi-colon is actually used for. Reading that was actually painful for me. Also look up what a comma is while you are at it.
lol…Avatara the gramma police! (oh no! illegal usage of a semicolon)
having said that…drives me mental too
PRX carry SoS so hard. Good to see HoD back on top.
PRX was on EB duty this week. They did a great job but you can’t expect people to actually believe that PRX is carrying SoS. Sea of Sorrows is carrying Sea of Sorrows. Go back to Blackgate and work on your tactics.
Thank you.
It’s kids like this; that embody why I left Sea of Sorrows. Overzealous chest pounders; that take advantage of every waking second they can do it. If you understood anything about BG; you would realize our coverage killed us more than anything.
But you’d rather run your mouth on the forums.
Dude, learn what a semi-colon is actually used for. Reading that was actually painful for me. Also look up what a comma is while you are at it.
lol…Avatara the gramma police!
(oh no! illegal usage of a semicolon)
having said that…drives me mental too
Heh…first time I have seen anyone use semi-colons instead of commas. He did it for every place there should have been a comma as well.
You have to wonder who educated him…
PRX carry SoS so hard. Good to see HoD back on top.
PRX was on EB duty this week. They did a great job but you can’t expect people to actually believe that PRX is carrying SoS. Sea of Sorrows is carrying Sea of Sorrows. Go back to Blackgate and work on your tactics.
Thank you.
It’s kids like this; that embody why I left Sea of Sorrows. Overzealous chest pounders; that take advantage of every waking second they can do it. If you understood anything about BG; you would realize our coverage killed us more than anything.
But you’d rather run your mouth on the forums.
Dude, learn what a semi-colon is actually used for. Reading that was actually painful for me. Also look up what a comma is while you are at it.
lol…Avatara the gramma police!
(oh no! illegal usage of a semicolon)
having said that…drives me mental too
Heh…first time I have seen anyone use semi-colons instead of commas. He did it for every place there should have been a comma as well.
You have to wonder who educated him…
Maybe he wasn’t sure if he should use fullstops(periods) or comma’s, so he used both?
PRX carry SoS so hard. Good to see HoD back on top.
PRX was on EB duty this week. They did a great job but you can’t expect people to actually believe that PRX is carrying SoS. Sea of Sorrows is carrying Sea of Sorrows. Go back to Blackgate and work on your tactics.
Thank you.
It’s kids like this; that embody why I left Sea of Sorrows. Overzealous chest pounders; that take advantage of every waking second they can do it. If you understood anything about BG; you would realize our coverage killed us more than anything.
But you’d rather run your mouth on the forums.
Dude, learn what a semi-colon is actually used for. Reading that was actually painful for me. Also look up what a comma is while you are at it.
lol…Avatara the gramma police!
(oh no! illegal usage of a semicolon)
having said that…drives me mental too
Heh…first time I have seen anyone use semi-colons instead of commas. He did it for every place there should have been a comma as well.
You have to wonder who educated him…
Maybe he is a coder.
Im actually liking the Wv3 scene
Good Job SoS for the fun fights and congrats ..
Cover Girl < L’Oreal <_<
j/k :P
Slanderous lies! :>
So two fun incidents happened to me today. First, I saw a JQ try to sneak into our supply camp, I went after him. There was a lone SOS player just standing there, so he gave chase to the JQ also. Together we took the JQ player down and finished him…then backed off and a mexican standoff ensued. After 30 seconds of neither of us doing anything, he /wave and I /wave and he ran off. I found that extremely hilarious.
But to top that, I was running in JQ BL just now, and had to go afk fast. When I came back, I saw “Jade Qurarry Defender gestures” 4 times on my screen, and was being attacked by 4 raptors. The poor JQ guy was trying to warn me and was running in circles trying to lure them off. Finally they had me downed, and he dove in and fought them off. Unfortunately they had finished me off, so he then stood on top of me and /cry. I felt bad that he had tried to save an enemy and was worried about it…but it shows what good sports some players are.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
i love seeing these screenshots.. someone should post a sos screenshot and show what we talk about.
“leave JQ alone because they are nice guys and hit SBI hard”
i’m joking of course…
So anyone on SoS border tell me how that fight went tonight? Had to roll to work kitten night shifts). Around 9:30est though it was nuts…we had JQ trebbing Bay…..SBI hitting Hills and Crag.
Nearly booked off work just to stay lol
Verucalize: 80 Thief
Señor Chang: 80 Ranger
To SoS:
Nice fights this week. Grats SoS you are a well oiled machine! Welcome to being first(again)! Disregard the SBI QQ. In reality it’s only like a dozen or so posters, and it is not how we view our decent from 1st as a server. They are just mad at our server/guilds not showing up Tues & Wed. Every server has it’s trolls and forum QQ’ers. Anyways glad you guys will be around for more weeks of T1 battles!
To SBI forum posters(not all of them but you know who you are):
If anyone is seriously crying 2v1 please stop. Not only is it a valid and excellent tactic, but SBI has used a 2v1 advantage in the past on other servers so the QQ makes you look kind of silly and naive.
To all of SBI:
It’s ok if some of our hard working wvw-ers needed a break, everyone does at some point. Most important thing is to have fun. One of our earliest motto’s, coined in the HoD days, was “Log-in, Rock-out, Screw the score”- Tactix. This motto is my mantra when the score is bad. No one stays on top forever and the scores this week were actually pretty close at most times.
I for one, as an SBI, had a blast this week.
The week’s match is drawing to a close so it’s time for some shoutouts:
To Cover Girl and MORD, I only had the pleasure of fighting you and yours twice this week, but the way you’ve conducted yourself on these forums is, at the very least, praiseworthy. Hope to see more good sportsmanship and better fights in the matchups to come. P.S. Stop putting trebs up in Sunny. It’s MEAN.
To Jedbacca and SF, Always a pleasure seeing you and yours on a borderland I’m on. Means that it’s time for a wild ride guessing where your next target it. Getting the public zerg to stop chasing your havoc teams is a chore but it’s always interesting
To AoS: Your interceptor thief squads are very frustrating to run up against. Next time can you let me treb SBI in peace? No? Well fine then.
In all seriousness, GG to all. Happy hunting.
So anyone on SoS border tell me how that fight went tonight? Had to roll to work kitten night shifts). Around 9:30est though it was nuts…we had JQ trebbing Bay…..SBI hitting Hills and Crag.
Nearly booked off work just to stay lol
SBI started with nothing, but quickly worked our way through defenses. JQ was also fighting SoS, so we had an easy time taking hills, and we had a few attempts at crag. Then, we learned SoS was trebbing bay, so we tried our luck there. Strong JQ defense quickly wiped us a few times, so we took Brair out of spite. After that, we held off the JQ zerg as half our forces took the bay. We managed to take both towers, and had some very long sieges inside SoS Garrison. SBI was finally pushed out of garrison, and we lost the 2 northern towers. We started to hemorrage players, and that is about when I headed off. SBI controlling the bottom half of the map, SoS the North, and JQ hitting camps all over. It was an absolute blast on SoS BL, and I was happy to see actual numbers fielded by SBI.
Lol, some SBI players always find an excuse for why they’re losing to SoS; it’s either because of Fractals or JQ is helping SoS.
FYI, SoS sometimes would get run over by JQ while we’re trying to take a keep from SBI.
And we do get outmanned buffs too.
Stop with your excuses and prove that SoS isn’t the top server by defeating us, instead of saying random stuffs like we’re using “bad sportsmanship” by pitting JQ against SBI.
Bad sportsmanship is when people from other servers spy on our server. Any other tactic used in the game is legitimate.
Thanks to other players who are not sore losers and can appreciate SoS’s effort in WvWvW.
(edited by Samnang.1879)
Hey Samnang et al.,
There’s no need to antagonize like your post does. That is equally as bad as the people making excuses. Win or lose with dignity. That means cut it out with the kitten novels and just say GG to each other – whether you won or lost.
Nice fights all, I have been playing these games since 1997 and this the most fun I have had in many years.
Keep turning up to WvWvW for your individual servers as it is players that make this game what it is.
SoS altaholic..
PRX carry SoS so hard. Good to see HoD back on top.
PRX was on EB duty this week. They did a great job but you can’t expect people to actually believe that PRX is carrying SoS. Sea of Sorrows is carrying Sea of Sorrows. Go back to Blackgate and work on your tactics.
Thank you.
It’s kids like this; that embody why I left Sea of Sorrows. Overzealous chest pounders; that take advantage of every waking second they can do it. If you understood anything about BG; you would realize our coverage killed us more than anything.
But you’d rather run your mouth on the forums.
Chest pounding? He was standing up for the server. Suggesting that PRX is carrying the server is naive at best, they only had one borderlands, they were not on EB (as someone else suggested they were). If PRX transferred into any low tier server it would not be tier 1. SoS is tier one because we have some strong NA guilds (of which PRX is only one of) and we have some of the best oceanic presence in the game (because it’s the unofficial oceanic server). Our coverage is our greatest strength, not PRX. Combined efforts by both our NA and Oceanic coverage is what enables us to compete where we are at.
As an EB regular, I didn’t see much PRX this week. Can’t really say they were “assigned to duty” there.
That’s because they weren’t. I think people learn the name of PRX and like to imagine every time they’ve lost it’s because of that big guild people will recognise. Like the guy who gets beat up by a girl but pretends it was a gang of bikers to make his defeat less embarrassing. I’ve seen PRX get credit most weeks for things they haven’t done on maps they weren’t on.
As much as I can understand how WvW is a three way match and 2v1 is tactics (my guild was on EB this week) I don’t think it’s healthy for the game to spawn camp to the point of crushing enemy moral and making this part of the game so unenjoyable for them they logged off. I know ArenaNet suggested something would be done about spawn camping (and that WvW update can’t come soon enough, assuming it’s in better shape than all the other bugged content patches we’ve gotten). I don’t enjoy being on a team that can’t get out of their spawn, to know severs were intentionally doing it so that it would crush SBI spirits and get them to log off the map, I think that’s a sad state for WvW to be in, especially in tier one.
The game is seeing a lot of player attrition lately, WvW has some big problems that need to be solved to promote longevity, we as players don’t need to be making it worse.
The week’s match is drawing to a close so it’s time for some shoutouts:
To Cover Girl and MORD, I only had the pleasure of fighting you and yours twice this week, but the way you’ve conducted yourself on these forums is, at the very least, praiseworthy. Hope to see more good sportsmanship and better fights in the matchups to come. P.S. Stop putting trebs up in Sunny. It’s MEAN.
To Jedbacca and SF, Always a pleasure seeing you and yours on a borderland I’m on. Means that it’s time for a wild ride guessing where your next target it. Getting the public zerg to stop chasing your havoc teams is a chore but it’s always interesting
To AoS: Your interceptor thief squads are very frustrating to run up against. Next time can you let me treb SBI in peace? No? Well fine then.
In all seriousness, GG to all. Happy hunting.
Hey profgast, whom were you? I’m the big hairy Charr MORD, I think I’m the only Charr in our guild so it makes me pretty distinctive.
SBI WvW Junkie
More of the same — Yay!
LoL what!?
committed great sins, God would not have sent a
punishment like me upon you." ~ Temüjin ~
Whatever happened to all is fair in love and war?
It’s tactics. Plain and simple. It’s war guys cmon. Maybe if you are able to provide a better incentive in double teaming WITH you then it will happen?
Strategy, actually.
Tactics are localized plans. Mesmer portals would be an example of tactics in play.
flanking, positioning, coordinated ability use.
Larger, broad term battle plans are strategy.
PRX carry SoS so hard. Good to see HoD back on top.
PRX was on EB duty this week. They did a great job but you can’t expect people to actually believe that PRX is carrying SoS. Sea of Sorrows is carrying Sea of Sorrows. Go back to Blackgate and work on your tactics.
Thank you.
PRX was actually “assigned” to JQ BL this week… Just sayin.
As an EB regular, I didn’t see much PRX this week. Can’t really say they were “assigned to duty” there.”Sorry, this was what I was told at the beginning of the week when I asked what BL we (my guild) were in. PRX may have moved to another BL possible. I’m not on the mumble for the guild leaders so they could have switched.
The Industry was in SoS BL though and where we primarily stayed.
PRX was assigned JQ. aka, blue. On occasion, did branch out and aid Green or Red maps.
It was also an “off week” for PRX. Meaning, almost all week, save when we were down 25k, alts were being played. (JQ on JQ last night probably felt like kings running down our 20 man group a few times. haha. my party was level 5, level 15, level 71, level 37. )
Several days took it a step further, with pve day! get your monthy done.
So, it looks like SoS did a pretty good job with PRX taking a break to me.
SoS as a whole fought hard and well, so when PRX did come back from the break, victory was in reach.
(edited by Casia.4281)
Whatever happened to all is fair in love and war?
It’s tactics. Plain and simple. It’s war guys cmon. Maybe if you are able to provide a better incentive in double teaming WITH you then it will happen?
Strategy, actually.
Tactics are localized plans. Mesmer portals would be an example of tactics in play.
flanking, positioning, coordinated ability use.Larger, broad term battle plans are strategy.
What incentives would you be able to provide to get someone to 2v1 with you? We’ll leave strippers in the keep next time you cap it from us?
SBI WvW Junkie
Whatever happened to all is fair in love and war?
It’s tactics. Plain and simple. It’s war guys cmon. Maybe if you are able to provide a better incentive in double teaming WITH you then it will happen?
Strategy, actually.
Tactics are localized plans. Mesmer portals would be an example of tactics in play.
flanking, positioning, coordinated ability use.Larger, broad term battle plans are strategy.
What incentives would you be able to provide to get someone to 2v1 with you? We’ll leave strippers in the keep next time you cap it from us?
That’s a good start.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Can anyone post a score that isn’t 14 hours old please?
Zabroshan – 80 Guardian / Sorroe – 80 Mesmer
Hands Off My Octopus
Man if we could’ve mid-weeked as well as we finished in SBI we wouldn’t be #2 for next week :P
SBI WvW Junkie
GG all.
Dirty Serf
we couldnt have done this without you; SBI&JQ
Gearmatrix might have dropped his wallet on one of the last havoc runs. If you find it during your victory lap, could you please return it? It’s easy to spot because it’s the one that says "Bad Mo Fo " on it.
GG everyone. Same time next week?
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
I would like to thank our JQ allies. Beers are on me at our next daily strategy meeting!
Gearmatrix might have dropped his wallet on one of the last havoc runs. If you find it during your victory lap, could you please return it? It’s easy to spot because it’s the one that says "Bad Mo Fo " on it.Thanks!
SBI WvW Junkie
GG everyone. Same time next week?
This time it’ll be my treat :-D
[CO] Cryptic Omen
The week’s match is drawing to a close so it’s time for some shoutouts:
To Cover Girl and MORD, I only had the pleasure of fighting you and yours twice this week, but the way you’ve conducted yourself on these forums is, at the very least, praiseworthy. Hope to see more good sportsmanship and better fights in the matchups to come. P.S. Stop putting trebs up in Sunny. It’s MEAN.
To Jedbacca and SF, Always a pleasure seeing you and yours on a borderland I’m on. Means that it’s time for a wild ride guessing where your next target it. Getting the public zerg to stop chasing your havoc teams is a chore but it’s always interesting
To AoS: Your interceptor thief squads are very frustrating to run up against. Next time can you let me treb SBI in peace? No? Well fine then.
In all seriousness, GG to all. Happy hunting.
Awe. Thanks I try my best, but sometimes just get frustrated at someone and snap. Was good to get to know a lot of you SOS guys, and had some memorable events this week. Hopefully we can get the whiners and chest thumpers silenced soon enough.
GF yo! Lets line up and go again…T- Minus 2 hours 30 minutes.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Hmmm, we will be blue next week. Back to my favorite color =)
Grats to SoS for a second win, hopefully this will shut up some people on the forums. Reading this threat is painful at times. Also painful to play against you at EU times, but I must be masochistic: The bigger your zerg gets, the more I am inclined to play =P
@SBI players: Nice showing this week. You all know what we achieved.
@JQ: Lest amount of QQ from the three servers. JQQ moniqer is very undeserved and needs to be buried. Now, if you only would show up more often ingame …
@SoS: I dig your scouting. Except when I am trying to ninja your towers that is.
Next week SBI will be faced with a new challenge… Keeping zergs away from the holy grub!
Great game SOS, you are undisputedly number one as two weeks in a row is proof your winning is not a fluke.
Your server is to be commended for this winning streak to number one, it may well be a precedent that is never surpassed.
Now that the easy part is done, I wish SOS the best of luck staying at the number one position.
SoS repppp
Team Shatter [TS]
Next week SBI will be faced with a new challenge… Keeping zergs away from the holy grub!
No sir, one must accept the Grub as all-commanding, else they face destruction.
And thus the task shall be passed on. Best of luck on the cleanest lawn competition.
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.