Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410



WvW has been a stale game mode for a lot of players for a long time prior to HoT but they continued playing because they had friends who were still playing. The effort that guilds and players used to put into it has been trending downward IMHO for awhile now.

Observations are made that the new BL is mostly empty while EBG has a queue or there’s a ktrain going on. But that’s how I remember it was with the Alpine map too during late nights after NA has mostly logged off for the past year or so. Small havoc guilds would try to ninja a tower or keep on an enemy bl and either you get run over by a responding EB blob or no one would show or 2-1 defenders would sit on siege. All the action would be in EBG.

So I’m wondering if there’s really some amount of a “been there done that” burn-out that occurred?

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: Sicarius.4639


Watched some of the best guilds in the game leave with the caveat that they’d come back and see what the expansion brings.

It brought one map. Extremely lackluster imo, during “burnout” we were running 20+ people we can’t get 10 after an expansion.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


Yes, I have been and am burned out.
The reasons: Bugs, imbalance, too many new players (which isn’t bad per se but can be exhausting).
Maybe I felt as if I had too much responsibility.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

Burn out? More like the final straw.

3 years of hurt, and then a WvW map which the testers said had problems.

Like the boy who cried wolf, there is only so many times Anet can say they will prioritise WvW Soon™ and HoT was the final time from the looks of it.

I’d like to see anet’s WvW metrics before and after the release of HoT.

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: apharma.3741


Same few servers to play against before and after HoT? Check.
Same servers waypointing the moment they see an angry goat with a rusty spoon? Check.
Same double teaming [Insert imaginative words here] servers? Check.
Same ktrain [Imaginative words as above] servers who face rub wood? Check.
Same roaming scene of stealth and mobility blowing people up? Check.

Yeah yeah totally the maps that ruined it not the players.
I’m not burned out, I just have more fun things to do for the time being.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: LetoII.3782


Not burned out at all, we ardently refuse to do things we don’t enjoy in my guild. Even if that means we don’t win as often as we might by some people’s metric.

My main complaint about the new map is it’s abundance.. It’d seem much more fun with more people, but as a 3x borderland there’s too many empty slots.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.8130


I wasn’t burned out. In fact, I had only recently come back from a long break. I was actually very excited for a new map, especially after reading this: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/essential-elements-of-the-new-borderlands/ Where there’s a whole section about how they made the areas more strategically relevant, and they said that towers weren’t going to be “isolated landmarks for invaders to sidestep”. That’s the part I was the most excited about.

Then the new map came out and the towers were….. even more isolated and even less strategically relevant. They don’t create “a noticeable impediment to the movement of enemy armies” unless said armies are trying to get to the skritt. It was bold faced lies. But even still, I decided to try the new maps out, because while the layout of the old borderlands was pretty bad, I had a lot of fun playing on them. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about the new maps. I tried commanding. I tried following. I tried sentrying. I tried sieging up areas because I had planned on updating a guide on borderland defense I had written. Even putting aside the lack of enemy players, it was a complete let down. A headache to navigate, isolated irrelevant targets, the human element removed, supersized structures, and then the laser event.

My time in game tapered off, and is practically nonexistent anymore. So no, I wasn’t burned out prior to HoT. The new maps killed my desired to log into GW2 at all anymore. The blatant lies from Anet certainly didn’t help matters, but their inability to admit their mistakes and actually learn from them made things even worse. The really ironic part is that the break I was coming back from was taken because I was unhappy with the lack of support Anet has shown for WvW, and the complete lack of understanding they’ve shown with nearly every aspect of it, from the details to overall concepts, since launch. I should have known better than to believe them, but that was my mistake. Fortunately, I wanted to test the waters before sinking money into an expansion, so I saved $50.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Not really, but it is harder.

A lot of my friends and guildies generally only played a mixture of game modes, with WvW being a part. And honestly with HoT, I think the pve open world content has seen more interesting changes such as ahem… gliding, while someone thought it was a good idea to put this kind of map designed for gliding and high jumping without those features. And with various annoyances, my friends list has a lot more people in pve.

Before HoT, I thought most PvE content was ignorable and without WvW I wouldn’t bother playing— in fact I quit Gw2 a month after release. I came back a few months later and hit 80. At this point I had discovered WvW, and would have likely quit again without it. I think it’s become a much better game in terms of PvE, because there’s a lot of new ideas that were great. WvW…. shield generators? Skylaser? Lava? Someone’s Cliffphillia? Really now?

All, and all, this being an MMO, and there are definitely less people to play with now, just because they have completely and utterly (IN MY OPINION, geez) failed to really give WvW the push it needed to keep up with the rest of the game. But I suppose unlike people, I’m not very surprised. I’m not bitter about it either, honestly I think after three years, basic pattern recognition should have put this as a highly likely possibility.

But this is bad. This means the people that really take the time and effort to organize WvW get burned out and it puts a strain on everyone, thus in the end my experience does get worse as more and more people just don’t want to deal with it anymore.

Some people may ask me why I even bothered to gather up feedback and do all this then if I’m saying this.

I don’t really blame anyone, beyond the most egregious oversights such as auto-loot and guild costs. That, you should have known better. However, I know these plans take a long time to develop, and heck by the time I was selected as FSP, we were in the late stages of development meaning there was no time to make any wide turns anymore.

But that’s all fine. I believe in leading by example, and I just really wanted to really drive home the fact that how WvW is played for a number of people runs at odds with the development process and you really had to look in various areas. Basically, not even consider a course of action…. just THINK. Think about all the possible effects any changes have. So my hope was to improve the dialogue a bit, and honestly I would love it if anyone else could do a better job or give people ideas to do as such. I just hope people on both sides would help. And at the same time, people need to stop seeing red in everything.

Anyhow, all that aside, no I don’t really burn out that easily. I just do something else when it gets too bad. I tried some PvP, and well, I’m glad WvW isn’t that. =p And overall the game mode to me is good enough that despite people’s best attempts, it still remains somewhat entertaining.

tl;dr it’s just a video game

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


No I wasn’t. I love RvR but I just don’t see the point in playing a game mode which is not supported by its company. The new map looks great (hats off to Tirzah) but it’s not enough.

There is no competition, no server pride and a lack of players. Why should a new player stick with WvW in its current state?

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: BrickFurious.7169


I feel like I’ve been close to burn-out on WvW for a long time now. My old WvW guild came back to the game which has reinvigorated my interest in it, but I fear their stay won’t last long unless Anet gets on top of their plans to overhaul WvW soon.

It’s annoying because if I’m honest with myself, I don’t think WvW has gotten worse over time. It just hasn’t gotten better, unlike say PvE and sPvP. I was generally in favor of the stab changes, though that was before the insane amount of CC that HoT added, which has made me start to reconsider.

Regardless, the “easy” meta switched from pain train to pirate ship. Whatever. There’s always going to be a simple meta that just involves adding more people from whatever professions/builds are part of it, that is easy for pugs to join. Call that the bar above which skilled guilds have to rise through coordination and tactics in order to beat.

But because of the general lack of attention WvW has received compared to sPvP and PvE, most skill guilds are dying out. The score has effectively not mattered for so long that there’s no fun in trying to win. No competitive game mode will survive that kind of environment; all the skill players will move on to other games (or sPvP, as I’ve started to do).

That said, I’ve said it before, the new BL map is the best thing WvW has going for it right now. All the complaints I see about it, and about how it is somehow the culprit for low WvW populations, are ridiculous to me. The new BL map isn’t killing WvW. WvW has been dying all on its own just fine without it.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


No i have not burned out prior release, it was quite the opposite to be honest. When i logged on, most of my guild mates where already on the borderlands and i used to be excited to join them. Nowadys nobody does wvw or only for the guild missions and i refuse to play on that stupid kittenmaps Anet introduced.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: emendez.3705


i’ve been playing since launch of gw2 and wvw almost entirely during that time. And yes i took a couple months break and played tera of all games until the expansion which i foolishly believed would bring back tons of players that will want to wvw. But considering all the legendaries weapon and armors only being in pve its no wonder wvw is as empty as it is and of course that new bl map.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: synergy.5809


I came back to the game a month before HoT and found a great guild that taught me how to play the game and WvW properly. I’ve owned the game since release and that month was the most fun I’ve had with the game. After the expansion, with every week less and less people show up for reset night and playing WvW in general. I caught up on the story content and made some alts, and now I’m finding myself playing less of it too.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: Keefe.3821


Actually, HOT killed the Anvil Rock server.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: Sungtaro.6493


Before HoT, not really.

Now, I look at midnight CST and see my raid is down to five and a group of 20 to 30 about to hit our keep in EBG.

I call our raid and go farm Silverwastes shovels because I find that more compelling gameplay. Our raids in wvw went from four hours about 6 days a week to two hours about 4 days a week and I don’t think I am wrong in saying we probably are one of the few hardcore wvw guilds left.

We now have Silverwastes farming raids. How messed up is that?

We will see how long we last in wvw.

Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence.

Were you close to WvW burn-out prior to HoT?

in WvW

Posted by: Angel.6085


Wasn’t really burned out by WvW but more by opponents blobbing.

Now that is worse because EBG is the only viabale map.

I don’t feel we are burning out now, but our raid times have dropped. We still raid the same nights a week but an hour or so shorter than before HoT because of the map problems.

Formerly [rB], [OPED], [Choo]
Guild Leader [DN] Digital Nemesis