What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


What would you think they should add to make it more interesting?

I’d like to see:

Whiteswords Disabler – prevents whiteswords from showing for 5 mins. Requires 30 supplies to activate.

Waypoint Disabler – contests a waypoint for 8 mins. requires 50 supplies to activate.

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


How would they be activated, if tricks/traps pull supply directly from yourself, and the absolute maximum you can carry is 20?

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


EoTM airstrikes and all the other stuff from EoTM in all of wvw please.

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: Gobble D Goop.4081

Gobble D Goop.4081

Siege Ladder- 200 supply
builds a flight of stairs to climb a wall. has low HP and dies when the tower is taken.
mastery- increased life, decreased cost

Siege Turtle- 70 supply (superior- 120 supply)
fortified unit with an AOE buff to toughness (like 200-300) must have a driver
mastery- increased life, increased buff radius, increased buff

Habitual Warrior-Ranger
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: Waterbear.2764


Single use siege weapons.

They would work like conjured weapons. After double clicking on the item in your inventory you spend 10 supply and equip a weapon with a different skill set with X number of charges. The weapon does almost no damage to players, but increased damage to siege weapons, doors, oil, cannons, etc.

Because sometimes you just want to break their siege.

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: tyrellian.3706


A trap that triggers the social awkwardness debuff on all enemies in 1200 radius.

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


The Trojan Yak

Cost: Not sure but at least 50 supply, maybe even 100 or 200


- Builds a wooden dolyak on wheels.
- Five people max can fit into the yak.
- Clearly a fake wooden yak when you can actually see it, but appears on the map/mini-map as a friendly yak (to enemy players).
- NPC guards will see the fake yak as a friendly and allow it to pass through outer gates.
- Moves at the same speed as a regular yak.
- Must be built at the vicinity of a camp, doesn’t matter if you own it or the enemy owns it. So no building right in front of enemy gates.
- First person to jump in will control the yak and move, the other 4 just sits inside.
- Trojan Yak mastery will give boosts to movement speed, safe escape from a destroyed yak and allow skills like an illusion to temporarily make the yak look like a normal one even to enemy players that are close enough to see it.
- Cannot be WP’ed. If the players inside the yak WP, the yak will be left behind.

Usage: To sneak into objectives undetected. Obviously for keeps/castles, you still need to get through inner with other siege.

Seconday effect: Encourage defenders to check/escort friendly yaks more?

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: Ultimaistanza.4793


Something that I would kind of like to see is siege/a trick that let’s you carry more supply at once. Functioning like a golem in that it it would be like a transformed state where you suffer reduced movement speed and your skills are substituted for ones that are specific to this suit. With this I would hope that it could benefit small man groups but still be hampered enough that sloppy use of it will just get you/the suit destroyed and be just wasted time. I would put it’s cost at like 100 so it could take a little more preparation than just raid on fully supplied camp to make and stock up on supply. For it’s looks, I imagine simply a big kitten box/barrel on your back that looks like one from the supply camps depos.

Another thing that I kind of would like to see is an anti-golem siege weapon. Like it’s name suggests, it would do significant damage to golems but when used on other siege or players themselves it’s just marginal. Cost wise, maybe something higher like 100 supply since golems are the most costly pieces of siege to get and build. For looks, I kind of envision something like those big kitten cannons the pact uses in the open world but maybe scaled down somewhat and uses the same blue/electrical projectile effects so it’s easier to distinguish for attackers that defenders might have this piece of siege.

(edited by Ultimaistanza.4793)

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Dev attracting siege- takes 10,000 supply to build, when completed makes a dev look in wvw’s direction for a second to remind them it even exists.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Dev attracting siege- takes 10,000 supply to build, when completed makes a dev look in wvw’s direction for a second to remind them it even exists.

I would run that supply count solo if it really gets implemented, lol.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I had written down a few ideas for new traps and tricks in a thread some time ago but I can’t seem to find it.. I remember some of the ideas I had though;

Quake Trap: Set a trap that launches foes who cross it. [Duration: 5seconds / Targets per pulse: 5]

Basically a trap that, when activated, launches anyone who crosses it similar to how an Ele Updraft or Guardian Banish would work but on a larger scale.

Siege Destroyer: Set a trap that damages or destroys siege. [Siege destroyed: 2]

I say “damages or destroys” because I imagine that it wouldn’t be so powerful that it could destroy guild or superior siege in one hit. Say for example, you place the trap infront of a tower gate, people come, place blueprints, build it, then immediately after they have finished building it gets destroyed. If it’s superior, it takes a large chunk of damage but does not get destroyed unless more than one Siege Destroyer has been placed in that area. – Keep in mind that to place traps it has a cast time to place it, so you couldn’t just run up, drop the trap on already built rams and kittenol.

Dolyak Bait: Set a trap that causes Dolyaks to temporarily travel in the opposite direction. [Duration: 5seconds]

I imagine it would work similar to how a Necromancer’s Spectral Wall works without the Fear effect. A Dolyak crosses it and gets turned around for a few seconds. Seems like it would be rather useless but if 3 or 4 people placed them you could send the yak all the way back to it’s camp of origin. Now, you might say, “why not just kill the yak?” Well, perhaps you have just taken a camp, now you and a friend each place Dolyak Bait traps and slow down the upgrade process on enemy towers without even having to harass the dolyaks or camps. Kind of a silly trap but I think it could have it’s uses.

Invader Trap: Set a trap that when activated launches a flare in to the sky. [Flare duration: 10seconds]

If placed outside a tower/keep gate, it would be kind of silly since people could just be tapping the gate and not actually attacking the tower/keep. If placed inside the tower/keep it would probably be too late for the trap to make a difference but if it’s only a small group attacking it might save the day. It would probably be best used at supply camps or in key locations like the bridge between the gate and land at Lowlands keep for example.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I got one,

Siege Cart – costs 50 supplies to build
Allows you to build a siege on top of it and while one player controls the siege, another controls the cart. (Omg, movable rams/ac/cata/trebs)
You’d still have to build the siege you place on the cart.

Mastery will allow for faster movement speed, self-destruct aoe skill (that does more damage if the siege is destroyed with the cart), and bubble.

The drive controls will be the same as on siege. Only a left and right arrow and a forward button.

Edit: cart will have double the movement speed of a golem.

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: Fubbles.1586


Zerg Dsiabler – Costs 500 badges

When over 60% of a maps population is in a blob near this trap half of the players are teleported to random waypoints throughout Tyria.