What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


There is already a rather large thread discussing that interview.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017



What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: Arekai.5698


More Ranger nerfs.

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


I can fore see it now
Game Designer: “This patch will bring massive changes to WvW and improve its gameplay considerably.”

Patch notes:
Yaks are now invulnerable until its guards are defeated

The end.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

New WvW ascended gear!

Ascended helm will cost 50 laurels, 250 ectos, and 1 badge of honor.

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Absolutely nothing important other than a slideshow induced by the removal of culling. There’s a reason they had culling to begin with, here’s hoping that it was just to save low end computers from a lag fest and that high end pcs will be good to go.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


The patch will include shattered dreams and disappointments for many.

Beast mode

(edited by pot.6805)

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

New WvW ascended gear!

Ascended helm will cost 50 laurels, 250 ectos, and 1 badge of honor.

Also, the reward chest for the jumping puzzles in each of the three borderlands has a small chance to drop the helm, with a slightly higher chance in the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle.

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


Confirmation that my next game will be teso.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: Loco.4561


It will bring the final nail in the coffin for a lot of people who will realise, they cannot fix culling, cannot fix the skill lag and that adding a few achievements to WvW will not paper over the cracks enough to make people stay.

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


Confirmation that my next game will be teso.

So yah… i just read a huge update about that other game and the pvp system is pretty much Everything we have been wanting here in WVW. “realm rank” system is already in effect from launch. pretty much everything id want from DAOC

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


Confirmation that my next game will be teso.

So yah… i just read a huge update about that other game and the pvp system is pretty much Everything we have been wanting here in WVW. “realm rank” system is already in effect from launch. pretty much everything id want from DAOC

I was more interested in the “performance” aspect and it sounds very promising.

While I enjoy GW2, the game engine is absolute garbage in terms of performance.

Anyways a recent teso developer interview sounds like they actually thought things ahead and realized it’s “2013” and most gamers these days run multi core systems in their rigs, haha. So yes, teso will have directx 11 functionality, take advantage of multi core cpus alongside duo video card setups.

What March’s WvW Patch Will Bring

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Yeah teso looks good. I’ll be throwing money at the camelot unchained kickstarter as well.

Odaman 80 Mesmer