What about the "Auto-Upgrading"

What about the "Auto-Upgrading"

in WvW

Posted by: xPaNik.8249


This auto upgrading is killing WvW. stop.
I don’t enjoy the size of new bls, too big, but it’s ok.
I don’t enjoy new style of bls, but it’s ok.
But, c’mon, if a server have a strong night cap you are in serious troubles.
Imagine a morning that you wake up and see al borders monocolored full t3 maxed, i say only “hahaha” and i go on PvE maps.
We have only fights, stop. Nothing to do about PPT if you don’t have a strong off prime time coverage.
I’m the only one here that think this?

Delete Auto-Upgrading.
You can start upagrades like pre-HoT, but without supplies and gold like now.

What about the "Auto-Upgrading"

in WvW

Posted by: Sich.7103


I think that the auto upgrade is really killing a big part of the game….
I think they need to bring back the old way, with the old max supply in the keep.
Just make the upgrade free (for gold).

It was good to use the supply inside the keep to build the upgrade. This will need that your escort your dolly to always have supply in the keep, and don’t stay with 0 supply and stalled upgrade.
It was good to make a choice, upgrade or hold supply if you are attacked to build siege or to repair.
Good thing that doly are required and not optionnal. This make the need for the defense team to protect supply camp and escort dolly. And this allow the ennemy to block your upgrade.
And last thing, we need that a HUMAN start the upgrade ! And don’t want to stay in the map with nothing to do because all is automatic or optional (upgrade / supply).

I’m for the old supply / upgrade way (maybe just tier 1/2/3) just with no gold cost.
Or at least remove the auto start for the upgrade ! They really need to remove this…

What about the "Auto-Upgrading"

in WvW

Posted by: Slow Lightning.4592

Slow Lightning.4592

I agree – the very first thing that needs to be sorted out is the auto upgrading. It just makes the bigger servers with the larger night caps even more powerful….. and infact they dont even need to push a start button… they will just upgrade themselves!.

If auto upgrade stays as is, all servers below ~rank 7/8 in EU will be essentially dead in 1 or 2 months from now.

If Anet want to keep Auto-Upgrade system, atleast modify it so that it only applies to Home Garrison and two nth towers and camps (same for EB). The rest of the maps should not auto-upgrade and should require some actual player(s) doing something to upgrade.