What are the more active servers?

What are the more active servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


I finally got back into the game after not playing at all this year. My server is SBI and it seems very dead compared to how it was at launch and through last December. Seems like theres only one zerg for all 3 sides. Either our side has one and we just run over everyone else. Or one of the other sides have it and they run over us. I havent seen a large zerg vs zerg battle since coming back. Fights are usually us running around, see 4-5 people, they run, we take stuff, get bored and leave. Or Im running around, see a huge zerg, get steamrolled, leave cause we dont have hardly anyone to stand up to them. I dont mind zerging as long as there are other zergs to fight and the fights are often and last a while with people constantly running back and rejoining the fight.

Are there any servers that have pretty constant action even in offpeak hours? Im not really into small man. I hated it in DAoC. I prefer the epic, yolo fights where its either kill them all or die horribly.

What are the more active servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Sbi is currently T3 which is more active then a lot of servers. It may be your time zone however that’s inactive within SBI? May I ask what times you generally play?

Isle Of Janthir

What are the more active servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


Sbi is currently T3 which is more active then a lot of servers. It may be your time zone however that’s inactive within SBI? May I ask what times you generally play?

usually on at random times throughout the day because of work its very random. I can be on prime time EST like 7-10 or late night like 2-4am, or mid day noon-4. Just depends. Always see videos of massive fights and Im just not running into any of those.

(edited by Dabrixmgp.4758)

What are the more active servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Hi Dabrixmgp,

The closest you will find to that right now is Tier 1 NA so JQ/SoR/BG. We have the most coverage for most time zones, then it gos down the tiers, T2 has less coverage then T1 but more then T3 and so on. Right now is a weird time to judge a servers population, with seasons just ending a bit ago, the holidays, new years, a lot of WvWs population is on hiatus playing other games and what not. I would suggest staying on SBI for another week or 2 to see how things work out, if they are still not what you are looking for I would suggest SoR or JQ. Both very good servers, great guilds, strong community’s, and you will always have some BG to fight.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

What are the more active servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Hi Dabrixmgp,

The closest you will find to that right now is Tier 1 NA so JQ/SoR/BG. We have the most coverage for most time zones, then it gos down the tiers, T2 has less coverage then T1 but more then T3 and so on. Right now is a weird time to judge a servers population, with seasons just ending a bit ago, the holidays, new years, a lot of WvWs population is on hiatus playing other games and what not. I would suggest staying on SBI for another week or 2 to see how things work out, if they are still not what you are looking for I would suggest SoR or JQ. Both very good servers, great guilds, strong community’s, and you will always have some BG to fight.

BG zergs tend to explode on inc….at least lately. So going to JQ or SoR would ensure you a lot of loot.

What are the more active servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Hi Dabrixmgp,

The closest you will find to that right now is Tier 1 NA so JQ/SoR/BG. We have the most coverage for most time zones, then it gos down the tiers, T2 has less coverage then T1 but more then T3 and so on. Right now is a weird time to judge a servers population, with seasons just ending a bit ago, the holidays, new years, a lot of WvWs population is on hiatus playing other games and what not. I would suggest staying on SBI for another week or 2 to see how things work out, if they are still not what you are looking for I would suggest SoR or JQ. Both very good servers, great guilds, strong community’s, and you will always have some BG to fight.

BG zergs tend to explode on inc….at least lately. So going to JQ or SoR would ensure you a lot of loot.

How dare you, sir!


[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

What are the more active servers?

in WvW

Posted by: TheBoss.8479


Fort Aspenwood – here is a 2 min video of why

What are the more active servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


Hi Dabrixmgp,

The closest you will find to that right now is Tier 1 NA so JQ/SoR/BG. We have the most coverage for most time zones, then it gos down the tiers, T2 has less coverage then T1 but more then T3 and so on. Right now is a weird time to judge a servers population, with seasons just ending a bit ago, the holidays, new years, a lot of WvWs population is on hiatus playing other games and what not. I would suggest staying on SBI for another week or 2 to see how things work out, if they are still not what you are looking for I would suggest SoR or JQ. Both very good servers, great guilds, strong community’s, and you will always have some BG to fight.

BG zergs tend to explode on inc….at least lately. So going to JQ or SoR would ensure you a lot of loot.

We haven’t had teamspeak lately

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI