What causes glancing hits when not weakened?
Always Loyal
The only other reason for glancing listed in the wiki is fighting higher level characters. That shouldn’t be happening against players in WvW?
The only other reason for glancing listed in the wiki is fighting higher level characters. That shouldn’t be happening against players in WvW?
what level are you now?
it could be if the enemy has high toughness or melee class or has lots of buffs.
some builds are like this. pvt trinkets knights armor and wepaons. might be your enemy hehe
Always Loyal
My character is level 80. That leaves no reason I can see for glancing to happen if weaken isn’t in the picture.
You were probably weakened but by the time you glanced down at debuff it was cleansed.
Note that some npcs do have a higher level than 80, not sure if level glancing actually has an effect in wvw though.
I’ve noticed this sometimes happens sometimes with the camp veterans. From memory, I think the camp supervisors in the camps just north of fire keep and of air keep in DBL will occasionally give you glancing blows.