What do GvGs add to WvW?

What do GvGs add to WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Xom.9264


Lets start out by being realalistic, GvG matches for any guild typically only happen once maybe twice a week and as a time slice of a whole weeks WvW match up are totally insignificant.

Guilds that are doing and starting to get active in GvG continue to improve and with that improvement are able to wipe larger and larger guilds/pugs with less organization.

Win or lose GvG is building a sense of community, scratch that GvG has a community that is growing and encouraging sportsmanship and has its own meta much more interesting then spvp metas.

The GvG community fills a massive void Anet left open in this ‘PvP’ game. The simple desire for deathmatch style play, an absolute core of every MMO game PvP in history. It speaks volumes that a site dedicated to tracking guilds and a youtube chan commenting on results of those matches is growing larger and larger every week.


GvG is a positive thing for this game, there are only a few ‘bad apple’ guilds transferring around behaving rudely towards the server they call home that week. The majority of GvG guilds have a home server and do add PPT or at the very least tie up numbers much larger then them.

Since our guild started doing GvG all of a sudden we are under attack from server mates… we still do the same things we always done if anything we are adding more PPT each week because our members are more active and interested in the game again. Servers give your home grown GvG guilds a break you might find someday how fun GvG can be as a 30min break once a week from taking objects.

On a personal note, GvG and WvW is the only reason I still play this game. PvP is a total joke its not fun, its not challenging. I just recently did a solo queue climb to a rating of 80. Dont waste your time, the game play of conquest mode is boring and full of gimmicks, its not nearly as rewarding or fun as GvG or PPT based WvW for that matter. Also the player quality and community is much lower then those I have met doing GvGs.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET