What do you play WvW for?
Your loot bag, of course.
I play for an hour at least
Small group roaming in WvW, while often frustrating, but it also provides experiencing the awesome GW2 combat system at it’s fullest potential. And unlike sPvP, you never know what your fights will bring.
http://teamriot.org/riot-media/videos/ • http://www.twitch.tv/teamriottv
Because I have nothing else to play.
I play looking for the wounded calf, that has lagged off the back of a large zerg. Oh yeah >:O
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
I play it for fun, really, and the group of people I play with.
I play for the small group roaming, picking off the fat kids lagging behind zergs, and causing disturbances in the force.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Fun. I like hard epic battles.
I was playing it to have fun but they won’t fix basic problems in this game (targeting/camera etc) that have been issues for over a year so I uninstalled – peace out guys.
Large organized fights, aka zerg vs zerg. The satisfaction of well bombing the enemy zerg and watching them melt is intoxicating.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
Chess. I like playing chess.
To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their bags!
Skritt Happens
To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their bags!
^ this
And the non-repetitive, never seen that, omg I’m gonna die laughing things you see roaming.
All of it, easy PvP, group play, helping your team, epic battles, really there isn’t to many games that offer WvW currently on the market with a decent player base and do it as well that I know of.
Some of the humor that goes with it like above from Omnitek, makes it fun too.
Because I like the feel of an epic war and being able to have some control over what is going on in the world of the game.
Samuel Stormwalker
where do i get begin
it’s some to do whilst talking rubbish on voice comms.
Drunken Karma trains before reset
To play with others, some that i now consider friends
To make new friends
To be part of a team/community
To be competitive
I hate TV
It’s to cold/wet to do stuff out side
It’s easier to play drunk then a FPS or RTS
To reconnect with mates form high school that are spread out over the world
To laugh at the forums
To laugh at map chat
To be criticized and called useless (I main ranger)
To keep me out of the pub
The since of achievement you get when you spend an hour try to take a Keep/tower/SM and you finally do
To roam around and party up with random people a long the way
To be 2v1 and still hold 3 keeps in ocx time, i love it when my bags come to me
TL;DR to farm bags with legs
I guess when I play it’s with a focus on PPT, but the biggest reason is running with my guild. I love the coordination and working together, whether its wiping enemy zergs, taking enemy camps/towers/keeps, or upgrading structures and even running Yak’s. Knowing the guild is helping the server is just a blast.
Lorynne – 80 Guardian
[PB] – NSP
To crush my enemy and see them driven before me. What else would you even play a pvp or a RvR game?
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Sometimes pvp gets too stressful and I like to lean back and roam around with gimmicky 1v1 builds.
I originally wanted a Persistent (of 7 days -14 days) World Old AV (a world of warcraft term to describe a sort of large scale PvPvE mode with special care of Faction PvE NPC that effect PvP dirrectly)
I wanted that but with the concept of World of Warcraft’s PvP Zone Siege concept.
But so far, what I got, was a very zerg like design, that has no meaningful PvE elements. The PvE NPC die way too fast. They should be 1 shotting players and take large numbers to take down.
there should be Powerful Faction Bosses in WvW that also do major AoE 1 shotting damage, and require tactics to take down. Making the NPC fights even more dangerous. Since we have to watch both our front and our back, rather than just watching our back for zergs.
Also I expected a more interesting Siege system, with Sieges being used more often for both offense and defense. And even using in unique strategic ways, such as building a field base made from sieges to defend the more powerful ranged sieges. Also expected more sieges to be Mobile in design, with Sieges that can be used for some serious AoE anti Zerg damage, and have scaling damage/ toughness based on number of enemy players around them. Makes for a great way to counter zergs. But was never built into the game.
Expected some gameplay action and threats from the neutral NPC factions. But nothing. they just stay in the same area until events are done. they pretty much never a threat.
Expected a way to summon powerful Units and bosses, to deal destruction like the Druid/Shaman boss in Old AV.
Expected some kind of gameplay elements for rest periods, something kind of like EOTM but for time of rest period between battles.
I go to WvW for fights. We take an objective hoping that people will come to cap it back. That is about it.
I typically call it roaming/havoc but the camps or sentries don’t matter. We want to merk people.
Small group roaming in WvW, while often frustrating, but it also provides experiencing the awesome GW2 combat system at it’s fullest potential. And unlike sPvP, you never know what your fights will bring.
Nailed it for me. I don’t really care for the zerg vs zerg stuff, but I love the fact that any of the fights I do pick has the distinct possibility of getting interrupted by 50+ angry players. sPvP just isn’t nearly as fun because it’s missing that element of danger.
I play for the screams and sound effects! (Oh and the FUN too!) I love it when you’re in some epic battle and all you hear is the screaming of the dying enemy. Also the sound clips are too funny.
One of my favorites is from an Asura talking during battle. He’ll say, “How does that feel? Excruciating?” LOVE IT!
Most people don’t seem to care about PPT O_o
This is one of those times where I just point towards my signature.
Most people care about ppt, but it isnt a top priority. I played the ppt game for months when commanding. Then I realized I work all day to come and work in guild wars. Fk that.
Skritt Happens
I like killing ppl:-)
Tekkit’s Workshop
A party of 5 sniping individuals down 1 by 1 in a zerg-vs-zerg :> super fun.
To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their bags!
^ this
And the non-repetitive, never seen that, omg I’m gonna die laughing things you see roaming.
^ this
And surviving seemingly impossible situations, causing general mayhem, preventing general mayhem, and testing my limits against human players.
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Loot, the fun of AOE’ing a whole bunch of players, and seeing my progression in ranks go higher with my effort.
I play WvW because the idiotic LS for the most part goes away. Annoyed that they seem to be trickling more of it in each update.
Really do not enjoy yak and sentry ganks by Scarlets pokemon.
I do it for the ladies…
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
Got full condi gear on my warrior, got a Longbow with a Rune of Torment in.
I play it to drop giant fire fields on zergs from battlements of things while giggling to myself.
may sound bad….
But to kill thieves ….. with the nerfed ele….
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
That sweet satisfaction you get from ganking an uplevel.
Most people don’t seem to care about PPT O_o
And you’re surprised? PPT stopped mattering the second people realized coverage decided the outcome of a match. Also you get more loot bags.
Apart from looking for good 1v1’s, or 1v2s my favorite activity is as other mentioned finding that last guy in the zerg, the one who is just far enough behind that I can attack him and the people ahead just keep going.
He’s so desperate to keep up with the zerg he’ll hardly retaliate, and the people in front of him pause for a second, look round and begin to move to help, but change their minds when they see the main zerg is moving onwards, leaving their brother in arms to his death, hopefully ignoring his shrill cries on teamspeak like a rabbit in a hawks talons.
Only at the point when he can see his team has abandoned him does he turn around to salvage some dignity by retaliating but by then it’s too late. The last few hits finish him off and I know he’ll be releasing back to the keep, having to make the treacherous journey back to the zerg, having missed a keep take, paying for armor repair and knowing that on his way back alone, there’s a chance i’ll be waiting again, my appetite for destruction unquenchable.
I play to build the team and refine the battle skills of my guild. I play to become an unstoppable force of devastation or an undefeatable bastion of doom for my enemies to fall before! Let them QQ in sorrow as we take their bags!
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
For the season 1 achievements nowdays.
Used to play it for fun.
I started to play wvw for the season 1 achievements. I had them after 18 days. Then I continued to play wvw for fun.
“After fighting, everything else in your life got the volume turned down.” – Fight Club
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
PPT, roaming, loot, siege defense, siege offense, occasional 1v1, ranks, server pride, easy daily, badges, occasional hatred of some servers LOL
Apart from looking for good 1v1’s, or 1v2s my favorite activity is as other mentioned finding that last guy in the zerg, the one who is just far enough behind that I can attack him and the people ahead just keep going.
He’s so desperate to keep up with the zerg he’ll hardly retaliate, and the people in front of him pause for a second, look round and begin to move to help, but change their minds when they see the main zerg is moving onwards, leaving their brother in arms to his death, hopefully ignoring his shrill cries on teamspeak like a rabbit in a hawks talons.
Only at the point when he can see his team has abandoned him does he turn around to salvage some dignity by retaliating but by then it’s too late. The last few hits finish him off and I know he’ll be releasing back to the keep, having to make the treacherous journey back to the zerg, having missed a keep take, paying for armor repair and knowing that on his way back alone, there’s a chance i’ll be waiting again, my appetite for destruction unquenchable.
Ohhh HELL YES! Killing those stragglers is too much fun! I also like chasing them to the ends of the earth putting arrows in their behind until they eventually drop. I’m a LB, GS Ranger, so the farther they get from me, the more damage my auto attack does on my bow. Interestingly, many stragglers don’t seem to realize this. And once they get to 25% health, Predator’s Instinct kicks in and they become crippled… nothing’s gonna save them at that point.
I play for karma and well placed portal bombs
I play for fights and fun times with my guild. Also, to shrug after an unsuccessful portal bomb (which is like 98% of the time).
Its fun, competitive, and the only end game for GW2.
i play wvw to try and get my last 2 poi’s and 1 vista for kittenin world completion
I enjoy the large battles between zergs. I focus very heavily on AOE and love to see a million numbers spamming my screen. The lag gets a bit irritating but its a lot of fun for the most part. PPT etc i could care less about unless its a really really close match (which it never is)
daily achievement.