What does a WvW'er get from HoT

What does a WvW'er get from HoT

in WvW

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148




I tried to find a post where this has been answered but I’m probably not seeing it, due to old age and such.

But as I spent 85% of my game time in WvW,10% In PvP and the rest in Trade-post, very bad at the latter (broke most of the time). What will I be missing out on if I don’t buy HoT, apart from not being able to play the revenant?

Daft Question I know and I’m probably not seeing all there is, but at the moment it sounds to be that we will get most of the update anyway and that the whole HoT thing is more PvE based with all the added benefits, don’t see WvW players gliding anyway, the ones who want to fly are doing it already.


What does a WvW'er get from HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


New profession, the Revenant.
Guild Halls
Stronghold (since you mention you do pvp)
New Legendaries

I think that covers most of what you’d really miss out on. For you to decide how much each of those is worth to you.

I’m in the same boat as you, and i don’t see myself missing out much of anything if i don’t spend 60$ on HoT.

What does a WvW'er get from HoT

in WvW

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148


New profession, the Revenant.
Guild Halls
Stronghold (since you mention you do pvp)
New Legendaries

I think that covers most of what you’d really miss out on. For you to decide how much each of those is worth to you.

I’m in the same boat as you, and i don’t see myself missing out much of anything if i don’t spend 60$ on HoT.

Ahh, I thought specialization and stronghold would be part of the core update,
Don’t care much for legendries, I got me hammer already and with my game time I don’t see me working towards another, as for the guildhalls, will be interesting to see how they will split guilds between HoT and Non-HoT.

What does a WvW'er get from HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365


We get Everything for free to be honest, the new WvW borderlands map will come with hot but it’ll be available for every1 without hot

What does a WvW'er get from HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Gorani.7205


If I understand the info about HoT we got so far players not getting HoT will have access to these things in WvW:
>> new desert BL map comes for everyone
>> benefits of passive guild perks, like +5 supply (will remain)
>> everyone will have the new game mechanics like Condi updates, three line trait builds etc.

HoT will give you
>> ability to contribute to your guild’s tactical value by being a scribe profession and making passive & active guild perks via crafting (GH exclusive)
>> activating those active perks on the battlefield
>> possible ability to use masteries (like gliding) in GvG battles inside your new GH
>> taking part in guild fighting teams for some sort of GvG or ladder based system
>> choosing Revenant or a core profession elite specialization in WvW

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