What happened to Blackgate?

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

forum bug

/15 quaggans

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I am not really understanding your complaint, because you basically had a problem with a couple guilds coordinating an attack on your force, but then bragged when your side did the same thing. I don’t really see the issue tbh, we get hit sometimes by enemy blobs of 3-4 guilds, we adjust strategy.

The problem is that no BG guilds seek solo fights, and they actively seek to blob guilds down instead of seeking even engagements. That is problematic and not “fight” culture.

This is ironic coming from YB that does exactly the same thing all the time.

Funny story from ocx time last night. YB have a huge ‘voltron’ blob of all their ocx guilds plus a lot of NA playing late k training around the desert BLs. We (SoX) were defending BG fire keep with 15 in our squad compared to their 35-40. They put up trebs and catas on north wall. We put up a counter treb and catas and take their siege down and drive them off. Next thing we know our commander is getting angry whispers from YB about using siege when we outnumbered them. We were just laughing our kitten off in TS at their delusion.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


The night before we had 1 or 2 even fights against XvX and/or GoF. Then they vultroned and brought MAS into the mix. So it was XvX, GoF, and MAS against 25 of us. 20 OnS+ 5 Pugs, and that has been typical.

Yea, that moment your 25 thought they had the 15 of us – (12 MAS +3 pugs) pinned at the N air shrine, and then… surprise! Here comes GoF! We thought it a real shame that you missed out on that ‘even’ fight, too. But, we got over it.

Dat MAS Zerg…

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Cephas.4293


The night before we had 1 or 2 even fights against XvX and/or GoF. Then they vultroned and brought MAS into the mix. So it was XvX, GoF, and MAS against 25 of us. 20 OnS+ 5 Pugs, and that has been typical.

Yea, that moment your 25 thought they had the 15 of us – (12 MAS +3 pugs) pinned at the N air shrine, and then… surprise! Here comes GoF! We thought it a real shame that you missed out on that ‘even’ fight, too. But, we got over it.

Dat MAS Zerg…

MAS, fight guild.

Tarnished Coast
[OnS] Medaria Minnick – Reaper
The Mad Priest

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Ultron.5734


whoa on my Alt account.

A few points. I play on Yaks Bend. This is Malevolent for anyone who doesn’t know this account. BG in my opinion, still cares and is still organized. What they don’t have is Coverage. During NA, they provide for the majority of “fights”. JQ is the server that’s dead during NA. However, once you get outside the NA timezone that’s when BG starts to take a dip in coverage.

YB is very different than JQ and BG. Because Yak’s Bend still cares about the games meta. Why? Because they are very new to this. Because BG and JQ have been doing this style meta for 3 years.

What Footballisgod said is true. BG is a server that cares when there is a reason to care. When there is a motive.

BG probably has the best pug- friendly community out of Tier 1 servers. Although BG does tend to have bitterness, I’m pretty sure no other server is different. But what BG has is the same coordination and communication they’ve always had even when I was there. They just have less guilds overall playing because of this game state.

On, the BG Voltron blobs. BG does Voltron a lot. Mainly GoF, XvX, MAS and SG. However, All the guilds I just named do give OnS (my guild) a very good fight regardless of numbers. I don’t consider any of you guys “fighter” guilds. You all play the map structures everytime. You don’t adapt to the “fighter” meta of let a guild fight a fight. You will always float to defend another map. You will ninja something if you can. OnS attacks to draw attention. You’re always in communication with other guilds. You will call for assistance if you are losing ground on the map. I don’t fault any of you for this. This is what’s needed and this is how you enjoy the game.

Furthermore, you don’t play to make your enemies happy which is perfectly fine. I tend to prefer the rawness of WvW over the organized kitten. Often times I do find myself wondering why XvX or GoF would call back up when we are virtually fighting the same numbers however.

I understand theres hostilities between the guilds but we are still each others entertainment. Never forget that. It would be awesome if sometimes we could have even battles and try and keep it civil. As you guys said, playing PPT is boring.

I think why Medaria is coming off like he is, is because of easily you guys can call for assistance whether you think you need it or not. It’s there. On Yak’s Bend it’s not that easy although its getting better. We are also not ones to call for help but rather map hop. We are changing that because we are almost always fighting 2 Blackgate guilds at a time Or HGBQ + CF. This is just a product of our environment versus yours. It’s not your fault based off your play style.

Both TC and DB are playing harder than BG and JQ. I just want to point that out. I want to point out that anyone whose played this game for years without much breaks are burning out and a large portion of those players are indeed on BG and JQ and not so much YB. Yet the OP and YBers post in this thread does hold weight. The servers that are the optimal for guilds and communities are ones that still try “when” they can. If you look, you can see this by the guilds who have transferred or died. The ball is in ArenaNets court. We are all waiting on them.

-[OnS]Malevolent IDK why I logged into this account.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: boricha.6239


At this point, I’d rather get 2v1’d again to get action on the maps. BG seems dead because there’s no action, which causes people to log out, cause we’d rather do anything else other than karma training (I tag up for fights, fights end, half my group logs off). Groups from YB and JQ are just karma training empty borderlands thinking they’re hot stuff, complaining about us zerging them down with 10-15 man groups calling them “blobs”, all the while bunkering in keep lords rooms with siege.

Good joke.

If you want BG to play again, bring us fights without siege. Most of us won’t even care if we’re vastly outnumbered.

@Torqued: You seem bitter that BG won’t respond to your requests to push PPT. Guess what buddy, we’re not here to play for you. We’re here to play for us. If you want to play PPT, tag up and do it. Don’t expect someone else, who has no desire to want to play for PPT, to play that way.

Regardless of your perception of my attitude, the fact is that Blackgate is actively driving away PPT players and putting themselves at a disadvantage. Blackgate will never beat Yak’s Bend until they are willing to become like Yak’s Bend.

No amount of server politics will stop the unwashed hoards of Yak’s Bend.

You don’t know how PPT works, regardless of all those number crunching stuff you do (good work on those btw, they’re interesting to look at, despite not having any real relevance in the current WvW climate).

Why don’t you explain to me how PPT works? I’m always open to learning something new. What is my data missing that is so important? Server politics?

PPT isn’t a function (right now) of organisation and skill, but rather, of time and numbers. The more numbers you have on at any given time means that you’ll naturally get more PPT.

If you log in at any time outside of NA prime on BG you’ll notice this. Our small groups are backcapping as fast as they can, but due to lack of numbers, our PPT suffers. We lack numbers because people aren’t willing to put the time into WvW right now due to the lack of incentives to win and the lack of rewards while playing.

But then, I don’t think anyone on BG ever saw you put more hours in-game to help out our weaker time slots.

Maybe if Blackgate didn’t have such a sour attitude towards pugs and pve players they would have MORE people to put in those hours and there would be no grind. But alas, Blackgate is a “skilled fight” server and have chased away all those no skill pvd players.

Your inability to get the coverage speaks volumes about your server culture.

I really don’t understand your posts Torqued, it just seems bitter, and like your mad at BG because we play for fun..and we don’t devout all our time towards something we find meaningless, unrewarding, and not fun…

You are entitled to your opinion, or in this case, confusion. Don’t confuse my engagement in a larger argument as bitterness towards BG. I left BG because I didn’t like the culture the old guard created. As a person that is interested in playing the game that Anet created, sitting on BG and listening to the whining about how Anet ruined everything was getting tiring.

If you are confused, its because you don’t understand that others can enjoy things that you don’t. In this case, I enjoy games when I’m trying to win them. I don’t enjoy listening to stories of the glory days and how we could win if we wanted to. Put up or shut up. I don’t care about how awesome Blackgate was … I want to play the game.

BG’s toxic attitude towards PvD, siege humping “cancerous” game play is evidence that you don’t approve of others that enjoy different things. BG is bitter that Anet has ignored them and not provided them a “skill-based” WvW. which is about as idiotic a request that I could imagine.

Large scale warfare is not about fair fights. Its about coordination, communication, community, resources, alliances, “coverage”, morale, inspiration and RAW NUMBERS. You don’t have to believe me, but I would direct you to a history book. Warfare has always been a numbers game. And as the scope of the conflict grows the possibility of a fair fight dissolves and guerrilla tactics take over.

The servers that make the rational choices within the current game mechanics will push up and those that don’t will fall.

are you one of DK’s minions?

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Virtute.8251


TorquedSoul loses by running away from orange swords to capture camps, and feels good about it.

Legendary PvF Keep Lord Anvu Pansu Senpai
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


TorquedSoul runs away from orange swords to capture a camp for tick and feels good about it.


[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


not a bad Wall of Text

-[OnS]Malevolent IDK why I logged into this account.

Though would love to see you and Indo (if he even played) come in here and acknowledge that pushing YB up to T1 hurt the Tier. It was a fun first week and then became old fast.

The expansion was bad enough on the mode, the Dev’s manually locking out servers was another epic blunder no one admits to.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Ultron.5734


not a bad Wall of Text

-[OnS]Malevolent IDK why I logged into this account.

Though would love to see you and Indo (if he even played) come in here and acknowledge that pushing YB up to T1 hurt the Tier. It was a fun first week and then became old fast.

The expansion was bad enough on the mode, the Dev’s manually locking out servers was another epic blunder no one admits to.

No. Do not misunderstand. The same reason YB trying is what makes YB a healthy server. Which is the reason as to why Yak’s Bend deserves a spot in this Tier. What hurt this Tier is the idea of Tiers in general and thats the overall problem with WvW especially when the population is on a decline. I do not blame Yaks Bend for playing a heavy PPT game as I didn’t blame Jade Quarry for doing just the same for 2 years straight. It’s also not Yaks Bend fault That most of the enemy servers avoid the borderlands. YB coming up here was fun and it did get old fast because this is a stale game. The need or fun factor ended and so did your participation. Furthermore, You can notice a trend and for those of you with multiple accounts you can attest to the differences in each community. Generally speaking Yaks Bend doesn’t complain much about the game state making is more so enjoyable.

I do understand your pain though in regards to what your fighting and I still feel as though Yaks Bend will change over time just like BG, JQ and TC did in Tier 1. I say that regardless of what server I’m on currently.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Hoarders: YB edition. I think this is why PvD and siege spam is the preferred route. It’s spun as being “defense minded” but its more like a perversion of it. It’s taking the easiest path available in game by leaning real hard on increasingly overtuned mechanics added by an out of touch developer and generally playing it safe. The game rewards that with high score and now they’ve gotten more bodies to do more of the same since the lower tiers are drying up. It’s a haven for that playstyle and not much else. I wouldn’t call it healthy because a lot of the obnoxious additions to the game that have been chasing players away are largely what’s been bolstering the YB playstyle. Selling boredom wholesale.

Whispers with meat.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


YB plays the game with very little map chat or Teamspeak drama. Occasionally a commander gripes on Teamspeak that they cannot rally a large enough force to directly engage JQ or BG zergs as both those servers have large organized guilds but that is about the extent of the YB drama. Having been on several other servers, YB is about the most laid back of them all except for maybe Mags during the GvG days or TC during the role playing years.

I don’t know what JQ or BG is like but having faced them on TC in T1 for a while and listening to the chest thumping back then from a vocal minority, seems some things never change.

For now you can find me trolling BG and JQ players as my small guild roams around the map.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: RoyalCrysis.1065


Hey, I’m Zoren, current GM of GoF. BG is still alive, and strong. Many are burnt out and don’t play as much, in part due to some of the latest additions to wvw, and in part due to YB’s style of play. It is hard to go out and find a fight, the vast majority of the time groups run in massive numbers, or hide in objectives/cover of siege. Some groups on the other servers even log off 2 hours into reset because they are losing. Many don’t want to deal with that, and have taken a break, waiting for Anet to step in and change the mode, however they decide to do that. But if given a reason, such as a season, BG would come and put up quite the fight.

Quit your chest thumping in this thread, no one cares. We all play the same game, because we enjoy it.

We fight. But we also help our server. Sometimes that may mean leaving a map to go defend something. Because we owe it to BG to give it our all, and sometimes that means leaving or playing the ppt game. BG has given us so much, it’s only fair we give something back. Server pride. That’s what GoF does anyway.

With that said, Mal/Ons (and any other guilds). Anytime, anyplace. Guild Hall, OS, Skyhammer, under 50 of your acs, whatever. We will fight. Because that’s what we enjoy in this game.

Zoren – BG – GoF

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Ooh snap! Orange swords just popped on the forums.

Whispers with meat.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Heroic.9487


Ooh snap! Orange swords just popped on the forums.

OJ’s popped awhile ago. Didn’t you see the flood of BG come to ruin the fun?

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069


Whatever Tag I’m running ,I will always go for the fight unless I’m heavily outnumbered. Bridge time is not an easy one, and the fact I am still learning how to Fight Command makes my inexperience as deadly as the outnumbered.

Give me fights, let me learn, and long live WvW.
Waterfights ftw.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Also keep the intros coming, makes me feel like I’m in a support group for battered WvWvW players.

Whispers with meat.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Ooh snap! Orange swords just popped on the forums.

OJ’s popped awhile ago. Didn’t you see the flood of BG come to ruin the fun?

Lol nice burn.

Whispers with meat.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Virtute.8251


TorquedSoul runs away from orange swords to capture a camp for tick and feels good about it.


But maybe the running from fights to get capture isn’t for the tick. Maybe it’s for the rewards!

And maybe this argument wouldn’t happen if the deeper and longer term RvR parts of WvW weren’t so completely broken, shallow, and irrelevant in so many ways that will not be even slightly touched by the majority of recently stated “priorities”.

It was nice for a while, a few years ago, but now it’s just a stale relationship and we’re tired of each other’s morning breath. All we want to do is fight and one-up each other. That’s the WvW that needs to be supported by the iterate, iterate, iterate train; not this gimicky little PvE-painted PvP conquest map with the capture points spread out further.

Legendary PvF Keep Lord Anvu Pansu Senpai
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.

(edited by Virtute.8251)

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: hbillhas.7803


Come on ANET do us all a favor and delete this crap

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


How about no. These dead forums need the spice.

Whispers with meat.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Pumpkin.5169


And this is actually a good topic about the state of T1 and the game.

Pumpkin – Mag

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruru.1302


At this point, I’d rather get 2v1’d again to get action on the maps. BG seems dead because there’s no action, which causes people to log out, cause we’d rather do anything else other than karma training (I tag up for fights, fights end, half my group logs off). Groups from YB and JQ are just karma training empty borderlands thinking they’re hot stuff, complaining about us zerging them down with 10-15 man groups calling them “blobs”, all the while bunkering in keep lords rooms with siege.

Good joke.

If you want BG to play again, bring us fights without siege. Most of us won’t even care if we’re vastly outnumbered.

@Torqued: You seem bitter that BG won’t respond to your requests to push PPT. Guess what buddy, we’re not here to play for you. We’re here to play for us. If you want to play PPT, tag up and do it. Don’t expect someone else, who has no desire to want to play for PPT, to play that way.

Regardless of your perception of my attitude, the fact is that Blackgate is actively driving away PPT players and putting themselves at a disadvantage. Blackgate will never beat Yak’s Bend until they are willing to become like Yak’s Bend.

No amount of server politics will stop the unwashed hoards of Yak’s Bend.

You don’t know how PPT works, regardless of all those number crunching stuff you do (good work on those btw, they’re interesting to look at, despite not having any real relevance in the current WvW climate).

Why don’t you explain to me how PPT works? I’m always open to learning something new. What is my data missing that is so important? Server politics?

PPT isn’t a function (right now) of organisation and skill, but rather, of time and numbers. The more numbers you have on at any given time means that you’ll naturally get more PPT.

If you log in at any time outside of NA prime on BG you’ll notice this. Our small groups are backcapping as fast as they can, but due to lack of numbers, our PPT suffers. We lack numbers because people aren’t willing to put the time into WvW right now due to the lack of incentives to win and the lack of rewards while playing.

But then, I don’t think anyone on BG ever saw you put more hours in-game to help out our weaker time slots.

Maybe if Blackgate didn’t have such a sour attitude towards pugs and pve players they would have MORE people to put in those hours and there would be no grind. But alas, Blackgate is a “skilled fight” server and have chased away all those no skill pvd players.

Your inability to get the coverage speaks volumes about your server culture.

I really don’t understand your posts Torqued, it just seems bitter, and like your mad at BG because we play for fun..and we don’t devout all our time towards something we find meaningless, unrewarding, and not fun…

You are entitled to your opinion, or in this case, confusion. Don’t confuse my engagement in a larger argument as bitterness towards BG. I left BG because I didn’t like the culture the old guard created. As a person that is interested in playing the game that Anet created, sitting on BG and listening to the whining about how Anet ruined everything was getting tiring.

If you are confused, its because you don’t understand that others can enjoy things that you don’t. In this case, I enjoy games when I’m trying to win them. I don’t enjoy listening to stories of the glory days and how we could win if we wanted to. Put up or shut up. I don’t care about how awesome Blackgate was … I want to play the game.

BG’s toxic attitude towards PvD, siege humping “cancerous” game play is evidence that you don’t approve of others that enjoy different things. BG is bitter that Anet has ignored them and not provided them a “skill-based” WvW. which is about as idiotic a request that I could imagine.

Large scale warfare is not about fair fights. Its about coordination, communication, community, resources, alliances, “coverage”, morale, inspiration and RAW NUMBERS. You don’t have to believe me, but I would direct you to a history book. Warfare has always been a numbers game. And as the scope of the conflict grows the possibility of a fair fight dissolves and guerrilla tactics take over.

The servers that make the rational choices within the current game mechanics will push up and those that don’t will fall.

You’re the embodiment of all that is wrong with WvW and your opinion is objectively disgusting.

[Mada] Apocryfia

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: micheal.8793


At this point, I’d rather get 2v1’d again to get action on the maps. BG seems dead because there’s no action, which causes people to log out, cause we’d rather do anything else other than karma training (I tag up for fights, fights end, half my group logs off). Groups from YB and JQ are just karma training empty borderlands thinking they’re hot stuff, complaining about us zerging them down with 10-15 man groups calling them “blobs”, all the while bunkering in keep lords rooms with siege.

Good joke.

If you want BG to play again, bring us fights without siege. Most of us won’t even care if we’re vastly outnumbered.

@Torqued: You seem bitter that BG won’t respond to your requests to push PPT. Guess what buddy, we’re not here to play for you. We’re here to play for us. If you want to play PPT, tag up and do it. Don’t expect someone else, who has no desire to want to play for PPT, to play that way.

Regardless of your perception of my attitude, the fact is that Blackgate is actively driving away PPT players and putting themselves at a disadvantage. Blackgate will never beat Yak’s Bend until they are willing to become like Yak’s Bend.

No amount of server politics will stop the unwashed hoards of Yak’s Bend.

You don’t know how PPT works, regardless of all those number crunching stuff you do (good work on those btw, they’re interesting to look at, despite not having any real relevance in the current WvW climate).

Why don’t you explain to me how PPT works? I’m always open to learning something new. What is my data missing that is so important? Server politics?

PPT isn’t a function (right now) of organisation and skill, but rather, of time and numbers. The more numbers you have on at any given time means that you’ll naturally get more PPT.

If you log in at any time outside of NA prime on BG you’ll notice this. Our small groups are backcapping as fast as they can, but due to lack of numbers, our PPT suffers. We lack numbers because people aren’t willing to put the time into WvW right now due to the lack of incentives to win and the lack of rewards while playing.

But then, I don’t think anyone on BG ever saw you put more hours in-game to help out our weaker time slots.

Maybe if Blackgate didn’t have such a sour attitude towards pugs and pve players they would have MORE people to put in those hours and there would be no grind. But alas, Blackgate is a “skilled fight” server and have chased away all those no skill pvd players.

Your inability to get the coverage speaks volumes about your server culture.

I really don’t understand your posts Torqued, it just seems bitter, and like your mad at BG because we play for fun..and we don’t devout all our time towards something we find meaningless, unrewarding, and not fun…

You are entitled to your opinion, or in this case, confusion. Don’t confuse my engagement in a larger argument as bitterness towards BG. I left BG because I didn’t like the culture the old guard created. As a person that is interested in playing the game that Anet created, sitting on BG and listening to the whining about how Anet ruined everything was getting tiring.

If you are confused, its because you don’t understand that others can enjoy things that you don’t. In this case, I enjoy games when I’m trying to win them. I don’t enjoy listening to stories of the glory days and how we could win if we wanted to. Put up or shut up. I don’t care about how awesome Blackgate was … I want to play the game.

BG’s toxic attitude towards PvD, siege humping “cancerous” game play is evidence that you don’t approve of others that enjoy different things. BG is bitter that Anet has ignored them and not provided them a “skill-based” WvW. which is about as idiotic a request that I could imagine.

Large scale warfare is not about fair fights. Its about coordination, communication, community, resources, alliances, “coverage”, morale, inspiration and RAW NUMBERS. You don’t have to believe me, but I would direct you to a history book. Warfare has always been a numbers game. And as the scope of the conflict grows the possibility of a fair fight dissolves and guerrilla tactics take over.

The servers that make the rational choices within the current game mechanics will push up and those that don’t will fall.

You’re the embodiment of all that is wrong with WvW and your opinion is objectively disgusting.

True, I cringed at reading that post.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


+1 this match-up thread!

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: TorquedSoul.8097


At this point, I’d rather get 2v1’d again to get action on the maps. BG seems dead because there’s no action, which causes people to log out, cause we’d rather do anything else other than karma training (I tag up for fights, fights end, half my group logs off). Groups from YB and JQ are just karma training empty borderlands thinking they’re hot stuff, complaining about us zerging them down with 10-15 man groups calling them “blobs”, all the while bunkering in keep lords rooms with siege.

Good joke.

If you want BG to play again, bring us fights without siege. Most of us won’t even care if we’re vastly outnumbered.

@Torqued: You seem bitter that BG won’t respond to your requests to push PPT. Guess what buddy, we’re not here to play for you. We’re here to play for us. If you want to play PPT, tag up and do it. Don’t expect someone else, who has no desire to want to play for PPT, to play that way.

Regardless of your perception of my attitude, the fact is that Blackgate is actively driving away PPT players and putting themselves at a disadvantage. Blackgate will never beat Yak’s Bend until they are willing to become like Yak’s Bend.

No amount of server politics will stop the unwashed hoards of Yak’s Bend.

You don’t know how PPT works, regardless of all those number crunching stuff you do (good work on those btw, they’re interesting to look at, despite not having any real relevance in the current WvW climate).

Why don’t you explain to me how PPT works? I’m always open to learning something new. What is my data missing that is so important? Server politics?

PPT isn’t a function (right now) of organisation and skill, but rather, of time and numbers. The more numbers you have on at any given time means that you’ll naturally get more PPT.

If you log in at any time outside of NA prime on BG you’ll notice this. Our small groups are backcapping as fast as they can, but due to lack of numbers, our PPT suffers. We lack numbers because people aren’t willing to put the time into WvW right now due to the lack of incentives to win and the lack of rewards while playing.

But then, I don’t think anyone on BG ever saw you put more hours in-game to help out our weaker time slots.

Maybe if Blackgate didn’t have such a sour attitude towards pugs and pve players they would have MORE people to put in those hours and there would be no grind. But alas, Blackgate is a “skilled fight” server and have chased away all those no skill pvd players.

Your inability to get the coverage speaks volumes about your server culture.

I really don’t understand your posts Torqued, it just seems bitter, and like your mad at BG because we play for fun..and we don’t devout all our time towards something we find meaningless, unrewarding, and not fun…

You are entitled to your opinion, or in this case, confusion. Don’t confuse my engagement in a larger argument as bitterness towards BG. I left BG because I didn’t like the culture the old guard created. As a person that is interested in playing the game that Anet created, sitting on BG and listening to the whining about how Anet ruined everything was getting tiring.

If you are confused, its because you don’t understand that others can enjoy things that you don’t. In this case, I enjoy games when I’m trying to win them. I don’t enjoy listening to stories of the glory days and how we could win if we wanted to. Put up or shut up. I don’t care about how awesome Blackgate was … I want to play the game.

BG’s toxic attitude towards PvD, siege humping “cancerous” game play is evidence that you don’t approve of others that enjoy different things. BG is bitter that Anet has ignored them and not provided them a “skill-based” WvW. which is about as idiotic a request that I could imagine.

Large scale warfare is not about fair fights. Its about coordination, communication, community, resources, alliances, “coverage”, morale, inspiration and RAW NUMBERS. You don’t have to believe me, but I would direct you to a history book. Warfare has always been a numbers game. And as the scope of the conflict grows the possibility of a fair fight dissolves and guerrilla tactics take over.

The servers that make the rational choices within the current game mechanics will push up and those that don’t will fall.

You’re the embodiment of all that is wrong with WvW and your opinion is objectively disgusting.

True, I cringed at reading that post.

Wow, gangs all here.

So what part made you cringe? Where I say “I want to play the game” or the part about rational choices?

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

It is hard to go out and find a fight, the vast majority of the time groups run in massive numbers, or hide in objectives/cover of siege.

We will fight. Because that’s what we enjoy in this game.

Quit your chest thumping in this thread, no one cares. We all play the same game, because we enjoy it.

Wow so you’ve just been joking with us this whole time with your actions in game? All this was just a prank bro? I understand now.


Here is you avoiding a fight with us with fair numbers. Going to huddle into an objective, and then you ended up going east to blob up with XVX.

“it is hard to go out and find a fight” yet you avoid one. Without blobs at that.
“Vast majority of the time groups run in massive numbers” You didn’t fight us in a skirmish, you went to hold XVX’s pocket.
“or hide in objectives/cover of siege.” Where did you run from us to?

That is not playing for the love of fights.

Also you guys are content with chest thumping about yourselves in an echo chamber filled with reassurances and yes-men.


Did it ever occur to you that there was something more important going on, on the other side of the map, where they couldn’t stop and waste time wiping your group.

Would that something have been PPT?

There is another hypocritical point

“wiping your group” There is another assumption and more of that deafening BG echo chamber. Also chest thumping.

You should be more concerned your group couldn’t kill a single person when you were attacking them behind their backs.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

also inb4 thread deleted

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Heroic.9487


It is hard to go out and find a fight, the vast majority of the time groups run in massive numbers, or hide in objectives/cover of siege.

We will fight. Because that’s what we enjoy in this game.

Quit your chest thumping in this thread, no one cares. We all play the same game, because we enjoy it.

Wow so you’ve just been joking with us this whole time with your actions in game? All this was just a prank bro? I understand now.


Here is you avoiding a fight with us with fair numbers. Going to huddle into an objective, and then you ended up going east to blob up with XVX.

“it is hard to go out and find a fight” yet you avoid one. Without blobs at that.
“Vast majority of the time groups run in massive numbers” You didn’t fight us in a skirmish, you went to hold XVX’s pocket.
“or hide in objectives/cover of siege.” Where did you run from us to?

That is not playing for the love of fights.

Also you guys are content with chest thumping about yourselves in an echo chamber filled with reassurances and yes-men.


Did it ever occur to you that there was something more important going on, on the other side of the map, where they couldn’t stop and waste time wiping your group.

Would that something have been PPT?

There is another hypocritical point

“wiping your group” There is another assumption and more of that deafening BG echo chamber. Also chest thumping.

You should be more concerned your group couldn’t kill a single person when you were attacking them behind their backs.

We were strung out and pushed at their face(not their back, uwotm8), they had the high ground and ran around us with that positioning. How were we supposed to drop damage?


Finality does die before he gets to the gate, even though he had all them sweet guardian cooldowns. Too bad gfycat is limited to 15 seconds.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

It is hard to go out and find a fight, the vast majority of the time groups run in massive numbers, or hide in objectives/cover of siege.

We will fight. Because that’s what we enjoy in this game.

Quit your chest thumping in this thread, no one cares. We all play the same game, because we enjoy it.

Wow so you’ve just been joking with us this whole time with your actions in game? All this was just a prank bro? I understand now.


Here is you avoiding a fight with us with fair numbers. Going to huddle into an objective, and then you ended up going east to blob up with XVX.

“it is hard to go out and find a fight” yet you avoid one. Without blobs at that.
“Vast majority of the time groups run in massive numbers” You didn’t fight us in a skirmish, you went to hold XVX’s pocket.
“or hide in objectives/cover of siege.” Where did you run from us to?

That is not playing for the love of fights.

Also you guys are content with chest thumping about yourselves in an echo chamber filled with reassurances and yes-men.


Did it ever occur to you that there was something more important going on, on the other side of the map, where they couldn’t stop and waste time wiping your group.

Would that something have been PPT?

There is another hypocritical point

“wiping your group” There is another assumption and more of that deafening BG echo chamber. Also chest thumping.

You should be more concerned your group couldn’t kill a single person when you were attacking them behind their backs.

We were strung out and pushed at their face(not their back, uwotm8), they had the high ground and ran around us with that positioning. How were we supposed to drop damage?


Finality does die before he gets to the gate, even though he had all them sweet guardian cooldowns. Too bad gfycat is limited to 15 seconds.

Wow you actually managed to kill a single player, with an entire group, while you were attacking him behind his back? You should all be so proud, and you didnt even use an AC ZOMG, yb is learning…ehhh

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Heroic.9487


It is hard to go out and find a fight, the vast majority of the time groups run in massive numbers, or hide in objectives/cover of siege.

We will fight. Because that’s what we enjoy in this game.

Quit your chest thumping in this thread, no one cares. We all play the same game, because we enjoy it.

Wow so you’ve just been joking with us this whole time with your actions in game? All this was just a prank bro? I understand now.


Here is you avoiding a fight with us with fair numbers. Going to huddle into an objective, and then you ended up going east to blob up with XVX.

“it is hard to go out and find a fight” yet you avoid one. Without blobs at that.
“Vast majority of the time groups run in massive numbers” You didn’t fight us in a skirmish, you went to hold XVX’s pocket.
“or hide in objectives/cover of siege.” Where did you run from us to?

That is not playing for the love of fights.

Also you guys are content with chest thumping about yourselves in an echo chamber filled with reassurances and yes-men.


Did it ever occur to you that there was something more important going on, on the other side of the map, where they couldn’t stop and waste time wiping your group.

Would that something have been PPT?

There is another hypocritical point

“wiping your group” There is another assumption and more of that deafening BG echo chamber. Also chest thumping.

You should be more concerned your group couldn’t kill a single person when you were attacking them behind their backs.

We were strung out and pushed at their face(not their back, uwotm8), they had the high ground and ran around us with that positioning. How were we supposed to drop damage?


Finality does die before he gets to the gate, even though he had all them sweet guardian cooldowns. Too bad gfycat is limited to 15 seconds.

Wow you actually managed to kill a single player, with an entire group, while you were attacking him behind his back? You should all be so proud, and you didnt even use an AC ZOMG, yb is learning…ehhh

“Moving the goalposts, similar to “shifting sands” and also known as raising the bar, is an informal fallacy in which evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded. That is, after an attempt has been made to score a goal, the goalposts are moved to exclude the attempt. The problem with changing the rules of the game is that the meaning of the end result is changed, too." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_the_goalposts

We actually caught 4 after I watched the shadowplay footage again. If they had stayed and fought us I could have shown how many we could really kill. I mean come on, dragonhunter cooldowns alone should carry you from that rock to the garri portal. 2 second block, 3 second invuln, 3 leaps, 11 stacks of stab per guard etc. Reaper has a leap and self stab, other classes have blinks. We wrongly assumed they’d fight us so we ended up wrapping up and around the rock as they full ran, putting distance between us.

Something tells me you’re someone I know from BG, who I last heard was in XVX. Don’t worry you guys were wiping and ran into fire keep just previous to that gfycat I linked.

I’m done with this. I’ve made my points. I’ll respond again if there is any defense to what I’ve said and not just a barbaric attempt at bullying. “Wow you actually managed to kill a single player, with an entire group, while you were attacking him behind his back? You should all be so proud, and you didnt even use an AC ZOMG, yb is learning”

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Always amusing when someone wants to put up self contradicting and hypocritical posts, then complain when someone calls them out on it.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Chorazin.4107


BG and JQ could use some smaller man roaming groups.

[lion]~ riperonis

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

BG and JQ could use some smaller man roaming groups.

I agree, we have a couple of great small op/havok guilds, and personally I never downplay the value of such groups, they are extremely useful. More is always great.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffle.3748


BG and JQ could use some smaller man roaming groups.

I agree, we have a couple of great small op/havok guilds, and personally I never downplay the value of such groups, they are extremely useful. More is always great.

Who are they? I don’t know of any decent ones on BG besides sometimes [SG], and then JQ had one guild that doesn’t play anymore.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Eru.8021


X T D needs some condi clears for those burns.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

X T D needs some condi clears for those burns.

No need, I have immunity..its called a sense of humor

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Tobias Steele.2071

Tobias Steele.2071

I am not really understanding your complaint, because you basically had a problem with a couple guilds coordinating an attack on your force, but then bragged when your side did the same thing. I don’t really see the issue tbh, we get hit sometimes by enemy blobs of 3-4 guilds, we adjust strategy.

The problem is that no BG guilds seek solo fights, and they actively seek to blob guilds down instead of seeking even engagements. That is problematic and not “fight” culture.

This is ironic coming from YB that does exactly the same thing all the time.

Funny story from ocx time last night. YB have a huge ‘voltron’ blob of all their ocx guilds plus a lot of NA playing late k training around the desert BLs. We (SoX) were defending BG fire keep with 15 in our squad compared to their 35-40. They put up trebs and catas on north wall. We put up a counter treb and catas and take their siege down and drive them off. Next thing we know our commander is getting angry whispers from YB about using siege when we outnumbered them. We were just laughing our kitten off in TS at their delusion.

“funny story from ocx…… SoX”


Entropy, Class lead Necromancer.
Tarnished Coast.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Chorazin.4107


BG and JQ could use some smaller man roaming groups.

I agree, we have a couple of great small op/havok guilds, and personally I never downplay the value of such groups, they are extremely useful. More is always great.

There used to be UD, SG(Soul Guard), but even those guys ran 15+, apart from that im struggling. [QQ] But they are more focused on dueling/ganking, and i dont see them outside EB. MUSA maybe, when they’re not busy sending salty whispers, but again generally 15+. But most in Tee won will be 15-20+ i guess.

[lion]~ riperonis

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: LetoII.3782


BG and JQ could use some smaller man roaming groups.

To fight the one small group on YB?
T1 turned from that path long ago

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


BG and JQ could use some smaller man roaming groups.

I long for the world to be as it was like in the before times when groups large and small roamed the land. * points a scraggly finger to crude carvings on a torch lit cave wall *. Now there is only the Zerg taking the weak in their quest for gasoline…I mean doors. They say the Creators still watch and their return is soon upon us. But the land is naught but dust and hope is all but gone.

Whispers with meat.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Barsity.9408


There used to be UD, SG(Soul Guard), but even those guys ran 15+, apart from that im struggling.

I remember the first reset I did where I had 20 in squad, I was kittening baffled at our numbers.

We used to run 5-7 strong with everyone either being a PU mesmer, thief, or D/D ele… And that was only reset. We were lucky to get 3-4 most other nights. Then HoT came and we picked up numbers to the point where that was not viable anymore.

I do miss fighting you guys in the alpines though. I’m still not kittening sure how Wirriam has not broke his keyboard from jumping everywhere on that fancy charr of his.

Lireil [SG] – Blackgate

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffle.3748


BG and JQ could use some smaller man roaming groups.

To fight the one small group on YB?
T1 turned from that path long ago

Lets be real here, you don’t need a lot of people to wipe YB guys most times.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


There used to be UD, SG(Soul Guard), but even those guys ran 15+, apart from that im struggling.

I remember the first reset I did where I had 20 in squad, I was kittening baffled at our numbers.

We used to run 5-7 strong with everyone either being a PU mesmer, thief, or D/D ele… And that was only reset. We were lucky to get 3-4 most other nights. Then HoT came and we picked up numbers to the point where that was not viable anymore.

I do miss fighting you guys in the alpines though. I’m still not kittening sure how Wirriam has not broke his keyboard from jumping everywhere on that fancy charr of his.

Hot – really the guild requirements – did seem to kill off a lot of those smaller havoc guilds. not sure if the GH requirements was THE biggest death blow to those guilds or not……

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

There used to be UD, SG(Soul Guard), but even those guys ran 15+, apart from that im struggling.

I remember the first reset I did where I had 20 in squad, I was kittening baffled at our numbers.

We used to run 5-7 strong with everyone either being a PU mesmer, thief, or D/D ele… And that was only reset. We were lucky to get 3-4 most other nights. Then HoT came and we picked up numbers to the point where that was not viable anymore.

I do miss fighting you guys in the alpines though. I’m still not kittening sure how Wirriam has not broke his keyboard from jumping everywhere on that fancy charr of his.

Hot – really the guild requirements – did seem to kill off a lot of those smaller havoc guilds. not sure if the GH requirements was THE biggest death blow to those guilds or not……

HoT was definately a disaster for WvW, there is just no way around it. It hit small guilds the hardest, I dont know what the heck the devs were thinking when they decided it was a good idea to take away already unlocked upgrades and gate them behind a ridiculous amount of pve/gold grinding…level 37 for +5 supply..gg anet. And at the same time saying oh we dont want to add stuff like autoloot into wvw because it would keep ppl out of wvw by encouraging them to grind pve…good lord…It hurts sometimes, it..literally….just really hurts sometimes trying to understand anet.

One other reason that could explain a decline in roaming/havok guilds in t1 is because many people come here for big fights. And as a matter of being practical and efficient, a commander will often designate a few people to go and take a camp, stay to cap a tower, go and scout, etc. Essentially people who zerg just multitask and instead of just devoting themselves to the role of havok or roaming, do it when the opputunity arrives or when asked to help keep momentum rolling or just help the group out.
Me personally, this is how I have always played, I like big fights, but when needed I will peel off to go take a camp, do a little scouting if I am nearby, stay for a tower cap etc.

One drawback is that people who do this are focused on the objective at hand, and unlike devoted roaming/havok teams, we dont run builds specialized for that role. You can’t expect a few people who came from a zerg, running zerg builds, who just came to take a camp, to be able to fight off a group that runs builds specifically designed for small team fights.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


HOT for sure was bad, but people were leaving / taking a break well before it ever hit. It was more like the nail in coffin, but the coffin was already occupied…..

What is interesting is that their seems to be the same hope for the April patch that many had for HOT itself. I will have to wait and see myself if there really is a boost and if there is, how long it lasts.

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

HOT for sure was bad, but people were leaving / taking a break well before it ever hit. It was more like the nail in coffin, but the coffin was already occupied…..

What is interesting is that their seems to be the same hope for the April patch that many had for HOT itself. I will have to wait and see myself if there really is a boost and if there is, how long it lasts.

The stab change, I think was the first major issue that caused many players to leave in large numbers. Aside from general boredom which is normal after a longtime, staleness with the game for a variety of reasons (neglect from devs, nothing new added etc), that was when people just started leaving the game, and not just taking a break, because it changed the playstyle which most people go to wvw for into something many do not find fun.

There was a lot of anticipation as HoT approached as people were excited about the idea that there would be a revitalization and a new energy and focus directed towards wvw….well..we all know what happened. We got a broken unfinished product and months of silence, meanwhile the damage was done and players finally had enough and got tired of waiting and hoping something better would someday come. I dont blame them at all.

I think its basically the same for whatever upcoming changes, some of us are just basically clinging to any lingering hope that wvw can be saved. Personally I am not optimistic.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: shagwell.1349


YB…roamers??? That’s the best joke I’ve heard in at least a week.

YB really has roamers. It’s teams of 40-60 and everyone throws an ac open field when a thief comes to close to them.

And the BG guys really should thank OnS for that kitten. They trolled everyone into that stupid idea of “server rotation” in tier 1 and 2 while all they wanted was a big karma train festival.

[orz] below mediocre – we sponsor Arenanet
Piken Square EU, maybe soon on your server.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


BG focus on fights now, not in PPT.

The losing server always says this.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

BG focus on fights now, not in PPT.

The losing server always says this.

Remind me again what did you get for grinding ppt for hours to win last week? Oh thats right..nothing. Hollow victories are great aren’t they?

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<