What if Keeps/Towers didn't reset?

What if Keeps/Towers didn't reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Deliph.4798


Just wondering, what effect it would have on WvW if Keep / Towers etc did not reset after capture.
Personaly Id like it like that. I cant think of any negative reason not to have it that way.
I can only wonder why they made it so they do reset tbh.

Would help smaller servers alot I think. Perhaps people would stay in the fight longer if they had a chance at taking back a Keep that took alot of effort to raise (as in the majority not loosing interest by thursday and just waiting for the next match up)

Just a thought

What if Keeps/Towers didn't reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


What if all the maps lost 85% of their towers/keeps…..then people would be forced more to fight each other. nahhhhh

That would be to much like pvp and too little like pve.