(edited by Bunzy.8674)
What is happening with the downed state?
Yes I know many threads have been said about this and for that I am sorry with starting another one, however with that said the problems still haven’t been fixed and its about that time the issue needs to be readdressed again.
Current Problems:
1. This is a relatively new problem which is linked with the downed state. As soon as people get downed they are logging off. This needs to be addressed. Many ideas on how to fix this have already been mentioned.
2. Downed people still have way too much health. If you can’t get the channel to kill them they roughly take about 6-10 hits to kill off this is way to much considering you have already downed them. Health needs to be reduced drastically so about 3-5 hits finishes off an opponent.
3. Channel takes too long. When are you downing someone it takes about 2-3 seconds to channel a spell that is often interrupted or you are focused fired during the process. Which means you will have to do this again which makes it about 3-6 seconds you are stationary channeling a skill trying to finish an opponent who is already downed. It is way to long. I would say reduce the channeling time to about 1 second and make it so quickness buffs have no affect.
4. Certain classes defensive abilities are too strong. Every class should only have 1 interrupt on them max. So if you have two downed players channeling you, you are going to die which is fair enough. Right now Mesmers, Thieves and Elementalists are able to stop any amount of people trying to down them once and in some cases twice. Example- You could have 20 people (if the game allowed it) channeling a downed state and a simple use of one skill could stop them all. This is very bad game mechanics and needs to be addressed. I will fix this by getting rid of any stealth or movement (invulnerable abilities) while downed and just make it so you only get one interrupt per profession.
5. People are revived way too fast. If you are doing a 3v1 and down one if the other 2 focus on healing the guy who is downed it is literally impossible for you to down/out damage them. I would suggest that the healing done needs to be reduce by a drastic amount perhaps 50% and make it so it doesn’t scale that much with extra people perhaps 5% extra per person.
Anyways these are the major issues that the downed state is having right now. Thank you for reading and I hope ANET write back an official response on how they see it and if they expect to make any changes in the future.
In the 3v1 situation: just interrupt them both and start bashing on them. As soon as they are done reviving the one downed player, they’ll be so low on health that they’re easy targets.
Gwens Avengers
I really like the downed state. When going after someone and after downing them it is quite a rush to see them rally and spring back into the fight. I think it would take something pretty special away if we reduced this ability. As Elementalist, Thief, and Ranger i’ve not had much trouble with people rallying too often. Perhaps it is more difficult for other classes? As D/D (or even S/D — my most common weapons of choice in WvW) it is very rare for someone to rally back on me. It certainly is fun though when they do.
Yes I know many threads have been said about this and for that I am sorry with starting another one, however with that said the problems still haven’t been fixed and its about that time the issue needs to be readdressed again.
Current Problems:
1. This is a relatively new problem which is linked with the downed state. As soon as people get downed they are logging off. This needs to be addressed. Many ideas on how to fix this have already been mentioned.
2. Downed people still have way too much health. If you can’t get the channel to kill them they roughly take about 6-10 hits to kill off this is way to much considering you have already downed them. Health needs to be reduced drastically so about 3-5 hits finishes off an opponent.
3. Channel takes too long. When are you downing someone it takes about 2-3 seconds to channel a spell that is often interrupted or you are focused fired during the process. Which means you will have to do this again which makes it about 3-6 seconds you are stationary channeling a skill trying to finish an opponent who is already downed. It is way to long. I would say reduce the channeling time to about 1 second and make it so quickness buffs have no affect.
4. Certain classes defensive abilities are too strong. Every class should only have 1 interrupt on them max. So if you have two downed players channeling you, you are going to die which is fair enough. Right now Mesmers, Thieves and Elementalists are able to stop any amount of people trying to down them once and in some cases twice. Example- You could have 20 people (if the game allowed it) channeling a downed state and a simple use of one skill could stop them all. This is very bad game mechanics and needs to be addressed. I will fix this by getting rid of any stealth or movement (invulnerable abilities) while downed and just make it so you only get one interrupt per profession.
5. People are revived way too fast. If you are doing a 3v1 and down one if the other 2 focus on healing the guy who is downed it is literally impossible for you to down/out damage them. I would suggest that the healing done needs to be reduce by a drastic amount perhaps 50% and make it so it doesn’t scale that much with extra people perhaps 5% extra per person.
Anyways these are the major issues that the downed state is having right now. Thank you for reading and I hope ANET write back an official response on how they see it and if they expect to make any changes in the future.
In the 3v1 situation: just interrupt them both and start bashing on them. As soon as they are done reviving the one downed player, they’ll be so low on health that they’re easy targets.
That is just used as an example but it can be done for all sorts of numbers such at (3v9, 5v10,4v12)you can’t expect to do that much damage to them within 2-3 seconds as that’s how long it takes to revive someone who is downed.
I disagree with everything you stated except for people logging off while downed. And they won’t really be able to stop that.
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.
1. This is a relatively new problem which is linked with the downed state. As soon as people get downed they are logging off. This needs to be addressed. Many ideas on how to fix this have already been mentioned.
well, since people are offering suggestions, then I’m not going to talk about it.
2. Downed people still have way too much health. If you can’t get the channel to kill them they roughly take about 6-10 hits to kill off this is way to much considering you have already downed them. Health needs to be reduced drastically so about 3-5 hits finishes off an opponent.
If you are at a place where you can manage to safely land 6-10 hits to finish off a player, then that also means you are just as safe to go up to him and press F to finish him off. Most of the time I guess you are not, and that probably means you have have people with you, have them focus fire on him would not be a bad idea. And, lastly, if you ARE alone, that means you have just downed someone who’s group has more number than you. In reality, you should be running away, instead of trying to stay behind and try to finish him/her off.
3. Channel takes too long. When are you downing someone it takes about 2-3 seconds to channel a spell that is often interrupted or you are focused fired during the process. Which means you will have to do this again which makes it about 3-6 seconds you are stationary channeling a skill trying to finish an opponent who is already downed. It is way to long. I would say reduce the channeling time to about 1 second and make it so quickness buffs have no affect.
If I recall correctly, there’s something called rune of quickness, that downs people like in half the time.
4. Certain classes defensive abilities are too strong. Every class should only have 1 interrupt on them max. So if you have two downed players channeling you, you are going to die which is fair enough. Right now Mesmers, Thieves and Elementalists are able to stop any amount of people trying to down them once and in some cases twice. Example- You could have 20 people (if the game allowed it) channeling a downed state and a simple use of one skill could stop them all. This is very bad game mechanics and needs to be addressed. I will fix this by getting rid of any stealth or movement (invulnerable abilities) while downed and just make it so you only get one interrupt per profession.
light cloth classes are already easily to be taken down, they need something that can balance that, or else everyone would just reroll as a high armor class.
5. People are revived way too fast. If you are doing a 3v1 and down one if the other 2 focus on healing the guy who is downed it is literally impossible for you to down/out damage them. I would suggest that the healing done needs to be reduce by a drastic amount perhaps 50% and make it so it doesn’t scale that much with extra people perhaps 5% extra per person.
It makes sense for downed player to get up quickly, as DEFEATED takes a hella long time to get up. And the idea of downed is that you feel like you just got knocked down unconsciously, but you are not dead, you are easily get up with a buddy carrying you up and get you patched up.
these are just my 2 cent on the subject.
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open
I thought you were refering to Thieves when you were talking about evading multiple stomps. Also, I see that you don’t play a Mesmer.
Anyways, the downed state is really nice. I’ve always been a fan of it because it makes the battles in WvW feel more real. There is just something nicely immersive about finishing off your opponent on the battle field, you’ve knocked them down, they are near helpless, but have not taken a fatal wound. When your allies are being wiped out, that immersion also comes out where you see your allies, the dead and the dying, reaching out for your hand…. as well as when you are wiping out a large group of enemies… moping up the battle field taking out the stragglers.
Mechanically, it is also nice that you aren’t simply killed outright from some glass cannon that gets the jump on you. If you have allies you can trust nearby, a thieve unloading all his initiative into a big alpha strike doesn’t mean it is simply the end for you.
Perhaps you shouldn’t be able to rally off neutral monsters/NPC’s when engaged in PvP in WvW. Also, the downed hp pool could possibly use a nerf. And perhaps the cap for how many people can revive a single person could be lowered, as well as reducing the rate that dead players are revived (or maybe simply add diminishing returns to rallying/ressing someone, thereby nerfing zerg tactics more).
I disagree with everything you stated except for people logging off while downed. And they won’t really be able to stop that.
You have to explain why you disagree…
well, since people are offering suggestions, then I’m not going to talk about it.
If you are at a place where you can manage to safely land 6-10 hits to finish off a player, then that also means you are just as safe to go up to him and press F to finish him off. Most of the time I guess you are not, and that probably means you have have people with you, have them focus fire on him would not be a bad idea. And, lastly, if you ARE alone, that means you have just downed someone who’s group has more number than you. In reality, you should be running away, instead of trying to stay behind and try to finish him/her off.
If I recall correctly, there’s something called rune of quickness, that downs people like in half the time.
light cloth classes are already easily to be taken down, they need something that can balance that, or else everyone would just reroll as a high armor class.
It makes sense for downed player to get up quickly, as DEFEATED takes a hella long time to get up. And the idea of downed is that you feel like you just got knocked down unconsciously, but you are not dead, you are easily get up with a buddy carrying you up and get you patched up.
these are just my 2 cent on the subject.
So by your first statement you saying that numbers deserves to win more then skill? Do you honestly believe this is good for the game? I already talked about quickness buffs if you read again. I currently play an elementalist who is a light armoured class and i would disagree if you say that we are taken down easily. I would say the exact opposite considering we have some of the best mobility in the game. If someone would reroll to a heavy over class because they are no longer taking advantage of and OP skill I say goodbye to them. I think what you are you trying to say GW2 is realistic? because if so can you teach me how to shoot fireballs and turn people in big chickens.
I agree with 5/6
Reviving downed players is too fast, and they start with too much HP. The fact that if you’re a second late, he’ll get rezzed, is lame. This is a problem for us tank builds/condition. Glass cannon builds can do lots of dmg to the rezzer, but for us, it takes time to stack bleeds and whatnot.
Problem is… and I hate to say it…. thieves again. If you made it even harder to revive other players the tactic of thieves corpse camping would become a nightmare.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
Thieves and Elementalists are able to stop any amount of people trying to down them once and in some cases twice. Example- You could have 20 people (if the game allowed it) channeling a downed state and a simple use of one skill could stop them all.
why on earth you have 20 people channeling a downed elementalist:
Have 2 (works with one also):
-first stomp
-if he fails second is granted to work
You can do the same alone, just begin the stomp, interrupt and stomp again….
Damage from a downed ele is unnoticeable…….
NB is the same tactic you use against any single profession with the exception of mesmers….
If 20 people try to stomp the same character, they are making a mistake because they are just greedy and want the drop/kill count on a downed character they didn t deserve….
Also for ele remember:
Double downed penalty is a strong penalty >.> both in www than in pve.
Means you have to leave battle and recover :| if you survive/rally or just you won t have a second chance
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Thieves and Elementalists are able to stop any amount of people trying to down them once and in some cases twice. Example- You could have 20 people (if the game allowed it) channeling a downed state and a simple use of one skill could stop them all.
why on earth you have 20 people channeling a downed elementalist:
Have 2 (works with one also):
-first stomp
-if he fails second is granted to workYou can do the same alone, just begin the stomp, interrupt and stomp again….
Damage from a downed ele is unnoticeable…….
NB is the same tactic you use against any single profession with the exception of mesmers….
If 20 people try to stomp the same character, they are making a mistake because they are just greedy and want the drop/kill count on a downed character they didn t deserve….
Also for ele remember:
Double downed penalty is a strong penalty >.> both in www than in pve.
Means you have to leave battle and recover :| if you survive/rally or just you won t have a second chance
The 20 people was just a hypothetical to show how broken it is. Two people won’t be able to stomp an elementalist straight away which was my point. Their #2 isn’t a single person interrupt its an AOE you can’t stomp me mechanic. Mesmers, Theives and Elementalists all have the same you can’t stomp me no matter how many players you have channeling me. Which was why I suggested it be changed.
In wvw, there are foods that double downed hps. I’ve fought with guilds running tank builds with this food. Boy, were they annoying!
I disagree with all these points. The current downed state rewards actually playing for positioning, which I think is good — in a pitched battle, the side that pushes hard gets rewarded with the ability to revive its comrades and stop the enemy from doing the same. Easier kills would push WvW battles closer to pure attrition.
My one complaint about the current is that some classes really can’t engage in counterplay — as a thief I can reliably stomp anyone other than a mesmer or elementalist on the first go, thanks to various nifty insta-cast skills that counter downed-state survival tricks — but some other classes just don’t have the tools to interact as meaningfully with downed opponents.
Thieves and Elementalists are able to stop any amount of people trying to down them once and in some cases twice. Example- You could have 20 people (if the game allowed it) channeling a downed state and a simple use of one skill could stop them all.
why on earth you have 20 people channeling a downed elementalist:
Have 2 (works with one also):
-first stomp
-if he fails second is granted to workYou can do the same alone, just begin the stomp, interrupt and stomp again….
Damage from a downed ele is unnoticeable…….
NB is the same tactic you use against any single profession with the exception of mesmers….
If 20 people try to stomp the same character, they are making a mistake because they are just greedy and want the drop/kill count on a downed character they didn t deserve….
Also for ele remember:
Double downed penalty is a strong penalty >.> both in www than in pve.
Means you have to leave battle and recover :| if you survive/rally or just you won t have a second chanceThe 20 people was just a hypothetical to show how broken it is. Two people won’t be able to stomp an elementalist straight away which was my point. Their #2 isn’t a single person interrupt its an AOE you can’t stomp me mechanic. Mesmers, Theives and Elementalists all have the same you can’t stomp me no matter how many players you have channeling me. Which was why I suggested it be changed.
i repeat are you sying that losing 3,5 seconds with a SINGLE player is too much to kill an elementalist?
Its not the same, mesmers deal damage and can change more than one time.
Just stomp an ele interrupt and stomp again in 3 seconds and you kill him….its not so difficult.
Its the same as ANY other class possibly even less.
You can also root them etc because vapor form doesn t break conditions…
So what are you exactly asking?
To remove downed state just from ele and few other classes except yours?
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
This is why a solid pvp build WILL always include stability if your class is capable of getting it. The ability to finish is something you can’t be without and although 3 classes (theif/mesmer/elementalist) can get out of your finish even with stability the key is to just hit these targets until the use up their get out of jail free skill and then use your stability to make your finish uninterruptable.
Stability is also handy when positioning or mobility are key as it prevents anyone from using anything that alters your position. Things like scorpion wire or a greatsword guardian can not pull you back into his friends as you run for example, so it’s not as if stability isn’t useful for other things as well. If you find a guardian who actually runs “Stand your Ground!” hang onto them for grim death as they can give you stability if you’re nearby as well as giving it to themselves.
The good points to downed state in GW has been covered above and I like the possibilities for epic turnarounds it provides that no similar MMO ever has. Play sPvP for even a few days and you’ll see it at some point. If you want to make sure you shut down you enemy’s epic recovery, one word: stability. A single teammate can not revive an ally faster than you can finish them, so get uninterruptable and get those kills.
Have I mentioned stability yet, because it’s better than you think, even if you think it’s good.
Actually, stability is worse than you think as it now doesn’t protect from pull. That was changed with the Oct 22 patch.
So by your first statement you saying that numbers deserves to win more then skill? Do you honestly believe this is good for the game? I already talked about quickness buffs if you read again. I currently play an elementalist who is a light armoured class and i would disagree if you say that we are taken down easily. I would say the exact opposite considering we have some of the best mobility in the game. If someone would reroll to a heavy over class because they are no longer taking advantage of and OP skill I say goodbye to them. I think what you are you trying to say GW2 is realistic? because if so can you teach me how to shoot fireballs and turn people in big chickens.
First of all, you are posting in a WvW forum. This is not PvP forum.
In WvW, you have different gear stats, different race elites, and you have sieges. This place is a place for war, not a place for duel. In war, we only talks about strategies, and usually NUMBER does tip the scale, by ALOT. Sure, you are an excellent sniper, that can quickly take down like 4 enemies, but when they rush to your location with 10 people, you still cannot fight this and die.
So if you are so concerned about small number duels, go to PvP. You’ll see people does not whine about downed state so much there.
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open
I actually like the down state. being an elementalist that carries a staff, in a group setting when someone goes down, I get a little jolt of joy.
1. Wait for a tick or two so people have time to gather around the downed player.
2. unload AOE.
3. Watch rescuers burn.
The waiting the tick is the key, you have to make the rescuers feel that they can get the player up before they die.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
Yes I know many threads have been said about this and for that I am sorry with starting another one, however with that said the problems still haven’t been fixed and its about that time the issue needs to be readdressed again.
Current Problems:
1. This is a relatively new problem which is linked with the downed state. As soon as people get downed they are logging off. This needs to be addressed. Many ideas on how to fix this have already been mentioned.
2. Downed people still have way too much health. If you can’t get the channel to kill them they roughly take about 6-10 hits to kill off this is way to much considering you have already downed them. Health needs to be reduced drastically so about 3-5 hits finishes off an opponent.
3. Channel takes too long. When are you downing someone it takes about 2-3 seconds to channel a spell that is often interrupted or you are focused fired during the process. Which means you will have to do this again which makes it about 3-6 seconds you are stationary channeling a skill trying to finish an opponent who is already downed. It is way to long. I would say reduce the channeling time to about 1 second and make it so quickness buffs have no affect.
4. Certain classes defensive abilities are too strong. Every class should only have 1 interrupt on them max. So if you have two downed players channeling you, you are going to die which is fair enough. Right now Mesmers, Thieves and Elementalists are able to stop any amount of people trying to down them once and in some cases twice. Example- You could have 20 people (if the game allowed it) channeling a downed state and a simple use of one skill could stop them all. This is very bad game mechanics and needs to be addressed. I will fix this by getting rid of any stealth or movement (invulnerable abilities) while downed and just make it so you only get one interrupt per profession.
5. People are revived way too fast. If you are doing a 3v1 and down one if the other 2 focus on healing the guy who is downed it is literally impossible for you to down/out damage them. I would suggest that the healing done needs to be reduce by a drastic amount perhaps 50% and make it so it doesn’t scale that much with extra people perhaps 5% extra per person.
6. Rallying off npcs also needs to be addressed as this shouldn’t be the case in WvW.Anyways these are the major issues that the downed state is having right now. Thank you for reading and I hope ANET write back an official response on how they see it and if they expect to make any changes in the future.
1. I don’t understand why this is such a big problem for some people. But as you’ve stated, it’s already been discussed, I’ve already added my 2c.
2. If it only took 2-3 hits to kill a downed player, what would be the point in a downed state. This is just a horrible suggestion.
3. If you are going up against a downed target that has an interrupt ability (not all classes have this), then you should be prepared for that (stability, blinds, invulnerability…). If you are going up against a target that has a movement ability, then you should also be prepared for that. The people that start a channel, then don’t stop it after the target has moved away don’t deserve the kill in the first place. Also, a 1 sec channel is too short, and would defeat the purpose of the downed state.
4. This is just really stupid to complain about. I know you said 20 people was just an example, so lets reduce that down to 4. 4 people channeling an ability to down 1 person is just moronic. UNLESS this is the only person left alive, leave 1 at most 2 people to do this. Anymore is redundant. IF you have that many people (4, 10, 20….) you would kill the player SO much faster by simple dpsing his downed body. The stealths only last a few seconds, so it’s not like it’s an instant rez. Multiple interrupts on a character has been discussed…just bring something like stability, invulnerability, a stealth of your own, etc…
5. If you are going up against more people then you, then they should be able to get up their teammates more easily then you. I don’t see the problem. Also, I’ve never had a problem stabbing someone with 2 of their teammates trying to rez them. The channel is much faster then both of their healing unless they have both stacked healing power (and this was without quickness). Now most of the time of of them rezes, while the other tries to keep me busy, and this works sometimes, but it should be like that.
6. If you can’t rally off NPCs in WvW, then remove them completely. Personally I think they should remain in WvW.
Overall, I feel like I just wasted my time replying to this post. Most of the suggestions were not well thought out, and it seems like you just want to remove the downed state completely (in which case next time you make a post like this, and I don’t doubt you will, make it shorter please).
I’m with Kirrund on this one.
I completely disagree with OP about everything apart from the logging off being lame.
Engineers, Rangers and Guardians also have an “aoe” skill that stops ppl from stomping them.
Ruins of Surmia
There is no problem with the downed state, the OP is mad because he/she cant get badges as fast as he/she wants. Thats all this is, a complaint about farming badges and how he/she can not in some situations. The only legitimate thing in his/her post is the logging off while downed which can not be addresses or fixed.
I wish people would stop moaning about downstate.
It’s a great little feature, which is unique & adds diversity to the gameplay. Try think of it as a strategic pvp addition to everybody’s attack/defence plans.
If they remove this feature, we will take a step closer to every other run of the mill MMO. Leave downstate as it is.
Cool…. Nobody here talked about the warrior downstate that usualy 95% of times is useless in WvW and even in that 5% chance of being able to use vengeance, if you are not traited you will probably die…
In my opinion just put the downstate equal to all professions. I´m tired to put a player in downstate and he gets away right after to his zerg, tower os castle. Just give all professions the downstate of the warrior and love the diference.
By the way i love the downstate mechanics and i would like it to stay, just in diferent formats.
Yes I know many threads have been said about this and for that I am sorry with starting another one, however with that said the problems still haven’t been fixed and its about that time the issue needs to be readdressed again.
Current Problems:
1. This is a relatively new problem which is linked with the downed state. As soon as people get downed they are logging off. This needs to be addressed. Many ideas on how to fix this have already been mentioned.
2. Downed people still have way too much health. If you can’t get the channel to kill them they roughly take about 6-10 hits to kill off this is way to much considering you have already downed them. Health needs to be reduced drastically so about 3-5 hits finishes off an opponent.
3. Channel takes too long. When are you downing someone it takes about 2-3 seconds to channel a spell that is often interrupted or you are focused fired during the process. Which means you will have to do this again which makes it about 3-6 seconds you are stationary channeling a skill trying to finish an opponent who is already downed. It is way to long. I would say reduce the channeling time to about 1 second and make it so quickness buffs have no affect.
4. Certain classes defensive abilities are too strong. Every class should only have 1 interrupt on them max. So if you have two downed players channeling you, you are going to die which is fair enough. Right now Mesmers, Thieves and Elementalists are able to stop any amount of people trying to down them once and in some cases twice. Example- You could have 20 people (if the game allowed it) channeling a downed state and a simple use of one skill could stop them all. This is very bad game mechanics and needs to be addressed. I will fix this by getting rid of any stealth or movement (invulnerable abilities) while downed and just make it so you only get one interrupt per profession.
5. People are revived way too fast. If you are doing a 3v1 and down one if the other 2 focus on healing the guy who is downed it is literally impossible for you to down/out damage them. I would suggest that the healing done needs to be reduce by a drastic amount perhaps 50% and make it so it doesn’t scale that much with extra people perhaps 5% extra per person.
6. Rallying off npcs also needs to be addressed as this shouldn’t be the case in WvW.Anyways these are the major issues that the downed state is having right now. Thank you for reading and I hope ANET write back an official response on how they see it and if they expect to make any changes in the future.
In your opinion
It’s [NERF] or nothing!
People still think wvw is about zergs and giant queues in prime time. This is so last September.
One third of the points in wvw (plenty to decide the winner) are distributed during late night/early morning. That is a time when objectives trade based on fights similar to the spvp 5v5 as far as numbers are concerned. The downed state matters far more than at zerg prime time.
Once more, to prevent players alt f4ing simply add in a 10 second character disconnect timer of 10 seconds which is interupted by combat and moving.
Also apply this timer to waypoints in W3. People too easily just port away if they see enemies incoming.
Making someone log out and go through the log in process again/lion’s arch/loading/etc is a more delicious victory than any bag will ever be.
That being said my only issue with the downed state is watching all these others classes move around while downed. Ele’s mist, mesmers do a little illusion kiniport, thieves have a little stealth thing… As an engineer I just plop down on the ground and invite you closer with a grapple line.
I don’t like downed state as an engineer, though it is admittedly always fun to rally unexpectedly.
I think alot of the peoples problems is that they are used to fighting with either equal or greater numbers where they see the downed state is fine, however as soon as you become outnumbered you can quickly notice how flawed the whole mechanic is.
I think alot of the peoples problems is that they are used to fighting with either equal or greater numbers where they see the downed state is fine, however as soon as you become outnumbered you can quickly notice how flawed the whole mechanic is.
Even in outnumbered situations where your side is being routed the downed state acts as a unique distraction to occupy the attackers while your allies flee. They can’t just ignore you, so even if you die to the inescapeable rush of a swifted zerg, you still vaingloriously bought your side a brief bit of time by stalling its vanguard.
Or at least that’s what I tell myself…
I think alot of the peoples problems is that they are used to fighting with either equal or greater numbers where they see the downed state is fine, however as soon as you become outnumbered you can quickly notice how flawed the whole mechanic is.
Outnumbered how much, though?
I’ve won 2-on-1s where my opponents were very dedicated to reviving. They made me work for it to finish them off, but every time I downed one of them I also got a massive reprieve on cooldowns and incoming damage. I’ve also won 2-on-1s where my opponents were very dedicated to reviving but didn’t interrupt stomps; they were much easier.
In a more “trinity”-based game, you likely wouldn’t down any of your enemies in the first place, due to their superior volume of healing. GW2 is skewed towards offense but gives us downed to avoid every fight simply depopulating both armies to the point of uselessness. I think you kinda need this to make pushing into enemy territory at all practical in WvW.
They can’t just ignore you, so even if you die to the inescapeable rush of a swifted zerg, you still vaingloriously bought your side a brief bit of time by stalling its vanguard.
Keep telling yourself that, because I think it actually works as a distraction. Today I bumrushed into an upgraded enemy supply camp then started running away, downed, and since they were occupied with me outside of the camp, my server ended up taking that supply camp with little resistance.
I think alot of the peoples problems is that they are used to fighting with either equal or greater numbers where they see the downed state is fine, however as soon as you become outnumbered you can quickly notice how flawed the whole mechanic is.
Outnumbered how much, though?
I’ve won 2-on-1s where my opponents were very dedicated to reviving. They made me work for it to finish them off, but every time I downed one of them I also got a massive reprieve on cooldowns and incoming damage. I’ve also won 2-on-1s where my opponents were very dedicated to reviving but didn’t interrupt stomps; they were much easier.
In a more “trinity”-based game, you likely wouldn’t down any of your enemies in the first place, due to their superior volume of healing. GW2 is skewed towards offense but gives us downed to avoid every fight simply depopulating both armies to the point of uselessness. I think you kinda need this to make pushing into enemy territory at all practical in WvW.
A typical situation for me would be doing 1v3-5 and I actually end up downing people I am just unable to finish them off as their team just instant resses them. That’s what I am talking about when i say outnumbered.
I disagree with everything you stated except for people logging off while downed. And they won’t really be able to stop that.
Sure, they can, just add a -say- 5 second pauze in WWW before you can do that.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
I have decided to take a break from the game for awhile due to the downed state, If you don’t fix this issue soon you will see lots of people leaving the game.
If you don’t fix this issue soon you will see lots of people leaving the game.
No, they won’t.
The downed-state mechanics have barely changed since day one. You think people are going to suddenly freak out about them now, three months after launch, en masse?
Downed state is good, and fine for small group play. Check the OTHER thread for video links if you want.
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.
If you don’t fix this issue soon you will see lots of people leaving the game.
No, they won’t.
The downed-state mechanics have barely changed since day one. You think people are going to suddenly freak out about them now, three months after launch, en masse?
The player base is already declining and its going to keep declining until they do something about it, if the changed or removed the downstate you would see alot of players start playing again.
Well they could remove downed state and re-add rez signet from guild wars 1. And make it a utility skill so that way no one takes it. Then what will happen is, when you die in pvp you will realize that no one has a rez signet and then make a post complaining about that.
Windows 10
Why make 2 threads on the same subject?
Why make 2 threads on the same subject?
One is Old and One is New.
I feel the old one has more insight on the issues.
Well they could remove downed state and re-add rez signet from guild wars 1. And make it a utility skill so that way no one takes it. Then what will happen is, when you die in pvp you will realize that no one has a rez signet and then make a post complaining about that.
I actually like this idea though. Downed state feels a bit fisher price and really is the least enjoyable aspect of this game to me. That’s just my opinion.
[ACEN] Ascension | Tarnished Coast
Well they could remove downed state and re-add rez signet from guild wars 1. And make it a utility skill so that way no one takes it. Then what will happen is, when you die in pvp you will realize that no one has a rez signet and then make a post complaining about that.
I actually like this idea though. Downed state feels a bit fisher price and really is the least enjoyable aspect of this game to me. That’s just my opinion.
lol no you wouldn’t.
Windows 10
Well they could remove downed state and re-add rez signet from guild wars 1. And make it a utility skill so that way no one takes it. Then what will happen is, when you die in pvp you will realize that no one has a rez signet and then make a post complaining about that.
I actually like this idea though. Downed state feels a bit fisher price and really is the least enjoyable aspect of this game to me. That’s just my opinion.
lol no you wouldn’t.
it would bring finality to the fights without that sense of …. blah in between. Plus i played GW1 (through all expansions, not one of those 1 week players) and understand the severe frustration with people NOT bringing res signets and would take that in a heartbeat over the extreme feeling of ……………….. that downed state brings (both from my own and dealing with others in theirs).
[ACEN] Ascension | Tarnished Coast
Well they could remove downed state and re-add rez signet from guild wars 1. And make it a utility skill so that way no one takes it. Then what will happen is, when you die in pvp you will realize that no one has a rez signet and then make a post complaining about that.
I actually like this idea though. Downed state feels a bit fisher price and really is the least enjoyable aspect of this game to me. That’s just my opinion.
lol no you wouldn’t.
it would bring finality to the fights without that sense of …. blah in between. Plus i played GW1 (through all expansions, not one of those 1 week players) and understand the severe frustration with people NOT bringing res signets and would take that in a heartbeat over the extreme feeling of ……………….. that downed state brings (both from my own and dealing with others in theirs).
It would actually be better for them to give ranger’s the frozen soil spirit than to bring back the old rez system. The downed state is a lot better imo.
Windows 10
Well they could remove downed state and re-add rez signet from guild wars 1. And make it a utility skill so that way no one takes it. Then what will happen is, when you die in pvp you will realize that no one has a rez signet and then make a post complaining about that.
I actually like this idea though. Downed state feels a bit fisher price and really is the least enjoyable aspect of this game to me. That’s just my opinion.
lol no you wouldn’t.
it would bring finality to the fights without that sense of …. blah in between. Plus i played GW1 (through all expansions, not one of those 1 week players) and understand the severe frustration with people NOT bringing res signets and would take that in a heartbeat over the extreme feeling of ……………….. that downed state brings (both from my own and dealing with others in theirs).
It would actually be better for them to give ranger’s the frozen soil spirit than to bring back the old rez system. The downed state is a lot better imo.
it wouldn’t still be in the game if enough people didn’t like it (like myself), therefore I am likely in the minority here. I can always wish it would be removed and keep wishing tho. LOL Hell, I despise it soo much I considered a return to GW1 or WoW because of it…… I know … I actually thought about going back to WoW ……….. No worries, i’m past that and have accepted my place and that I must simply deal with the downed state.. LOL
[ACEN] Ascension | Tarnished Coast
The player base is already declining and its going to keep declining until they do something about it, if the changed or removed the downstate you would see alot of players start playing again.
im just asking out of curiosity where you are getting this information from? can you link the stats where it shows people have left the game because of the downed state? and will return when its changed or removed?
i can understand not liking something, but when people throw out statements like this, it invalidates the point.
Fist of the Empire