What is the Loot Bag despawn timer?
Gameplay Programmer
Loot bags despawn after 3 minutes.
ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer
Not sure of an answer but i do know that it would all be solved with a true auto loot system.
The auto loot in this game is not really an auto loot but just a drop my loot at my feet and then i still have to pick it up anyway.
Please Anet give us a true auto loot system
I agree. I hate when I die to see 3 or 4 loot bags strewn around my corpse and I have no way of getting them now. All that effort wasted.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks that ‘inconvenience’ is not a valid reason for a game mechanic.
Loot bags, get rid of them. Or please give us the dingdang answer on how long they last.
around 5 minutes i think
I also find it hilarious when im killed and a loot bag drops from my corpse and my foe dosn’t claim it and i can pick it up on my return for free loot lol
I also find it hilarious when im killed and a loot bag drops from my corpse and my foe dosn’t claim it and i can pick it up on my return for free loot lol
That’s because no one else can see your loot bags
This is a simple question and there must be an answer, ANet if you would kindly just throw us a number? Purty pleez?
I dunno, but when you win 1v8. By the time it’s over, you get 2 bags if ur lucky.
Please add a true auto loot system. Having to pick up bags is another annoying aspect of the game as is spiking.
It does suck because half the time you are on the move. I now try to stop when I see I have received XP for something.
Auto loot or even an escrow at the way point. So if a bag despawns after it’s allotted time it can go into an escrow for you to pick up later.
How many get greedy; know you are going down, but do a suicide run to grab that bag before you take a dirt nap? Good times.
From what I’ve gathered the loot bag is attached to whoever you killed to get it. So if they log off, or switch to a different part of WvW, the bag will disappear with them. This is why people who log out whilst downed don’t drop any loot =)
I might be mistaken, but that’s the kind of info I’ve gathered over time.
It feels a hell of a lot shorter than 5 minutes. I would say anything between 1-2 minutes.
If I recall correctly. They already stated in a past post somewhere out there that they WANTED the loot to be automatic, but could not and the bag at your feet was actually a workaround because they couldn’t get it to work the way they wanted.
I don’t really want to find the post though.
loot bags are a pain in the kitten i wish they would just implement proper autolooting (as in, no bags at all. you make the kill and you get the loot, period.)
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry
Loot bags despawn after 3 minutes.
Too short given current mechanics in my opinion.
1) If loot bags are planned to keep current mechanics, the timer needs to be at least doubled to 6 minutes, although 10 minutes would be better.
2) A better option all together is to have loot bags automatically go to the player’s inventory as non-stackable containers in WvW zones. Being non-stackable, inventory management is still a factor, but loot doesn’t rot like it so often does in WvW due to the nature of large open field skirmishes.
If neither is within the scope of Anet’s vision, at least have Badges automatically sent to the player’s inventory. The number of Badges that have rotted in WvW since release is probably astronomical.
[KnT] – Blackgate