What made you care in a server?
For me, it’s the unique culture/ people that Mag has, the Mag swag is real and makes me actively enjoy being part of the community
Former top 50 spvp engi main.
The people. 15kittens
Edit: Liked Truefoe.2716’s answer better than my own.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
(edited by joneirikb.7506)
First it was the name
Then it was the community
Then it was the population (lower tier)
Now I don’t get to see my name, over half the community is totally unfamiliar and toxic, and WvW is nothing but blob fighting or getting ganked. I liked my casual play, and if I wanted to be around toxic alpha males all the time in 100v100v100 fights in every zone I would have chosen a T1 server in the first place. My choice of playstyle and where that happens was taken from me, and I don’t like it. Who moved my cheese?
I don’t care about server, really. My competitive nature is what makes me seems like I care about server.
Henge of Denravi Server
To be honest, for me it’s just that I don’t dislike my server enough to want to pay to change it. I don’t really believe that I’d have a better time on one server over another. And I run the risk of having a worse time if it turns out the map chat is too… distasteful.
In saying that, I do really like seeing the same names around. But if I was on a different server, I’d eventually get that back too.
The awesome communities that last awhile from launch. The wvw reset anticipation in Lions Arch with your HOME SERVER and seeing all the server guilds come together and poke at each others style of play.
The raids going till insane late night hours because we were having so much fun and teamspeak was epic.
Grouping up with someone you completely didn’t know and having some roaming chemistry sudden formed into a roaming guild.
The first time I tagged up and had an entire map of players who I didn’t know supported and help me develop.
Overall, it’s the people
No idea, but not bandwagoning makes me better human being. Anet could add those loyalty rewards already.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
No idea, but not bandwagoning makes me better human being. Anet could add those loyalty rewards already.
I could use around 5 more stacks of tomes, which they’d most likely reward us for server loyalty lol
Once it was the people, once it was the name, once it was a good place to roam, now the people have left, now the name means nothing since linking, now roaming is dead.
A group of really good comms, they don’t command anymore so my server is just sucking balls.
My server just generally has a really good team spirit and attitude, you can count on a good commander being on at almost all times, and the WvW guilds of my server are really nice and very active. I joined one and made some very good friends who I play with daily.
I’ll admit it, I originally came to WvW just for easy alt leveling and Proofs, but after some time I realized I was spending more and more time on EB and BL’s rather than EotM, taking things more and more seriously until it was too late :P My server’s overall team spirit played a big part in that.
Having played on about half the servers now, they are basically all the same. The only major change from server to server is commander personalities, general map chat tone and for a time the GvG scene. Now most servers are pug-manded with maybe a dominant guild or two running during certain raid hours.
Some servers like Mag are unforgiving (in a good way) while others like BP are generally positive with some negative players constantly bombing map chat. T1 typically has more zerg discipline and T4 is just a disorganized mess most of the time, but it all works itself out in the coverage wash.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
You must be talking about Monkey. Thankfully he is on DB not BP.
You must be talking about Monkey. Thankfully he is on DB not BP.
I thought Ajax was on DB and Monkey was still on BP. If they are both on DB, looking even more forward to the relink.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
lol. I have him blocked so I never see his ABUSE OF NOOBS anymore.. and nope he is not on BP
You must be talking about Monkey. Thankfully he is on DB not BP.
Monkey is love, Monkey is life.
I love Monkey, he is best scout and he cares about his server. Not sure why there is so much hate for Monkey.
I’m on a different server now and I miss him.
Believe me, there are MANY many truly mean vicious trolls that deserve to be called out way before Monkey.
I have no hate for Monkey actually. I just have zero time for his YELLING and such that he puts out. He might be a good scout… but since he yells about everything and anything it’s more like “the sky is falling”… for me shutting the noise off works much better.
He was the one thing that caused me to leave WvW when I first started back when he was on BP.
In answer to the OPs question.. what makes me care about my server now is the community that we have. Regardless of who we get linked with now there is a core group that manage to continue to stay together and find ways to have fun in WvW. It’s NOT about the blobbing. If we could have our own server identity again that would be superb but we know that won’t happen.. so we continue on.. and BP server community continues to be a fun place to be.
I think it’s a fact that a lot of us used to care deeply for their server, so here’s my question :
What made you care for your server?
Was it just the name? Was it the community? Is it because “that’s the one I picked and I ain’t moving” stubbornness?
I’m just curious.
The fact that other players care makes me care. I am often fatalistic about our chances and other people keep trying. That makes me come back and try again.
After seeing the server names that people would be allowed to join, I automatically knew that Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood was going to fill up pretty fast, due to Factions from the original Guild Wars.
But went Jade Quarry because of the imagery and societies along the coasts. I care for the server mostly because of pride really. You joined, you learned the strategy, you learned the tactics, and you bonded with the people that fought beside you, and those that lead you to victory and/or defeat. It’s something that you carry with you.
Server loyalty has gone by the wayside with the constant transfers, bandwagoning and links have ruined it even more and in some cases destroyed servers.
A stable server community was what made things good, seeing the same names and playing with the same people for a long time. Of course, the “fit” has to be right and some servers have their own flavour. Still true but to a much lesser extent these days.
Only loyalty I feel now is to my guild and the people I have been playing with for a long time. Wvw guilds are some of the best in GW2 but sadly the attrition of friends due to the state of wvw is making the game much less fun to play.
Server loyalty has gone by the wayside with the constant transfers, bandwagoning and links have ruined it even more and in some cases destroyed servers.
A stable server community was what made things good, seeing the same names and playing with the same people for a long time. Of course, the “fit” has to be right and some servers have their own flavour. Still true but to a much lesser extent these days.
Only loyalty I feel now is to my guild and the people I have been playing with for a long time. Wvw guilds are some of the best in GW2 but sadly the attrition of friends due to the state of wvw is making the game much less fun to play.
The server I’m on seems pretty stable. Once in awhile some guild will want to see if the tier fits maybe but being a large pug server everyone gets incorporated pretty smoothly. At least at my time of day we have a vulnerable squad tail but most of the regulars are self motivated and modular when it comes to hooking up with squads and guilds to knock something out. I suppose over time they’ve built a culture and casual doctrine so it’s not a massive impact when we gain or lose a guild, most of the regulars have been the same since I’ve been there.
We’re about mid range though so it probably sounds about right, if we were higher tier we’d probably suffer uncertainty more.
You must be talking about Monkey. Thankfully he is on DB not BP.
I thought Ajax was on DB and Monkey was still on BP. If they are both on DB, looking even more forward to the relink.
Ajax is still on Kaineng as far as I know. He is an … acquired taste.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
I love Monkey, he is best scout and he cares about his server. Not sure why there is so much hate for Monkey.
Monkey is a great scout save for his one major issue… his constant negative map chat. Monkey: Now with improved team chat for access to rants across all maps.
He is a master troll. He tends to insult the entire server link rather than individual players. This draws several players under his bridge rather than just one player. This in turn spams the chat window with useless trolling from multiple players making actual call outs easy to miss.
At the end of the day, we can block Monkey but it is difficult to block all the fools that fall for his trolling.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
You must be talking about Monkey. Thankfully he is on DB not BP.
I thought Ajax was on DB and Monkey was still on BP. If they are both on DB, looking even more forward to the relink.
Ajax is still on Kaineng as far as I know. He is an … acquired taste.
By far the best troll and most entertaining player in this game. Other players often try to be a witty troll, but this guy is king lol
My timing for entering the GW2 game had to be the worse ever! I was a new player with around 4 or 5 months of hard obsessive playing before all the changes took place, and when I discovered WvW… it was love at first sight.
My first server was randomly picked for me. It was a small, mid tier server, and from what I was told it had suffered many upsets with guild transfers before I entered the picture.
In spite of this there was a “strong-pull-together-attitude” that made running with different guilds at odd hours feel seamless. I loved the sense of team play and did everything I could do to help.
Then after several match-ups of getting steamrolled and demoralized by servers that stacked and simply had more numbers and coverage in wvw than we did, I logged in one day and everyone started transferring off. Including the guild I was in who didn’t bother to fill me in. Granted I was a green player and not that good at the time, but it was kind of a kick in the gut especially when I thought of them as friends.
So as I reflect back I guess what I really loved most was what “I thought that server community was” rather than what it really ended up being. I’m happy to say I moved on and like where I am now, but the blurred lines of server link ups has been more harmful than good for those looking for a structured community to build and work with rather than large guild cliques being blindly catered to by development.
I chose FoW a few years ago because they were bottom of the league and figured they needed help.
FoW is still home to me because of the the people I met on it and the times we had together. Seeing familiar names make a huge difference and even though there don’t seem so many of us about these days at least it feels like home.
About server identities – I’m passionate about FoW but really love to play with people from other servers when we get grouped together. While in a squad with a quiet moment I usually check who is from which server – sometimes they might have been enemies who hammered us but now we are all fighting together on the same side
The people. The relative lack of map/teamchat garbage compared to other servers.
yak because all problems can be solved with another arrow cart!!!!
ported with the gw1 guild at gw2 release, was decided to go to NSP.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)