What score system post-league ?
how in the world did you determine that the leagues were successful, and “trial for the leagues” ? ._.
also whats up with the way your talking to anet? its sounds very ______ uppy O.o
(edited by SpehssMehreen.5897)
I am sure we will be going back to the same RNG crud as before with the continued wide matching range that they promised to ‘tighten up’ and never bothered to.
Your entire post makes me nauseous.
Devon indicated it will be the previous RNG setup, “with some tweaks”.
Devon indicated it will be the previous RNG setup, “with some tweaks”.
I’d prefer the old ladder system myself. I know the RNG gave you random matchups, but the older system at least paired you up with comparable populations.
Eh, that’s just me though.
I’d prefer the old ladder system myself. I know the RNG gave you random matchups, but the older system at least paired you up with comparable populations.
Eh, that’s just me though.
what your saying is no longer possible as there have been massive shifts in the population, as stated in places in the past people have been stacking servers, both on their own or through the incentive of gold
I’d prefer the old ladder system myself. I know the RNG gave you random matchups, but the older system at least paired you up with comparable populations.
Eh, that’s just me though.
what your saying is no longer possible as there have been massive shifts in the population, as stated in places in the past people have been stacking servers, both on their own or through the incentive of gold
They can just let it play out like when the game launched, eventually everything will fall into position. I really want the old system back.
I’d prefer the old ladder system myself. I know the RNG gave you random matchups, but the older system at least paired you up with comparable populations.
Eh, that’s just me though.
what your saying is no longer possible as there have been massive shifts in the population, as stated in places in the past people have been stacking servers, both on their own or through the incentive of gold
They can just let it play out like when the game launched, eventually everything will fall into position. I really want the old system back.
with the current levels the servers are at what would happen if we brought back the old system is that people will be disincentivised to win, as winning would mean a match up with a “stacked” server, this would happen across all tiers with the added problem of population being skewered now unlike before.
My hope is they lock the tiers and TC gets to play against BG and JQ for the rest of eternity.
Better you than us.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Woo hoo we get to go back to complaining about RNG again!
Burning questions for NA post league:
What is the state of SoR?
Will there be significant amounts of people transfering?
Has TC weakened enough to make it a good match with the next lower 5 servers?
How strong is HoD?
Is the gap between Rank 9 and below really as big as it seems?
Stay tuned as the post league world reveals itself.
I’d prefer the old ladder system myself. I know the RNG gave you random matchups, but the older system at least paired you up with comparable populations.
Eh, that’s just me though.
what your saying is no longer possible as there have been massive shifts in the population, as stated in places in the past people have been stacking servers, both on their own or through the incentive of gold
Not in EU
I’d prefer the old ladder system myself. I know the RNG gave you random matchups, but the older system at least paired you up with comparable populations.
Eh, that’s just me though.
what your saying is no longer possible as there have been massive shifts in the population, as stated in places in the past people have been stacking servers, both on their own or through the incentive of gold
Not in EU
I absolutely HATED being locked into the same servers for months on end….
Never seeing or fighting other guilds or other people….it got boring real quick… lol
Underwater Operations – [WET]
Yeah some folks did. I didn’t mind so much. It at least gave your immediate opponents a population similarity rather than the big steamroll. Though in some cases you’d get that, too.
Hopefully they gathered enough data to make those “tweaks” that will see more “balanced” matchups instead of 1,6,10 or along those lines.
I’ll just dig the sort of matchup we had before the Leagues started: http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/16/112
It isn’t the end of the world though, you don’t need to look at the scoreboard.
It would be nice to face some servers, that are not only have such gulf in rating points but also with big imbalances in terms of wvw population.
Things should normalize as Season One comes to a close, and with the Holidays in a couple of weeks!
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Hopefully those tweaks finally bring some balance to WvW (although I highly doubt it). The current situation is just a sad joke.
I don’t care as long as I don’t wear green for the eighth week in a row
What data could they possibly get from 8 weeks of the league that they didn’t get from 7 months of RNG matching?
that’s why i always suggest to ANET to use the “winner move up, loser move down” system…. this will guaranteed different match up every week without there being too much difference in terms of coverage.. of course weak server will get stomped , but still way better than “rank 5 vs rank 8 vs rank 12”…….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Hopefully those tweaks finally bring some balance to WvW (although I highly doubt it). The current situation is just a sad joke.
Their idea of balance is to have a sale on transfers just before the league even when the whole idea of leagues was to put servers with similar strenght/population play agains’t eachother.
Guess not…