What tier for roaming NA ?
I would stay away from Tier 1 and Tier 2. Anything below is somewhat dead outside of NA Prime-Time, so roaming should be good.
what’s the fun of roaming on a dead server? i’m on T1 and roaming is fine…just have to avoid the zergs
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry
T1 is kinda meh for roaming. 99% of the encounters will be a thief or reaper necro and eventually a group will just gank you as there is no 1v1 unless you set up a duel and that’s even if another zerg cares to respect your duel.
T2 is awful from what my buds say currently.
I like T3 on my alt account for roaming and do find the lower the tier the better the roamers in my experience at least.
So after some checking it seems the low tiers have the better roamers now i need to decide which server to join that is most likely to be up against the other servers with good roamers.
I keep hearing maguma has good roamers, if a bit rude and salty buti don’t really care about abuse thrown at me.
If your a solo roamer, I dont recommend t1, your usually more likely to run into gank groups that spam stealth and run every cheese build imaginable, or of course getting chased by a zerg lol. If you are part of a team, then you would have a better time especially if you do havok/small ops stuff, but solo…eh I don’t suggest t1 personally.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
I think in my experience the best roamers are on Maguuma, Northern Shiverpeaks, Fergusson’s Crossing, and Darkhaven. I think t3-4 are the best tiers for roaming because there’s much much more activity in off hours in these tiers than t5 and below. Ignore the t1 players who say there’s no off hours in lower tiers, they’re wrong/ignorant, it completely depends on the server. EU and NA are populated by all servers, OCX is the only timezone which most servers don’t have many players on during in t4 (but even then orange swords pop here and there).
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
Unless you’re going to be with a group for roaming T1 is kinda meh.
I’d agree with Arius and say that T3-T4 is probably best for your all purpose roaming tier.
Speaking from a T1 server, if your solo roaming you’ll ran into mini zergs mostly. If you do find just a few players, they mostly will be heavy condi, with the old ‘put as many condis on you and hide/run away/run in circles’ tactic hoping you’ll die.
I solo roam alot, and the majority of the time i meet non zerg roamers, its generally a reaper, with an odd condi mes or thief thrown in every blue moon or so. Most of the time, I rarely bump into anyone unless i’m in EB, and in EB most folks run with the pack..
I just wanna reinforce the idea that roaming in T1 NA is more like skirmishes with 5 ~ 8 people than duels. And when you find a solo roamer, it’s a condi mesmer.
based on what was said here, i would try and find t3-4 server webpages and ask about the roaming and matchups there.
T1 has a different definition of roaming. It generally groups of 8 and more.
My server bounces between t3 and t4 and you can generally roam and have many encounters where it 1v1 or 1v3 at most. There are still peak hours in those tiers where it harder to roam in the traditional sense but during those i bounce over to the Bl’s if that the mode i want.
T1 perfected the art of roamers roaming in zergs.
T2 roaming is meh atm. It is a combination of T1 style roaming stuck between several militia commanders who actively run over the small skirmishing groups.
I can’t speak to T3 and below.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
So after some checking it seems the low tiers have the better roamers now i need to decide which server to join that is most likely to be up against the other servers with good roamers.
I keep hearing maguma has good roamers, if a bit rude and salty buti don’t really care about abuse thrown at me.
Hey now, I’m the only one allowed to abuse you!
*points at your sig line.
@OP Don’t matter really. Eotm is 100 for roaming now. I dunno how people decide which tier is better when match ups don’t change drastically (or at all, really). I haven’t noticed any one person from a server being better than someone else from another while roaming eotm tbh.
@OP Don’t matter really. Eotm is 100 for roaming now. I dunno how people decide which tier is better when match ups don’t change drastically (or at all, really). I haven’t noticed any one person from a server being better than someone else from another while roaming eotm tbh.
It’s different in EU. It does change drastically.
Poor Grommie will learn … be kind to him. He’s a cranky bugger sometimes :p
T3 is probably the fairest place to roam alone with moderate degrees of action. Below that it’s dead, and imho having no fights is no fun. If I wanted to kill PvE mobs, I’d go to PvE where the rewards are good.
T1’s often a blob, and T2 isn’t great for solo play. TC/DB offer few roaming players in general, and typically have solid numbers around the clock. FA almost exclusively “roams”, though it’s typically gank squads of 4-8 people who pick off solo players and run from actual small-scale unless running the dirtiest/most overpowered builds possible to ensure safety in play.
T3 has SoS and Mag, which when I played against them some time ago, offered good small group play, but not being in a small group and roaming alone often felt pointless because again it was often ganks, but mileage may vary. DH I know little about as I haven’t played on the server since it was failing in T5.
The lower-tier servers have the best roamers in the game, because that’s all of their force. That said, finding players to begin with on low-pop servers and managing to take objectives is painfully difficult most of the time.
Really it depends on timezone and what you want. Never-ending supplies of enemies you can go to T1/T2, small group play for T3, 1v1 and typically “fair fights” against highly-skilled enemies, T4-T6.
Keep away from Tier 1 or Tier 2
Never-ending blobs that will squirrel to get you, havoc groups that will hunt solo roamers, and gank squads that toss siege after 5+v1’ing you.
I would assume T3-T4 would get you the most action, but the quality of roamers would be better at the lower tiers.
Picked up about 80 bags roaming in T3 today. A lot of that was jumping in and picking off the fat kids when zergs were fighting but it was still pretty constant fights all day. That’s EB though, the bl’s are dead.
Actually my SBI account fell to T4 this week and I’m having a good time roaming. Though only in EB for the most part but it is a big playground. HoD and Ebay have been fun to fight so far.
I don’t own HoT on that account and seem to be doing well fights wise, not sure if that affects your game play OP.
T3 is probably the fairest place to roam alone with moderate degrees of action. Below that it’s dead, and imho having no fights is no fun. If I wanted to kill PvE mobs, I’d go to PvE where the rewards are good.
Honestly tier 4 has more roaming that tier 3 because there’s 3 servers actually roaming. No offense to SoS, but it’s t3 only in terms of ppt not population. HoD is significantly more populated than SoS, it’s not even close in terms of overall pop. SoS is pretty much random small groups of people ppting the BLs 24/7.
Btw this isn’t meant to be offensive to SoS, props for doing what you can with what you have, these are just the facts.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
T3 is probably the fairest place to roam alone with moderate degrees of action. Below that it’s dead, and imho having no fights is no fun. If I wanted to kill PvE mobs, I’d go to PvE where the rewards are good.
Honestly tier 4 has more roaming that tier 3 because there’s 3 servers actually roaming. No offense to SoS, but it’s t3 only in terms of ppt not population. HoD is significantly more populated than SoS, it’s not even close in terms of overall pop. SoS is pretty much random small groups of people ppting the BLs 24/7.
Btw this isn’t meant to be offensive to SoS, props for doing what you can with what you have, these are just the facts.
You just have to come out at 3am EST if you want to find the big SoS groups
I run a small man roaming group on Blackgate and we’re pretty happy with the roaming here. To those who suggested Tier 3, I have to disagree. We left Maguuma because the roaming was so boring and went to Tier 1.
We actually get fights now, but we have to deal with Yaks Bend and Jade Quarry running to hide behind walls and siege quite a bit or a blob hard committing to our 3-5 man group lol. Its all good though, we still get some pretty good fights. Once the Alpine maps are restored, roaming should be a lot better again.