What wvw really needs

What wvw really needs

in WvW

Posted by: Mystical.2906


Okay, every day I hear about people saying wvw is dying but honestly there is a simple fix to it. The main problem in wvw is that its really hard for it to grab new players so the soultion is not to listen to people who wvw everyday because either way they will still play wvw. If it was up to the wvw community all the maps would be flat , with a few choke points so people could show who has the bigger zerg or coverage. So I propose 3 solutions to increase numbers in wvw.

1- Legendary Back piece collection- This would be the easiest fix since there is already a community of achievement collectors looking for more achievement points. They are a loyal group of players so just make realist achievements like kill 1 then 5 then 25 then 100 people like achievements. You know simple stuff that make wvw be WvW. It would be a short term fix but it would encourage people to join guilds to make it easier complete. These achievements could only be available during in between pvp seasons to not compete.

2- Buff the out man buff- In lower tier servers out man literally means YOU THE ONLY SOUL ON THE MAP!!!! The out man buff could increase the amount of supply you carry which disappears if you leave the map . Or reduce cost to siege so maybe you can take your spawn tower or do some guerrilla warfare. Make it a little easier for these roamers. increasing rewards may help too like the wvw call to the mist.

3-Nebo Terrance Centaurs- Any one that does been to Nebo terrance could remember a event where you have to defend the town square from centaurs and after a while some God centaurs show up and kills every one with endless knock backs. In the borderlands there is a centaur camp that DOES NOTHING THERE . Imagine if you don’t cull the the centaurs then the Centaurs would send theses centaurs gods which Decap points and leaves them as white. They could be crazy and attack keeps, towers and ruins. If you claim your whole borderland it gives you something to do besides waiting at the other teams borderlands waiting for a few people to come out. Centaurs could be deadly to the winning server and mess them up. like seriously they do nothing in wvw right now except send 3 centaurs to die to guards .

What wvw really needs

in WvW

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I like it, though I think the backpack should be a fair amount of work.

What wvw really needs

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


I think we’ve had enough backpacks and wings. How about the legendary weapons they sold but didn’t release?

What wvw really needs

in WvW

Posted by: OriOri.8724


WvW definitely needs its own legendary backpiece I agree. And the concept of a neutra-ish mob group that seemingly randomly comes in and decaps your sentries/camps is fun (but I think it would get old really quick tbh). But neither one of these will “save” WvW.

What it needs is balance, in all forms. Scoring improvements to help balance the chances of lower population servers, changes that increase the drive for players to try out different “ways” to fight in WvW (no more 99% of all players are in 1 or 2 blobs with maybe 1 or 2 roamers capping camps). Balance conditions and boons. No group should really be able to have all of the most important boons up 100% of the time. Likewise no group should have to have all of those boons up all the time to survive condi or CC bursts from overpowered elite specs. Balance siege in general, AC spam is the worst. Balance balance balance.

What wvw really needs

in WvW

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I think we’ve had enough backpacks and wings. How about the legendary weapons they sold but didn’t release?

I think it just more fits with the status quo. Weapons are a gamewide scavenger hunt of sorts, the Armor as of now is just raids (I’d imagine that’ll change), and the backpacks are sort of a status symbol for the areas of play.

Even if I got the backpiece chances are I’d find it gaudy like I do 90% of GW2 styles, but I’m ok with that, point is it’d give a tangible desirable reward for devoting a good amount of playtime to WvW. And, potentially entice some people to give WvW a real try.

What wvw really needs

in WvW

Posted by: Hexinx.1872


<—- rocking exotic karma back 4 life … well that and I’m just not rich enough to get an ascended, and wont even look at a fractal legendary. Would absolutely love a WvW option though.

What wvw really needs

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


We need our old guilds back in all honesty. The hardcore players and legendary roamers.

What anet forgets is that guilds, roamers, and pugs make wvw awesome. We’ve basically lost the first two and pugs are becoming smaller and smaller in population.

I just don’t know how you attract players back at this point because most x-wvwers are just done with anet with little to zero interest in wvw.

What wvw really needs

in WvW

Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

Like the back piece idea, but it’s not going to change much.

[varX] Limitless Potential