Whatever happened to the Yak parade?

Whatever happened to the Yak parade?

in WvW

Posted by: dagneyandleo.6378


I was just reminiscing with some friends about yak parades with TC back in the days when it was TC/BG/Kain in t2 for weeks on end. I was just curious… What happened to them? Or are they happening and I’m just missing them?

[KnT] Blackgate
Lythereal Fields, lvl 80 mesmer, Lythiele, lvl 80 ele, and Lythigrr, lvl 80 guard

Whatever happened to the Yak parade?

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

There’s no more time to do this, as PPT is vastly more important due to rewards.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Whatever happened to the Yak parade?

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


Hi there! Thanks for this post! This is Handin, TC’s friendly Golden Dolyak and current leader of the Dolyak parades. I’ve been holding them semi-sporatically still! In fact, we held one just last week!

Because there are no more official match up threads, I have been advertising them on the gw2wvw match up threads. However, I am still trying to get people from as many servers as possible to help out so that when a parade is scheduled we can get the word out to as many people as possible. Since attendance was getting low from the constant matches, I stopped holding them every week and instead decided to hold them once every few weeks or so. However, with leagues I plan to start holding them more often!

So, keep an eye out! Since this thread came out: expect a dolyak parade during leagues EVERY thursday at 6 PM server time (exactly where and when I still have to figure out for leagues to minimize impact on PPT) ! I think doing this every week can help lower the stress a bit Heck, even last week the dolyaks were outnumbered by quaggans!

The goal was to eventually try to hold them in EotM so as many people from all servers could join, with no PPT impact. However, doing this would require a lot more organization and time than I can spare right now as a grad student. If anyone is willing to try to help me with this goal, please let me know

~Handin, Golden Dolyak

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

Whatever happened to the Yak parade?

in WvW

Posted by: dagneyandleo.6378


Aha! I’ve been a bit remiss in reading those matchup threads cause they can get a bit, erm, stupid. More stupid than they used to be on the forums. :/ Anyhoo. I’ll keep an eye out on where you guys are and join in.

[KnT] Blackgate
Lythereal Fields, lvl 80 mesmer, Lythiele, lvl 80 ele, and Lythigrr, lvl 80 guard